Grease Trap Cleaning
Your restaurant is more than just a business—it’s your livelihood, your dream. The bread and butter on your table. It’s a valuable workplace for every staff member in your employ. It’s an exciting experience for every new customer that walks through your door, and a fan-favorite for every loyal customer that comes back for more. With so much time, effort, money and care invested in your business, the thought of it coming crashing down over something as unimposing as your grease trap is not one most restauranteurs like to imagine.
In a professional kitchen, the grease trap is the interceptor that keeps organic fatty waste separate from the plumbing system; in short, it prevents fat buildup from occurring where it shouldn’t and keeps the waste in one convenient place for ease of removal. Grease traps come multiple manufacturers in a variety of sizes and builds, each one with different benefits for different types of food establishment. No matter what kind of grease trap your building uses, it should be regularly cleaned and serviced to avoid serious complications for your business in the future. A grease trap cleaning can be performed by yourself or by a professional company—such as Ace Grease Service—but sometimes it can be difficult to
determine the best course of action for your restaurant. The following is a comprehensive guide on grease traps, how to maintain them and who to call when you are unable to clean it yourself.
What is a Grease Trap?
A grease trap is a metal housing designed to accumulate fats, oils and grease waste (FOGs) from your professional kitchen. Most grease traps come in a square or rectangular shape and can range in size from ten to several thousand gallons in capacity. Typically, the metal housing fills with wastewater containing FOGs as well as organic fatty waste on its own—the fatty waste will separate and float to the top of the wastewater and any solid waste will sink to the bottom of the housing. Grease traps usually come equipped with air intake valves to help prevent the buildup of back pressure and baffles to help keep it all in one place.
Why do Grease Traps Need to Be Cleaned?
As FOG waste builds up over time, it will eventually get to a point where there is no more room for grease in the trap. Once this happens, the grease may back up and overflow into your main waterways, which can introduce a variety of serious problems. It can result in a damaged grease trap or plumbing system and the overflow may even drain into other areas outside of your building. In serious cases, the backup may even affect the city’s waterways, and once this is traced back to your building, you’ll likely face hefty fines. Outdoor grease runoff can pose a number of threats to the natural environment, and above all, unkempt grease traps are highly noticeable by your clientele—especially when they prevent you from passing a health inspection. All of these issues, however, are easily preventable with the help of a proper grease trap cleaning.
How Should You Clean Your Trap?
Now that you know why and how often you should have your grease trap cleaned, how should you have it cleaned? Is it better to do it yourself, or to have a professional do the job? In truth, there isn’t necessarily one right answer—restaurants and grease traps don’t have a one-size-fits-all procedure. Doing it yourself and hiring a professional are both great options for your grease trap cleaning, and each come with different benefits and drawbacks.
Why Should You DIY?
Cleaning your own grease trap is, first and foremost, cost effective. It’s significantly less expensive to invest in some basic cleaning gear and do it yourself, as you’re cutting the cost of labor from the equation. The necessary tools for the job are fairly easy to get ahold of—rubber gloves, metal scrapers, plastic buckets and scoops being amongst the most important—and are readily available at most hardware stores. It may seem intimidating at first, but once you’ve got the procedure down pat, grease trap cleaning is a relatively simple job. Not only this but doing the job yourself gives you more insight into your equipment; it gives you the opportunity to get familiar with your machine, which can help tremendously in keeping it running at maximum efficiency as well as troubleshooting problems early on.
On the other side of the coin, cleaning your own grease trap is not ideal for everyone. For beginners, the job may take much longer than it would for a professional, and it can be a bit daunting at first. If you’re inexperienced, you can even run the risk of damaging your grease trap in the event that you do not handle it correctly.
Why Should You Call a Professional?
Calling in a professional to perform your grease trap cleaning means entrusting this job to a technician who will examine and service your equipment as needed. This massively reduces your workload, leaving you free to attend to your many other daily tasks. When you contact a highly rated company, such as Ace Grease Service, you can rest assured that your system is being taken care of by seasoned experts with access to professional tools for the job. Some companies may even offer additional services—along with basic grease trap cleanings, Ace also provides a customized maintenance schedule, grease trap installations, repair services and even used cooking oil pickup.
Keep in mind, however, that calling a grease trap servicer
will be more expensive than cleaning the system yourself; some companies charge
upwards of $200 for a basic cleaning without any additional services. If you
are a new customer, it may take some shopping around to find a company that
fully satisfies your needs.
How Do You Clean a
Grease Trap?
Should you choose to do so yourself, the procedure for
cleaning your grease trap is fairly simple. First and foremost, you’ll need to
acquire some basic gear, such as:
- Gas mask – guards against fumes and odor
- Industrial rubber gloves – protects your arms
and hands - Coveralls – keeps your clothing clean
- Wooden ruler or paint stirrer – measures the
grease in the tank - Crow bar – helps pry the top cover off of the
grease trap - Wrench – helps remove the baffles from the tank
- Metal scraper – for scraping grease off the
sides and bottom of the tank - Bucket and scoop – for removing the solid waste
at the top - Soap, water and steel wool – for scrubbing down
- Shop vacuum – for pumping out liquid waste
Once you’ve got all the tools and protective equipment, make
sure you’ve set a good time to clean the trap—it’s best to do it either before
or after operating hours when everything else is already taken care of and
there are no customers in the building. Once your environment is ideal, it’s
time to start the process:
- 1.) Remove
the top cover. Wedge the thinner end of your crow bar or other prying tool
underneath the top lip of the cover and carefully pop it off of the tank.
- 2.) Measure
the grease in the trap. There should be a large mass of solid grease
floating directly at the top of the tank. Stick your paint stirrer or ruler
straight through it and mark the top of the mass with a permanent marker. This gives you an idea of how full the trap
- 3.) Drain
the water. You can do this manually with a bucket and scoop or with your
shop vacuum. Carefully break through and move the clump of grease so that you
can insert a scooping apparatus or the hose of the vacuum into the water
underneath it. Carefully scoop or suck it out, leaving the grease behind to
fall to the bottom. Either way, do not dispose of the water! You will
need it later.
- 4.) Scrape
out the grease. Now that the water has been removed, use your scoop to
transfer the solid waste into another bucket. Once most of it has been scooped
out, use your metal scraper to thoroughly clean the walls and bottom of the
- 5.) Scrub
it all down. Once the waste has been cleaned out, give the tank a thorough
washing with soap, water and steel wool. Take out and flush the screens and
other removable parts with water.
- 6.) Replace
and refill. Pour the water from step 3 back into the tank. Reinsert any
removable parts and put the lid back on.
Your restaurant is important to not only you, but the countless people it effects on a daily basis. From yourself to your staff members and valued customer base, your business has likely been a hard-fought labor of love for all involved—something like an unkempt grease trap shouldn’t be the end of your business. No matter how you choose to do so, plan for a routine grease trap cleaning today and start thinking about a regular servicing schedule. Your professional kitchen deserves it!
The Importance of
Grease Trap Cleaning for Your Business

If you are responsible for the smooth operation of an industrial kitchen, you know that there is a lot to keep track of. You must make sure you have adequate staffing, that all of the appliances are in working order, that the raw ingredients of meals are on hand and that the kitchen is clean and sanitary. These items are obvious and logical. You also know that other responsibilities are less well known but equally important to your success. One of these lesser-known responsibilities is regular grease trap cleaning.
The production of meals generates a number of byproducts that must be disposed of properly and legally. Fats, oils, and grease, known as FOG, cannot just be poured down the drain. Nor can all of these substances by tossed into the trash bins. They must be handled in specific ways and meet the requirements established by local, state and federal regulations. One of the most important devices to do this is a grease trap. In many ways, a grease trap serves as the heart of a kitchen.
A grease trap is a special device that traps FOG before it
goes into the public water system. Once the proper grease trap is installed, it
may not need a lot of attention at all times, but it will still require
occasional grease trap cleaning. This should be done by a qualified contractor,
such as Ace Grease Service.
A grease trap comes in a variety of sizes and can be constructed of different materials. The size grease trap you need for your kitchen depends upon the following factors:
- The amount of meals your kitchen serves each day
- The amount of FOG generated by your kitchen
- The regulations of the municipality you operate
in - The makeup of your plumbing system
For small volume kitchens, a grease trap can be located inside, underneath the sink. This could be as small as 50 gallons of capacity. A grease trap this size usually needs service every several weeks. More commonly, for larger operations, the trap is located outside in a holding tank. These are often made of concrete and can hold 1,000 gallons of water or more. They will require less frequent service trips.
A grease trap functions by trapping FOG before it goes into
the public water system or out to a septic system. A grease trap is also known
as an interceptor, as it intercepts harmful materials before they get to the
wastewater system. When grease reaches the trap, it is held up, where it then
rises to the top of the trap and can be removed. The trap will also intercept
larger particles, sometimes called sludge, which is also filtered out of the
water. Grease trap cleaning involves the removal of both the grease on top and
the sludge below.
The regular maintenance of a grease trap should be under the
direction of an experienced contractor. There are numerous reasons for this.
Partnering with a qualified contractor such as Ace Grease Service has the
following benefits:
- They will be experienced in grease trap cleaning
- They will have qualified, trained technicians
- They will be familiar with all regulations pertaining to grease traps
- They will be able to install and replace grease traps
- They will provide scheduled maintenance
With regular service, you can rest easy. You won’t have to
worry about the grease trap clogging up and causing water or sewer backups into
your restaurant or kitchen. This could result in expensive penalties as well as
a costly business interruption. Also, regular maintenance of your grease trap
eliminates odors, saves money and reduces unexpected events. You may also have
the option of recycling some of your grease, a benefit to the environment, and
may be eligible for discounts as a preferred customer. Finally, you will know
that all of the materials removed from your grease trap will be disposed of in
a safe and environmentally responsible manner.
The methods for cleaning a grease trap vary and may be as simple as skimming off the top layer of FOG from the trap. For larger grease traps, cleaning usually is more involved and requires the use of specialized pumps.
Proper disposal of FOG and regular grease trap cleaning are not just good things to do, they are mandatory. Local, state and federal agencies regulate a number of aspects of FOG management and disposal. This could include the size of the grease trap for your kitchen, when your grease trap should be cleaned, and how the removed FOG should be disposed of. In many localities, the municipality requires proof of periodic grease trap cleaning. A qualified contractor can provide a report that proves you are in compliance with all standards. The report will also highlight any shortcomings or concerns with your grease trap.
The main reason for stringent regulations concerning FOG is that fats, oils, and grease can be harmful to the environment, to wastewater treatment systems and to septic fields. When introduced to public waterways, grease is often unsightly, produces odors and harms everything from insects to fish to mammals. Grease can also wreak havoc with mechanical equipment, gumming up gears, electrical components, and pumps.
Because of the harmful nature of FOG, noncompliance with
regulations can result in substantial fines and penalties. In extreme cases,
your kitchen could be shut down until you are back in compliance. Fines can
range from a few thousand dollars to as much as $50,000 per day. The concept of
cradle-to-grave responsibility applies to FOG. In short, if your kitchen is
responsible for the creation of a pollutant, it is also responsible for its
ultimate disposal in a legal manner.
A number of best practices will go a long way to preventing
problems in your kitchen when it comes to grease trap management. Perhaps the most
important item is to schedule regular grease trap cleaning from a qualified
contractor. Other positive steps to take include the following:
- Using cold water for rinsing plates causes grease to solidify and makes it easier for the grease trap to capture FOG
- Having the correct size grease trap for your kitchen allows for the efficient removal of FOG
- Minimizing the amount of FOG that goes down the kitchen drain and into the plumbing system reduces the chance of problems
- Using only bio-degradable detergents in your plumbing system keeps beneficial bacteria alive and healthy
- Removing both the sludge layer and FOG with grease trap cleaning prevents odors and maintains the integrity of the grease trap
A well-trained kitchen staff can also be a big help. Staff
can alert you to odors which might indicate the beginning of a problem with the
grease trap. They may also be able to suggest better ways to reduce FOG going
into the plumbing system.
You are not expected to know every detail about running a
kitchen. That’s why you are part of a team and need help with certain tasks.
When it comes to grease management, partnering with a reputable, knowledgeable
contractor is your ticket to success. Here are a few things to look for when
choosing a contractor:
- Experience
- Knowledge
- Training
- Customer Service
- Value
- Communication
The right contractor will help you with a variety of grease
management concerns. The representative can inform you of the regulations you
must follow in your locality, such as the size of the grease trap required for
your operation. He or she can also notify you of how often you are required to
have grease trap cleaning. In general, this is when the grease trap has reached
about 25% of grease and solids, but it can vary by municipality. Also, the
contractor can send you a report, verifying that cleaning was done in
accordance with regulatory standards.
By setting up a regular maintenance schedule and grease trap cleaning, you can be assured that the job is being done when necessary. Preventative maintenance also alerts you to potential problems and allows you to budget for routine maintenance and eventual replacement of parts. With regular maintenance, your kitchen is less likely to experience plumbing backups, parts breakdowns, and fines. A qualified contractor such as Ace Grease Service takes the pressure off you so you can concentrate on other areas.
Though it might seem like a peripheral issue, a grease trap
is central to the success of your restaurant. It’s no exaggeration to say this
part serves as the heart of your kitchen. Its job is to operate in the
background, free of problems. When problems with the grease trap occur, it’s
likely that your kitchen will be in critical condition until the problem is
fixed. Your kitchen could even come to a screeching halt.
Grease trap cleaning promotes the overall health
of your kitchen. It must be done on a regular basis by an experienced
contractor. It’s required by regulatory agencies and it is good business sense
to keep FOG out of the municipal sewer lines. Most importantly, it promotes the
health of your business by allowing it to operate at an efficient level each
and every day. A clean grease trap is as vital to your business as having
healthy food to serve and a staff to cook the food and serve it.
Why Regular Grease Trap Cleaning is a Must and Saves You Money

A restaurant’s grease trap may not be its most glamorous
part, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still one of its most important, too. The
grease trap is an essential tool for maintaining clean wastewater and allowing
for the safe cleaning and disposal of fats and oils left behind on plates and
cooking utensils. Just as the grease trap is vital for your restaurant to
operate at its best, regular grease trap cleaning is vital to keeping the
grease trap operating at its best.
Not only is a clean grease trap a legal requirement, but
it’s also good for your bottom line. Regular grease trap cleaning keep your
restaurant working and can lower your grease trap maintenance bills. The
average restaurant needs cleaning every one to three months, and you should
always err on the side of cleaning early for a new restaurant or if business
has been increasing. You can speak with the cleaning professional after
cleaning to assess what your grease levels were and adjust accordingly,
scheduling your next cleaning before you would expect the tank’s fats, oils and
grease (FOGS) to exceed one-quarter capacity.
Here are the top reasons you should maintain a regular
grease trap cleaning schedule.
Reduce the Chance of Clogs
One major concern for a restaurant with an improperly
maintained grease trap is the risk of clogs. When excess greases are left in
the tank it can lead to blockages in the pipes leading into the grease trap.
When this occurs it results in a clog that can cause your drains to begin
backing up. If your cleaning basins aren’t draining then you can’t clean your
dishes and your restaurant may quickly run out of clean dishes and cutlery
resulting in the need to suspend service or find another less-than-ideal
solution. Staying on top of your grease trap cleaning reduces your exposure to
clogs and backups so you can keep cleaning and serving as needed. Backed up
pipes can also lead to difficulties when cleaning plates if it results in a
slow drain, where the sink remains functional but with standing water, as the
oils and greases that remain floating in the water make it difficult for any
dish in the sink to be fully cleaned. Serving food to customers on unclean
plates or with greasy cutlery is a recipe for lost business and should be
avoided at all costs.
Avoid Leakage Into the Wastewater
Just as a neglected grease trap can result in backups on
your end, it can also lead to grease escaping your tank and entering into the
wastewater. A grease trap works by allowing the contents to sit at rest,
causing the solids to drop to the bottom of the tank and FOGs to float to the
top. The out spout is positioned near the bottom of the tank but not fully to
allow for settling solids so that it sits at a level where there is only water.
If you go too long between grease trap cleaning the FOGs can fill the tank to
such an extent that they reach below the spout and begin being sent out of the
tank, leading to grease pollution. This presents problems in two ways, both of
which affect your bottom line. The first concern is if your location uses a
septic system that you are responsible for. The grease trap exists because FOGs
are bad for plumbing systems and should be kept out. When your grease trap is
letting out more than trace amounts it can damage your system and lead to
costly repairs or replacement. If your restaurant is connected to a public
plumbing system and you are found to be leaking FOGs into the system, your
restaurant may be assessed a costly fine.
Cleaning Prevents Unpleasant Odors
When you wait too long between grease trap cleaning it can
result in the FOGS in your grease trap to begin emitting overwhelming odors
back up your pipes. When this occurs it can make things very unpleasant for
cooking staff and it also poses the risk of extending out into the dining room
and making your guests uncomfortable. Losing customers to the poor aroma
wafting out of your kitchen will have you wishing you’d scheduled your grease
trap cleaning in a more prompt fashion. Even if your restaurant serves a clean
and healthy menu, when your grease trap is not properly cleaned you can develop
a smell that resembles the greasiest of fast food joints, which has the
potential to do significant damage to your reputation. Regular cleaning
prevents this disaster scenario from coming to pass.
Happy Kitchens Make Better Food
The risk of poor smells is not the only threat to your
diners’ experience posed by a neglected grease trap. When your grease trap is
giving off poor smells in the kitchen it is bad for your employee’s morale.
While you should want to improve your kitchen staff’s working environment based
on it being the right thing to do, that doesn’t mean there aren’t also
financial benefits to keeping your staff happy. When your kitchen staff is
unhappy in the kitchen it makes it difficult for them to give their focus
100-percent to their work. This means that the quality of food being produced
will slip, as well. When the quality of the food goes down, so does your
reputation and the number of customers coming in to eat at your restaurant.
Regular grease trap cleaning helps to keep your staff in a good mood and
cooking at their best, and the most effective way to generate new business and
grow your restaurant’s reputation is to put out consistently delicious food to
anyone who dines with you.
Cleaning Extends Your Tank Life
It’s said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of
cure, and grease trap cleaning is one place this definitely remains true in
your restaurant. Neglecting your cleaning can result in increased exposure to
damage in your grease trap. If your trap is neglected to the point that it
corrodes or breaks and needs to be fully replaced, this is a very expensive
error to make. Staying on top of your cleaning lowers your exposure to grease
trap damage to help you extend the life of your tank, allowing you to save far
more money than the cost of regular grease trap cleaning. Anything you can do
to reduce the frequency of major expenditures in your budget like a total
replacement of your grease trap you should do it, as over the entire span you
own your business that can result in multiple saved installations of new traps
and savings of many thousands of dollars.
Easier, Less Expensive Cleaning
The recommended FOG level for cleaning is higher than the
point where FOGs would begin escaping the tank. Although this is partly to
allow for variation in your FOG production without leaking FOGs into the
wastewater, that’s not the only reason why you should schedule grease trap
cleaning more frequently. As the FOG levels get higher in the tank and they’re
left to sit for longer periods, it makes the cleaning process harder and
potentially can result in more damage as a result of the FOGs. Regular grease
trap cleaning makes the cleaning process easier so that your grease trap
cleaning costs overall go down. If you neglect your regular grease trap
cleaning for too long you may find that it has been a highly costly mistake
when the time comes to pay the bill for the long and challenging process your
grease trap professionals required to clean your trap.
Regulations Require Regular Cleaning
In order to operate your restaurant, you need to stay in
line with local, state and federal regulations, and that includes appropriate
grease trap maintenance. If you are found to be improperly maintaining your
grease trap or if FOGs are found to be leaving your grease trap above regulated
levels, you could be subject to fines or even the need to temporarily suspend
service. This can be massively damaging to your bottom line and needs to be
avoided at all costs. By maintaining a consistent grease trap cleaning schedule
you know that your trap is being regularly serviced and kept at appropriate
levels. This not only means that your wastewater is unlikely to be in violation
of any regulations in place, but also that you have the best chance of showing
a clean and presentable kitchen when going through your food safety
inspections. No business wants to deal with the lost revenue as a result of a
non-passing grade, as it hits you not only in business lost on the days you are
closed but also in the future due to the hit it can have on your restaurant’s
reputation in the community.
Consistent grease trap cleaning before the FOGs level gets
too high is essential when running a restaurant. If your tank is overdue for a
cleaning, get in touch with the grease trap cleaning professionals at Ace
Grease immediately to schedule your next cleaning, and don’t make the mistake
again in the future.
The Basics of Grease Trap Cleaning
A grease trap is a plumbing device that captures fats, oils and grease, commonly referred to as FOG, before they cause damage by entering the wastewater system. There are two types of grease traps: interior and exterior traps. Interior traps are usually used in private homes and can only hold small amounts of grease. Exterior traps, on the other hand, are used in commercial kitchens. Not only is it important to regularly remove fats, oils and grease from your sanitary sewer system for the cleanliness of your business, but it is essential for public health and environmental reasons too.
Commercial grease trapslook similar to a septic tank cover and are usually located outside of the main building where the kitchen is located. Exterior traps are much more common and can hold thousands of gallons of waste. Most cities require them to be used in commercial kitchens because they can prevent potentially hazardous sewer problems. Because these traps can help prevent future issues, maintenance and regular grease trap cleaning is essential.
Maintaining your grease trap is an important part of maintaining a household or running a restaurant that is sanitary and legally compliant. Failing to maintain the system on a regular basis could cause major plumbing issues or may even result in a costly fine from your city. Keeping them maintained will not only prevent unpleasant odors, but it could also prevent clogged sewer pipes down the road. It is estimated that consumers in the U.S. spend millions of dollars each year on repairing clogged sewer pipes from FOG. Besides clogged sewer pipes, below are some of the problems associated with dirty grease traps:
Problems Associated With Dirty Grease Traps
- Full grease trap: Grease traps, especially systems that are used on a daily basis, can fill up quickly. If it’s been awhile since the trap was last cleaned, the sinks or drains attached to it may start to clog. Water backups, especially in main sinks, are common and can cause damage if not repaired promptly. In additions, these clogs can damage pipes in the long run. Replacing pipes is an expensive, time-consuming process and can be avoided by properly maintaining your trap system.
- Unpleasant odors: Full grease traps can cause odors to permeate your entire kitchen. Once there, these smells are hard to remove. To avoid bad smells before they start, cleaning your grease system on a regular basis can help prevent debris from accumulating to the point where it emits an odor. Overall, maintaining your grease trap system will ensure that your kitchen is a sanitary, healthy environment for both you and your employees.
- Flow restrictor blockage: The main purpose of a grease trap flow restrictor is to promote efficient water flow and slow the water coming into the trap. After continued usage, tough grease can get stuck in this mechanism and cause problems with the drainage. If the grease trap and all major components are not cleaned on a regular basis, severe blockage issues can occur.
- Incoming or outgoing line clogs:Grease traps have many outgoing and incoming lines attached to them. If the trap is not properly cleaned, many issues can arise with these lines. If you have a clog in one of the incoming lines, it can cause your entire grease trap systemto malfunction. This malfunction can be caused by a buildup of grease, oil and other particles. If you have a clog in one of the outgoing lines, you will likely experience an overflow in both compartments of the trap. This can cause thick layers of oil and grease to coat the inside of your pipes. Clogged pipes can cause severe drainage issues or even an entire blockage of the line.
Routine Grease Trap Maintenance
Fats, oils and grease will begin to accumulate as water travels from the sink to the trap, making it difficult for the water to properly drain. This accumulation can cause the trap to fill up quickly. Having it cleaned by a professional plumbing service in St. Louis, MO like Ace Grease can help prevent the trap from overflowing and causing expensive repairs bills down the line.
How often you should have the system cleaned will depend on how often it is used, the size of the trap and how much grease is used in cooking. If you operate a commercial kitchen, a lot of jurisdictions will require that traps be cleaned regularly enough to maintain 25% or less FOG accumulation. Generally, this means that traps should be cleaned on at least a quarterly basis. However, if you operate a business that prepares a lot of food on a daily basis, you will want to have your system cleaned more frequently. Ace Grease can inform you if should have your system cleaned more often and we can even help establish a trap cleaning maintenance schedule for your business.
Proper Grease Trap Cleaning
If you use a grease trap in your home or you have a small commercial kitchen, you may be tempted to clean it yourself. You might think that the process is relatively simple if you’re handy with tools and you have the proper equipment. However, there are many safety issues that come with cleaning a grease trap system. For the best results, it’s important to hire an experienced cleaning service like Ace Grease to ensure that the system is cleaned safely and efficiently. Here are a few of the benefits of hiring a professional company:
- Appropriate disposal of grease: A professional company has the proper equipment needed to vacuum and clean your trap thoroughly. At Ace Grease, we will ensure that the walls of the system are properly scrapped and cleaned of grease. Our technicians will also ensure that the grease, which will be collected from the trap, is disposed of in a manner that is compliant with all local and state regulations. Improper grease disposal can cause a lot of issues for not only your business, but the community as well. Trying to dispose of grease by yourself after cleaning a trap system can be challenging, and even dangerous. If you do not comply with local regulations when disposing of the grease, you may be subjected to a hefty fine. Additionally, getting rid of the grease in an improper location can put both humans and animals at risk of illness.
- Trained, experienced technicians: Properly cleaning a grease trap is no easy task and requires the right skills, tools and experience. When cleaning a system, it is important to remove the fat, oils and grease in an efficient manner without leaking the contents all over the kitchen floor. Attempting to navigate this process yourself can cause a leaky mess. Our technicians are trained to use specialized equipment that can remove solid waste, grease and debris from the entire trap system. Most importantly, the equipment that we use will allow the tank to be emptied cleanly and efficiently.
- Customized, compliant services: Hiring a specialized cleaning company has many benefits. At Ace Grease, we ensure that all of the services we provide are compliant with the laws of the local area and that disposal is done in a safe manner to avoid fines. Also, if there is ever a question regarding the disposal practices of your business, we can provide you with detailed records. In fact, we will provide you with an electronic record of service with 24 hours of completion. In addition to grease trap servicing, we can provide you with other cleaning services to ensure your kitchen runs optimally. We can provide power washing services, wastewater hauling, line jetting and cabling and used cooking oil disposal. If desired, we can provide you with multiple services at the same to ensure affordability.
- Regular maintenance: Grease trap cleaning should be done on a regular basis, as frequently as monthly if your restaurant prepares a high quantity of food. We can provide you with a maintenance schedule based on the individual needs of your business. Having your system regularly cleaned is essential to maintaining a healthy working environment and avoid plumbing issues in the future.
Call Ace Grease Service Today
If you’re ready to invest in the cleanliness of your commercial kitchen, contact Ace Grease today. Ace Grease Service has been specializing in this type of cleaning service since 1998 and our team managers have more than 20 years of experience in the field. All of our technicians are skilled and are properly trained to use all the specialized equipment required to complete the cleaning process.We ensure that all grease and debris is extracted and disposed of safely and hygienically. Our technicians work within the regulations of local jurisdictions to ensure that your business does not receive a fine or citation for improper grease disposal. In addition, we will provide you with an electronic certification that your system has been fully cleaned with 24 hours of service.
Contact us today to learn about our special discounts and our emergency cleaning services. No matter your specific situation, our team of technicians will provide you with affordable, efficient service. We are committed to helping you maintain a healthy, safe environment for yourself, your clients and your employees.
The Importance of Professional Grease Trap Cleaning
Maintaining everything in your restaurant is a big job. You have grills, mixers, sinks, refrigerators, freezers, ovens and other kitchen appliances. You have tables, chairs, utensils and dishes both out in the dining room and back in the kitchen. Your restaurant probably has men’s and women’s bathrooms, a waiting area, possibly a bar and possibly a children’s play area. On top of everything indoors, you have landscaping, a parking lot and walkways outside. That’s a lot to take care of!
Many of these items are right in your face. You see the lawn every day and will notice if it’s been too long since the last mow. Your dishes will fill up the sink as soon as customers start coming and going every day. Your grill is constantly being used by the cooks in the back. As problems arise, it’s easy to get them taken care of. When end-of-day chores are required, you won’t miss those obvious items.
Have you ever stopped to consider the less obvious items that need to be taken care of? Underneath the food cart, for example, or in the corners of the kitchen behind storage boxes. Ceiling tiles often get missed, but food splatters up there from time to time so they do need to be scrubbed down every once in a while. Another important component that is easy to miss is the grease trap. If you’ve accidentally neglected it, it might be time again for grease trap cleaning.
What Happens If They Don’t Get Cleaned?
If your grease trap system doesn’t get cleaned on a regular basis, there are multiple issues that could arise. If it’s only a day past due, you may only experience slight complications, and possibly none at all. The longer it goes without a good cleaning, the worse the issue will get. Some worst-case scenarios include:
- Fire – When a grease trap is fuller than it should be, it poses a fire hazard. It’s easy for an over-full trap to catch fire, and grease fires seem to be more difficult to put out. As temperatures rise during the summer and those interceptors hold onto it, the grease could burst into flames. This not only poses a danger for you, your employees and your patrons, but could cause serious damage to your restaurant, landscape and neighboring restaurants or retailers.
- Odor – Having a grease trap keeps your restaurant up to code, but it also keeps you from having to deal with a smelly mess. Odors from a dirty grease trap can backflow right into your commercial kitchen, but they can also seep out of the interceptor or the drainage system. This puts those unsavory odors into the air outside your building. In addition to pumping the grease trap, it needs line jetting that will really get the fats, oils and grease out. With these eliminated from your drainage system, the odors will subside.
- Pollution – If an animal is somehow able to make its way into the grease trap, the FOG will hurt him. If a system overflows and the FOG leaks out, it will run down into the storm drain and pollute the sanitary sewer system. It will also create bacteria and sulfuric acid if it leaks, causing other polluted damage. To avoid this type of pollution, your traps should be secured correctly. If the covers become damaged, they should be repaired immediately. Regular cleanings will also help you avoid a leak.
- Sewer Overflow – You would not want to deal with a sewer overflow. Not only would it be a mess, it could spill over into other areas of St. Louis, and when it gets tracked back to you, you’ll be liable for any other damage that your lack of grease trap cleaning caused.
Is It Illegal to Leave a Trap Full of Grease?
Because of all the negative consequences of having a full grease trap, it is illegal to just leave it as is and let it clog or run into the sanitary sewer system. There are local and state codes that your restaurant is required to abide by, and doing so puts you in compliance with the law. When you have your trap cleaned by the professionals, we will give you a compliance report within a day, which is something you can show to any government agency that investigates your restaurant practices.
Grease trap maintenance is something that should happen regularly, as outlined by the local and state codes. It is recommended it gets done approximately once every three months. Depending on the size and capacity of your restaurant, you might have it done less frequently, more often or as needed.
For example, a typical restaurant that sees regular customers could last 90 days between commercial grease trap cleaning. A restaurant that runs at full capacity every day of the week and is open 24/7 might need its trap cleaned once a month, even once a week. If you are only open for a few hours a day, a few days a week, it’s possible you could go longer than 90 days, but again, you should be sure you comply with restaurant codes for St. Louis, MO. If code states it must be done every 90 days, then even if your restaurant is small, you should get it done every 90 days.
Are There Other Benefits of Staying Current on Grease Trap Cleaning?
You’ve now seen there are some serious benefits of grease trap cleaning for your restaurant. Not only do you reduce the risk of fire, odors, pollution and sewer overflow, you are complying with the law when you stay current on grease trap cleaning service. When you’re found out of compliance, you could face costly fines. If it happens over and over again, you could risk losing your restaurant completely.
Another major benefit is financial savings. Any kind of regular maintenance has the potential to save you money both now and in the future. If you stay current on cleaning your grease trap, you’re avoiding fines and potentially costly repairs. You can also avoid the expenses that come with replacing pipes, pumps, interceptors, drains and other plumbing components when the grease turns to sulfuric acid and corrodes your system.
One easy way to stay current on cleaning your grease trap is to get set up on a regular maintenance schedule. This also becomes a benefit as you don’t have to worry about rescheduling it every few months. Ace Grease simply has you on the schedule already and fits you in with the rounds we are already making to other restaurants like yours. Although you’ll be on a regular schedule, we’ll still be available for unforeseen circumstances or weeks in which your grease trap fills to capacity at an oddly unusual rate.
Why Is It Important to Hire the Professionals?
Commercial grease trap maintenance is essential, but should not be completed by you or your employees. Professional cleaning is required to ensure proper disposal and safety while doing the job. Ace Grease professionals offer the following perks with grease trap cleaning services.
- Convenience – Serving 9 Midwest states, we offer convenient services that keep your drainage clean. We have operators taking calls 24/7, so when an emergency arises, we’re here for you. Our collection trucks run at night, so as to avoid disruption to your business as much as possible.
- Related Service Bundles – If you run a commercial kitchen, your needs don’t end at grease trap cleaning. We offer a variety of related services such as used cooking oil pickup, line jetting and cabling, power washing, and waste water hauling. When you bundle these services with Ace Grease, we offer certain discounts with the amount of services you add to the bundle.
- Experience – Our business experience goes back 27 years. That means nearly three decades of helping restaurant owners stay compliant with codes and assisting them with keeping their restaurants clean.
- Responsible Recycling Practices – When we clean your grease traps, you can rest assured we’ll use responsible recycling practices to dispose of the waste. Following proper disposal regulations and guidelines, our recycled raw materials can be turned into useful products that do not harm the environment.
- Trained Professionals – Working closely with each of our restaurant owners, our professionals have the training required to come up with a plan unique to each situation. Our employees work quickly and efficiently, keeping the area clean and sanitary as much as possible.
- Various Abilities – We have the ability to maintain grease traps for the smallest restaurants in St. Louis and the largest kitchens in the area. Whether you run a small food truck or manage a hospital kitchen, our equipment, knowledge and abilities allow us to handle the various sizes of grease traps around town.
How Can I Schedule a Cleaning?
Now that you understand a little more about grease traps and why it’s important to keep them clean, it’s time for you to schedule your service. Whether you want to get on a regular maintenance schedule or prefer to contact Ace Grease every few months when service is required, it’s easy to get started. Call 800-473-2733 or fill in our online form and let’s get your services scheduled.
The Importance of Grease Trap Cleaning and Maintenance
Owning a restaurant can be an enjoyable and lucrative business but also comes with a variety of responsibilities, such as creating and implementing sanitary regulations that keep your employees and customers safe. One component that may be affecting the overall cleanliness of your restaurant is its grease trap. Clogged traps can cause a variety of problems that you may not be aware of, so learning about the importance of having grease trap cleaning performed by experienced technicians may be well worth your time.
Cleaning Prevents Sewer Issues
A commercial grease trap is designed to catch different types of food grease before it can enter a public sewer. Most cities do not allow restaurants to operate without these traps in place, as cold grease tends to clot quickly and can cause clogging of drains and pipes. Since large amounts of grease can affect entire sewer systems, regular grease trap maintenance can help you avoid plumbing problems and possible fines from health inspectors who discover your grease trap is not working properly.
City grease inspectors may come to inspect your traps and interceptors on a regular basis. It may be a wise idea to review their findings carefully and make any recommended changes, as following the guidelines can help you maintain your grease trap with more efficiency. If the inspectors find that your interceptors are not working as they should or that your grease trap is not up to code, you may face fines unless you make changes as soon as possible.
Cleaning Prevents Foul Odors
Regular cleaning of your kitchen’s grease trap by a professional can help prevent foul odors from building up around the food prep area. Over time, trapped grease will rot and create extremely bad smells that can permeate almost every space of your kitchen. These powerful smells may even waft out to the seating area, where customers might notice them. Powerful odors may come from a variety of grease sources, including:
- Bacteria in rotting grease
- Old grease used for frying food
- Blockage of sewer pipes
Establishing a monthly cleaning of your kitchen’s grease trap may keep foul odors from building up in your kitchen and creating an unpleasant working environment for your employees.
While fried foods can be delicious when they are first prepared, the grease they create can have a powerful odor afterward. Some foods, such as fish and chicken, can leave behind an especially strong smell. If you offer these foods on a daily basis, you may want to change the frying grease often and then call in a commercial grease trap cleaning service to ensure these odors do not linger.
Cleaning Protects Your Equipment
Trapped grease can create a variety of serious problems for your business, including damaging your sink and its pipes. If the grease trap’s interceptors are not maintained, grease may become trapped in the pipes and joints of your sink instead of draining into the trap. When the grease mixes with water and food scraps, it can create a powerful acid that may eat through and corrode your pipes. Over time, the chances of a plumbing leak are likely to increase.
If you own an older building with pipes made of galvanized steel or copper, you may want to pay special attention to your grease trap and have it cleaned out at least once a month. Unlike new structures, which use industrial PVC and other tough plastics, older pipes may experience damage more quickly if the grease mixes with other liquids and turns corrosive. If you own a restaurant that experiences a consistently high volume of customers, you may want to consider having your building’s pipes replaced so the grease cannot damage them.
It May Prevent Employee Illness
When grease traps are not properly cleaned or cleaned too infrequently, it can pose a threat to your employees. Exposure to the bacteria that can grow in old grease may make them ill, especially if they must clean the traps without the proper training or safety equipment. Having the trap cleaned by a professional can lower the risk of exposure and keep your employees safe and available to work.
Avoid Sink Clogs
When grease traps are allowed to overfill, they no longer work as they should. As a result, less oil, fat and grease reaches the trap and remains in the plumbing pipes instead. Cold grease then becomes solid, which can cause kitchen sinks to clog and overflow. If this should happen during a busy evening, the results could be disastrous. Regular grease trap cleaning can keep water flowing as it should and prevent a variety of serious plumbing issues.
Avoiding sink clogs may also help some of your employees work more efficiently. For example, if you have two individuals who run your dishwasher, a clean grease trap may assist them with working consistently instead of having to stop and unclog the sink. A cleaner grease trap may also prevent you and your employees from having to use harsh commercial chemicals to unclog your drain, as these may cause skin or lung irritation if handled or inhaled.
Assist Your Community
Modern views about protecting the environment often have a focus on the world’s oceans and their animals, so being proactive and aware of how your restaurant’s grease may affect the ecology of the earth could boost your reputation. You can let your customers know that you care by posting your cleanup standards on your company’s website.
Keep Insect Pests Away
The smell of used grease can attract a multitude of unwanted insects, including ants and roaches. These bugs can gain a foothold quickly once they find their way into your business and can be difficult to eradicate. Having your grease trap cleaned regularly, as well as ensuring it is capped whether indoors or out, can discourage the presence of these unwanted pests.
Uphold Cleaning Standards
Grease trap maintenance can be an important facet of the cleanliness standards you implement in your restaurant. While regular cleaning of food storage units and oven hoods and vents can help prevent bacteria and dirt buildup, these actions may not be as effective if the grease trap is allowed to fill. Having a commercial grease cleaning company come in to handle your excess grease may improve your cleaning standards and let your employees know that you are vigilant about health and safety and expect them to be as well.
Conform To Health Laws
Most cities have specific laws about the construction, maintenance and use of grease traps for commercial purposes. As a restaurant owner, you may be held to several laws regarding your grease trap, including:
- To construct one at your own expense
- Interceptors that are accessible for testing
- The proper cleaning and operation of the interceptors
These are only a few examples of laws you may have to follow when you have your grease trap installed. You may want to visit your local city hall or contact your health inspector to ensure you are following all the correct guidelines. This can also help you avoid fines connected with improper or illegal grease disposal.
Protect Local Wildlife
If your grease trap is outdoors, then proper maintenance is important for the protection of local wildlife, including birds and small mammals. If your trap has a poor covering, raccoons or other small mammals may learn how to remove it, especially if they are attracted by the smell of the grease. Keeping your trap properly cleaned and covered can prevent animals from drowning in the trap or becoming ill by consuming the grease they find inside it.
Engage in Recycling
Some grease trap cleaning companies offer recycling of the fat, grease and oil they remove from your system, which could benefit local and global environments, such as attempts to keep these items out of lakes and oceans. Some types of grease can be used in the farming sector once properly recycled and used as an effective fertilizer.
If you plan to hire a company that specializes in cleaning grease traps, then you may want to consider choosing one that offers recycling options. While this type of recycling is still being examined and tested, the grease could be used as an energy source once it is properly treated.
Learn About Grease Cleanup
When you follow your city’s codes regarding grease collection and the cleaning of your grease trap, you may learn some interesting and helpful facts about how it affects your restaurant and those who work and dine at it. When you learn helpful practices for grease cleanup, you may be able to improve your current cleanliness standards and pass the importance of these processes on to your employees.
There are several benefits to learning about grease cleanup and the importance of having your grease trap cleaned often. Not only can you pass valuable information along to your employees but you might also gain a better understanding of how used grease might affect the local environment, its dangers when the traps are not cleaned properly and how you might improve your restaurant’s cleanliness by hiring a company that specializes in grease cleanup and disposal. The more you can learn, the more effective a business owner you might become.
Proper grease trap cleaning can be essential to the overall condition of your restaurant. Contact Ace Grease today for more information and to schedule regular trap cleanings for the future.
A Complete Guide to Effective Grease Trap Cleaning
In a commercial kitchen operation, an essential piece of equipment that is often not noticed or talked about is a grease trap. Grease traps get exposed to most of a commercial kitchen’s daily grime and grease and need a solid routine of maintenance and cleaning to keep them operational. At Ace Grease, we offer options for grease trap cleaning and plumbing service tips that keep these workhorses operating efficiently in St Louis MO. Here is a guide to what grease traps do and why maintaining them is so important to your restaurant’s operations.
Grease Trap Basics
In most cities around the country, before a restaurant can open its doors, it has to install a commercial grease trap. A grease trap system contains a device that is either installed inside of the kitchen in close proximity to the main sink or dishwasher or in an underground location close to the building. Commercial kitchens that handle a lot of volume or fry most of their menu items tend to need the larger, underground grease trap, and smaller restaurants may be able to use the indoor variety.
The grease trap’s purpose is to collect fats, oils and grease residue and prevent them from entering the municipal wastewater system. Grease could contaminate and impact the city water system, so it must be separated and collected with a grease trap. Restaurants often must use fats and oils in cooking and the residue from discarded food, plates, silverware and cooking utensils has to be rinsed off during cleaning. The leftover grease from cleaning these dishes gets directed into the kitchen’s drainage system and ends up getting collected in the grease trap.
How To Find the Right Grease Trap
A grease trap works by separating wastewater from oils and grease. Before wastewater from the restaurant enters the city’s sanitary sewer systems, it has to pass through a grease trap in an extra step. During its journey through the grease trap, the grease floats to the top of the tank and the rest of the water flows into the sewer system. Choosing the right size grease trap is essential before opening up a restaurant or a commercial kitchen operation.
In many areas, the size of the grease trap is dictated by the local health department. Larger outdoor grease traps are usually recommended for restaurants that have a high volume. Busy restaurants or other types of food operations need grease traps that can handle large volumes of wastewater. Typically, restaurant operators have to consider the number of gallons of water per minute and the capacity of their commercial dishwasher and the sinks in the kitchen to figure out the right size for their grease trap. Choosing a size that is too small for an operation could lead to serious issues, such as health department citations and drainage problems.
Why Grease Traps Need Cleaning
The reason that grease traps need regular cleaning is because over time, they become too full of grease. Even the largest grease traps have a limit to the amount of oils and fats they can accommodate. Once a grease trap reaches its capacity and is too full, it won’t be able to do its job and this could lead to serious problems. Grease trap cleaning can also help with preventing costly plumbing problems which could impact the business and its ability to bring in revenue.
Figuring out how often a grease trap needs to be cleaned depends on the capacity of the trap and the volume of wastewater coming through it. The average commercial kitchen gets its grease trap cleaned every one to three months. Manufacturers of the devices recommend that grease traps get cleaned out when they become more than a quarter full of oils and fats. Just like the size and capacity of the grease trap, some health departments mandate the frequency of grease trap cleaning. It’s common for cities to require businesses to clean their grease traps every 90 days.
Best Grease Trap Habits
In between cleanings of a restaurant’s grease trap, it’s important for everyone on staff to follow some simple steps to keep it from becoming damaged. These recommended grease trap habits can also help restaurant owners get more life out of these expensive devices. An efficient, working grease trap starts with training the kitchen staff with these best practices and holding them accountable when they ignore the recommendations.
First, make sure members of your team know to completely scrape food waste off of plates and cookware before sending it into the commercial dishwasher. Removing solid food waste as much as possible into the trash can help limit the amount of debris and fat that gets trapped in the grease trap. Additionally, restaurant operators should go through the kitchen’s sinks and install covers over all of the drains. These covers will trap solid food and prevent it from going into the grease trap and clogging it up. Finally, just like in a home kitchen, it’s never wise to pour cooking oil, grease or fat directly down the drain in a commercial operation. The oil from the fryers and other devices should be disposed of separately.
Grease Trap Problems
Keeping up with a regular routine of cleaning the grease trap is another way to get the most out of this essential piece of kitchen equipment. Skipping cleanings leads to issues that end up costing much more in plumbing repairs. A common problem is when the grease trap is too full to function. A sign of a full grease trap is when water starts backing up in the kitchen’s sinks. If the sinks drain very slowly, this is another sign the trap is full. Additionally, there may be a perpetual unpleasant smell in the kitchen if the trap is too full.
A grease trap that isn’t regularly cleaned may also attract more pests, such as insects or rodents, due to the constant presence of oils and grease in the sinks and water. Blockages from a full grease trap can cause a plumbing disaster in some cases, with restaurants becoming flooded with backwater.
Inside of the grease trap, the oils from the wastewater can also do damage over time. The trap’s water flow limiter can sometimes get coated with a hardened layer of grease after years of use. This issue can also cause drainage problems and water backups if the flow limiter isn’t properly serviced and cleaned off. It’s also possible for the pipes connected to the grease trap to get clogged with grease. Hectic restaurants that produce a lot of wastewater may see grease buildup impacting the pipes around their grease trap after some time. The best way to fix this is to get a professional to clear out the pipes and get the trap back to working efficiently.
Why a Professional Cleaning Is Best
To get the most out of your grease trap and to prevent it from having issues that could result in a loss of business, most restaurants choose a professional cleaning service. The grease collected from the equipment must be disposed of properly so that the environmental impact is minimal. Disposing of commercial kitchen grease improperly could lead to heavy fines and environmental citations. Professional grease trap technicians can also take used cooking grease and recycle it to help benefit the planet.
Grease trap cleaning can also be hazardous to untrained professionals. There are specific methods for removing the waste that avoids putting the restaurant and the cleaning technicians in danger. A knowledgeable technician is the best way to remove the grease from your operation safely. Additionally, grease traps, like any piece of restaurant equipment, need to be routinely maintained and serviced so they last as long as possible. Ignoring the cleaning requirements and refusing to maintain a grease trap means it will have to be replaced much more frequently with a brand new model.
Different Grease Trap Cleaning Methods
Grease trap cleaning companies use several different methods to service this piece of kitchen equipment. In some cities, there is a specific requirement about which technique to use for cleaning a grease trap. The two most common ways to clean a grease trap involve pumping the waste out of the trap with a specialized machine. Professional grease trap cleaners often have dedicated trucks that act as pumps and store the waste from the grease trap during the cleaning process.
The pump and return method has the technician remove all waste material from the grease trap with a machine. The specialized pumping vehicle lifts the grease out of the waste material and takes it away from the site, leaving behind the wastewater in the trap. Another popular cleaning method is the dry pump technique. For this method, the service provider uses a truck to pump out the entire contents of the grease trap and disposes of both the wastewater and grease. The grease trap is cleaned out and left empty and dry.
If you operate a commercial kitchen, make sure your grease trap is up to speed and not potentially causing plumbing problems. Request service for your grease trap or grease trap maintenance from Ace Grease today to keep your customers happy and your business running smoothly.
A Complete Guide to Effective Grease Trap Cleaning
In a commercial kitchen operation, an essential piece of equipment that is often not noticed or talked about is a grease trap. Grease traps get exposed to most of a commercial kitchen’s daily grime and grease and need a solid routine of maintenance and cleaning to keep them operational. At Ace Grease, we offer options for grease trap cleaning and plumbing service tips that keep these workhorses operating efficiently in St Louis MO. Here is a guide to what grease traps do and why maintaining them is so important to your restaurant’s operations.
Grease Trap Basics
In most cities around the country, before a restaurant can open its doors, it has to install a commercial grease trap. A grease trap system contains a device that is either installed inside of the kitchen in close proximity to the main sink or dishwasher or in an underground location close to the building. Commercial kitchens that handle a lot of volume or fry most of their menu items tend to need the larger, underground grease trap, and smaller restaurants may be able to use the indoor variety.
The grease trap’s purpose is to collect fats, oils and grease residue and prevent them from entering the municipal wastewater system. Grease could contaminate and impact the city water system, so it must be separated and collected with a grease trap. Restaurants often must use fats and oils in cooking and the residue from discarded food, plates, silverware and cooking utensils has to be rinsed off during cleaning. The leftover grease from cleaning these dishes gets directed into the kitchen’s drainage system and ends up getting collected in the grease trap.
How To Find the Right Grease Trap
A grease trap works by separating wastewater from oils and grease. Before wastewater from the restaurant enters the city’s sanitary sewer systems, it has to pass through a grease trap in an extra step. During its journey through the grease trap, the grease floats to the top of the tank and the rest of the water flows into the sewer system. Choosing the right size grease trap is essential before opening up a restaurant or a commercial kitchen operation.
In many areas, the size of the grease trap is dictated by the local health department. Larger outdoor grease traps are usually recommended for restaurants that have a high volume. Busy restaurants or other types of food operations need grease traps that can handle large volumes of wastewater. Typically, restaurant operators have to consider the number of gallons of water per minute and the capacity of their commercial dishwasher and the sinks in the kitchen to figure out the right size for their grease trap. Choosing a size that is too small for an operation could lead to serious issues, such as health department citations and drainage problems.
Why Grease Traps Need Cleaning
The reason that grease traps need regular cleaning is because over time, they become too full of grease. Even the largest grease traps have a limit to the amount of oils and fats they can accommodate. Once a grease trap reaches its capacity and is too full, it won’t be able to do its job and this could lead to serious problems. Grease trap cleaning can also help with preventing costly plumbing problems which could impact the business and its ability to bring in revenue.
Figuring out how often a grease trap needs to be cleaned depends on the capacity of the trap and the volume of wastewater coming through it. The average commercial kitchen gets its grease trap cleaned every one to three months. Manufacturers of the devices recommend that grease traps get cleaned out when they become more than a quarter full of oils and fats. Just like the size and capacity of the grease trap, some health departments mandate the frequency of grease trap cleaning. It’s common for cities to require businesses to clean their grease traps every 90 days.
Best Grease Trap Habits
In between cleanings of a restaurant’s grease trap, it’s important for everyone on staff to follow some simple steps to keep it from becoming damaged. These recommended grease trap habits can also help restaurant owners get more life out of these expensive devices. An efficient, working grease trap starts with training the kitchen staff with these best practices and holding them accountable when they ignore the recommendations.
First, make sure members of your team know to completely scrape food waste off of plates and cookware before sending it into the commercial dishwasher. Removing solid food waste as much as possible into the trash can help limit the amount of debris and fat that gets trapped in the grease trap. Additionally, restaurant operators should go through the kitchen’s sinks and install covers over all of the drains. These covers will trap solid food and prevent it from going into the grease trap and clogging it up. Finally, just like in a home kitchen, it’s never wise to pour cooking oil, grease or fat directly down the drain in a commercial operation. The oil from the fryers and other devices should be disposed of separately.
Grease Trap Problems
Keeping up with a regular routine of cleaning the grease trap is another way to get the most out of this essential piece of kitchen equipment. Skipping cleanings leads to issues that end up costing much more in plumbing repairs. A common problem is when the grease trap is too full to function. A sign of a full grease trap is when water starts backing up in the kitchen’s sinks. If the sinks drain very slowly, this is another sign the trap is full. Additionally, there may be a perpetual unpleasant smell in the kitchen if the trap is too full.
A grease trap that isn’t regularly cleaned may also attract more pests, such as insects or rodents, due to the constant presence of oils and grease in the sinks and water. Blockages from a full grease trap can cause a plumbing disaster in some cases, with restaurants becoming flooded with backwater.
Inside of the grease trap, the oils from the wastewater can also do damage over time. The trap’s water flow limiter can sometimes get coated with a hardened layer of grease after years of use. This issue can also cause drainage problems and water backups if the flow limiter isn’t properly serviced and cleaned off. It’s also possible for the pipes connected to the grease trap to get clogged with grease. Hectic restaurants that produce a lot of wastewater may see grease buildup impacting the pipes around their grease trap after some time. The best way to fix this is to get a professional to clear out the pipes and get the trap back to working efficiently.
Why a Professional Cleaning Is Best
To get the most out of your grease trap and to prevent it from having issues that could result in a loss of business, most restaurants choose a professional cleaning service. The grease collected from the equipment must be disposed of properly so that the environmental impact is minimal. Disposing of commercial kitchen grease improperly could lead to heavy fines and environmental citations. Professional grease trap technicians can also take used cooking grease and recycle it to help benefit the planet.
Grease trap cleaning can also be hazardous to untrained professionals. There are specific methods for removing the waste that avoids putting the restaurant and the cleaning technicians in danger. A knowledgeable technician is the best way to remove the grease from your operation safely. Additionally, grease traps, like any piece of restaurant equipment, need to be routinely maintained and serviced so they last as long as possible. Ignoring the cleaning requirements and refusing to maintain a grease trap means it will have to be replaced much more frequently with a brand new model.
Different Grease Trap Cleaning Methods
Grease trap cleaning companies use several different methods to service this piece of kitchen equipment. In some cities, there is a specific requirement about which technique to use for cleaning a grease trap. The two most common ways to clean a grease trap involve pumping the waste out of the trap with a specialized machine. Professional grease trap cleaners often have dedicated trucks that act as pumps and store the waste from the grease trap during the cleaning process.
The pump and return method has the technician remove all waste material from the grease trap with a machine. The specialized pumping vehicle lifts the grease out of the waste material and takes it away from the site, leaving behind the wastewater in the trap. Another popular cleaning method is the dry pump technique. For this method, the service provider uses a truck to pump out the entire contents of the grease trap and disposes of both the wastewater and grease. The grease trap is cleaned out and left empty and dry.
If you operate a commercial kitchen, make sure your grease trap is up to speed and not potentially causing plumbing problems. Request service for your grease trap or grease trap maintenance from Ace Grease today to keep your customers happy and your business running smoothly.
Understanding Grease Trap Maintenance
In the commercial food business, properly disposing of grease is one of the most important ways to keep your St. Louis, MO restaurant sanitized. A grease trap is exactly what it sounds like: a system that traps grease and other fat solids before they can enter the sanitary sewer system. Cleaning and maintaining a grease trap system is extremely important; if you don’t keep up with grease trap maintenance you could receive a hefty fine and possibly have your restaurant shut down. Grease traps keep grease from entering the sewer system because dumping the amount of grease most restaurants use could clog the sewer and release untreated sewage into the environment. Proper grease trap cleaning can prevent this kind of disaster from happening in your back kitchen.
Grease Trap Operation
A commercial grease trap is a plumbing device designed to stop grease and food solids from entering the sewer system. It operates based on the idea that fat, oils and grease (FOGs) are different densities than water. This allows the trap to separate the FOGs and let the newly grease-free water drain into the sewer system. The heavier fat solids separate to the bottom while the lighter grease floats to the top of the tank. From there the FOGs can be properly disposed of separately. It is important to note that grease trap systems are not to be used as food disposal units. FOGs can sit in the tank for days before being disposed of; any food in the tank could rot and mix with the FOGs to produce harmful chemicals like sulfuric acid. Make sure to properly dispose of food in a separate system.
Cleaning a Grease Trap
Because FOGs can wreak havoc on a sanitary sewer system, and neglecting your grease trap can cause environmental damage and lead to fines, proper grease trap cleaning is an essential part of managing and maintaining a restaurant. Because FOG waste can be hazardous, calling a professional to properly dispose of your waste is recommended. Professional plumbing service will make sure that your grease trap is properly emptied and cleaned, and that all FOGs are properly disposed of. How often you should do this will depend on the size of your tank and the general activity level of your restaurant. On average, trap cleaning should be done every one to three months.
Issues From Improper Grease Trap Cleaning
Now that you understand how grease traps work and how to properly clean them, it is essential to understand exactly what can go wrong if they are not properly maintained.
1. A Full Grease Trap
Neglecting grease trap maintenance can cause numerous problems; one of the most obvious is that it can cause your grease trap to completely fill up. Once there is no more room in the tank for FOGs, they will start to back up into the drains and sinks attached to them. Not only will your grease trap be out of commission, but your sinks will be too. This can be disruptive to your business and create messes in your back kitchen; a call to a plumbing service can get this fixed, but proper maintenance can prevent it from happening in the first place.
2. Clogging Up Incoming and Outgoing Lines
Having an overfilled grease trap could lead to much bigger problems, like having your ingoing or outgoing lines get clogged. This can happen when too many food particles build up. This problem could be fixed yourself, but if the blockage is bad enough, or if it is causing overflow, you may want to call a plumbing service.
3. Flow Restrictor Blockage
Another issue you may have is a blockage in the flow receptor. The flow receptor limits the amount of water flowing into the grease trap. Over time, grease can harden and block the flow of water. If your grease trap still isn’t draining even after you’ve cleaned it, call a cleaning service to get an assessment.
All of these issues can be prevented, or at least lessened, by having your grease trap emptied and cleaned on a regular basis. It is important to remember that a great trap is intended to separate FOGs from water and store them for proper disposal; it is not intended to store or separate discarded food. Regular grease trap cleaning will keep your restaurant sanitary and running smoothly.
What Is a Grease Trap and Why Is Cleaning It Important?
Hotels, restaurants and other organizations that serve food on a large scale typically use large amounts of cooking oil. The fat oils and grease created as waste products pose public health and environmental risks if they get into the sanitary sewer due to the possibility of clogging. The purpose of the grease trap is to remove grease and oils from the waste water so that it does not get into the sewer system. Regular grease trap cleaning is essential to keep the system clear and running smoothly.
What Exactly Is a Grease Trap?
Wastewater from a commercial kitchen typically contains a lot of grease and oil. Grease poured down the sink as a liquid solidifies as it cools. If it were to reach the sanitary sewer system, it could cause clogs in the pipes, which could cause sewer backups and other problems that could contaminate the environment and pose a threat to public health. A grease trap is a device connected to the plumbing system that intercepts the grease to keep it out of the sewer system.
While a small, private kitchen may have passive grease traps at the point of use, a commercial grease trap is usually a large tank buried underground. These traps are accessible by manhole covers in the ground or an outlet built into the wall. Because the grease is lighter than water, it floats to the top of the tank as the water flows through the device, where it is trapped by a series of plastic walls called baffles. As a result, only grease-free water enters the sewer system.
Without regular cleaning and maintenance, the device can fill up over time. The efficiency of the grease trap system can decrease when fats, oils and grease amount to only 25% of its contents. That’s why many restaurants and other organizations that operate large kitchens schedule grease trap maintenance on a regular basis.
What Can Happen Without Regular Grease Trap Cleaning?
If the grease trap is not cleaned and the waste material is allowed to fill up, it can negatively affect its functioning and efficiency in various ways. Fats, oils and grease can build up in the incoming or outgoing lines, causing them to clog up. This can cause drainage issues and overflows. Any sinks or drains connected to the grease trap may experience backup if it is allowed to fill up, which can happen fairly quickly. A situation like this may require you to call a plumbing service on an urgent basis to get it under control. You might have to shut down your business temporarily while repairs of the internal plumbing take place, and this downtime could cost you significant amounts of money.
In addition to plumbing issues at your facility, failure to keep your grease trap clean can have other consequences. Grease blockages are responsible for an estimated 50% of all sewer overflows in the United States. Municipal governments are very concerned about the widespread negative effects these overflows can have and are anxious to ensure that organizations that run large kitchens do their part to prevent grease blockages from occurring. Many communities therefore have laws on the books requiring you to have a grease trap on your property and imposing fines if you fail to keep it clean.
How Are Grease Traps Cleaned?
Grease trap cleaning companies have collection trucks equipped with pumping equipment. Our Ace Grease Service trucks are marked with our company name and logo so that they are easy to recognize. Our technicians, who wear uniforms for ease of identification, hook up the truck to the outlet and pump out the oil and grease. So that we do not disrupt your business or disturb your customers any more than necessary, we run our collection trucks at night.
What Happens to the Used Oil and Grease?
The raw material that we collect does not go to waste. Rather, we process it so that it can be recycled into other valuable products:
- Livestock feed
- Soaps
- Plastics
Most of the material that we collect goes to manufacture biodiesel fuel. This helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change.
Grease Trap Cleaning in St Louis MO and Other Locations
Regular cleaning and maintenance of your grease trap is better for the environment and for your business. For over 27 years, Ace Grease Service has been family-owned and operated.
Learn more about both routine trap cleaning and emergency services available on a 24-hour basis.
The Worst Case Scenarios When You Don’t Clean Your Grease Traps
If you’re in the restaurant business, you know it’s important to implement a grease trap cleaning program. In a well-run organization, this cleaning program should be almost second nature.
However, some put off regular grease trap maintenance. This is often due to a lack of knowledge about why cleaning a commercial grease trap is so important. To better highlight the importance of trap cleaning, let’s take a look at the worst-case scenarios that can occur when you ignore this essential maintenance.
Bacteria and Toxin Development
Grease traps are designed to hold waste. This makes them a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and toxins. If water were to also enter the system, it can combine with the liquid grease and growing bacteria to form a particularly toxic substance: sulfuric acid.
Sulfuric acid is strong stuff. It can eat through the grease trap and permeate through the surrounding foundation and soil. This will leave your building smelling rancid. However, this can be avoided by simply using a regular grease trap cleaning service.
Fatbergs and Environmental Damage
If you forgo grease trap systems altogether, you may find your city dealing with a growing fatberg population. Fatbergs are congealed blocks of the fat and grease that accumulate in sewer systems. Often, other forms of trash get swept up by fatbergs. As the fatberg grows in size and weight, it can easily clog pipelines. If action is not taken to immediately disperse the fatberg, sewage will begin to back up into businesses, homes, and streets.
As grease and sewage begin to back up, they can also leak into natural environments, such as grasslands or animal habitats. This will pollute the soil, making it difficult for plant and animal life to thrive.
Flow Restrictor Blockages
A basic part of the grease trap is the flow restrictor. This component regulates the amount of water entering the grease trap to best ensure an even flow. However, as grease builds up in the trap system, it will begin to harden around the restrictor. This makes it difficult to maintain a proper flow and can prevent drainage.
Full Grease Traps
Full grease traps can cause a slew of issues in any commercial kitchen. They will clog the sewer lines, which can cause water backups to any attached drains or sinks. This will make it even more difficult to clean your kitchen, as the standing water will be unable to drain.
When your grease trap is full, it can also impact other parts of your restaurant. Bathrooms may become unusable as pipes become clogged. These clogs can damage these pipes, causing bursts and other issues. If this occurs, you’ll need to call a plumbing service to safely clear the clogs.
Incoming and Outgoing Line Clogs
All grease traps contain two key lines: an incoming one and an outgoing one. If your grease trap has completely ceased to function, the accumulation of fats has likely caused a clog in your incoming line.
However, if your incoming line looks clear and you’re still having issues running your grease trap, it’s probably the outgoing line that’s clogged. If the clog is located further down the outgoing line and away from the grease trap, you will need to call a plumber to resolve the issue.
Violation of Health Code Laws
Most of the worst-case scenarios discussed here take a look at the physical damage or harm that can come from clogged plumbing or sewer lines. However, there’s another real harm that can occur if you choose not to clean out your grease trap: You’ll incur fines, and, depending on the severity and regularity of the issue, you may be forced to close your restaurant.
St. Louis, MO, and the surrounding area take health code violations very seriously. While a single incident will likely result in financial penalties, if you are found to be a repeat offender your restaurant could lose its operating license. This means you won’t be able to operate until the issues are fully resolved as determined by the city’s health department.
Ace Grease Can Help
At Ace Grease, we’re the ideal partner to collect, process, and recycle your used grease, as well as conduct regular cleanings of your grease trap system. Reach out to us today to see how we can help your business avoid these worst-case scenarios.
Everything You Need To Know About Grease Traps
If your dining establishment fries foods, you know the importance of grease traps, also known as grease interceptors. Implementation of proper cleaning and installation is critical to maintaining a functioning system. Here are some major points that every restaurant owner must understand regarding this required piece of equipment.

Grease Trap Basics
Commercial kitchens use grease traps to collect oils and fats that run through drains. Typically located outdoors and underground, grease traps catch these viscous fluids so they can be removed and correctly disposed of. Water is able to flow back into the city’s supply system without cooking oils coming along for the ride.
Grease Trap Functioning
Most commonly, kitchen drains are routed directly through grease traps. A holding tank separates oils from wastewater created by dishwashers and sinks. When water enters, the grease floats to the top for safe removal. Water on the bottom is allowed to flow back into the municipal supply through a pipe that opens at the bottom of the tank, opposite where grease enters.
Grease Trap Regulations
Laws require restaurants and other types of eateries to use grease traps. Without them, contamination is imminent. Because of this, environmental regulators maintain a strong interest in making certain that cooks who fry foods are properly disposing of waste. Failure to adhere to these codes can result in fines, even if someone was hired to handle the task but the execution was improper or failed to occur.
Grease Trap Cleaning
City requirements and service provider capabilities are defining factors when determining how your trap should be cleaned. Hire a qualified grease trap service provider to maintain yours regularly. This activity is critical to avoiding backups and overflows, which can require costly corrections. A specialist has the ability to spot any damage needing immediate repair.
There are two methods of trap cleaning. One is known as a dry pump and the other is called pump and return. With the dry pump method, your provider removes everything from the trap, including water. Until it is refilled, your tank can emit some pungent odors, which have the potential to waft into your establishment. The pump and return process removes oils but leaves water in place. While this option is preferable, the necessity for specialized vehicles to carry out the procedure means that some grease removal professionals do not offer this service.
How often you need to have your trap cleaned is determined by the amount of grease you produce and the size of your trap. Most are 1,000 gallons or larger. A plumber or trap manufacturer can help determine the size you need. Likewise, your trap cleaner can help pin down the frequency with which their assistance is needed.
Although your cleaner should be keeping an eye out for problems, you should also periodically examine your trap. Check to see if odors are emanating from the tank. When this happens, you are likely to have a cracked gasket that needs replacement. Take care of this concern rapidly so that larger problems do not develop.
Plenty can be done to prevent grease traps from malfunctioning. Instruct staff regarding how to correctly dispose of grease. Place drain covers in sinks to minimize the potential for clogs. Scraping away food before rinsing plates will decrease the amount of gunk that finds its way into your trap. Most importantly, never pour grease directly down drains.
Trap Cleaning Smells
After your trap is cleaned, unpleasant smells may be present. Worn or corroded coverings may be allowing gasses to escape and creating undesirable odors. Alternatively, there may be a clog caused by excessive grease and food, in which case a plumber’s skill will be necessary. An authority specializing in odor minimization can help implement strategies for dealing with unappetizing aromas.
Grease Recycling
Sometimes, methane gases can be extracted from grease traps via anaerobic digesters. Grease collected from traps that do not offer this capability needs to be disposed of via strict environmental standards. However your waste is being removed, make certain it is being done in the most eco-conscious manner possible.
Grease traps are a critical, even required, piece of restaurant infrastructure that must be intelligently considered. Installation, maintenance and recycling must always be taken seriously.
Whatever grease disposal assistance you require, choose a grease trap cleaning expert to handle the matter correctly, safely and efficiently.
The Importance of Grease Trap Cleaning
Taking care of your business is part of our business, as we are a family-owned and operated grease trap system and cleaning service for the greater St Louis MO area. Each year, millions of dollars are spent trying to unclog sewer pipes from the fat, grease and oil blockages. Your kitchen operations may be running smoothly above the surface, but without proper trap cleaning and routine plumbing service on your pipes, things below will come to a grinding and costly halt.
Protect a Valuable Asset
When you look around your commercial kitchen, you may see the ovens, refrigeration systems and other daily-use equipment as key assets. You may not realize how important your grease trap is until it starts to malfunction and fill your space with unpleasant odors. In addition to these challenges, you could face heavy fines for improper disposal and maintenance of the fats, greases and oils that are collected during the cooling process. A commercial grease trap should be at the top of the list for the kitchen’s most valuable asset.
It is estimated that the average restaurant will produce between 800 to 17,000 pounds of grease per year. This includes the brown greases that float before hardening to a solid or the yellow grease often produced during deep frying. Either substance carries a devastating environmental impact when it isn’t disposed of properly. Proper grease trap maintenance is the start of a positive impact strategy.
Keep Equipment in Prime Condition
There is a lot riding on your kitchen grease trap. From the interior traps inside the kitchen all the way through the sanitary sewer pipes, it is critical to ensure each element is in prime condition to avoid a negative impact on your operations and the likelihood of a sewer overflow. We know the impact of proper maintenance and cleaning, and Ace Grease provides top-notch cleaning of grease traps on a regular basis or on an as-needed occurrence. We can also clear your drain lines of sludge and grease to prevent blockages. Here’s what you should know about grease trap cleaning.
1. Clean the Trap on a Regular Basis
Almost 47% of sewer blockages in restaurants and industrial buildings come from accumulated grease. As fats oils and grease are sent down the drain, these elements (or FOG as it’s called) will start to buildup along the sides of the drain. Though much of the FOG will rise to the top of the tank, eventually, the water will have a harder time making it through the pipes, causing the grease trap to fill up. Rather than having to call a plumber for emergency service to stop a sewage backup, regularly scheduling a trap cleaning will prevent overflow.
Regular cleaning also makes sure that any grease accumulation is taken care of before it starts to smell and causes odor issues with your customers and employees. Our technicians are able to spot a potential problem long before it becomes a concern, saving you time and money on expensive repairs or lost business.
2. Establish Your Cleaning Frequency
Though it should be cleaned regularly, you may not know how often to call on Ace Grease for service. The amount of grease that is used during your daily operations and how large your trap is are two primary factors to consider. There may be requirements set by your local ordinances that require your trap to remain below 25% FOG buildup. Our technician can take a look at your trap and help you establish a good maintenance schedule, but it is common for busy restaurants to have the trap cleaned once a month or once a quarter.
3. Avoid Self-Cleaning Ideas
In an effort to save money, you may be thinking about trying to clean your grease trap yourself. While there are some pieces of equipment that come with a small grease trap, don’t try to DIY the larger units for your restaurant. Cleaning a grease trap requires the proper equipment, protective gear, and a knowledge of how the system works. Improper cleaning is just as bad as failing to clean the trap at all.
Call the Experts
At Ace Grease, we make taking care of your grease traps one of the easiest business decisions you will ever make. Call us today at 800-473-2733 to have one of our expert technicians assess your grease trap and give it a good cleaning.
What You Should Know About Grease Trap Cleaning
A grease trap is a device that catches most grease and other debris before it enters the wastewater disposal system. It’s common for wastewater to contain a small amount of oils that form a visible scum layer. However, restaurants and other industries involved in the preparation of food typically deal with very large amounts of disposed grease and scum. If the disposed solids were sent down the drain without a grease trap in place, they would eventually build up and cause a variety of plumbing issues. Built-up grease can also overwhelm treatment facilities and septic tanks rather quickly.
Why Grease Traps Are Necessary
To maintain the integrity of your building’s plumbing system and to avoid overwhelming the local water treatment facility, it’s important to make sure a grease trap is installed in your building’s sinks and tubs. Grease traps have a long history of use and the first patent was obtained by Nathaniel Whiting all the way back in the 1800s. Grease traps look a lot like boxes. They are designed to fit within the drain run and collect oils, greases and fats that enter the sinks.
Why Grease Traps Need to Be Cleaned Regularly
Grease trap cleaning is something that needs to happen on a regular basis when you have one or more grease traps in your building. Here at Ace Grease, we provide grease trap cleaning as part of our plumbing service options in St. Louis MO.
There are a variety of reasons grease traps need to be cleaned often. Regular cleaning of your grease trap system can help you avoid the following:
- Rotting smells. When grease traps get full of food waste, they inevitably start to develop a smell. As the food continues to rot over time, the smell can become overwhelming. In addition to causing issues for restaurant workers, if the smells of rotting food spread to the dining area of your restaurant, guests will be disgusted. You may lose business over the smells coming from your grease trap, which is why trap cleaning is so important.
- Damage from waste. It may be surprising to know that waste can damage your grease trap tank. This is because trapped grease that sits in your trap for too long can cause a buildup of sulfuric acid in your tank. This chemical is known to cause damage to tanks and should be regularly cleaned out.
- More stubborn food waste. If you wait too long to perform grease trap maintenance and clean out old grease and food particles, it will become harder to clean it out. Hardened food waste can adhere to your tank and make proper cleaning more difficult to achieve.
These are all good reasons to maintain a regular grease trap cleaning schedule. Cleaning a grease trap is usually easier and goes more quickly if it’s done regularly rather than occasionally.
Grease Tramp Lifespans
If you’ve recently installed a grease trap, you may be wondering how long it is likely to last. The good news is that if it’s cared for properly and cleaned out regularly, your grease trap will likely last anywhere from 5-7 years. Metal grease traps are convenient in many ways, but are susceptible to rusting over time. It’s wise to look inside your grease trap every so often to take stock of its condition. If you see a lot of rust, it may be time to think about buying a new trap.
If you don’t know how to tell whether or not your grease trap needs replacing, don’t worry! Just give the friendly grease trap experts at Ace Grease a call and we’ll be happy to come check things out. We’ll let you know if you can still get a few years out of your trap or if we recommend that you replace it right away.
What We Do With Your Grease
If you’re wondering where your grease goes after we collect it, you’ll be happy to learn that we recycle as much as we can. Of course, we process it first to make sure the recycled grease is as clean as possible before it’s used for other purposes.
Schedule Your Grease Trap Cleaning Appointment
Is it time for your grease trap to be cleaned out? Contact us today to schedule your grease trap cleaning appointment at your convenience.
Maintenance Tips for Commercial Grease Traps
As long as your restaurant’s grease trap works, you may not give maintaining it much thought. At Ace Grease, we not only want to supply you with professional and experienced grease trap cleaning, but we also want to help our customers bring out the best in their traps between cleanings. Here are several tips for keeping your trap in proper working order.
Ensure Proper Installation
The next time you have a professional commercial grease trap technician service your trap, have her or him examine the trap for proper installation. Scheduling a professional examination is an especially good idea if your trap is free of grease, but you haven’t cleaned it in a while. You do not want to risk having a trap that doesn’t live up to its name. Other than a working trap, you also want one that’s the right size for your restaurant.
Don’t Use a Garbage Disposal
While a garbage disposal’s ideal for a home, the same doesn’t always apply to commercial kitchen settings. If you have a disposal in your restaurant’s kitchen, ensure you and your employees put as much food into an actual garbage receptacle as possible. Also, if the disposal’s installed in front of your grease trap, consider moving it behind the trap. That way, you don’t have to worry as much about food waste and sludge from the disposal filling the trap.
Thoroughly Scrape Plates
Have your FOH and BOH staff work together to ensure they scrape off plates as much as possible before putting them into the sink. You do not want leftover grease, fats, and oils going down your restaurant’s drains, as they may cause unnecessary issues over time. Using a rubber spatula for scraping may help to minimize the issue.
Use Screens Under the Sink
Besides thoroughly scraping plates, consider installing screens under your kitchen sinks. Understandably, your employees may not have time to scrape off every bit of oil, grease, or fat from plates during a lunch or dinner rush. By installing screens under three-section and pre-rinse sinks, you better the chances of catching leftover gunk before it goes into the pipes. Sink screens are an especially valuable and necessary purchase for commercial kitchens that serve corn, rice, and other small grains that may cause plumbing problems.
Post Helpful Reminders
Sometimes, you or your workers may need a helpful reminder not to pour grease down the drain. Post “no grease” reminders near sinks and dishwashers to reduce the chances of someone absentmindedly pouring or scraping grease down the drain. True, traps may handle a lot of grease, but they are not intended to withstand a constant barrage of the substance. Help them by installing grease recycling containers near sinks.
Clean Spills Immediately
Another habit to instill in your staff is to clean spills as quickly as possible. Left alone, spilled oil, fat or grease may trickle down a drain. You also do not want slip-and-fall hazards on the premises that may harm an employee or a guest. Rather than a mop, use paper towels to clean spilled oils, as mops may contain leftover grease that finds its way down the drain.
Schedule Regular Grease Trap Inspections and Maintenance
Work with professionals to create a regular grease trap inspection and maintenance schedule. That way, you know for sure whether your trap operates at maximum functionality. If your trap develops an issue, regular maintenance may help bring the problem to your attention as soon as possible so you have plenty of time to develop a response and save up for necessary repairs or upgrades. An emergency breakdown may bring your business grinding to a halt, make your employee’s jobs more difficult or put a sizeable hole in your restaurant’s finances.
Keep an Eye on Your Water Temperature
Maybe you occasionally pour a bit of grease down the drain but let hot water flow after it to keep the substance from clogging up your pipes. It’s best to refrain from using water hotter than 144 degrees in your restaurant. Higher temperatures melt grease and similar substances, but they eventually cool and solidify as they work their way through your pipes. Besides keeping your pipes clear and in working order, not putting even the smallest bit of fat, grease or oil down your drains means you don’t have to worry about incurring an avoidable fine.
Learning a few maintenance tips could help your grease trap work for many years to come. For more insights, or to schedule grease trap maintenance, reach out to an Ace Grease representative by submitting a contact form or calling 800-473-2733.
How to Fix the Four Most Common Grease Trap Problems
The only thing worse than a drain that’s clogged with grease is a grease trap that’s not working properly. Grease traps are a necessity to prevent costly clogs, but they require maintenance, too. If neglected, a number of nasty nuisances can arise from your grease trap, causing an inconvenience at best and a major mess at worst. Rather than waiting for something to go wrong, it’s best to invest in regular grease trap maintenance and cleaning service. There is good news, though — if your issue is one of these four most common commercial grease trap problems, a professional plumbing service can help.
Clog in Crossover Compartment
There are two compartments in a grease trap: one for the separation of liquid from solid and one to release waste into the sanitary sewer. A crossover line connects these two compartments, positioned at an angle, to allow fat oils and grease to float to the top of the tank and be filtered out from the water. Inevitably, though, remnants of food and grease will accumulate in this crossover pipe, which can cause a clog if it is not cleaned properly. Some signs that you might have a clogged crossover pipe include the following:
- Liquid begins leaking up through drains and faucets
- Secondary compartment’s liquid level does not decrease
- Liquid level of primary compartment exceeds threshold
If your crossover compartment happens to be clogged, there are a number of solutions a plumber may recommend. Typically, though, they will be able to resolve the problem by cleaning out the crossover pipe and the trap’s two compartments. This will eliminate built up grease and food debris to prevent future clogs.
Incoming and Outgoing Line Blockage
The crossover compartment is not the only part of a grease trap that can become clogged. Both the incoming and outgoing lines of the trap are susceptible to clogs, too. If the incoming line is clogged, the lowest connected plumbing fixture will soon be backed up. You might notice floor drains or sinks are backed up, indicating that the incoming line may be clogged.
Similarly, the outgoing line of a grease trap can become clogged, too. If this happens, both compartments of the trap will overflow, potentially causing the whole trap to stop working. It is possible that this is caused by a block in the main sewer line rather than your outgoing line, but it’s difficult to determine. A professional can pinpoint the problem, though, and resolve a blocked outgoing line.
Foul Odor Coming from Grease Trap
One of the unfortunate problems that can occur with a grease trap is the occurrence of a foul odor emanating from your fixtures. You might notice smelly drains and a general rotten smell throughout your establishment, and if so, there’s a good chance your grease trap is to blame. Sometimes, the opening of the trap is compromised, causing gas from the grease to be released through plumbing fixtures. Alternately, you may have an accumulation of grease in your plumbing fixtures that never makes it to your trap. This, too, will cause a foul odor over time.
Overflowing Grease Trap System
Perhaps the most common problem of all is the case of the overflowing grease trap. This is an entirely preventable problem, but it happens frequently. If you are experiencing this problem, it may be because you have not pumped out your grease trap’s first compartment regularly. To test whether this is the case, you can dip a pole into the first compartment and assess its depth. If the pole is able to reach the bottom of the trap, it must be pumped as soon as possible. Other problems, such as clogged incoming or outgoing lines, can also be the culprit. Regardless of the cause, enlisting help from a professional is the only way to reliable resolve the issue.
Grease Trap Cleaning in St Louis MO
Ace Grease is the premier grease trap cleaning company serving the greater St. Louis, MO area. Commercial kitchens rely on Ace Grease for professional service for any and all grease trap problems. In addition to repairs and maintenance, Ace Grease offers processing and recycling.
If your trap is malfunctioning, and you don’t know what the problem is, call (800) 473-2733 or reach out online for more information on available services.
The Case for Professional Grease Trap Cleaning
Any kitchen that sees regular use is going to produce its fair share of fats, oils and grease that needs to be properly disposed of. This is why restaurants have a grease trap system installed—they keep fatty waste out of your drainage system and the sewer, where it would build up and cause problems for everyone. From there, though, the grease still has to be removed. Left unaddressed, a full grease trap can do a lot more than smell bad. Don’t make the mistake of attempting a DIY solution, though—here’s why professional grease trap cleaning services matter for your business.
Grease is Bad For Plumbing
This sounds like it goes without saying, but it’s worth emphasizing: grease and fat can easily ruin plumbing systems. Fatty wastes congeal as they cool to room temperature, meaning the liquid grease going down the drain becomes a solid mass in your pipes. A commercial grease trap collects this waste in a large tank by slowing the flow of water to allow grease to float to the top of the tank while heavier waste settles at the bottom. The rest of the wastewater flows through.
However, if not regularly cleaned out, that grease and fat will accumulate and prevent any more from being filtered out of incoming wastewater. This excess waste can then coagulate and clog pipes, disrupting your plumbing system. The best way to avoid costly plumbing repairs is prevention, and that means keeping the grease trap clear.
Grease Fosters Bacteria and Pests
An accumulation of food waste harbors bacterial growth, which in turn results in a toxic, unsanitary environment. The odor is bad enough on its own—especially if it leads to lost business—but the problem can quickly worsen. The buildup of food waste attracts pests that see an easy meal. Flies, cockroaches and even mice are attracted by accumulated grease and fat, and they breed quickly once settled in. They can then slip into your restaurant, upsetting patrons and spreading bacteria. Additionally, as bacteria break down this waste, they produce sulphuric compounds. If mixed with water, they become highly reactive sulphuric acid that can corrode metal and even concrete, possibly damaging or destroying the tank. Fortunately, it takes time for things to get to this stage, and regular grease trap cleaning can prevent it.
Grease is a Pollutant
Grease itself presents a health and environmental hazard as well. If your grease trap fails to catch fatty waste, it can overflow. Grease runoff damages the local ecosystem, polluting soil and water and making animals ill. It can also turn potential customers away by building up on the premises or—if your restaurant is in a hilly area—spread further to a larger area.
The water used by the community isn’t exempt, either. If fatty waste runs off into the sanitary sewer system, the local water supply could become contaminated as well. Worse still, the sewer system can become backed up. Either way, if it’s traced back to you, you will be held accountable. Most municipalities have regulations concerning proper handling of fats, oils, and grease, fining non-compliant kitchens, and even suspending operations for severe violations. All of this can be prevented with regular grease trap maintenance.
Grease Trap Cleaning Done Right
Some commercial kitchen owners are tempted to handle grease trap cleaning on their own. Doing so is a far cry from most plumbing tasks, though. The process is messy and easy to leave only half-done if you don’t know what to look out for. Additionally, you and your employees almost certainly don’t want to get your hands dirty. Leave the task in the hands of professionals, so that your employees can perform the tasks they’re skilled in.
Professional grease trap cleaning services not only have extensive experience in maintaining grease traps and keeping them functional, but they also have the equipment needed for an optimal cleaning: pumps that fully remove grease and the fat settled at the bottom of the tank, eco-friendly bacteria to break down residual waste and deodorizer to remove any remaining odors. Most services also collect used cooking oil to be recycled.
For years, Ace Grease has serviced not only the St. Louis, MO area but nine states across the Midwest, cleaning grease traps and collecting cooking oil to be processed and recycled. We work with restaurant owners to customize a maintenance plan, and our teams are ready 24/7 in case of an emergency.
Contact us today to request any of our services or get answers to your questions.
Why Maintaining and Servicing Your Grease Trap Is Important
When a business uses a significant amount of cooking oil in its operations, government regulations require them to prevent grease from entering the sewer system. Commercial food manufacturers, hospitals, restaurants, and prisons use several pounds of oil every day, and they rely on a grease trap to keep fats, oil, and grease from entering the outlet pipe to the sewer or septic system. The grease trap is a vital device that must be periodically serviced to prevent plumbing issues. You can examine why trap maintenance is so important in the following sections.

How a Grease Trap Works
Companies collect their used cooking oil in outdoor or interior containers, and when the containers are full, they’re emptied by a grease recycling business. However, some of the oil mixes with water and enters the drain when cooking equipment is cleaned. Although it may seem like only a small amount, a high-volume establishment can empty a considerable load of oil down the drain in the cleaning process.
When fats, oils, and grease enter the drain, they move into a large underground tank that allows the liquid to cool. Some models have baffles that accelerate the cooling process. When the liquid cools, the food solids fall to the bottom of the tank, and the oil and grease float to the top. The chilled water continues to flow into the outlet leading to the sewer system. The oily mass remains trapped at the top of the water line until it’s pumped out by a grease specialist.
The Maintenance Process
Grease traps are an effective device for keeping a sanitary sewer and preventing clogged plumbing. When the trap is full, it’s serviced with a powerful pump. The grease is removed from the top of the water, and the solids on the bottom are also removed. The plumbing lines are cleaned to remove the excess oil, and then the trap is ready for collecting solids again.
If the trap is overdue for a cleaning, the technician may have to break up the solid mass of grease with a tool to loosen it up before it’s pumped. Workers inside may be asked to run warm water down the drain to speed up the process and allow the grease pump to operate more efficiently.
Although grease trap cleaning can prevent a plumbing disaster, employees in the building can help maintain the trap by minimizing the amount of excess oil entering the drain. Hopefully, the employees avoid pouring the grease into the drain, but a warning sign in the building or a company email may be necessary if you have issues with clogged plumbing.
To reduce the excess oil mixing with water in the cleaning process, the staff can remove most of the oil on cooking equipment with a rag before it’s sent to the dishwasher. This may not be feasible in a massive operation, but in that case, frequent grease pumping is even more critical.
The Consequences of a Clogged Trap
When the trap fills up, the wastewater cannot easily drain into the sewer. The clog can cause the sewer to back up and overflow into the building. In accordance with local and state laws, a company has to shut down its operations when the sewer backs up. Business cannot resume until a plumbing service fixes the problem, and the staff cleans up the mess.
This scenario can be avoided by scheduling regular grease trap cleaning. Purchasing a maintenance contract ensures your trap will not overflow or cause a backup.
How the Old Grease Is Used
The grease removed from the trap is separated at the recycling plant and refined to make biodiesel. Biodiesel produces fewer emissions than petroleum-based diesel and can be used to power school buses, public transit vehicles, and heavy equipment. Recycling the grease from used oil containers and grease traps lowers a company’s environmental impact and benefit the local economy with clean-burning diesel fuel.
Ace Grease Can Help
At Ace Grease, we can clean and maintain your commercial grease traps on a regular schedule. Our skilled drivers have over twenty years of experience, and they ensure that your trap is pumped and the lines are cleaned.
Contact Ace Grease for professional service in the St. Louis area.
Clean That Grease Trap!
Grease trap cleaning is a basic maintenance duty in the restaurant industry. The fats, oils, and greases (FOG) used in food preparation and cooking can clog sewer pipes and create substantial environmental problems if disposed of incorrectly. Ace Grease plumbing service pumps and cleans grease traps in the St. Louis MO area.

Your Grease Trap System
Also known as a grease interceptor, the grease trap captures FOG before it can enter the sanitary sewer. Depending upon your municipality, restaurants and other eating establishments may be required to have a commercial grease trap installed.
There are two basic types of grease traps, interior and exterior.
- Interior traps are installed in the kitchen. They may be near the dishwasher or sink and can contain smaller amounts of FOG.
- Exterior traps are installed underground outside the building, typically in a back parking lot. These traps can hold up to a thousand gallons or more.
Regardless of type, each trap uses a separation basin that slows down the flow of water and allows it to cool. The cooling FOG separates from the water and floats to the top of the tank, allowing the water to continue on its path to the sewer.
Grease Trap Maintenance
Regular maintenance is key to trap cleaning. Once FOG starts to accumulate in your trap, water drains more slowly, filling up the trap. By cleaning out FOG on a regular schedule, the water will flow unimpeded and you can avoid expensive sewer overflows. The frequency of this maintenance varies according to business, but many municipalities require a quarterly cleanout.
Ace Grease can help you determine an appropriate cleaning schedule for your business. We can discuss with you the steps involved in cleaning a grease trap so you know what to expect. They include the following:
- Pump out the contents of the grease trap.
- Scape the sides of the trap to remove residual FOG.
- Measure the contents to determine the accumulation of FOG since the last cleanout.
- Provide you with a FOG report.
There are things you and your employees can do to keep the grease trap functioning well and properly. First, scrape those plates. Before you put any dishes in the dishwasher or sink, scrape the loose food into the trash to limit the amount of solid waste going into the trap.
Second, never, ever pour cooking oil down the drain. Recycle it instead. Pour it back into the containers it came in and contact a biofuel company about drop-offs or pickups.
The Consequences of a Dirty Grease Trap
If maintaining your grease trap seems like too much bother, know that the consequences of failing to do so are much worse. Grease trap cleaning is simply part of the restaurant business. A clogged trap can cause numerous expensive problems, such as:
- A buildup of odors and smells that pervade the business
- FOG coating and clogging the sewer pipes
- Drainage issues with overflowing sinks, dishwashers, and toilets
- Fees imposed by cities for failure to clean
- Wastewater contamination of your potable water source
- Employee illness from fumes
As FOG is highly flammable, a dirty or clogged grease trap can even cause a kitchen fire. Clearly, that is an event every business owner should avoid at all costs.
Can I Do It Myself?
Well, technically, yes, but you shouldn’t. Grease trap cleaning is best left to the pros at Ace Grease. As a business owner, you have enough to think about. Do you really want to add quarterly grease trap maintenance to the list? When you hire the pros they will simply show up at the right time and get the job done.
In addition, Ace Grease can ensure that your business stays compliant with local regulations. Some health codes have strict grease trap regulations you don’t want to break. The professionals can guarantee that the job is done correctly and meets all standards.
Finally, it’s a messy job. Why not let the people with all the equipment, gear, and proper clothing handle it? Your employees will thank you and be much happier to not have this job on their plate.
Do you have any questions about your grease trap? Ace Grease can answer them and help you set up a maintenance schedule today.
Why Grease Traps Are Invaluable to Your Business
Whether you run a large restaurant or a tiny diner, thorough cleaning and sanitation are essential for any successful operation. Health department regulations and municipal laws require owners to dispose of used cooking oil properly and minimize seepage into the sewer system. Used oil and fat deposits can clog your sewer lines without proper grease trap cleaning and cause an expensive backup. You can learn more about how the trap functions and why it’s invaluable to your company.
What Is a Grease Trap?
Although some units are installed in the building’s interior, most business owners prefer using external grease traps. The trap is typically positioned near the kitchen’s exit in a location that’s easily accessible for the recycling service provider. Grease traps are available in several sizes and layouts to accommodate high volume and low volume operators.
Used cooking oil from deep fryers can be dumped in an exterior or interior container, but the grease from dirty cooking equipment and utensils is washed down the drain. Your staff should know the proper way to dispose of grease and why oil cannot be dumped into the sewer, but it’s nearly impossible to prevent fats, oils and grease from entering the plumbing during the cleaning process. With a grease trap installed, you can ensure that harmful food waste does not enter the sewer.
When grease enters the drainage pipe, it falls into an underground holding tank. As the liquid cools, the solid food waste settles to the bottom of the tank, and the fats and grease rise to the top of the tank. The wastewater can then flow into the sewer system without obstacles slowing its path. Some grease traps also contain baffles that keep the waste from clumping together and accelerate the cooling process.
How Is the Grease Trap Maintained?
When the trap reaches its capacity, a service technician removes the maintenance hole cover and pumps the entire tank. If the trap is overdue for servicing, the technician often has to remove large chunks of solid waste before the pump nozzle is inserted. They also ask a restaurant employee to run hot water from the interior faucets to loosen the grease deposits for easier pumping. The recycling service cleans the sewer lines, adds a chemical to deodorize the system and inspects the drains to ensure your plumbing is clog-free.
What Happens When the Trap Is Not Regularly Serviced?
An improperly maintained grease trap can cause significant damage to your business. By entering a contract agreement with a recycling service, you can avoid these scenarios:
- Sewage backup: When the top layer of solid grease and fat accumulates in the trap, the wastewater tastes longer to drain into the sewage system. Eventually, the trap becomes so clogged that the wastewater has nowhere to travel, and it’s pushed up through the pipes and drains. Wastewater contains chemicals and bacteria that can overflow into your kitchen and contaminate every surface the waste touches. A sewage backup forces you to close your business until a plumber can fix the clog and the staff cleans the building.
- Pest infestations: An overflowing grease trap can attract unwanted guests. Insects, rats, raccoons and mice enjoy feasting on the food residue by the trap’s access cover, but you can keep the wildlife and pests away by servicing and maintaining the trap.
- Strong smells: The remnants of cooked food slowly decay inside of the grease trap, and the resulting odors can be overwhelming without regular pumping.
- Health inspection decline: Health inspectors reduce your inspection rating by several points for serious offenses. A clogged trap can decrease your score by five points or more. If the system backs up while the inspector is present, he or she will impose a temporary shutdown order.
- Reputation damage: A foul-smelling, overflowing trap can persuade your customers to visit a cleaner establishment. If the waste backs up into the building, your customers will have to pay their bills early and leave. Keeping your trap maintained helps you retain clientele and prevent an embarrassing shutdown.
How Ace Grease Can Help
Keeping your grease trap clean and adequately maintained is simple when you work with Ace Grease. We provide used cooking oil recycling services and grease trap maintenance. If you’re located in the St. Louis, MO area, you can contact us at 800-473-2733.

Take Care of Your Grease Trap With These Best Practices
You love running your restaurant and serving guests great dishes. You likely depend on different kitchen equipment to keep operations going, and experiencing a breakdown in a single component could set you and your business back considerably. Ace Grease wants to help keep your grease trap in tiptop shape. Use these grease trap cleaning tips to avoid fines and shutdowns and remain compliant with the latest government regulations.
Post Signs Above Sinks and on Dishwashers
You hope your employees know better than to pour grease down the sink or put greasy dishes in the dishwasher, but they may need an occasional reminder. Post “no grease” signs in front of dishwashers and above sinks. A simple, inexpensive sign can go a long way in avoiding an unnecessary plumbing service request.
Scrape Off Plates
Another way your employees can help with trap cleaning is by scraping off plates before putting them in the dishwater or stacking them in the sink. Make sure they focus on clearing off as much oil, fat and grease into the garbage as possible, so none of it goes down the drain.
Recycle Waste Cooking Oil
Turn used cooking oil into another source of income by recycling waste cooking oil rather than disposing of it. More and more cooking oil becomes biodiesel fuel, so you may as well take advantage of advancing technology. You can funnel the money back into your restaurant or use it to pay for grease trap maintenance.
Wipe Down Pots, Pans and Dishes Before Cleaning Them
To reduce the amount of grease that finds its way down the drain, have everyone in your commercial kitchen dry wipe pans, pots and dishware. The less leftover grease that goes down the drain, the less you’ll need to schedule a professional cleaning. You also don’t have to worry as much about avoidable plumbing problems.
Put Screens in Sinks
Just as you may use screens in your home’s kitchen and bathroom sinks and shower, do the same in your commercial kitchen. Even after a thorough scraping, grease may remain on dishes, pots and pans. Placing screens in three-compartment sinks and pre-rinse sinks better ensures you catch as much grease as possible. Other than bothersome grease, protective screens also keep harmful food particles like corn, rice and other grains from going down the drain. Imagine avoiding greasy drains only to need a professional to help you sort out a clogged drain.
Clean Spills ASAP
Spills are inevitable in commercial kitchens. When they happen, you must clean them as quickly as possible. Spilled soups, sauces, cooking oil and other food items made with grease can ruin your drains if you don’t take care of them properly. Clean up as much of these spills as possible with paper towels before using a mop. When mopping, take care you don’t direct grease spills into floor drains.
Monitor Your Water Temperature
Hot water is great for cleaning, but use caution when pouring it down drains. Boiling water may clear the gunk out of your drains, but it can also melt oils, fats and grease already in the pipes. If that happens, the substance may solidify further down the pipes and cause problems. Another reason to double-check your commercial kitchen’s water temperature is to avoid fines for letting harmful substances flow into the sewer. Check that your commercial kitchen’s water temperature doesn’t exceed 144 degrees Fahrenheit.
Rethink Garbage Disposals
While convenient for residential kitchens, garbage disposals are not a good idea for commercial kitchens. The problem is disposals send ground-up food into kitchen pipes, where they may cause clogs and other problems. If your commercial kitchen has garbage disposals, think about either taking them out, deactivating them or making sure no one uses them.
Clean Kitchen Exhaust Filters
Over time, grease builds up on kitchen exhaust filters. Neglecting to thoroughly clean the filters could cause greasy gunk to collect on your building’s exterior. Rainwater may wash away the buildup into storm drains and the sewer. Keep that from happening, and minimize fire hazards, by cleaning kitchen exhaust filters regularly.
Take great care of your grease trap and it’s guaranteed to take care of you, your employees and your business. For more trap cleaning tips, contact an Ace Grease representative at 800-473-2733 or submit a Contact Us form.

The Importance of Hiring Someone To Clean Grease Traps
As a business owner, you want your company to remain clean, beautiful, and open to the public. If you own a restaurant or another type of business that often works with grease, that means you need to go above and beyond to maintain your clean image. Grease trap cleaning is an essential part of your work, but the often messy, usually stinky job is one that will have many employees seeing who draws the short straw. There’s a better option, though. Instead of paying your St. Louis, MO, employees to do a job they hate and probably aren’t the best at, hire professional grease trap maintenance services instead. There are many reasons to do so.
It Keeps People From Getting Sick
When oil and other food waste remains in your restaurant’s grease traps it begins to create an environment that is perfect for bacteria and other toxins to live in. This harmful bacteria is highly unsanitary and not only creates a strong odor but can cause serious health issues. If water makes its way into the grease trap, it can mix with any bacteria or liquid fat, oils, or grease in the system to develop a toxic amount of sulfuric acid. The acid then eats through the foundation of your grease trap, creating even more odor. Of course, the bacteria also cause problems for your employees and patrons by creating a risk of falling ill.
It Keeps You From Paying Fines
Nearly every local government has health code laws that restaurants or other establishments using grease traps must abide by. If you don’t have a professional team to perform grease trap cleaning, you are likely violating health code laws, which could result in large fines or even the demise of your business. Health inspectors conduct regular inspections of your business and will test to determine if there is liquid waste discharging into other water bodies. The tests encompass both the drain outflow and the grease trap itself to ensure there is no cross-contamination occurring. Keep in mind that without the help of a professional grease trap cleaner, you could be looking at fines or even the temporary loss of your business license.
It Protects the Environment
The fat, oil, and grease that becomes trapped in your system when you don’t clean it properly create runoff that is as bad for the environment as it is for your business. Clogged grease traps can even cause the city’s pipelines and sewer systems. Over time, it leads to damaging the natural plants and small animals in the local ecosystem, further contaminating storm drains, sanitary sewer lines, and even parking lots, and creating the perfect environment for drain flies, cockroaches, and other pests to call home.
It Keeps Your Tank in Good Condition
Hiring a professional to perform commercial grease trap cleaning can save you thousands of dollars in the long run. When your company’s grease trap is improperly cleaned or worse, not cleaned at all, the buildup of grease hardens and accumulates. Over time, it becomes even harder to clean and starts to coat the trap and the pipes, causing even more destruction. Eventually, the problem will be too far gone for you to get it under control. Replacing a grease trap alone can cause you upwards of $8,000, and that doesn’t even factor in costs if you need plumbing service to install new pipes. Hiring professional grease trap cleaners now means a safer, cleaner, and less expensive kitchen environment.
It Maintains a Good Business Image
A gross grease trap system leads to so many problems, and each of those problems is bad for business. When there are odors, environmental problems, or bad inspection results, people will start to notice that your business has a bad reputation. Bad reputations mean fewer people coming through your front doors, fewer profits, and if you don’t get it under control, the eventual loss of your business. After all, would you want to eat at or buy products from a business that literally stinks? Probably not! By keeping your grease trap clean, you ensure your business maintains an image as a clean place that takes pride in itself and in its local environment.
What goes on behind the scenes is just as important for your business as what your customers see when they walk through the door. If you need to hire someone to perform professional grease trap cleaning in the St. Louis, MO, area, get in touch with the professionals at Ace Grease today.

Bring Out the Best in Your Grease Trap With These Maintenance Tips
While you may love running a restaurant or having a commercial kitchen, you may neglect to take care of essential appliances, such as your grease trap. By learning about grease trap cleaning and grease trap maintenance, you get as much use as possible from the essential plumbing device. More importantly, you also avoid unnecessary breakdowns and repair bills.

Check Your Grease Trap Installation
Inspect your grease trap occasionally. Unless you recently cleaned the device, it should have grease in it. If not, it could mean the trap has an issue to address as quickly as possible. Contact a technician who offers plumbing service, St Louis MO, to inspect your trap. During the technician’s visit, ask her or him to make sure you have the right size grease trap system. The proper size depends on your commercial kitchen’s specific needs. Much like an air conditioner, you get more out of grease traps when they’re not too little or too big.
Do Not Use the Garbage Disposal
If your commercial kitchen has a garbage disposal, think twice before using it. It’s better to not use the disposal and instead scrape food into the trash. Garbage disposals don’t belong in front of grease traps, where food waste and debris could fill up the plumbing device and cause unnecessary issues.
Scrape Dishes Completely
Much like garbage disposals, you must be careful about what goes into grease traps. Avoid letting grease, oils and fats wash down into your pipes. These substances may clog your drain and cause problems with your grease trap. Use rubber spatulas to scrape off plates before washing them.
Use Sink Screens
Because you or your employees may not scrape off plates entirely during busy hours, install screens under your commercial sinks. That way, oils, fats and grease that remain on plates do not go down the drain and into your pipes. It’s an especially good idea to use sink screens if you serve corn, rice or other small grains.
Refrain From Pouring Grease Down the Drain
While this maintenance tip may seem like common sense, it deserves a spot on this list. Even if you have a fully operational trap, it cannot handle grease. To get rid of extra grease, use a recyclable metal container.
Take Care of Spills Sooner Rather Than Later
Working in a commercial kitchen, you likely expect occasional spills. When they happen, you or your employees should address them as quickly as possible. Left unattended, spilled sauces, soups, cooking oil and similar ingredients may find their way down your kitchen drains. Another reason to clean spills ASAP is for employee safety. Even if you require workers to wear skid-proof shoes, you don’t want to risk an unnecessary workers’ compensation claim.
When cleaning spills, use towels you throw into the trash after sopping up messes. If you or your staff use a mop for spills, be careful you don’t send oil or grease into the floor drain.
Post Signs in the Kitchen
Buy “No Grease” signs to post above dishwashers, sinks and food preparation areas. That way, you and your employees have visual reminders to not pour dangerous liquids down the drain. A simple sign could become an invaluable resource if it prevents avoidable plumbing issues.
Schedule Regular Inspections and Cleanings
Enlist help from a grease trap cleaning service to keep your pipes and trap clean. Regular cleanings and maintenance bring out the best in your grease trap and plumbing system. Even better, commercial grease trap technicians can alert you of minor issues before they become major hassles with equally massive repair bills. Spend a bit of money on cleanings and inspections to save a lot of money on repairs or replacements.
Pay Attention to Your Water Temperature
While hot water’s great for making dishwashing easier, it may do more harm than you realize. Keep your water temperature below 144 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures above that breakdown oils, grease and fats, making it easier for them to find their way through sink screens, down the drain and into your pipes.
Contact Us
Don’t take a set-it-and-forget-it approach with your grease trap. Let an Ace Grease technician help keep your trap in tiptop shape. Call 800-473-2733 or submit an online form whenever you’re ready.
The Importance of Grease Trap Cleaning and How To Do It
From bustling, high-end eateries to quiet little cafes, food courts to food manufacturing facilities, nearly every type of business that involves food will also involve grease trap cleaning. A commercial grease trap catches materials like oil, fat, and other types of food waste that would otherwise find their way into drains and wreak havoc on the plumbing. While a grease trap’s job is to clean, the trap itself needs to be cleaned from time to time as well.
The Importance of Cleaning a Grease Trap System
Cleaning a commercial grease trap is important for several reasons. First and foremost, a clean grease trap keeps customers coming through the door. When a trap becomes dirty, it will eventually begin to emit an odor. The worse it gets, the further into your dining room that smell will permeate. Eventually, nobody will want to walk through the door.
A foul odor isn’t the only way a dirty grease trap keeps your customers from coming through the door, either. Imagine what happens if you don’t clean it and it blocks your drainage system. Suddenly, solid waste starts to pile up, coming out of your kitchen sink and creating large, expensive clogs. Between replacing pipes and installing a new tank, your restaurant could be closed for days, making it impossible for business transactions to proceed.
Even worse, you could face serious penalties if you don’t clean the grease trap and maintain it the way you’re supposed to. Nearly every municipality in the world has at least some penalty for not properly maintaining a commercial kitchen, and that includes the grease drainage systems. In some places, you’ll not only receive a fine for a dirty trap but also have your restaurant shut down until you fix the problem. Again, a closed business means no revenue.
Finding Your Kitchen’s Grease Trap
Before you can clean the grease trap, you need to know where it is. Food establishment traps can be either inside or outside. If you have an outdoor trap, you may notice a septic tank design or a manhole covering. Inside, you’ll usually find it in the basement if there is one. If there isn’t, look under the sink or under any metal flashing on the floor.
When you find it, consider how large it is. Restaurant staff can often clean small ones themselves on most occasions. However, larger establishments that have a trap holding at least 500 gallons will need to hire someone to provide professional grease trap maintenance in St. Louis, MO. Even if you have a small trap, you may wish to hire a professional. After all, it often isn’t the favorite job of the kitchen staff.
Gathering Your Trap Cleaning Supplies
Don’t open the grease trap, which may also be referred to as a sanitary sewer, until you gather all of your supplies. Rubber gloves should be first on your list. Grease is a nasty job and the higher the gloves go on your arm, the better. You’ll also want to wear either coveralls or very old clothes that you won’t mind getting dirty and probably even throwing away. Other items you’ll need include a crowbar to remove the trap’s lid, a scraper to clean the tank, and a shop vacuum to pump the waste and liquids away from the trap.
Cleaning the Grease Trap
Use a crowbar or wrench to remove the trap’s lid, being careful not to damage the gaskets under it. Once open, use the shop vac to collect any of the grease floating on top first. Continue vacuuming out the rest of the trap, making sure not to overfill the shop vacuum and emptying it as needed.
After you’ve sucked out all the grease and wastewater, use the scraper to scrape the sides, baffles, and the lid of the trap clean. This helps to remove larger pieces of solidified fat oils and grease. After most of the grease is out of the trap, you can use soap, a steel pot scrubber, and warm water to clean the tank more thoroughly, which helps to eliminate odor. Flush it with clean water to rinse it.
When you think the trap is clean, test it by draining a gallon of clean water from the sink. If the water doesn’t flow through to the trap smoothly, there could be a blockage that requires a professional plumber in St. Louis, MO. When hiring a professional, look for someone who is licensed, insured, and professional.
Contact Ace Grease for more information!

5 Signs You Need a Grease Trap Cleaning
An overflowing grease trap is a problem for any commercial restaurant or kitchen. Not only is the smell and contamination difficult to contain but it also becomes a serious fire hazard. Grease traps remove FOG (fat, oils and grease) from wastewater, and interrupting a consistent draining of these materials is bad news for your business. Grease trap cleaning is an important part of an effective maintenance plan and working with Ace Grease will give you a reliable grease trap cleaning service.
The Problems of Poor Trap Cleaning
Grease trap experiences aren’t uncommon in the industry, but most of the time, the experiences aren’t good. Fortunately, a routine maintenance and cleaning plan can reduce the likelihood of unpleasant experiences. However, if you fail to get serious about your grease traps, you could experience the following issues:
- Terrible odors
- Clogged drains
- High repair costs
- Increased fire risks
- Exposure to health issues
- Forced closure and revenue losses
For some kitchen managers, the problem isn’t getting the grease traps cleaned but rather knowing when to do it. There isn’t a set schedule for cleanings, as each business has different factors impacting this decision. There are several signs that you can use to determine when to schedule a cleaning of your grease trap system.
The Signs To Prompt a Grease Trap Cleaning
To help save your business money, take care of grease trap problems before they start. However, if you get off track, make sure to call for a trap cleaning as soon as you notice some of the following signs.
1. Slow Drains or Blockages
If your sink drains suddenly have a change in flow or are letting backflow into the sink, there is usually a problem with the grease trap. As the FOG starts to accumulate in the trap, it starts to harden. When you see that the trap is full, you will see that the grease starts to solidify over the trap and prevent water from moving through the drain. As the dirt and grease continue to build, it will slow waste down and cause it to backup and avoid draining altogether. This leads to terrible odors, expensive cleaning and short-term closings in extreme situations.
2. Grease Depth
Plumbing service professionals recommend that you evaluate the depth of the grease and solids to determine when the trap should be cleaned. Don’t allow these to exceed more than 25% of the depth of the wastewater. Letting it go any longer makes it more difficult to clean, but it also puts you out of compliance with the EPA.
3. Terrible Odor
When there is an odor that you can’t explain, it could be time to check the grease trap. You will often smell a problem before you see it. If a thorough cleaning and garbage run don’t make the smell disappear, check the traps. The rotting food waste, sludge, oils and grease are an unmistakable stench that can only go away with a thorough trap cleaning.
4. Scheduling Confusion
Maybe you aren’t experiencing any of these signs yet. However, simply wondering about the last time you had the grease traps cleaned could be a sign that it needs to be done. There is a difference between a thorough, proper cleaning from professionals with what you might attempt when cleaning a grease trap. If it has been at least 90 days or longer, it’s a good time to schedule a cleaning. Professionals recommend a cleaning every three months, though it depends on how much business your kitchen or restaurant does. There could be compliance issues with your local health department as well that need to be considered.
5. Leaks
If you notice grease starting to leak into the sink or through the pipes or water lines, it may indicate the grease trap has taken in all it can hold. When the trap is clogged, the excess grease needs to go somewhere. Most often, you notice it in a backflow into a sink from a drain. However, in pipes or plumbing areas that have loose connections, you may see grease seeping out.
Call for a Professional Grease Trap Cleaning
To keep sanitary sewer conditions and a clean grease trap at your establishment, put Ace Grease in charge of your cleanings. With the plumbing service provided by our technicians, you can keep your company in full EPA and health department compliance and operate without overflow or trap problems. Contact us today.
Breaking Down the Importance of a Grease Trap
Any cooking or food preparation operations that deal with frying or grilling will produce fats oils and grease, leading to both environmental and sanitary concerns. When FOG starts to harden, it clings to the sides of your drainage pipes and causes sewage blockages. Any FOG that escapes into the environment will pollute water sources and destroy the natural habitats of many creatures. Ace Grease, the leading grease trap cleaning service St Louis MO, can help.
Understanding Grease Devices
The Environmental Protection Agency has established several regulations concerning the control of pollutants into various environments. These regulations are enforced through local and state agencies, which are required to establish programs that control contamination with sewer sludge. One element of these programs is the removal of interference caused by FOG from commercial kitchens and food service establishments. A grease trap system is a part of the collection process that keeps harmful pollutants contained for proper disposal.
Grease traps could be installed inside a building underneath the sink or the dishwasher or on the outside of a building and buried underground. Traps that are located outside often hold thousands of gallons of FOG. It is fairly common to find grease traps (of any size or location) required by local health authorities or governing bodies. A commercial grease trap will capture the grease or fats and oils collected or washed from surfaces or equipment or from the cooking processes occurring in the kitchen.
Knowing the Operations of Grease Traps
Even though an underground tank can hold thousands of gallons of grease waste, the tank doesn`t empty itself slowly underground as a septic tank would. Just as the interior tanks reach capacity, the exterior tanks also have a threshold for material collection. When tanks aren`t emptied or cleaned, there are serious concerns with plumbing malfunctions, noncompliance with regulations and leaking FOG into the sewer system. Trap cleaning should take place long before the buildup reached the top of the tank.
FOG is lighter than water, so it will float towards the top of the trap. This is what allows the wastewater to move underneath and drain correctly into the sewer system. Usually, a grease interceptor is installed in a kitchen facility that produces a lot of FOG it has a higher flow rate and pressure. The average grease trap flow rates can process about 10-50 gallons of water a minute, but a grease interceptor can typically accommodate flow rates that are higher than 50 gallons a minute. Traps works better in low-pressure water environments, while interceptors work in high-pressure conditions.
Cleaning Needs for Grease Traps
Grease trap maintenance is vital to the health and safety of your employees, patrons and the environment. Properly cleaning a grease trap or interceptor helps prevent backups, blockages, odor build and overflow. All of these issues can affect your profitability as a food establishment as they can jeopardize the quality of the environment and your company`s reputation. Your local codes may have specific requirements concerning how often a cleaning service should perform maintenance or pumping, but monthly inspections from the proprietor or management team can help recognize problems before they occur.
There are several tell-tale signs that are problems with your grease trap. Poor maintenance leads to a number of issues, all of which are costly and unpleasant to handle.
- There is an increase in occurrences of clogged sink drains or slow wastewater movement.
- Solids and grease are accumulating more than 25% of the wastewater depth.
- Foul odors are coming from the drains or kitchen area.
- There has been an excessive elapse of time since the previous cleaning.
- Grease is leaking from water lines, sewer pipes or sinks.
Because food service establishments have varying levels of grease accumulation, there isn`t an exact interval for grease trap cleaning. It is recommended that you maintain or clean the traps at least once every three months. However, higher production establishments could need to be cleaned once a month to ensure a sanitary sewer system.
Your Grease Trap Partner
Ace Grease is an expert plumbing service taking care of the Midwest. We provide grease trap services on an as-needed basis or a routine schedule. We can also pick up your used cooking oil or clean your drains from the long-term buildup of sludge and grease. Contact us today.
Grease Trap Cleaning: Why It Matters for Your Restaurant
The grease trap is a vital component of your restaurant’s waste management system. Therefore, routine grease trap cleaning is necessary to keep this important piece of equipment functioning properly.
How Do Grease Traps Work?
When you wash dishes, fats, oils, grease and solids (FOGS) wash down the drain. FOGS can clog your sanitary sewer system or the city sewer. Furthermore, wastewater treatment plants are not equipped to deal with them.
Fortunately, fat oils and grease are lighter than water. When they enter the grease trap, they float to the top of the tank. The tank captures the floating grease while allowing the water to drain.
How Often Should Restaurants Clean Grease Traps?
In general, small systems require monthly cleanings, while larger ones should be cleaned every three months. The ideal schedule for your commercial grease trap depends on several factors.
Restaurant Traffic and Food
A popular diner that serves fried food produces more FOGS than a small cafe that serves sandwiches and salads. Both need a grease trap system, but the diner’s system requires more frequent cleanings.
If your restaurant is busier at certain times, such as the summer tourist season, the tank fills up faster then. Plan for additional grease trap maintenance during your restaurant’s busiest season.
The One-Quarter Rule
Never allow your grease trap to exceed one-fourth of its capacity. A system that is too full doesn’t do its job well. In addition, you may experience clogs and slow drainage if you wait too long between cleanings.
Waste Disposal Procedures
You can reduce the need for cleaning by preventing FOGS from going down the drain. Instruct staff to scrape dishes before rinsing them and dispose of used oil and spills in a designated receptacle to keep them out of the water supply.
To reduce your restaurant’s environmental impact, consider recycling your used oil. Ace Grease offers secure containers for establishments in the St Louis MO area to safely dispose of used cooking oil. The used oil is then recycled into products like biodiesel fuel.
Local Regulations
Foodservice regulations state how often traps must be cleaned in some jurisdictions. For example, some states require food establishments to clean grease traps every 90 days. Know your local laws and follow them to avoid a fine. The easiest way to stay compliant is to hire a grease trap cleaning service.
Why Is Grease Trap Cleaning Important?
Neglecting your grease trap has a wide range of consequences. For practical and safety reasons, frequent cleanings are essential.
Clog Prevention
Grease from an overflowing trap can block the sewer system. A clog can cost your business money in plumbing service fees and lost revenue. If your restaurant’s waste clogs public sewer lines, you may also be fined.
Odor Prevention
Skipping cleanings can produce a foul odor. Not only is this unpleasant for your kitchen staff, but it can also harm your business if the smell reaches the dining area. Customers who have had their meals ruined by the stench of a dirty grease trap are unlikely to give your restaurant a second chance.
Employee Health
An unmaintained grease trap can produce toxic fumes that put your employees’ health at risk. On the other hand, cleaning a grease trap regularly keeps your employees happy and healthy and reduces costly workers’ compensation claims.
Food Safety
Making a customer sick is every restaurant owner’s worst nightmare. Overflowing grease can contaminate food, water and utensils. If a customer becomes ill after eating at your restaurant, it can permanently damage your reputation; you may even face legal action.
Fire Prevention
Grease is highly flammable, so an overflowing trap presents a major fire risk. If the grease from the tank ignites, the fire spreads rapidly and is difficult to contain, putting staff and customers at risk of injury. A grease fire can devastate your business, so it is important to reduce the risk by adhering to your cleaning routine.
Legal Compliance
Neglecting your grease trap can have legal consequences. You must perform routine cleanings according to your state’s regulations, even if you don’t think it necessary. Failure to do so may result in a fine.
Grease trap cleaning is essential to your restaurant’s safety, hygiene, and daily functions. Fortunately, maintaining your grease trap is easy when you hire the professionals at Ace Grease to do the job. Contact us today to schedule a cleaning.

Benefits of Grease Trap Cleaning Service
According to industry data, more than 25% of Americans consume fried foods at restaurants every day. All that fried food generates a lot of grease that restaurants must safely dispose of. Grease trap cleaning services help restaurants safely dispose of used cooking oils.
What Are Grease Traps?
A commercial grease trap is a device designed to stop fat oils and grease from cooking from getting into your plumbing. Grease that gets into the plumbing system can cause clogs, leading to the need for plumbing service, and get into the sanitary sewer system, which is harmful to the environment. As a result, grease traps are a legal requirement for restaurants in many cities.
What Are the Limitations of a Commercial Grease Trap System?
Grease traps are designed to capture fat chunks and grease splashes. They can not collect large amounts of liquid. If you need to dispose of cooking oil from deep fat fryers or other sources, you should collect it in waste buckets or barrels to dispose of it properly or a cleaning service that picks up used cooking oil.
Why Is Grease Trap Cleaning Necessary?
When grease traps get too full, it can lead to clogged or backed-up drains. This can damage your plumbing and create a health hazard in your kitchen. Additionally, contamination from a grease trap spill can make it necessary to close down your kitchen for professional cleaning and sanitation, which costs you money. Grease accumulations can also ignite, causing a fire in your kitchen.
How Do You Clean a Grease Trap?
Cleaning a grease trap is a multi-step process:
1. Remove the Grease Trap
The first step is to remove the grease trap to clean out the grease. Don’t get in a rush when you perform this step. You can damage the gaskets that connect the grease trap to your sink.
2. Inspect the Trap
Make note of where all the parts are. Review the instruction manual. It may be helpful to take some photographs in case you forget how everything goes back together.
3. Measure the Grease in the Tank
The Environmental Protection Agency requires restaurant owners to submit regular reports. How much grease you dispose of from your traps is part of those reports. Insert a wooden ruler into the top of the tank and push it to the bottom. You may need to stir the tank to accomplish this. Record the amount of grease on your report.
4. Remove Grease and Water From the Trap
Use a bucket to remove the water from the trap. After you get all the water out, remove the grease. You may need to scrape the sides of the tank to get it all. Do not let it drain into your sink. Put the grease into a sturdy, sealable bag.
5. Clean the Trap With Soap
Once you have as much of the grease as possible out of the trap, use soap and a soft cloth to clean the tank. You may need to use steel wool to remove built-up grease. Use hot water to rinse the trap, but don’t pour it down the sink.
6. Re-Install the Grease Trap
When you are done cleaning, put the grease trap back together and re-install it. Refer to the manual and the photos you took earlier.
7. Dispose of the Grease
If it is legal to do so in your city, you can freeze the grease and then put it in a dumpster. If not, you may need to contact a professional grease service to collect your grease.
8. Monitor the Trap
Keep an eye on your trap to gauge when it needs to be cleaned again. Small traps usually need to be cleaned every few weeks, while larger traps can go several months between cleanings.
What Are the Benefits of Professional Grease Trap Cleaning?
Proper grease trap maintenance helps you stay compliant with the law and avoid plumbing problems. A professional cleaning service in St. Louis MO can save you time, money and effort. When you hire a professional, you can have peace of mind that your kitchen is operating safely and legally. Contact Ace Grease Service to find out more about how we can help with your grease trap maintenance.

A Quick Guide To Cleaning Your Restaurant’s Grease Trap
As the restaurant owner in St. Louis, MO, it is your responsibility to ensure that everything in the kitchen operates safely and effectively. This includes the grease trap. Without an appropriately sized and working trap, the fat, oils, and grease that your kitchen creates can make their way into the sanitary sewer system and wreak havoc. Understanding what type of tank you need and how to handle your grease trap cleaning services is essential for running a successful restaurant.
The Importance of Cleaning a Grease Trap
As fats, oils, and grease build up in your kitchen’s receptacle, it will eventually create clogs that can back up into sinks, sewer lines, and other dangerous places. As the fats and other types of debris create clogs, it can damage pipes and create costly issues that the city needs to fix. In turn, you could find that you have to pay hefty fines for not keeping up with your grease trap according to local regulations. Furthermore, the problem could create odors, leave your kitchen inoperable, and leave you with an unfavorable opinion among the local community members.
Choosing the Right Grease Trap
The most significant part of having the right grease trap cleaning services is ensuring you have the correct trap in the first place.
Local Regulations
Local and federal regulations come into play when choosing your grease trap. Universal Plumbing Code requires that your trap pumps at least 20 gallons per minute, although local regulations may have other requirements. Therefore, it is always a good idea to double-check local laws before making a purchase.
Size and Capacity
Consider the size of your restaurant’s kitchen when determining what size grease trap you’ll need. If you have one that is too small, you risk clogs or having to spend more time than necessary emptying and cleaning it. On the other hand, if you choose one that is too large, you’ll be wasting money. Consider the types of food you serve as well. Greasier items will need larger traps.
Type of Trap
There is a wide variety of grease traps for you to choose from. If you own a small restaurant and are just starting, then a passive hydromechanical trap is small and affordable. However, it needs to be cleaned frequently and won’t be a good choice for larger restaurants or those that sell greasier items.
Keep in mind that your municipality may require you to purchase a gravity grease trap. These traps must be pumped when the grease, fats, and oils take up a quarter of the tank. These traps may be concrete, steel, fiberglass, or plastic. They are installed below ground and typically need to be replaced every 15 years or so.
Automatic grease traps are another option. These traps can be placed in the indoor corner of a kitchen or underneath the sink for convenience and to save space. Automatic traps are more expensive to install but typically have smaller maintenance costs.
Maintaining Your Kitchen’s Grease Trap
Regardless of the type of grease trap that you choose for your restaurant’s kitchen, it’s essential to maintain it properly. Typically, this means cleaning it out at least once every quarter as debris floats to the top of the tank. If you have a small indoor trap, then your kitchen staff can learn how to clean and maintain it properly, which will save time and money for you. On the other hand, if you have a larger restaurant that requires a larger trap, then you’ll need to hire professionals to clean and maintain the trap. Professionals use high-end equipment and a special truck to pump the grease and other debris out of your trap and dispose of it properly as part of their grease trap maintenance services.
Schedule Your Grease Trap Installation and Maintenance Services Today
Are you ready to ensure your restaurant is up to code in the St. Louis, MO, area? Contact Ace Grease for information on meeting your grease trap system needs. We will help you to choose the right tank, ensure it is properly installed, and provide trap cleaning services on a regular schedule that meets your needs. Our commercial grease trap services are always professional, high-quality, and affordable.

Tips for Cleaning Your Grease Trap Effectively
As a restaurant owner, you want to ensure that your grease trap cleaning is on par. For many, this means cleaning and performing grease trap maintenance on their own. While these tips can help you to do so effectively, it’s also important to understand why you need to clean the trap in the first place and that it’s often preferable to have a professional clean the top of the tank and beyond.
The Right Grease Trap Is Important
Choosing the right size and type of grease trap is essential for ensuring your business runs smoothly. First, you’ll want to consider the size of your commercial grease trap. If you buy something too small, it could become a problem because you’ll need to have someone clean it multiple times per day. On the other hand, if you own a small restaurant and order something much bigger than you’ll need, you’ll be spending an unnecessary amount of money. Generally, a small restaurant or one that doesn’t serve a lot of foods that have fat, oils, or grease, you can get away with using a smaller grease trap. A restaurant that serves lots of greasy menu items or that is a larger establishment will need a larger tank.
You’ll also want to consider what type of tank you’ll need. For example, if you own a small restaurant and don’t have a lot of trap cleaning needs, a model that fits under your kitchen sink is a good idea. On the other hand, larger restaurants will likely want outside grease traps that are easier for trap cleaning service providers to get to without disrupting the flow of your kitchen.
Why You Need To Clean Your Grease Trap
Cleaning your grease trap system is a vital necessity for several reasons. Perhaps most importantly is the fact that it is the law in St. Louis, MO, and the surrounding areas. In addition, grease trap cleaning prevents fats, oils, and grease from building up, entering the sanitary sewer system, and creating a huge clog that is expensive to fix. Beyond that, a dirty grease trap can cause your restaurant to stink, keeping customers from coming in and spending money. Cleaning your grease trap also ensures that you are disposing of items properly, which local diners will see as taking care of the environment and being a green company.
Tips For Cleaning Your Grease Trp
Whether you hire a professional grease trap maintenance company or decide to do things independently, it is important to know what to expect when cleaning your grease trap.
Check the Grease Trap
Before you start cleaning, you’ll need to be sure it’s time to do so. Remove the lid from your grease trap slowly and carefully to ensure that you don’t damage any gaskets on it. Next, stick a ruler into the trap to determine how many inches of grease there are. Write it down as you’ll need to include it on an EPA FOG report.
Get Rid of the Water in the Trap
Once you record how much grease is in the trap, you’ll need to remove water from it. If your trap is small, you may be able to do it with a small bucket. For larger raps, you’ll need to use a pump. When you remove it all, set the water aside.
Clean the Grease From the Trap
After the water is out of the grease tank, you’ll need to remove the grease itself. Depending on how much grease there is, you’ll either need another small bucket, a heavy-duty scooper, or a shovel. Be sure to scrape the sides, bottom, and lid of the trap to remove any grease buildup on them. Once scraped, you’ll need to scrub the trap and flush out the screens.
Put the Trap Back Together
After you’ve cleaned all the grease, pour the water back into the grease trap. Reinstall any parts that you had to remove for cleaning, replace the lid, and properly dispose of the grease you removed from the trap.
Schedule an Appointment Today
Do you need grease trap system cleaning and plumbing services? Let Ace Grease help. Our professionals are ready to provide a cleaning service that makes your restaurant look and smell amazing while ensuring you have a fully functional kitchen. Contact us today for more information.

Informing Your Employees About GreaseTrap Cleaning
If you are in the food service business, you should know all about grease traps and why they are so important. Unfortunately, too many restaurant owners are the only ones with this kind of knowledge and the employees are out-of-touch with their own responsibilities on how to care for this vital safety system. In addition to safely working with grease, employees also need to know about the collect and grease trap cleaning process to reduce the risk of accidents.
The Basics of Grease Traps
Grease and cooking oil are primary ingredients in a commercial kitchen, and when these aren’t handled properly, it could lead to shutting down the kitchen and endangering the health of your patrons and the community. Grease traps are collection systems for used fats oils and grease, and these are actually required by the St Louis MO health department and regulators. These systems go by several different names, including converters, grease interceptors, grease recovery devices, catchers or FOG traps. You will also typically find them in the following environments:
- Hotels
- Bakeries
- Cafes
- Restaurants or food-service establishments
- Bars
- Hotels or inns
- Schools
- Food trucks
In short, this system is a receptacle through which wastewater passes before entering a larger drainage system. The wastewater contains FOG from the kitchen operations, and the receptacle contains a special trapping system to contain the FOG while the clear water moves on into the drainage system. Because vegetable oils and animal fats are less dense than water and grease does not mix with water, the FOG is typically found floating on top of the water. As the wastewater flows into the tank, the flow rate is slowed to allow the wastewater to cool.
As it cools, the materials within the wastewater separate into three layers. The grease will float to the top of the tank and get trapped using a system of baffles. This is simply a tool used to separate the areas within the tank. The solids in the water sink down to the bottom of the tank while the remaining clear water flows out to a sewer or drainage system through an outlet baffle. Some traps will have strainers that catch the solids to keep them from developing a heavy build-up at the bottom of the tank.
The Need for Cleaning a Grease Trap
Over time or during periods of heavy use, a substantial build-up of grease and solids occurs. If you leave this accumulation long enough, you can have FOG escaping through the outlet and compromising a sanitary sewer system. The build-up could also lead to a blockage that keeps wastewater from exiting the tank and causes a backup at the inlet. Either of these situations significantly compromises the health and safety of everyone around. There are five key dangers of failing to keep up with grease trap maintenance.
1. Contamination
A clogged grease trap will cause either water or fumes contaminations. Employees who have to inhale the toxic fumes from a dirty grease trap can get very sick, as can patrons who are exposed to similar fumes when visiting your establishment. Water contamination occurs when the wastewater isn’t properly cleaned before being released into the environment or if it overflows and contaminated the water source. Allowing your customer to eat or drink products with contaminated water is a serious health risk.
2. Plumbing Issues
Grease traps help keep FOG out of your plumbing system, but if you don’t have them cleaned or pumped out consistently, you will notice plumbing issues. When the FOG hardens and collects, it causes blockages in your pipes. You will experience slow drainage or unpleasant overflows out of your drains. It is much easier to call a grease trap cleaning plumbing service to routinely clean your grease traps than to call for emergency services because of a plumbing problem.
3. Fires
With a grease buildup, you increase the risk of fire damage. Grease and oils are highly flammable, and should a fire start, consider full grease traps a key source of fuel to feed and spread the fire. While a fire extinguisher could help, the best defense against uncontrollable kitchen fires is a clean grease trap.
4. Odors
A clogged or dirty grease trap doesn’t just let off fumes. It presents a terrible odor that everyone would be able to smell. It’s unpleasant, and people will not come back or stay in your restaurant if they detect the smell of rotting grease. Employees who work in those conditions could become ill and report the situation as a workers’ comp claim or contact the health department and have your restaurant shut down.
5. Costs
The price of having your commercial grease trap professionally cleaned is nothing compared to the cost of rebuilding your kitchen after a fire, paying for plumbing repairs or having to close the restaurant or establishment due to the odors and too many sick employees. In addition to the costs of the physical damage your business takes, the impact on your reputation from health department fines or complaints from customers who became ill could take years to resolve. Paying for a cleaning service is a simple and straightforward investment that will pay for itself.
The Timeline for Cleaning Grease Traps
There isn’t an exact timeline for grease trap cleaning, since there are different sizes and types of collection units. While the goal is to have them pumped or cleaned on a regular basis, this will depend on how big your trap is and how much wastewater is produced each day. For a majority of grease traps, expect to invest in cleaning at least once every four weeks, unless your establishment doesn’t do a lot with kitchen services. There are biological grease treatment additives that can help extend the time between cleanings but always check with your plumbing company before relying solely on dosing your system.
The Myths of Cleaning a Grease Trap
It’s not just enough to know how a grease trap works. Your employees also need to know about the do’s and don’t of grease trap maintenance and FOG collection. These are some of the misconceptions both owners and employees often have about grease traps that need to be clarified for the safety of your restaurant.
It’s Okay to Clean a Grease Trap With Hot Water
Many people assume that really hot water will help flush grease and oils from the pipes, and therefore will be able clean the grease trap. Although hot water is useful for helping to melt FOG, the problem is that these materials quickly solidify when the water becomes cold. Using hot water alone might clean out the trap itself, but it will allow the grease and fats to get into your pipes and harden in there.
Using a Special Soap Will Clean Grease Out of the Pipes
Many mistakenly think that a special degreasing soap will be enough, when combined with the hot water, to protect the pipes from a clog. Although strong soap can help to clear away the fats and grease, it’s not as effective as you think in filling the entire pipe with a protective coating or pushing through a blockage. It definitely isn’t strong enough to handle the substantial amount of FOG collected in your grease trap.
Healthy Food Menus Don’t Require Substantial Grease Trap Maintenance
It doesn’t matter what kind of food you serve at your establishment. There will be some kind of oil used during the preparation. Butter, non-stick sprays, olive oil or drippings from grilled or baked meats are all considered FOG and need to be properly disposed of. This means you still need to pay attention to how much your grease trap collects and establish a trap cleaning schedule.
There Is a Special Shutoff Valve for When the Grease Trap Is Full
It’s easy to assume that a grease trap would have an automatic shutoff valve that prevents wastewater from flowing through the plumbing if the trap is too full to be effective, but this isn’t the case. When the trap is full, it actually makes it easier for wastewater to flow unchecked into the pipes, given the pressure that has built up in the tank. It’s a terrible idea to wait until the trap is full to call for a cleaning because of the increased costs associated with clogged or damaged pipes.
The Information Your Employees Need on Grease Traps
Now that your employees understand what grease traps are and the dangers of letting them get too full, you can provide them with ways to support a healthy, safe kitchen. Here are some general guidelines for making sure you’re both collecting and disposing of grease and oil correctly.
- Make all employees know how to properly store both fresh and used grease or cooking oil. Have separate containers that are clearly labeled.
- Establish cleaning procedures that address where grease or oil buildup is more likely to occur, and invest in strong cleaning solutions to help dissolve any grease buildup on equipment.
Use Grease Trap Cleaning Professionals
For expert help with grease trap cleaning in the St Louis MO area, turn to Ace Grease. Contact us to schedule a cleaning or to learn more about our services.

The Basics of Grease Trap Cleaning
Grease traps are an integral element of your restaurant’s sewer system. For this reason, it should be pumped regularly to ensure thick, viscous grease does not flow into your sanitary sewer system and cause clogs. Grease trap cleaning is immensely important for any eating establishment, and if your trap isn’t cleaned properly or regularly, a backup can occur. Fortunately, Ace Grease can help you keep your grease trap clean and functioning. You will never have to worry about clogs or backups when you work with us.
What is a Grease Trap?
For starters – what is a commercial grease trap? Grease traps are contraptions that allow kitchen wastewater to flow through on the way to the sewer. Such devices separate grease and other forms of fatty waste from the wastewater before it reaches the sewer. Although grease traps are often referred to as grease interceptors, they are not technically the same. Both types of devices do, however, perform the same function.
The type of grease trap you need will depend on the size of your business and how much grease and fatty waste it produces regularly. There are two types of grease traps, but a standard trap utilizes two chambers. As the wastewater flows into the first chamber, the grease is captured. Once the grease solidifies, it floats to the top of the first chamber, and the wastewater continues to flow into the second chamber.
What Types of Businesses Use Grease Traps?
Grease trap maintenance is important, primarily because you want to avoid clogs and backups. However, not all food service locations require a grease trap. In general, the following types of businesses typically require regular grease trap cleaning services:
- Restaurants
- Mobile food trucks
- Catering companies
- Schools and colleges
- Convenience stores
- Nursing homes and hospitals
- Food manufacturing facilities
In short, any business that produces a significant volume of fats, oils, and grease should install a grease trap and ensure it is periodically cleaned. Businesses that produce the highest volumes of grease usually need to install a grease receptor. Other businesses that do not produce as much grease typically only need to install a standard grease trap.
Types of Grease Traps
There are three main types of grease traps. Hydromechanical grease traps are the most common, and they are relatively small in size. They are usually installed close to the point of use or in fixtures. Hydromechanical traps utilize a number of baffles to collect the grease and stop it from flowing from one end of the system to another. Once the grease cools down, it will float to the top of the trap, allowing the trap to be cleaned out.
Automatic grease removal traps are the least common and most expensive. They do not require manual cleaning. These traps utilize a blade to automatically collect the grease in a separate container.
Gravity grease traps are usually the largest type of grease traps and they are almost always installed underground or outside. Gravity drains the water and they are typically recommended for large restaurants, hotels, and other businesses that produce a high volume of fried foods.
How Often Should You Clean Your Grease Trap?
Grease traps can fill up quickly, so you must ensure yours is regularly cleaned and adequately maintained. The more your trap fills up, the less effective it will be at preventing grease from accumulating in your pipes. In other words, it is best to clean your grease trap regularly, and how often you will need yours cleaned will depend on factors such as the size of your trap and the amount of grease your kitchen produces. In most cases, you can develop an idea of how often you need to clean your trap by checking it daily for a week to see how fast grease builds up.
For many places of business, a good rule of thumb is to clean your trap at least every one to three months depending on how much grease you produce. Some municipalities require restaurants and other food service businesses to have their grease traps cleaned at least four times a year, so you should familiarize yourself with such requirements. Inspections are also frequently carried out to ensure businesses are properly cleaning and maintaining their grease traps.
It is also important to note that the longer you refrain from cleaning your grease trap, the harder your grease will become. This is a problem because harder grease is significantly more difficult to remove. Since hardened grease is so difficult to remove, grease trap cleaning companies usually charge more to remove it. Simply put, you can actually save time and money by regularly having your traps cleaned.
Preventing Blockages and Overflows
Your grease trap can stop functioning in a number of ways. Blockages in the pipe connecting the first and second chambers of the trap are common, and unfortunately, they can cause grease to overflow into the sewer system. Blockages in the outgoing line are also common and can result in overflowing. If your trap is clogged, you will typically notice the powerful and lingering odor of grease and oil in your kitchen. If you notice this overwhelming scent, you should immediately check your device. Often, the odor of grease will become so strong customers in the dining area will begin to notice it.
As the blockage continues to worsen, your grease trap will overflow and grease will begin to reach the sewer. If this problem is not handled swiftly, the grease will accumulate and the sewer will overflow. Grease is one of the leading causes of sewer overflows in the country.
Signs Your Grease Trap Needs Cleaning
Failing to regularly clean and properly maintain your grease trap can result in numerous problems. Even if you don’t experience any overflows or clogs, poorly cleaned traps can increase the risk of fires, cause unpleasant odors, give rise to high repair costs, and in some cases, even impact the health and well-being of your workers and customers. In the most extreme cases, an improperly cleaned or maintained grease trap can result in the closure of your restaurant. If you notice any of the following signs, your grease trap probably needs cleaning:
Sink Clogs
Have you noticed your drains are becoming clogged for seemingly no reason? When fats, greases, and oils start to accumulate in your trap, they solidify, causing the trap to become filled with dense grease. You can typically see this simply by peering into your device, but sometimes, the stiff grease will form a cap, preventing you from seeing the full extent of the problem. Over time, this buildup will prevent water from flowing down the sink drain, resulting in slow and inefficient wastewater movement.
Grease Takes Up More than 25% of Your Wastewater Depth
Grease trap experts usually recommend cleaning a grease trap if solid fat and grease compose more than 25% of the wastewater depth. Once the grease accumulates past this point, it becomes more challenging and expensive to remove. If your grease trap’s container is choked by a surplus of fats, greases, and oils, various functions and processes in your kitchen can grind to a halt.
Foul Greasy Odors in the Kitchen
Have you or any of your employees or customers noticed a foul smell coming from your kitchen that lingers even after you clean up or take out the trash? If there is a grease-like stench wafting from your kitchen, it may be time to clean your trap. Grease trap smells are generally unpleasant and they result from the accumulation of food waste, cooking oil, sludge, grease, and other solids over an extended time.
Grease Accumulation in Unusual Places
Have you noticed grease in any unusual places? This may seem like a strange question, but grease in unusual places around your kitchen may be a sign it is time for a cleaning. When your grease trap clogs, excess grease will escape from the easiest exits. These exits may include water lines, pipes, sinks, and other places. In other words, if you are noticing odd deposits of grease in random places, you should clean your trap as soon as possible.
More Than One to Three Months Since the Last Cleaning
When was the last time you cleaned your grease trap? If it has been more than one to three months, you may want to schedule a cleaning. Depending on how much grease your business produces, it is recommended that you don’t go more than 90 days without cleaning your trap.
The Importance of Regular Grease Trap Cleaning
Scheduling regular grease trap cleanings are extremely important for your business. When your grease trap is adequately cleaned and maintained, your business will function better and more efficiently. A professional cleaner can help you ensure your kitchen remains sanitary and functioning for years to come.
Learn More About Our Grease Trap Services
Here at Ace Grease, we understand the importance of having a clean grease trap system. As a matter of fact, keeping your grease trap clean is imperative if you want your business to operate regularly. We offer an unrivaled trap cleaning service at an affordable price. Contact us today to learn more about our services in St. Louis MO.

A Guide To Grease Trap Maintenance: Cleaning and Disposing of Used Fat, Oils and Grease
How much cooking oil do you use at home? How much do you think your restaurant uses? Research suggests that nearly 250 million gallons of cooking oils are used by restaurants each year in the United States. That’s a whole lot of oil that can wreak a whole lot of havoc and cause thousands upon thousands of dollars in damage if it isn’t disposed of properly. This is why proper grease trap cleaning is an essential part of taking care of your business.
The Importance of Grease Trap Cleaning
Cleaning your restaurant’s grease trap is essential for maintaining the integrity of your business. Doing so regularly has several benefits.
A Clean Trap Prevents Foul Odors
Used oils, fats, and grease tend to accumulate a stench as they begin to decompose and release the smell into the air. At a minimum, the people who work in the kitchen will feel miserable and likely be less productive if they have to smell old grease throughout the day. You might even have trouble maintaining a consistent kitchen staff. More likely, customers will eventually begin to notice the smell as well and stop coming to your establishment.
A Clean Trap Ensures You Operate Within Local Regulations
An unkept grease trap system can become a public health hazard by making its way into drains, sanitary sewer systems, and even the water that people and animals in your community rely on. For this reason, most cities and towns have regulations in place regarding how long you can go between grease trap cleaning and where and how you can dispose of the fats, oils, and grease that you’ve accumulated. If you fail to operate within the guidelines, you could find that the city shuts down your restaurant temporarily or even permanently. This often comes with hefty fines, not to mention a bad reputation among other business owners and members of the community.
A Clean Trap Saves You Money
Regular grease trap maintenance saves you money in a variety of ways. For one thing, you won’t lose business due to unexpectedly closed doors or be forced to pay hefty fines for not following local regulations regarding the disposal of grease, oil, and fats. Beyond that, ensuring the system is clean ensures that you don’t need to pay the city for plumbing service or pay to have a new trap put in because the old one just can’t withstand the damage any longer.
A Clean Trap Shows Your Customers You Care
An increasing number of people are intentionally seeking out restaurants that practice sustainability. The better that you take care of and recycle your used cooking oils, the more likely it is that you’ll appeal to the environmentally conscious crowd. You can maintain your current customer base and may even bring in new customers.
Where To Store Old Grease, Oils and Fats
There are several trap options for storing old grease, oils, and fats between cleanups. What you need depends on the size of your restaurant, how much you use oils, and your budget.
Indoor Containers
Indoor containers typically attach directly to your fryer and automatically traps the particles in fat, oils, and grease that prevents them from being pure enough for recycling or disposal. These containers do not have a very high capacity, so it is best used in restaurants that do not serve a lot of fried foods. However, they are highly convenient if you do go this route.
Outdoor Containers
Outdoor containers are the most common option, especially among restaurants or bakeries that use a lot of cooking oil every day. They are available in a wide variety of sizes and include locks to prevent theft. These types of traps need to be cleaned regularly to ensure they don’t become clogged and remain usable for as long as possible.
Barrels are mostly outdated but may still be used if the area where you keep your grease trap is not easily accessible by commercial grease trap disposal services. Your disposal company will be able to tell you if it has enough room in your grease trap area and whether you’ll need to use a barrel.
How To Keep Yourself and Your Employees Safe Around Hot Grease
When taking used oil, fat, and grease to the grease trap, it is important that the person doing it follows manufacturer’s instructions for handling the equipment. The first step is always to let the hot oil cool before trying to transport it, as any spills could seriously burn someone. Once cool, always use appropriate containers. Avoid open pots or buckets that can spill and cause a slip-and-fall hazard. If any spills do happen, it is essential that you clean it up right away. Talking to your co-workers as you’re moving about the kitchen is also important. Let people know when you’re coming through, that you’re behind them, and if there are any spills that need to be cleaned up.
Wearing the proper safety equipment, even when you’re not handling hot oil, is important as well. Gloves should extend beyond the wrist to prevent spillage that leads to greasy hands, as you won’t be able to hold onto the container properly. A full-body apron is also a good idea to protect your uniform or any other clothes that you’re wearing from becoming stained. Always wear closed-toe, slip-resistant shoes when working in a kitchen with grease. These shoes will protect you from dropped items as well as help you stay on your feet should a spill happen.
No matter how careful you are in the kitchen, accidents can still happen when cooking with hot oil or during the grease trap cleaning process. For this reason, it is vital that you keep the proper safety equipment on hand. This includes first aid kits and fire extinguishers. Finally, be sure that all of your employees are trained in how to properly cook with grease, how to properly maintain the grease trap, and in what to do should they need to administer first aid.
Hire a Grease Trap Maintenance Company
While it’s possible to perform grease cleaning yourself, there’s no doubt that it’s a messy job. It’s made even more complicated by the fact that you’ll have to drive your grease to a proper disposal place if you want to ensure that you remain within regulation. The better idea is to hire a professional grease trap maintenance company instead. The company’s professionals will come to your place of business, perform the required maintenance and cleaning techniques, and dispose of the grease within local regulations. You might be tamped to do it all on your own to “save money,” but keep this in mind: Most grease trap maintenance companies offer extremely affordable plans. On top of that, should you make a mistake when trying to do your own grease trap cleaning, you could find yourself shelling out tons of money to fix the problem. It’s best to go to the professionals the first time around.
How To Choose the Right Grease Trap Maintenance Company
Choosing the right company is easier than it may seem. If you network with other restaurants in the industry, ask the owners who they use for their grease disposal needs. You can also do a quick Google search to see which companies are available in your area. From there, you’ll need to do a little research.
First, look into the reputation of the company. Is it known for ethically disposing of grease? Are other restaurants who have used the company satisfied? Then, call 2-3 companies that you’re interested in to ask about consultation appointments and see if the company can provide the right type and size of the grease trap to meet your restaurant’s needs. A professional company will typically offer both indoor and outdoor options in a variety of sizes.
Even if the company provides what you need, it’s still important to ask the right questions. How much will the service cost? How often will it be performed? What does the company do with the grease once it removes it from your property? Will the company provide proof of licenses and insurance in case something goes awry? By doing your research and talking to representatives from several companies, you can be sure that you’re getting what you need at a price point that you can afford.
Ace Grease Can Provide You With Grease Trap Cleaning Services
Grease trap cleaning is an essential part of taking care of your business and your community. Without proper cleaning, you run the risk of losing customers, closing up shop, and doing serious damage to sewer systems and water supplies in your city or town. If you are ready to talk shop, then you’re ready to talk to Ace Grease. Our grease trap experts can consult with you to ensure that we provide a tank that meets your needs and a cleaning schedule that won’t leave you feeling flustered. Get in touch with us today to begin the maintenance process. We look forward to helping you maintain your restaurant!
A Guide To Grease Trap Cleaning
If you own a restaurant that provides customers with a variety of delicious fried foods, then you know just how much grease accumulates in a single day. If your business complies with local regulations, then you likely have a grease trap that holds your used grease. From time to time, that trap will need grease trap cleaning services. Cleaning your grease trap is important for several reasons and hiring a professional is essential.
Know Where Your Grease Trap Is Located
If you don’t already know where your grease trap is located, it’s time to find it and familiarize yourself with it. Typically, commercial-grade grease traps are located somewhere outside of your restaurant. You’re most likely to find it on the ground near the dishwashing area of your kitchen. You might notice it because it looks similar to a manhole. If you don’t find it outside, look in your restaurant’s basement if it has one. The grease trap could be right under the kitchen. Finally, if your restaurant doesn’t work with a lot of grease, you might have a smaller trap that is located right under the kitchen sink.
Understand How the Grease Trap Works
The point of a grease trap is to allow fats and oils to float on top of the water in the trap. This works because they are up to 15% less dense than the water that is in the system. When you add wastewater to the trap, it reduces the flow rate, which gives the water time to cool down and separate into three different layers. The top layer is the grease created by the fats and oils you use to cook. The second layer is wastewater. Finally, any food particles are debris will settle into a third layer at the bottom of the trap. You may also opt to purchase a grease trap that has a strainer to collect the food particles and reduce solids at the bottom.
The Importance of Cleaning Your Restaurant’s Grease Trap
Over time, fats, oils, and grease waste build up in your grease trap. Eventually, you won’t have room to add any more grease to the trap, which means you’ll need to have it cleaned. Without proper cleaning, your trap can start to back up. If it does that, the overflow will make its way into your drains. From there, it can cause you to have to pay for costly plumbing repairs. Even worse, the grease can travel through your drains and make it into the sewage system. Eventually, all that backed-up grease can affect your town’s waterways. The city will then trace the problem back to you and you’ll be on the hook for expensive fines and repairs.
Dirty Grease Traps Pose Other Problems As Well
The risk of backing up into the drains and sewage system isn’t the only problem that a dirty grease trap can cause. A full trap can spill over into the environment if it is outside. Whether your grease trap is inside or outside, a dirty trap causes unpleasant odors that may make it hard for your employees to focus on their jobs. Furthermore, if your patrons sit close to the kitchen or if your kitchen has an open concept, they’ll be subjected to the odors as well and may decide not to come back to your restaurant.
A lot of people don’t realize it, but a dirty grease trap is even a fire hazard. As the grease begins to overflow, it can make it easier for someone to accidentally catch it on fire. Grease fires are much harder to put out and can even get worse if you try to use water on it. Furthermore, during the summer, when kitchens are typically much hotter, the interceptors in the grease can spontaneously catch on fire. Grease fires spread fast and could quickly damage your restaurant, hurt employees or patrons, and even create problems for neighboring businesses.
The Benefits of Hiring Professionals For Grease Trap Cleaning
While it is possible to clean your grease trap yourself, the job is often messy and complicated. For this reason, many restaurant owners turn to hiring professional grease trap cleaners to help them with the task. There are several benefits to doing so.
Grease Is Disposed of Safely
When you clean a grease trap yourself, you are responsible for taking it to a designated disposal place, which is often inconvenient. Professional commercial grease trap cleaners have the equipment necessary to clean the traps thoroughly and the knowledge necessary to dispose of the grease in a safe and legal manner.
Professionals Ensure Your Grease Trap Is Compliant
Most towns have specific regulations regarding the type of grease trap you can have, how often you have to clean it, and where you can dispose of the grease. Professional technicians know the local laws to ensure proper disposal. They also know that you’ll need records of your grease trap maintenance, so they often provide very detailed ones in electronic or paper format.
Professionals Provide Regular Maintenance
Cleaning your grease trap is a task that you need to do on a regular basis. Trying to do it yourself is not only messy but takes a lot of time out of your day that you could be using to handle other aspects of running your restaurant. When you hire someone to provide regular maintenance, you can breathe a little easier since you know the job will be handled correctly and regularly.
The Benefits of Grease Trap Cleaning
You already know why you should hire professionals, but chances are you’re wondering what benefits there are to having your grease trap cleaned regularly. There are quite a few. Most importantly, it keeps your restaurant and the people in it safe since a clean grease trap is not likely to catch on fire or pose spill and slip-and-fall hazards. Of course, a clean grease trap also means you won’t have to deal with unpleasant odors in your restaurant, nor will you need to worry about sanitary sewer problems or pollution.
One big benefit of having your grease trap cleaned regularly that people don’t think of is the money savings. Grease traps are often expensive and difficult to install. Maintaining the one that you already have is much more affordable than replacing one. Beyond that, you’ll save money since you won’t need to pay fines or pay for expensive repairs related to an overflowing trap.
Signs That It’s Time To Clean Your Grease Trap
If you’re just learning how to maintain your grease trap, it’s important to know the signs that it’s time to be cleaned.
The Trap Drains Slowly
When your grease trap is too dirty, it can form a thick cap of grease at the top. This makes it harder for water and other things to drain through the trap. Slow drainage is a sign that it’s time to be cleaned.
People Have Put Food in the Trap
It’s important to pay attention to what you put into your grease trap. Ideally, you’ll never put food into it, as it can become clogged. However, when your restaurant is super busy and you have your mind on other things, food may accidentally make its way into the trap. If a food causes the drains to back up, it’s time to be cleaned.
You Notice Foul Odors
Take a whiff of the kitchen area in your restaurant. Do you notice any odors that are offputting? It could be a mixture of the oil, food waste, and grease that is in your trap, especially if it’s been a while since you had the trap cleaned. If you notice a foul odor, take care of the trap before the smell begins to permeate the dining area of your restaurant.
There Is Grease in Other Places
When a grease trap is too full and clogs, it begins to back up into other areas. If you notice that your water drains or toilets are backing up without a known cause, it could be because the trap is too dirty and pushes grease into the water and sewage lines.
How Often To Clean Your Grease Trap
The amount of time you can go between your grease trap maintenance appointments depends on the size of the trap and the amount of wastewater produced. Typically, you’ll need to have your grease trap cleaned every 2-4 weeks. However, if you decide to use a grease treatment fluid in the system, you may be able to go as long as eight weeks. Keep in mind that the size of your trap and how quickly you accumulate grease factor into how often you need to have the trap cleaned as well.
Schedule Your Grease Trap Cleaning Today
Are you ready to take better control of your grease trap and ensure your restaurant is operating within local laws? You need Ace Grease. Our professional grease trap cleaning technicians provide service in St. Louis, MO, and the surrounding areas. Allow us to help you with your commercial grease trap. Contact us today!
Grease Trap Cleaning: The Process and Its Importance
Professional plumbing service in St Louis, MO, may offer commercial grease trap cleaning services. While many companies may choose to perform the task in-house, professional service is the best way to ensure the safety and sanitation of your existing system. DIY methods are rarely, if ever, as effective as professional techniques. Hiring a service ensures your facility remains functional and operational, avoiding the complications of unnecessary business interruptions, including substantial profit and revenue losses.
Understanding the Grease Trap Cleaning Process
A grease trap system is standard in restaurants or professional kitchens. The system uses a trap cleaning method to allow for safe drainage of FOG water — water containing fats, oils, and grease. Essentially, the commercial grease trap includes two compartments; one receptacle collects the FOG, allowing clear water to enter the second receptacle for drainage into a sanitary sewer.
The unit cannot cycle through FOG forever. The system requires regular cleaning and grease trap maintenance to ensure it remains functional. Using specific tools and techniques, licensed professionals, typically plumbers, will scrub out the system, helping it stay operational for its projected lifespan.
Ace Grease can help your organization maintain its trap systems with regularly scheduled cleaning services. While your company might not realize it, traps require frequent cleaning, usually more often than expected. Many organizations wait too long in between cleanings, which significantly affects the usefulness of the device.
Understanding the importance of a grease trap to your business and the necessary cleaning schedule can help prevent financial losses for your business. How often you need to schedule a trap cleaning can depend on several factors, but primarily the frequency of use.
Learning the Frequency of Grease Trap Cleaning
While you do not need to hire a trap cleaning service for weekly cleanings, your staff should perform a cursory cleaning. Staying on top of weekly cleanings can prevent any significant issues from occurring in the system. Your team needs to ensure that FOG remains at the top of the tank. When too much settles, the fats oils and grease can clog the tank or block the drain line.
Your crew can handle weekly cleanings, but a professional service will probably need to handle complete system cleaning about every four to six weeks. Depending on the level of business your company does, you may need more frequent cleanings. You can talk to a professional to determine how often you will need your trap cleaned.
You want to consult a reputable company. Ace Grease is a well-known brand and an industry leader with a solid reputation. Consult one of its representatives to discuss your specific system and service. The company can send a technician out to assess your trap.
Acknowledging a Need for a Grease Trap Cleaning Service
People often turn to DIY methods because they want to save money and possibly time. You should not take DIY approaches to grease trap maintenance and cleaning because it is too risky.
A grease trap collects FOG from various locations — sinks, dishwashers, and floor drains. The contaminated water can contain bacteria from raw meat, customer utensils, and other sources. Once in the trap, the bacteria-infested water can allow gases to form, gases that produce toxic fumes and odors. These aromas are hazardous for you and your employees to breathe in.
Failure to clean out the trap can allow toxic fumes to back up, causing odors to permeate the retail or commercial space. The odors can cause patrons to feel ill, and it will probably encourage others not to return to your establishment.
Besides the risks of noxious odors and toxins, cleaning the traps can result in workplace accidents and injuries. For example, if you cleaned the trap but left full water pales sitting next to the trap, an employee may trip over the pale, injuring themselves and exposing themselves to the contaminated source.
Hiring a professional cleaning service for grease traps is the only logical and acceptable process. A service keeps you, your staff, and your customers safe.
Using Services That Know the Best Practices for Grease Trap Cleaning
Ensuring the functionality of your grease trap means using it properly. Abusing the system will only shorten the device’s lifespan and likely void any warranty. If you want to protect your grease trap and your plumbing system, there are several fundamental rules you should follow.
First, neither you nor your employees should ever pour grease into the sink or toilet drains. Grease, though a liquid when hot, will harden in the drain lines, narrowing drain pathways. Also, the hardened grease may collect food waste, resulting in blockages that may devastate your plumbing system.
Second, recycled cooking oil. When a business realizes it shouldn’t pour cooking oil and grease down its drains, it often doesn’t know what to do with the material. However, used cooking oil can help generate power or undergo a biofuel transformation. You can use the oil for many things and help the environment at the same time.
Finally, consider limiting or avoiding garbage disposal use. Food particles tend to fill your trap quickly, meaning it requires more maintenance. If you can limit the amount of waste you put down the drain, you won’t fill the trap as often and can save money on professional cleaning services.
Understanding the Benefits of Grease Trap Cleaning
Cleaning a grease trap results in several benefits. While you may not realize it, you help yourself and your business by ensuring regular grease trap cleanings. Maintaining a sanitary trap ensures your business complies with regulations and that your customers and employees remain healthy and safe.
Keeping the system clean also reduces the risks of a foul and pervading odor and possible tank replacement. If grease traps get too dirty, they can cause significant clogs and damage to your business’s plumbing system.
Municipal regulations are usually enough to keep businesses focused and cooperative with grease trap maintenance. Nearly every state and city have requirements for health and safety regarding traps. If a company does not comply with the regulations, it will face penalties, which usually include significant fines.
Finally, if a restaurant or other commercial business does not comply with regulations, it can also cause closure and significant business losses. States and cities do not take too kindly to business owners trying to skirt the law, especially when those laws focus on public health and safety.
A grease trap may sound like a hassle, but it is a beneficial tool. When correctly maintained, it will protect your plumbing system and help ensure proper drain sanitation.
Learning About Grease Trap Cleaning Tools and Waste Removal
A professional grease trap cleaning service will have appropriate licensing, insurance, and training. The team that arrives at your facility will have all the essential tools and protective equipment to perform the job. If you suspect a service does not have the correct equipment or education, you should ask to see legal documentation that it is qualified.
One of the most important tools for trap cleaners is personal protective equipment or PPE. The essential equipment will include rubber gloves, coveralls, protective clothing, and a gas mask. The mask is essential because the trap will contain bacteria and airborne toxins. The level of protection required will probably depend on the type of facility being cleaned.
As far as the tools for grease trap cleaning, there is nothing too sophisticated. A cleaner will need a shop vacuum, wrench, crowbar, scraper, and a bucket. The simple tools often lead business owners to think that DIY cleaning is safe and effective, but it is not. The risks of trap cleaning are real and potentially dangerous.
You cannot throw grease trap waste in the dump, which means you cannot dispose of it for regular garbage pickup. If you are cleaning your trap — not recommended — you should know how and where you will dispose of it. Professional services dispose of grease trap waste in proper oil or grease bins, which can then be recycled. You or a professional service can also take the waste to a local processing facility.
Recycled grease is a potentially helpful resource. However, throwing waste in the regular garbage can cause significant environmental issues. Leave grease disposal to the professionals.
Finding a Grease Trap Cleaning Service Near You
Grease trap cleaning is challenging, and it comes with certain health and safety risks, which is why you should not perform the task on your own. While experts recommend minor, intermittent cleaning performed by employees, the thorough cleaning of the trap is best left to knowledgeable professionals. If you are looking for a cleaning service in the St Louis, Mo, area, contact Ace Grease. Ace grease is an established company with several years of experience. The company can help you determine the correct frequency of cleaning, and it can also help you establish excellent working habits to ensure the continued functionality of your grease trap. Stop worrying about the cleanliness of your trap and contact one of the best in the business, Ace Grease.
The Importance of Keeping Your Grease Trap System Clean and Clear
If you own a restaurant in the St. Louis, Missouri area, you are well aware of the significance of keeping the grease trap system in your kitchen clean and functioning properly. Even though a grease trap is an essential device for avoiding clogs and backups in the sanitary sewage system, it must be cleaned on a routine basis in order to ensure that it continues to perform its intended functions. Ace Grease specializes in cleaning and maintenance services for grease traps and can provide you with the skills you require to keep your system functioning without any hiccups.
If they are not disposed of in the appropriate manner, cooking oils, fats, and grease can create significant issues for the sewage system. When boiling oil is dumped down the drain, the oil cools and solidifies, causing it to adhere to the inside of the pipes. This buildup, if allowed to continue, may eventually cause obstructions in the sewer lines, which will in turn cause backups and overflows in homes and businesses. The obstructions may also cause the pipes to get damaged, which may result in expensive repairs.
The Function of Oil and Grease Traps
These problems can be avoided by enforcing legislation that require owners of restaurants to have grease traps installed in their businesses. These regulations have been put in place by cities and municipalities. The water that drains from kitchen appliances like dishwashers, sinks, and fryers is collected in a grease trap, where the grease and oils are separated from the water. After the grease and oils have been separated, they are collected and disposed of in the appropriate manner.
The Advantages of Having Your Grease Traps Cleaned Routinely
It is essential to clean the grease trap on a regular basis in order to ensure that the trap continues to function properly and to prevent clogs in the sewer system. Grease, oils, and fats have a tendency to rise to the top of the trap, where they can form a coating that eventually clogs the pipes. Ace Grease offers services for the cleaning of grease traps, which involve the removal of this accumulation. As a result, these services ensure that your business is in compliance with local standards and that there are no issues with the sewer system.
The Knowledge and Experience of Ace Grease
When it comes to the cleaning of grease traps, it is essential to select a business that possesses both the knowledge and the expertise necessary to do the task successfully. Over the past twenty years, Ace Grease has been offering cleaning services for grease traps in the St. Louis, Missouri area. The skilled experts that work for Ace Grease are equipped with the expertise and tools necessary to resolve any problem that may arise with grease traps. They make use of cutting-edge machinery to deliver the highest level of service possible, thereby ensuring that your system is cleaned in an effective and comprehensive manner.
The Importance of Keeping Grease Traps in Good Working Order
Ace Grease also offers services for the maintenance of grease traps which includes inspecting the trap to look for any potential issues and repairing it as necessary if any are discovered. Regular maintenance serves to extend the life of the trap and ensures that it is functioning appropriately, which reduces the danger of blockages and overflows in the sewer system. This may be accomplished by ensuring that the trap is properly maintained.
Grease Absorbers for Commercial Use
Ace Grease is an industry leader in the cleaning of industrial grease traps for restaurants and other establishments that provide food service. They have the knowledge and experience to tackle any problem that may crop up, as well as an understanding of the specific problems that come with managing a grease trap system on a large scale. Their cleaning services are intended to maintain the integrity of your system and ensure that it complies with all of the applicable local standards, freeing you up to concentrate on running your company.
Cleaning at the Very Top of the Tank
Cleaning services for the tank top are also provided by Ace Grease, in addition to cleaning services for the interior of the grease trap. Cleaning the exterior of the grease trap and removing any buildup that may have accumulated on top of the tank are both part of this process. This service is essential not only because it helps to maintain the system’s aesthetic appeal but also because it reduces the risk of problems like as offensive odors and insect infestations.
Contact Us Today!
At Ace Grease, we understand the importance of having a clean grease trap system. Keeping your grease trap clean is imperative if you want your business to operate regularly. We offer an unrivaled trap cleaning service at an affordable price. Contact us today to learn more about our services in St. Louis MO.
When it comes to the plumbing system of a commercial kitchen, grease traps are an essential component; but, if they are not maintained properly, they can also become a substantial source of issues. Grease traps have a tendency to become clogged over time, which can lead to significant plumbing difficulties that are sometimes very expensive to fix. I am a specialist, and as such, I have done research into the significance of grease trap cleaning and the reasons why Ace Grease Services is the best partner for managing the requirements for grease trap maintenance.
Why is the cleaning of grease traps so important?
Grease traps are installed in plumbing systems to prevent clogs and blockages by capturing fats, oils, and grease (also known as FOG) before it enters the plumbing system. But, over time these FOGs can accumulate, which can lead to clogs and obstructions in the system. Cleaning the trap on a consistent basis keeps it in good working order, stops the accumulation of FOGs, and reduces the likelihood of clogs and blockages.
Compliance with Regulations:
There are several different requirements that must be followed in regards to the cleaning and maintenance of grease traps. The imposition of hefty fines and possible legal action is possible in the event that these regulations are violated. You can ensure that your firm is in compliance with all rules by forming a strategic partnership with a competent company that specializes in cleaning grease traps, such as Ace Grease Services.
Cost Reductions Keeping your grease traps clean on a regular basis can save your company a considerable amount of money over the course of their lifetime. You may save money on plumbing repairs and cut downtime by avoiding clogs and blockages from occurring in the first place. In addition, a grease trap that is kept in good condition can lengthen the life of your plumbing system, so minimizing the frequency and severity of the need for costly repairs.
Increased Health and Safety A grease trap that is not maintained properly can become a fertile breeding ground for germs and other potentially hazardous organisms. In addition to creating a healthier and safer workplace for your employees and customers, routine cleaning can assist to reduce the likelihood that these organisms will spread throughout the space.
Why should you use Ace Grease Services to fulfill your requirements for grease trap cleaning?
Expertise: Ace Grease Services has more than 30 years of expertise in the grease management field, and the specialists on their team are familiar with the most recent legislation and the best practices in the industry. This knowledge guarantees that the level of service and guidance that your company receives is of the highest possible standard.
Solutions That Can Be Tailored to Your Specific Needs Ace Grease Services is pleased to provide businesses with solutions that can be adapted to meet their unique requirements. They offer clients expert guidance and suggestions in order to assist them in optimizing the maintenance procedures for their grease traps, hence cutting expenses and increasing operational efficacy.
Technology that is State-of-the-Art Ace Grease Services utilizes equipment and procedures that are state-of-the-art to ensure that your grease trap is cleaned properly and effectively. They eliminate all FOG buildup by utilizing a potent vacuum system and high-pressure water jets, leaving your trap in optimal operating condition after the process is complete.
Ace Grease Services is dedicated to ensuring that their customers are in full compliance with all applicable requirements, as stated in their mission statement. They ensure that your company is in complete compliance with all applicable local and state requirements by providing comprehensive documentation of each cleaning they perform.
Emergency Services Ace Grease Services is also available to provide emergency services to commercial clients that are in need of rapid assistance. In the event that your grease trap is blocked or overflowing, the specialists on their staff are able to respond promptly and effectively in order to fix the problem.
In order to keep a commercial kitchen’s plumbing system clean and in good working order, regular grease trap cleaning is an absolute necessity. Businesses can ensure that their grease traps are maintained correctly by partnering with a professional grease trap cleaning company such as Ace Grease Services. This reduces the risk of needing to spend money on expensive plumbing repairs and prevents clogs and blockages from occurring in the grease traps. Ace Grease Services is the right partner for businesses that are wanting to handle their grease trap maintenance needs. With over 30 years of experience, personalized solutions, modern technology, and emergency services, Ace Grease Services is the ideal partner for businesses.
Grease Trap Cleaning: The Essential Guide for Maintaining Your Grease Trap System in St. Louis, MO
Cleaning the grease traps in your commercial kitchen is an essential step in ensuring that your sanitary sewer system continues to function properly and that your business runs without a hitch. It helps minimize costly repairs, unpleasant odors, and potential health problems related with the development of fat, oils, and grease ( FOG). grease trap cleaning, the function played by professional plumbing services in St. Louis, Missouri, and the many compelling reasons why Ace Grease Services should be your first and only choice for all of your commercial grease trap maintenance requirements. In addition to this, we will talk about the many components that make up a grease trap system as well as the advantages of scheduling routine cleanings.
The Significance of Regularly Cleaning Out Grease Traps
The plumbing system of a commercial kitchen needs to have a grease trap as one of its essential components. Its purpose is to stop FOG from getting into the sanitary sewer system, where it could potentially cause clogs and other problems. In order for grease traps to function properly, they must first allow wastewater to pass through them while simultaneously collecting FOG, which will always rise to the top of the tank.
FOG builds up over time inside the grease trap, which causes it to become less effective and reduces its capacity. If the grease trap is not maintained, it is possible for it to get fully blocked, which would allow FOG to get around the trap and into the sewer system. This can result in costly repairs, overflows of sanitary sewers, and possible fines for failing to comply with local requirements, which can all add up quickly.
Maintaining the effectiveness of your grease trap system, guaranteeing the sanitary functioning of your industrial kitchen, and safeguarding the environment all require that you clean your grease traps on a regular basis.
The Importance of Using Experts While Cleaning Out Grease Traps
When it comes to cleaning and maintaining grease traps, having a professional service like Ace Grease Services in St. Louis, Missouri, on hand is essential. Ee have the expertise, experience, and tools required to clean and maintain your industrial grease trap in an efficient and effective manner.
A professional cleaning service will typically involve:
Doing a thorough examination of the grease trap for any indications of corrosion or wear removing the collected FOG from the tank by pumping it out. Cleaning the catch and eliminating any debris that may still be present. Taking measures to ensure that the trap is operating effectively repairing or replacing any components that have been damaged, if this is required.
You can save money on costly repairs and potential fines for non-compliance with local regulations if you work with a reputable plumbing service to ensure that your grease trap is cleaned and maintained to the highest standards. This can be accomplished by ensuring that your grease trap is cleaned and maintained to the highest standards.
Comprehending the Workings of Your Grease Trap System
The following is a list of the various components that make up a grease trap system, each of which plays an important part in preventing FOG from entering the sanitary sewer system:
- The grease trap is the most important part of the system since it removes FOG from the wastewater while still allowing the wastewater to flow through.
- Baffles are internal features that help to slow down the flow of wastewater. This allows FOG to separate and rise to the top of the tank where it can be removed. This component, known as the Flow Control Device, is responsible for controlling the flow of wastewater into the grease trap in order to maintain its efficient operation.
- Cleaning and maintaining your grease traps on a regular basis helps to ensure that each component of your grease trap system performs well, which in turn helps to prevent difficulties linked to FOG in both your commercial kitchen and your sewer system.
The Benefits of Regular Grease Trap Cleaning Service
Increased Productivity: Keeping your grease trap clean on a regular basis helps to maintain its efficiency, which in turn helps to ensure that it continues to successfully collect FOG and prevent clogs in the sewer system.
Compliance with Rules The regulations governing the area mandate that grease traps be cleaned and maintained on a regular basis. Working with a professional provider can help you maintain compliance with applicable regulations in your commercial kitchen and protect you from the possibility of incurring financial penalties.
Reduced Odors The accumulation of FOG in a grease trap can result in the production of offensive scents, which can have a negative impact on both your employees and your customers. Cleaning on a regular basis helps prevent unpleasant odors, which helps keep the environment of your commercial kitchen clean and pleasant.
The regular cleaning of grease traps can assist save money by reducing the need for expensive repairs and the risk of incurring potential fines for noncompliance. You can cut costs in the long run by devoting some of your budget to preventative maintenance.
Protection of the Environment: Doing routine maintenance on grease traps helps to safeguard the environment by preventing FOG from entering the sanitary sewer system. If FOG is allowed to enter the sanitary sewer system, it can pollute the water and harm aquatic habitats.
Improved Reputation: A grease trap system that is well-maintained indicates your commitment to cleanliness, public health, and environmental responsibility, which can help boost the reputation of your company and attract new clients.
The Most Dependable Option for Cleaning Grease Traps in St. Louis, Missouri Is Ace Grease Services.
Ace Grease Services is the company of choice when it comes to the cleaning and maintenance of grease traps. To ensure that the grease trap system at your commercial establishment continues to operate as efficiently as possible, our team of highly trained professionals provides a full range of maintenance and repair services. Here are t he many reasons why Ace Grease Services is the best choice for all of your grease trap cleaning needs:
Expertise and Years of Experience: With years of expertise in the business, our team of professionals understands the nuances of grease trap systems and is well-equipped to handle any grease trap issue, from routine cleaning to emergency repairs.
Complete Services: In addition to our standard grease trap services, which include cleaning, maintenance, and inspection on a regular basis, we also provide emergency services to deal with any unforeseen problems that may arise. We are a one-stop shop for all of your grease trap requirements, so come to us first.
Personalized Approaches: Because we are aware that no two companies are identical, we adapt our offerings to cater to the requirements of each individual client. We will work with you to develop a tailored solution that satisfies your needs, regardless of whether you require routine maintenance, emergency services, or a thorough inspection of your grease traps.
Price that is Competitive: We take great pleasure in being able to provide high-quality services at pricing that is competitive. The grease trap cleaning and maintenance services that you invest in will, with the help of our hard-working staff, provide you with the highest possible return on your money.
Excellent Customer Service: Here at Ace Grease Services, the fulfillment of our clients’ needs is our number one concern. From the moment you first contact us about our grease trap services until the very last one, we are committed to giving the highest possible level of service and support. Our team is always accessible to respond to any inquiries or concerns you may have and will do so in a timely manner.
Contact us today!
Maintaining the effectiveness of your grease trap system and ensuring that your industrial kitchen in St. Louis, Missouri runs smoothly requires that you clean your grease traps on a regular basis. If you work with Ace Grease Services, you can have confidence that your grease.
Your Guide to Professional Grease Trap Cleaning in St. Louis, MO: An Essential Plumbing Service for Maintaining a Healthy Commercial Grease Trap System
If you own or manage a restaurant or a food service establishment in St. Louis, MO, you are likely familiar with the importance of maintaining a clean and efficient grease trap system. Grease trap cleaning is not just a critical aspect of your plumbing service; it’s an essential part of your sanitary sewer management and the overall health of your business operations. At Ace Grease, we provide expert grease trap cleaning services designed to keep your commercial grease trap system functioning at its best.
The Role of a Commercial Grease Trap
A commercial grease trap plays a critical role in preventing fats, oils, and grease (FOG) from entering the sanitary sewer system. These substances can solidify and accumulate in the sewer lines, leading to blockages, costly repairs, and even environmental fines. A well-maintained grease trap system captures these substances, allowing them to float to the top of the tank where they can be easily removed.
Why Professional Grease Trap Cleaning is Essential
While it’s tempting to handle grease trap cleaning internally, it’s a task best left to professionals. Cleaning a grease trap involves more than simply removing the accumulated FOG. It requires a deep understanding of the system, the ability to identify potential issues before they become problems, and the knowledge of how to dispose of the waste in an environmentally responsible manner.
At Ace Grease, our professional cleaning service extends beyond just emptying your grease trap. We inspect your system, checking for signs of wear and tear, potential blockages, and ensuring that all components are functioning as they should. This comprehensive approach to grease trap cleaning helps prevent unexpected issues down the line, ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your grease trap system.
Grease Trap Maintenance: A Regular Commitment
Regular grease trap maintenance is key to ensuring a smoothly operating kitchen. In St. Louis, MO, regulations require commercial establishments to clean their grease traps regularly. This frequency depends on the size of your trap and the volume of FOG your business produces.
At Ace Grease, we offer flexible maintenance schedules to suit your specific needs. Whether you require weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly service, we’re committed to providing top-notch grease trap cleaning that keeps your business compliant and your sewer lines clear.
Ace Grease: Your Partner in St. Louis, MO
Our commitment to exceptional customer service sets us apart. We understand the unique needs of businesses in St. Louis, MO, and our team of experienced technicians is dedicated to providing reliable, efficient, and comprehensive grease trap cleaning services. We also offer emergency plumbing services, ensuring that help is always just a phone call away.
The Environmental Advantage
Beyond maintaining a clean and efficient grease trap system, our services also contribute to a more sustainable St. Louis, MO. The FOG we collect from your grease traps is processed and converted into biodiesel, a cleaner, more sustainable alternative to traditional diesel fuel. By choosing Ace Grease for your grease trap cleaning needs, you’re not just investing in the health of your business, but also in the health of our planet.
Professional grease trap cleaning is a vital aspect of running a successful food service establishment. With Ace Grease, you can rest easy knowing your grease trap system is in expert hands. We are dedicated to providing exceptional cleaning and maintenance services that not only protect your business from potential plumbing issues but also contribute to a greener, more sustainable St. Louis, MO. Contact us today to learn more about our grease trap cleaning services and how we can help your business thrive.
The Ace Grease Difference
At Ace Grease, our commitment to excellence sets us apart in the industry. We understand that a properly functioning grease trap system is the cornerstone of any food service operation, and we are dedicated to offering the highest quality grease trap cleaning services in St. Louis, MO.
Expert Technicians at Your Service
Our team of expert technicians is trained in the latest grease trap maintenance techniques, ensuring your system is cleaned thoroughly and efficiently every time. They are skilled at identifying potential issues early, preventing costly repairs and system downtime. Our commitment to professionalism ensures that we leave your kitchen as clean as we found it, minimizing disruption to your operations.
Comprehensive Grease Trap Cleaning and Maintenance Services
Our grease trap cleaning service is comprehensive, encompassing not just the removal of FOG but a complete system check. We inspect the tank, check for wear and tear, ensure the baffle is in place, and ensure your system is draining properly. This thorough approach keeps your grease trap system in top shape, extends its lifespan, and ensures it operates efficiently.
The Ace Grease Sustainability Promise
Beyond our commitment to exceptional service, Ace Grease is a leader in environmental sustainability. The FOG we collect from your grease traps isn’t just disposed of; it’s transformed. We convert this would-be waste into biodiesel, a renewable energy source that helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to a more sustainable future.
By choosing Ace Grease for your grease trap cleaning needs, you’re not just investing in a cleaner, more efficient business operation – you’re also supporting a greener, healthier St. Louis, MO.
Choose Ace Grease for Your Grease Trap Cleaning Needs in St. Louis, MO
Whether you own a small café or a large restaurant, a clean and efficient grease trap system is critical to your operations. Don’t let FOG issues slow you down. Trust the experts at Ace Grease for your grease trap cleaning and maintenance needs. We offer flexible maintenance schedules, top-notch customer service, and a commitment to sustainability that sets us apart.
Join us in our mission to keep St. Louis, MO’s sewer systems clean and its future green. Contact Ace Grease today to learn more about our grease trap cleaning services and how we can help your business thrive while contributing to a healthier planet. With Ace Grease, you can count on exceptional service that keeps your grease trap system at the top of its game and your business running smoothly.
Emergency Services: We’ve Got You Covered
In the world of food service, emergencies can happen. Whether it’s a sudden blockage in your grease trap system or an unexpected overflow, these situations require immediate attention. At Ace Grease, we provide emergency grease trap cleaning services in St. Louis, MO, ensuring that help is available when you need it most. Our team of expert technicians is always ready to respond quickly and efficiently, minimizing disruption to your business.
Customized Maintenance Plans
At Ace Grease, we understand that every business has unique needs. That’s why we offer customized maintenance plans tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you need bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly grease trap cleaning services, we can devise a plan that suits your operation. Our flexible scheduling and commitment to reliability ensure your grease trap system gets the attention it needs when it needs it.
The Importance of Compliance
Staying compliant with local regulations is crucial for any business. In St. Louis, MO, businesses are required to maintain their grease traps regularly to prevent FOG from entering the sanitary sewer system. Failure to comply can result in hefty fines and potential business disruptions. As part of our grease trap cleaning services, we help ensure your business remains compliant, providing necessary documentation and keeping you informed of any changes in regulations.
A Partner in Sustainability
At Ace Grease, our commitment to sustainability extends beyond our grease trap cleaning services. We believe in creating a cleaner, greener St. Louis, MO, and we’re dedicated to making that vision a reality. By turning the FOG collected from your grease traps into biodiesel, we’re not just disposing of waste—we’re creating a valuable resource. This commitment to sustainability makes Ace Grease a partner you can be proud to work with.
Grease trap cleaning is an essential service for any food-based business in St. Louis, MO. It protects your plumbing, ensures the smooth running of your operations, and helps keep our shared environment clean. At Ace Grease, we’re proud to provide this crucial service to our community, and we’re committed to doing it with the highest standards of professionalism, reliability, and sustainability. Contact us today to learn more about our grease trap cleaning services and how we can help your business thrive.
Comprehensive Guide to Grease Trap Cleaning with Ace Grease
In the bustling restaurant and foodservice industry of St. Louis, MO, maintaining a clean and efficient grease trap system is critical. If you’ve ever faced the challenge of managing a commercial grease trap, you’ll know it’s not a task for the faint-hearted. At Ace Grease, we specialize in professional grease trap cleaning and maintenance services. We’re committed to helping local businesses in St. Louis and beyond with their grease trap needs.
Understanding the Importance of a Grease Trap System
A grease trap system is a plumbing device designed to intercept and capture fat, oil, and grease (FOG) from your wastewater before it enters the sanitary sewer system. The system works on the simple principle that FOGs float to the top of the tank due to their lower density. This is crucial to prevent sewer line blockages and maintain the efficiency of the wastewater treatment process.
Unpacking the Grease Trap Cleaning Process
So, how does one go about cleaning a grease trap? At Ace Grease, we’ve refined our process to be efficient and thorough. Our cleaning service involves the following steps:
Tank Draining: First, we drain the grease trap system, ensuring all the wastewater is removed.
FOG Removal: Next, we manually scrape and remove the FOG layer at the top of the tank.
System Inspection: Once the trap is clean, we conduct a thorough inspection to check for any signs of wear or damage.
Final Clean-up: Finally, we ensure the area is clean and tidy before leaving.
Why Regular Grease Trap Cleaning is Essential
Routine grease trap cleaning is essential to ensure your system operates at peak efficiency. Without regular cleaning, FOGs can build up, reducing the system’s efficiency and increasing the risk of blockages, unpleasant odors, and even regulatory non-compliance.
The Role of a Commercial Grease Trap in Protecting the Sanitary Sewer System
By trapping FOGs before they enter the sanitary sewer system, commercial grease traps play a crucial role in preventing sewer line blockages and overflows. This is not only important for maintaining your business’s plumbing system but also for protecting the broader sanitary sewer system and the environment.
The Value of Professional Grease Trap Cleaning Services
While it might be tempting to clean your grease trap yourself, hiring a professional cleaning service like Ace Grease offers several advantages. Not only do we have the right tools and expertise to do the job efficiently, but our services also save you time and prevent potential health and safety risks.
The Ace Grease Difference: Comprehensive Grease Trap Maintenance
At Ace Grease, we offer more than just cleaning. Our grease trap maintenance service includes regular inspections and servicing to ensure your system is always operating at its best. We also provide education and advice to help your team effectively manage FOGs and minimize the frequency of necessary cleanings.
Why Choose Ace Grease for Your Grease Trap Cleaning Needs?
With years of experience and a team of trained professionals, Ace Grease is your trusted partner for all your grease trap cleaning needs in St. Louis, MO. We understand the unique challenges of managing a commercial grease trap and provide tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.
Our commitment to providing superior customer service, our adherence to regulatory standards, and our proactive approach to maintenance make us the go-to choice for businesses across St. Louis.
Professional grease trap cleaning and maintenance are essential for any foodservice business. Not only can it prevent costly repairs and shutdowns, but it also contributes to a cleaner and healthier St. Louis. Choose Ace Grease for your grease trap cleaning needs and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your system is in the hands of the experts.
Compliance with Regulations: Keeping Your Business Up to Code
Grease trap maintenance is not just about preventing blockages and maintaining efficiency – it’s also a regulatory requirement. Municipalities have strict regulations regarding the disposal of fats, oils, and grease. Failure to comply can result in hefty fines and even the closure of your business.
At Ace Grease, we ensure that your grease trap cleaning is performed to the highest standard, adhering to all local and national regulations. We take care of the compliance aspect so that you can focus on your business operations without worrying about potential fines or shutdowns.
The Environmental Impact of Grease Trap Cleaning
A clean grease trap doesn’t just mean a functional plumbing system; it also signifies your commitment to environmental responsibility. By preventing FOGs from entering the sanitary sewer system, you are reducing the risk of harmful overflows and backups that can pollute local waterways.
At Ace Grease, our professional grease trap cleaning services contribute to the environmental sustainability efforts of St. Louis, MO. We take pride in helping businesses manage their impact on the environment and build greener communities.
Proactive Maintenance: Avoiding Disruptions and Downtime
One of the biggest advantages of regular grease trap cleaning is the ability to spot potential issues before they become significant problems. Regular inspection and maintenance can prevent the build-up of FOGs, avoid nasty odors, and help spot damage early on.
At Ace Grease, our proactive approach to grease trap maintenance saves you from unexpected disruptions and costly repairs. We keep your system running smoothly so you can focus on running your business.
Trusting the Experts: The Assurance of Quality Service
Choosing Ace Grease for your grease trap cleaning needs means opting for reliable, high-quality service. Our team of experienced technicians is equipped with the latest tools and technology to perform comprehensive grease trap cleaning. We provide reliable, efficient service with minimum disruption to your business operations.
Effective grease trap cleaning is crucial for the smooth running of any food service establishment. Not only does it prevent plumbing issues, but it also contributes to a healthier environment and compliance with regulations.
By choosing Ace Grease, you are selecting a partner committed to providing high-quality service, ensuring regulatory compliance, and preserving the environment. We invite you to join our network of satisfied customers in St. Louis, MO, and experience the Ace Grease difference for yourself.
Personalized Service Solutions: Catering to Your Unique Needs
Every business is different, and so are its grease trap cleaning needs. At Ace Grease, we understand this and offer customized service solutions to cater to your unique requirements. Whether you are a small diner with a single grease trap or a large commercial kitchen with a complex grease trap system, we’ve got you covered.
Our dedicated team takes the time to understand your business operations, frequency of grease accumulation, and specific grease trap system. This allows us to tailor our services accordingly, ensuring maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
Enhancing Operational Efficiency: A Win for Your Business and the Environment
A clean and well-maintained grease trap isn’t just good for your plumbing; it’s also good for your bottom line. With fewer disruptions due to blockages or system failures, you can ensure smoother operations and more satisfied customers.
Moreover, a well-functioning grease trap is more energy-efficient, reducing your energy consumption and operational costs. This is another way Ace Grease’s professional services contribute to environmental sustainability, making our services a win-win for your business and the environment.
24/7 Support: We’re Here When You Need Us
We understand that emergencies can happen at any time. That’s why we offer 24/7 support to our clients in St. Louis, MO. Whether it’s a sudden system blockage or a grease-related plumbing emergency, you can count on us to be there when you need us the most.
A Sustainable Future with Ace Grease
As we move towards a more sustainable future, the importance of effective grease trap management cannot be overstated. It’s not just about keeping your plumbing system in check; it’s also about playing your part in protecting the environment and contributing to the sustainability of your local community.
By choosing Ace Grease as your grease trap cleaning partner, you’re making a commitment to sustainability, efficiency, and the future of your business. We look forward to providing you with the exceptional service and peace of mind that you deserve.
Grease Trap Cleaning: Essential for a Smooth-Running Business in St. Louis, MO
Ace Grease Services has been a leading provider of grease trap cleaning services in St. Louis, MO for over 25 year. We are experts in handling all aspects of grease trap maintenance, ensuring your business’s plumbing and sewer systems run smoothly and efficiently.
Understanding the Importance of Grease Trap Systems
The grease trap is a crucial component of any commercial kitchen. It prevents fats, oils, and grease (FOG) from entering the sanitary sewer system. This is especially important in the bustling culinary scene of St. Louis, MO, where the volume of FOG produced can be significant.
A Closer Look at Commercial Grease Traps
Commercial grease traps work by slowing down the flow of warm or hot greasy water, allowing it to cool. As it cools, the FOG separates and floats to the top of the tank, while heavier food particles sink to the bottom. In between, the cooled water is able to flow out of the trap and into the sewer system, free of harmful FOG.
The Need for Regular Grease Trap Cleaning
Cleaning a grease trap is not a glamorous job, but it is an essential one. Over time, the accumulated FOG and food particles can clog the grease trap, causing unpleasant odors, back-ups, and even potential fines from regulatory bodies. Regular professional cleaning prevents these issues and keeps your kitchen running smoothly.
Grease Trap Maintenance: More than Just Cleaning
While cleaning is an essential part of grease trap maintenance, it’s not the only component. A proper maintenance schedule also includes regular inspections and potential repairs. At Ace Grease Services, we provide comprehensive maintenance services to ensure your grease trap is always in top shape.
The Ace Grease Services Advantage: Why Choose Us for Your Grease Trap Cleaning Service
With our expert team, top-of-the-line equipment, and commitment to customer satisfaction, Ace Grease Services is the premier choice for grease trap cleaning in St. Louis, MO. We understand the importance of a well-functioning grease trap and provide a service that is thorough, reliable, and tailored to your business’s needs.
Ace Grease Services: Committed to Protecting the Sanitary Sewer System
At Ace Grease Services, we are not only committed to providing exceptional service to our clients, but also to protecting the health and cleanliness of St. Louis, MO. By ensuring the proper maintenance and cleaning of grease traps, we help protect our city’s sanitary sewer system from the damaging effects of FOG.
Get in Touch Today for Top-Quality Grease Trap Cleaning
If your business requires professional, reliable grease trap cleaning services in St. Louis, MO, don’t hesitate to reach out to Ace Grease Services. Our team is ready to provide the superior service you need to keep your business running smoothly. Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule your grease trap cleaning.
Remember, a clean grease trap is more than just a regulatory requirement—it’s a fundamental part of a smooth-running, successful business. Let Ace Grease Services provide you with the professional grease trap cleaning service your business deserves.
How Often Should You Clean Your Grease Trap?
How frequently you need grease trap cleaning depends on the size of your trap and the volume of FOG your business produces. However, as a general rule, once the FOG and solid contents reach 25% of your trap’s capacity, it’s time for a clean. This threshold is crucial to prevent FOG from escaping the trap and entering the sanitary sewer system.
The Role of Professional Plumbing Services in Grease Trap Cleaning
While it might be tempting to handle grease trap cleaning in-house, hiring a professional service like Ace Grease Services ensures the job is done correctly and safely. Our team has the expertise and equipment to effectively clean your trap, dispose of the waste responsibly, and ensure your system is functioning optimally.
What Does the Grease Trap Cleaning Process Involve?
At Ace Grease Services, we take a thorough approach to grease trap cleaning. We start by removing the FOG layer at the top of the tank, followed by the solid food particles at the bottom. We then clean and inspect the trap components before reassembling the unit, ensuring it’s ready to operate efficiently once more.
Be Proactive: The Benefits of Scheduled Grease Trap Maintenance
Regular maintenance helps prevent unexpected and costly issues. By scheduling routine cleaning services with Ace Grease Services, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your grease trap is being monitored and cared for consistently. We provide comprehensive maintenance plans tailored to your business’s unique needs.
Ace Grease Services: Upholding Our Commitment to St. Louis, MO
Our commitment to our customers and our community is unwavering. By providing exemplary grease trap cleaning services, we help St. Louis businesses keep their operations running smoothly and contribute to a cleaner, safer city. Trust Ace Grease Services to take care of your grease trap system so you can focus on what you do best.
Ace Grease Services is your partner in navigating the complexities of grease trap maintenance. Our dedicated, professional team is ready to help you ensure your business’s plumbing is in the best possible condition. Contact us today to schedule your next grease trap cleaning or learn more about our services. Trust us to deliver the quality and service you expect and deserve.
Complying with Regulations: Grease Trap Cleaning and Your Business
Ensuring your grease trap is cleaned regularly isn’t just about maintaining a functional and efficient operation—it’s also a legal requirement. Authorities like the EPA have set strict rules regarding the disposal of FOG to protect the environment and public health. At Ace Grease Services, we ensure all our practices comply with these regulations, providing you with the assurance that your business is meeting its legal responsibilities.
Beyond Cleaning: Comprehensive Grease Trap Services
Ace Grease Services is more than a cleaning service. We are your partners in grease trap management. We offer comprehensive grease trap services including installations, repairs, and regular maintenance plans. Our expert team can assess your business’s needs and recommend the best solutions for your grease trap system.
The Importance of Proper Waste Disposal
Proper disposal of FOG is crucial in preventing issues with your plumbing and the local sewer system. At Ace Grease Services, we adhere to the highest standards in waste disposal. We ensure the waste removed from your grease trap is disposed of safely and responsibly, complying with all local and federal regulations.
Expertise in Grease Trap Systems: Ace Grease Services
Our expertise extends beyond basic cleaning. We understand the inner workings of grease trap systems, allowing us to provide superior service. Whether it’s pinpointing a potential issue during routine maintenance or swiftly handling repairs, our knowledge and experience set us apart.
Securing Your Business’s Future with Ace Grease Services
By prioritizing regular grease trap cleaning and maintenance, you are investing in the long-term success of your business. A well-maintained grease trap helps ensure smooth operations, avoid costly repairs, and maintain compliance with regulations. Partner with Ace Grease Services today and secure a smooth-operating future for your business.
Remember, at Ace Grease Services, we’re not just a service provider—we’re a partner in your success. Contact us today to schedule your grease trap cleaning or to learn more about our full range of services. We’re ready to help you make the most of your grease trap system.
Emergency Services: We’re Here When You Need Us
Plumbing emergencies don’t adhere to a 9-to-5 schedule. If a problem arises with your grease trap system outside regular business hours, you need a service provider who’s ready to respond quickly. At Ace Grease Services, we offer round-the-clock emergency services to ensure your business doesn’t suffer from unexpected downtime.
An Eco-Friendly Solution: Sustainable Practices at Ace Grease Services
At Ace Grease Services, we care about the environment as much as you do. We follow sustainable practices in all aspects of our work, from our efficient cleaning methods to our responsible waste disposal. By choosing us, you’re not only opting for top-quality service but also supporting eco-friendly practices.
Ensuring Smooth Operations: The Role of Routine Inspections
Routine inspections are a crucial part of effective grease trap management. Regular assessments can help identify issues before they become major problems, saving you time, money, and headaches in the long run. Our expert technicians perform thorough inspections to ensure your system is operating efficiently.
A Local Company with a Far Reach: Serving the St. Louis, MO Community
While we’re based in St. Louis, MO, our service area extends to various other cities. We’re proud to serve a broad spectrum of businesses, providing the same high-quality, professional grease trap cleaning services across the board. Whether you’re a small local eatery or a large commercial operation, we’re here to serve you.
Choose Quality, Choose Ace Grease Services
When it comes to grease trap cleaning, don’t compromise on quality. Your business deserves the best, and that’s what Ace Grease Services strives to provide. With our commitment to excellence, extensive industry knowledge, and customer-focused approach, we’re the top choice for grease trap services in the St. Louis, MO area. Reach out to our team today to see how we can help your business thrive.
The Ultimate Guide to Grease Trap Cleaning with Ace Grease Services
The Importance of a Clean Grease Trap
Every commercial kitchen in St. Louis, MO understands the value of an effective grease trap system. It’s not just a plumbing accessory but an integral part of ensuring that fats, oils, and grease (often referred to as FOG) don’t end up in the sanitary sewer. However, like any other system, grease traps require regular maintenance. Enter Ace Grease Services, the gold standard in grease trap cleaning and maintenance.
The Anatomy of a Grease Trap System
Before diving into cleaning methods, it’s essential to understand how a grease trap works:
Functionality: Grease traps act as interceptors, catching and storing FOG before they enter the sewer system.
Separation: The grease, being lighter than water, floats to the top of the tank. Solids, meanwhile, settle at the bottom.
Why Grease Trap Cleaning is Non-Negotiable
Regular cleaning of the grease trap ensures:
Optimal Functionality: Just as a clogged artery can impair heart function, a grease-laden trap can lead to plumbing issues.
Compliance: In St. Louis, MO, and many other cities, regular grease trap maintenance is not just recommended; it’s mandated.
Environmental Responsibility: Ensuring fats, oils, and grease don’t reach the sanitary sewer protects the environment.
Grease Trap Cleaning Service by Ace Grease Services: What Sets Us Apart?
Professional Expertise: With a profound understanding of commercial grease trap systems, our team ensures thorough cleaning, making sure every last bit of FOG is removed.
Regular Maintenance: We believe in prevention over cure. Our routine maintenance schedule ensures that your grease trap always remains in top-notch condition.
Quick and Hassle-Free: We understand the value of time in a commercial kitchen setting. Our services are prompt, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations.
Grease Trap Cleaning: A Step-by-Step Guide
Inspection: Before the cleaning process begins, Ace Grease Services conducts a comprehensive inspection to assess the trap’s condition.
Removal of FOG: Using specialized equipment, the fats, oils, and grease accumulated at the top of the tank are removed.
Cleaning and Flushing: Once the FOG is removed, the next step involves cleaning the interiors of the trap, followed by a complete flushing to ensure optimal functionality.
Disposal: Adhering to St. Louis, MO regulations, the extracted FOG is disposed of responsibly.
Ensuring Longevity: Grease Trap Maintenance Tips
Monitor Filling Levels: Regularly check the grease level. A trap that’s over 25% full with FOG requires immediate cleaning.
Use Strainers: Installing strainers in the sinks can significantly reduce the number of solids entering the grease trap.
Educate the Staff: Ensure that your kitchen staff knows the importance of not pouring fats or oils down the drain.
Partner With Us Today!
Grease trap cleaning isn’t just about compliance; it’s about ensuring the smooth operation of your commercial kitchen and demonstrating environmental responsibility. By choosing Ace Grease Services for your grease trap maintenance and cleaning service, you’re opting for quality, professionalism, and a commitment to excellence.
To schedule a service or learn more about how we can assist you in keeping your commercial kitchen running efficiently, contact Ace Grease Services today. With our in-depth understanding of the intricacies of grease traps, we stand as the premier choice for businesses in St. Louis, MO.
The Consequences of Neglected Grease Traps
When you overlook regular grease trap cleaning, the implications go beyond just plumbing issues. A neglected grease trap can:
Lead to Foul Odors: Accumulated FOG, when left uncleaned, starts to decay, leading to unbearable smells that can affect your business’s reputation.
Cause Backups: Overflown grease traps can cause greasy water backups, creating a mess in your kitchen and possibly shutting down your operations temporarily.
Incur Hefty Fines: Regular grease trap cleaning is mandated by many city regulations, including St. Louis, MO. Failing to adhere can result in significant fines.
Customized Solutions for Diverse Kitchens
Every commercial kitchen has its unique needs. Whether you run a bustling diner, a chic café, or a grand hotel’s kitchen, the frequency of trap cleaning varies. At Ace Grease Services, we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Our team evaluates your setup, understands the usage pattern, and recommends a maintenance schedule tailored for your kitchen.
Eco-Friendly Disposal: Our Commitment to the Environment
It’s not just about cleaning the grease traps; it’s about what happens afterward. At Ace Grease Services, we are committed to the responsible disposal of FOG. Adhering to all the environmental guidelines, we ensure that the extracted fats, oils, and grease don’t harm our environment. By choosing us, you’re not only ensuring a clean kitchen but also contributing to a cleaner planet.
Experience and Reliability: A Legacy of Over Two Decades
In a dynamic business landscape, sustaining and building trust for over 20 years is no mean feat. Our longevity speaks volumes about our dedication to quality, unparalleled customer service, and a consistent track record. When you trust Ace Grease Services with your grease trap maintenance, you’re leaning on decades of expertise and a commitment to excellence.
An Investment in Peace of Mind
Grease trap cleaning might seem like a minor aspect of your kitchen’s maintenance, but its implications are vast. From ensuring smooth daily operations to dodging potential legal implications, timely grease trap cleaning is an investment in peace of mind. And when you partner with the best in the business, Ace Grease Services, you’re ensured top-tier service, timely interventions, and the expertise of seasoned professionals.
Ensure your commercial kitchen in St. Louis, MO is always at its operational best. Reach out to Ace Grease Services and let us handle your grease trap cleaning needs with the expertise and commitment that only we can offer.
Advanced Grease Trap Technologies & Techniques
Why Technology Matters in Grease Trap Cleaning
As the world evolves, so does the technique behind effective grease trap cleaning. Ace Grease Services understands this evolution and constantly stays abreast of the latest technological advances. Here’s why adopting modern techniques is paramount:
Efficiency & Speed: With the use of advanced equipment, what once took hours can now be achieved in a fraction of the time. This ensures minimal disruption to your business operations.
Thorough Cleaning: Advanced methods penetrate deeper, ensuring that even the most stubborn residues are effectively cleared. This prolongs the life of your grease trap system and ensures optimal functionality.
Safety: New-age techniques are not only effective but are also safer for the environment and the technicians performing the job.
The Ace Grease Services Technological Advantage
Our team is equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and tools designed for efficient grease trap cleaning. By investing in these technologies, we can:
Provide Detailed Assessments: Our tools allow us to give you a clear picture of the state of your grease trap system.
Offer Predictive Maintenance: With modern equipment, we can often predict potential issues before they turn problematic, allowing for preemptive solutions.
Many business owners may hesitate at the thought of regular maintenance, fearing the costs. However, the adage “a stitch in time saves nine” couldn’t be truer for grease trap systems. Regular cleaning and maintenance, especially when executed with advanced techniques and tools, can save significant repair or replacement costs in the long run.
Why Ace Grease Services Stands Out in St. Louis, MO
Ace Grease Services stands out because of our commitment to excellence, our embrace of advanced technologies, and our seasoned team of professionals. Our legacy in the industry is not just due to our years of experience but because of the thousands of satisfied clients who trust us year after year.
The importance of regular and effective grease trap cleaning cannot be overstated. By partnering with Ace Grease Services, you’re ensuring the longevity of your system, saving on future costs, and contributing positively to the environment. Allow us to show you the Ace difference – professionalism, advanced solutions, and a commitment that’s second to none in St. Louis, MO.
Grease Trap Cleaning: An Environmental Responsibility
The Larger Impact of a Clean Grease Trap
Beyond the immediate advantages to individual businesses, there’s a broader environmental perspective that underscores the importance of regular grease trap cleaning. Fat, oils, and grease can wreak havoc on our sewer systems. When these substances solidify, they can cause blockages in pipelines, leading to overflows that are detrimental to both the environment and public health.
St. Louis’ Commitment to Green Practices
As a thriving city, St. Louis, MO, recognizes the importance of sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. This mindset extends to the necessity for regular and effective grease trap cleaning. By ensuring that grease doesn’t enter our water systems, businesses are playing a vital role in preserving the health of our rivers, lakes, and water reservoirs.
Ace Grease Services: Pioneers in Sustainable Cleaning
At Ace Grease Services, we are not just committed to cleaning; we’re dedicated to sustainable and green cleaning practices. Our methods ensure that the removed grease and waste are disposed of or recycled in an environmentally responsible manner. It’s not just about adhering to regulations – it’s about a genuine commitment to the well-being of our community and our planet.
Join Us in Making a Difference
By prioritizing grease trap cleaning, businesses are not only ensuring smoother operations but also contributing to a more sustainable and green St. Louis. As the saying goes, every drop counts. Each cleaned grease trap plays a part in a cleaner, greener future for our city. With Ace Grease Services by your side, you’re choosing a partner that cares deeply about both the efficiency of your business and the health of our shared environment.
Ace Grease Services: The Ultimate Guide to Grease Trap Cleaning in St. Louis, MO
Introduction: The Unsung Hero of Commercial Kitchens
Behind the bustling scenes of St. Louis’s vibrant culinary establishments lies an unsung hero: the grease trap. This essential component ensures that fats, oils, and grease (FOG) don’t enter the sanitary sewer system. However, like all equipment, it requires regular maintenance. Enter Ace Grease Services, the leading name in grease trap cleaning in St. Louis, MO.
Understanding the Grease Trap System
Before delving into the intricacies of cleaning, it’s crucial to understand the grease trap system’s function:
Protection Against Blockages: By capturing FOG, grease traps prevent these substances from causing blockages in the plumbing system.
Environmental Safeguard: They ensure that harmful substances don’t enter and pollute natural waterways.
Why Grease Trap Cleaning is Essential
Regular grease trap cleaning isn’t just a recommendation; it’s a necessity:
Efficient Operation: Over time, FOG accumulation can reduce the grease trap’s efficiency, leading to potential overflows or blockages.
Sanitary Compliance: Regular cleaning ensures that commercial establishments adhere to health and sanitation standards.
Environmental Responsibility: Preventing FOG from entering the sewer system is crucial for environmental protection.
Ace Grease Services: St. Louis’s Premier Cleaning Service
In St. Louis, MO, when commercial kitchens think of grease trap cleaning, one name stands out: Ace Grease Services. With years of expertise, state-of-the-art equipment, and a commitment to excellence, we ensure that your grease trap system functions flawlessly.
The Cleaning Process: Beyond Just Scrubbing
Cleaning a grease trap is more than just removing the accumulated FOG. It’s a systematic process:
Inspection: Before cleaning, our team inspects the trap to understand the accumulation level.
Removal: The FOG, settled at the top of the tank, is carefully removed, ensuring minimal disruption.
Thorough Cleaning: The trap’s interiors are scrubbed, removing any residual grease or debris.
Disposal: The removed FOG is responsibly disposed of, adhering to environmental guidelines.
Commercial Grease Trap: Specialized Care
Commercial kitchens produce a significant amount of FOG, necessitating specialized care for their grease traps. Ace Grease Services offers tailored solutions for commercial establishments, ensuring that their larger grease traps are maintained to the highest standards.
Grease Trap Maintenance: A Proactive Approach
While cleaning is essential, proactive grease trap maintenance can prevent potential issues. Regular inspections, timely cleanings, and immediate addressal of any concerns ensure that the grease trap system remains in top condition.
Sanitary Sewer: Protecting St. Louis’s Infrastructure
The sanitary sewer system is a critical component of St. Louis’s infrastructure. Grease traps play a pivotal role in protecting this system. By preventing FOG from entering the sewers, they safeguard against blockages, overflows, and potential environmental hazards.
Ace Grease Services: More Than Just a Cleaning Service
Our commitment to St. Louis goes beyond providing top-notch grease trap cleaning services. We’re dedicated to educating the community, promoting sustainable practices, and ensuring that St. Louis remains a beacon of culinary excellence without compromising its environmental integrity.
Partnering for a Cleaner St. Louis
Grease trap cleaning is a shared responsibility. As commercial establishments continue to serve delectable dishes, Ace Grease Services ensures that the environment and the city’s infrastructure remain protected. With our expertise, commitment, and the community’s support, we envision a St. Louis where culinary brilliance and environmental responsibility go hand in hand. Choose Ace Grease Services, and let’s work together towards a cleaner, greener St. Louis.
From Simple Beginnings to Advanced Systems
The concept of grease trap cleaning has evolved significantly over the years. Initially, grease traps were rudimentary systems, often just simple basins allowing FOG to separate naturally from wastewater. However, as the culinary industry grew and urban areas like St. Louis expanded, the need for more sophisticated grease trap systems and cleaning methods became evident.
The Rise of Professional Plumbing Services
With the increasing complexity of grease trap systems, the role of professional plumbing services became indispensable. These experts, equipped with specialized tools and knowledge, could navigate the intricacies of modern grease traps, ensuring efficient cleaning and maintenance. Ace Grease Services, with its roots deeply embedded in St. Louis, MO, emerged as a frontrunner in this new era of professional grease trap care.
The Environmental Awakening: A Turning Point
As environmental awareness grew globally, the significance of responsible grease trap management came to the forefront. It was no longer just about preventing blockages; it was about safeguarding the environment. The realization that improperly managed FOG could harm aquatic ecosystems and pollute water sources was a game-changer.
Innovations in Grease Trap Technology
The 21st century brought with it a wave of technological advancements, and the grease trap industry was no exception. Newer, more efficient trap designs emerged, capable of handling larger volumes of FOG. Additionally, innovations in cleaning techniques, such as enzyme-based solutions and high-pressure jetting, revolutionized the cleaning process.
Ace Grease Services: Pioneering Change in St. Louis
Being at the epicenter of these industry shifts, Ace Grease Services was quick to adapt and innovate. Investing in cutting-edge equipment, continuous staff training, and research, the company ensured that it remained ahead of the curve, offering St. Louis establishments the very best in grease trap cleaning and maintenance.
The Economic Implications of Grease Trap Management
Beyond the environmental and infrastructural benefits, efficient grease trap management has significant economic implications. Blockages and overflows can lead to hefty fines, costly repairs, and even temporary shutdowns for businesses. By ensuring regular and thorough grease trap cleaning, establishments can avoid these financial pitfalls.
The Role of Community and Collaboration
Ace Grease Services recognizes that effective grease trap management is a collaborative effort. By forging partnerships with local businesses, regulatory bodies, and the community at large, a cohesive strategy for sustainable grease trap management in St. Louis has been developed.
Educational Initiatives: Empowering St. Louis
Knowledge is power. Ace Grease Services has been at the forefront of educational initiatives, conducting workshops, seminars, and community outreach programs. By educating business owners, staff, and the general public about the importance of grease trap cleaning and its broader implications, a collective sense of responsibility has been fostered.
Looking Ahead: The Future of Grease Trap Cleaning in St. Louis
The journey of grease trap cleaning, from its humble beginnings to its current sophisticated state, is a testament to human ingenuity and adaptability. As we look to the future, several trends are emerging:
Sustainability: With increasing emphasis on environmental conservation, sustainable grease trap cleaning methods will become the norm.
Automation: Technological advancements might lead to more automated cleaning processes, ensuring efficiency and precision.
Regulations: Stricter regulations and standards are anticipated, ensuring that grease trap cleaning adheres to the highest environmental and safety benchmarks.
A Commitment Renewed
As Ace Grease Services stands at this juncture, reflecting on the past and envisioning the future, one thing remains constant: our unwavering commitment to St. Louis. With every trap cleaned, every workshop conducted, and every innovation adopted, we renew our pledge to serve this city with dedication, excellence, and a deep sense of responsibility. Here’s to a cleaner, greener, and brighter future for St. Louis, with Ace Grease Services leading the way.
A Direct Link to Community Well-being
While the immediate benefits of grease trap cleaning revolve around preventing blockages and protecting the environment, there’s a broader, often overlooked impact: public health. Properly managed grease traps play a pivotal role in ensuring the well-being of the St. Louis community.
Preventing Contamination of Water Sources
When FOG enters waterways, it doesn’t just harm aquatic life. It can also contaminate water sources, posing a direct threat to human health. Contaminated water can lead to a host of health issues, from gastrointestinal problems to more severe diseases. Ace Grease Services, by ensuring efficient grease trap cleaning, indirectly contributes to safeguarding the health of St. Louis residents.
Avoiding Unsanitary Overflows
Overflowing grease traps can become breeding grounds for harmful bacteria and pathogens. In areas with high foot traffic, this can quickly escalate into a public health concern. Regular cleaning and maintenance ensure that grease traps function optimally, preventing unsanitary overflows and the associated health risks.
The Economic Health of the Culinary Industry
The culinary scene in St. Louis is a significant contributor to the city’s economy. Any disruption, like a temporary shutdown due to grease trap issues, can have ripple effects. By ensuring that eateries operate without hitches related to grease trap malfunctions, Ace Grease Services indirectly bolsters the economic health of the city.
Educating for a Healthier Tomorrow
Awareness is the cornerstone of prevention. Ace Grease Services’ educational initiatives aim not just to inform but to instill a sense of responsibility. By understanding the broader health implications of grease trap management, St. Louis establishments can make informed decisions, prioritizing both their patrons’ health and the community’s well-being.
A Collaborative Approach to Health and Safety
Ace Grease Services believes in the power of collaboration. By partnering with health agencies, local authorities, and other stakeholders, a comprehensive strategy is developed. This holistic approach ensures that grease trap cleaning’s health benefits are maximized, and potential risks are mitigated.
Beyond Cleaning, A Commitment to Well-being
The narrative around grease trap cleaning often centers on its environmental and infrastructural benefits. However, its impact on public health is equally significant. As Ace Grease Services continues its mission in St. Louis, MO, it does so with a profound understanding of this broader impact. Every cleaned trap, every educational workshop, and every innovation is a step towards a healthier, safer, and more vibrant St. Louis. Through dedication and expertise, Ace Grease Services reaffirms its commitment to the city’s heart and soul – its people.
Ace Grease Services: Your Trusted Partner in Grease Trap Cleaning
Navigating through the complexities of managing a commercial kitchen in St. Louis, MO, involves a myriad of tasks, one of which is ensuring the optimal functionality of your grease trap system. At Ace Grease Services, we specialize in providing top-notch grease trap cleaning services, ensuring that your operations run smoothly and in compliance with local regulations.
The Imperative of Regular Grease Trap Maintenance
Grease traps play a pivotal role in preventing fats, oils, and grease (FOG) from entering the sanitary sewer system. When cooking oils and other greasy substances are washed down the drain, they tend to float to the top of the tank in the grease trap system. Over time, without regular cleaning and maintenance, these substances can accumulate, causing blockages and unpleasant odors, and potentially leading to significant plumbing issues.
Comprehensive Grease Trap Services for Your Business
At Ace Grease Services, we offer a holistic approach to grease trap maintenance, ensuring that your system is not only cleaned but also thoroughly inspected for any potential issues. Our services encompass:
Routine Grease Trap Cleaning: To prevent FOG from entering the sewer lines and causing blockages.
Thorough Inspections: To identify and address any issues before they escalate into costly repairs.
Compliance Management: Ensuring that your business adheres to local regulations concerning grease disposal and management.
Why Choose Ace Grease Services?
Over 25 Years of Experience: Leverage our extensive expertise in managing and maintaining grease trap systems effectively.
Rapid Response Times: Our team is dedicated to providing timely services, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations.
Customized Service Solutions: Tailoring our services to meet the unique needs of your business.
The Environmental Impact of Proper FOG Disposal
Proper disposal of used cooking oil and ensuring regular grease trap cleaning are pivotal in safeguarding the environment. When FOG enters the sewer system, it can congeal and cause blockages, leading to overflows and contaminating local waterways. By choosing Ace Grease Services, you are not only ensuring the smooth operation of your business but also contributing to environmental conservation.
Ensuring Compliance and Avoiding Penalties
Adhering to local regulations concerning grease disposal is imperative for avoiding fines and ensuring your business remains in good standing. Our team ensures that your grease trap system is cleaned and maintained in accordance with local guidelines, providing you with peace of mind and allowing you to focus on your core business operations.
Expertise in Handling Various Grease Trap Systems
Whether you operate a small eatery or a large commercial kitchen, our team is adept at handling grease trap systems of all sizes. From traditional grease traps to more complex grease interceptors, we ensure that your system is cleaned and maintained to the highest standards.
Ace Grease Services stands as a beacon of reliability and professionalism in providing grease trap cleaning and maintenance services in St. Louis, MO. With a commitment to excellence, rapid response times, and over 25 years of expertise, we ensure that your grease trap system operates optimally, mitigating risks and ensuring compliance with local regulations. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in managing your grease trap system effectively.
The Science Behind Grease Trap Functionality
Understanding the mechanics of a grease trap is crucial for recognizing the importance of its regular cleaning and maintenance. When wastewater containing FOG (fats, oils, and grease) enters the grease trap, the substances that are lighter (like oil and grease) float to the top, while heavier solids sink to the bottom. The relatively cleaner water in between is then allowed to flow into the sewer system. Over time, the accumulated FOG and solids need to be removed to prevent them from entering the sewer lines, which can lead to detrimental blockages and overflows.
The Domino Effect of Neglected Grease Traps
A neglected grease trap doesn’t just pose a risk to your plumbing; it can have a cascading effect on the local sewer system and, subsequently, the environment. Blocked sewer lines can lead to:
Unsanitary Overflows: Resulting in potential health hazards and environmental pollution.
Damage to Infrastructure: Causing breakdowns and requiring costly repairs.
Business Disruption: Leading to unscheduled downtimes and loss of revenue.
At Ace Grease Services, our comprehensive grease trap cleaning service is meticulously designed to ensure thorough cleaning and optimal functionality:
Removal of FOG: Our technicians meticulously remove all the accumulated fats, oils, and grease from the trap.
Inspection: A thorough check of the system for any wear, tear, or damage that might need attention.
Documentation: Maintaining accurate records for compliance with local regulations.
Disposal: Ensuring that the removed waste is disposed of or recycled in an environmentally responsible manner.
The Economic Implications of Professional Grease Trap Maintenance
Investing in professional grease trap cleaning services is not merely a regulatory compliance matter but a sound financial decision for your business. The repercussions of a malfunctioning grease trap, such as business interruptions, potential fines, and repair costs, can be economically draining. By opting for regular maintenance:
Avoid Unplanned Downtimes: Ensure that your business operations are not disrupted due to plumbing issues.
Bypass Penalties: Stay in compliance with local regulations and avoid any fines or penalties.
Prevent Costly Repairs: Address issues before they escalate into significant problems requiring expensive fixes.
Sustainability and Responsible Waste Management
Ace Grease Services is steadfast in its commitment to environmental conservation. We ensure that the waste collected during the cleaning process is disposed of responsibly. When possible, we explore avenues for recycling and reusing waste, such as converting used cooking oil into biodiesel, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.
Tailoring Solutions to Varied Business Needs
We understand that businesses have varied needs when it comes to grease trap maintenance. Whether you’re a cozy diner or a large-scale commercial kitchen, we tailor our services to meet your specific requirements, ensuring optimal functionality and compliance with all regulatory standards.
Ace Grease Services, with its rich history, extensive experience, and unwavering commitment to providing exemplary services, stands as your reliable partner in ensuring that your grease trap system functions flawlessly. Our comprehensive services, rapid response times, and adherence to ethical and environmentally responsible practices make us the preferred choice for businesses across St. Louis, MO.
Grease Traps in Protecting Sewer Systems
Grease traps silently and efficiently safeguard our sewer systems from potential havoc caused by FOG. The unnoticed and often underappreciated system plays a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of both your establishment’s plumbing and the community’s sewer system. When grease traps are neglected, the consequences are not confined to your business but extend to the larger community, affecting public infrastructures and potentially causing environmental damage.
The Intricacies of Grease Trap Design and Functionality
Understanding the design and functionality of grease traps provides insight into their significance. Grease traps are designed to separate FOG from wastewater, preventing it from entering and clogging the sewer lines. The grease, due to its lighter density, floats to the top, while heavier solids settle at the bottom. The relatively clear water in the middle is allowed to flow into the sewer system. This simple yet effective system is crucial in preventing sewer blockages and ensuring the smooth operation of wastewater management systems.
The Legal Landscape Surrounding Grease Trap Maintenance
Navigating through the legal landscape of grease trap maintenance and FOG disposal can be complex. Different regions have varied regulations and guidelines pertaining to grease trap maintenance and used cooking oil disposal. Non-compliance with these regulations can result in hefty fines and legal consequences for businesses. Ace Grease Services ensures that your business remains compliant with all local and federal regulations, safeguarding you from potential legal pitfalls and ensuring that your operations adhere to the highest standards of environmental responsibility.
The Role of Technology in Grease Trap Maintenance
Embracing technology has enabled us to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of our grease trap cleaning services. Utilizing advanced equipment and adopting innovative methodologies, Ace Grease Services ensures that your grease trap is cleaned and maintained to the highest standards. Our use of technology also extends to ensuring that all documentation and reporting are managed seamlessly, providing you with all the necessary paperwork and records required for regulatory compliance.
The Human Element: Our Team of Dedicated Professionals
Behind the exemplary services offered by Ace Grease Services is a team of dedicated, skilled, and experienced professionals. Our technicians are not only adept at managing and maintaining grease traps but are also committed to providing exceptional customer service. From addressing your queries to ensuring that services are carried out with minimal disruption to your operations, our team is dedicated to ensuring customer satisfaction at every step.
A Future-Oriented Approach to Grease Trap Management
Looking towards the future, Ace Grease Services is committed to continually evolving and adapting to meet the changing needs of our clients and the environment. From exploring new technologies and methodologies in grease trap maintenance to adopting more sustainable practices in waste disposal and recycling, we are dedicated to ensuring that our services are not only in line with current standards but also future-ready.
Ace Grease Services – Excellence and Reliability
In the dynamic and demanding environment of the culinary industry, Ace Grease Services stands as a pillar of reliability, excellence, and integrity. Our comprehensive grease trap cleaning and maintenance services ensure that your business operates smoothly, remains compliant with all regulatory standards, and contributes positively to environmental conservation.
With a legacy of over 25 years, a team of dedicated professionals, and a steadfast commitment to providing unparalleled services, Ace Grease Services is here to ensure that your grease trap management is hassle-free, efficient, and exemplary.
Ace Grease Services: Leading Grease Trap Cleaning in St. Louis, MO
In the bustling culinary landscape of St. Louis, MO, maintaining a clean and efficient grease trap system is crucial for restaurants and commercial kitchens. Ace Grease Services stands at the forefront of this essential maintenance service, offering unparalleled expertise in grease trap cleaning to ensure your establishment runs smoothly and remains compliant with health regulations. With a focus on customer satisfaction and environmental sustainability, our comprehensive plumbing services are designed to tackle even the most challenging grease trap issues.
The Critical Role of Grease Trap Cleaning
Grease traps are vital components of any commercial kitchen, designed to intercept fats, oils, and grease (FOG) from wastewater before they enter the sanitary sewer system. Without regular cleaning, these substances can accumulate and solidify, leading to blocked plumbing, unpleasant odors, and potential fines from health inspectors. Ace Grease Services specializes in thorough grease trap cleaning, ensuring that FOG is effectively removed, keeping your operations compliant and your kitchens running efficiently.
Comprehensive Grease Trap System Solutions
Our team at Ace Grease Services is equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to service all types of grease trap systems. Whether you have a traditional in-ground grease trap or a modern above-ground unit, we provide meticulous trap cleaning services that reach every corner of the tank, ensuring a complete removal of accumulated grease and debris.
Expertise in Commercial Grease Trap Maintenance
Commercial kitchens in St. Louis, MO, require a reliable partner for ongoing grease trap maintenance. Our scheduled cleaning service plans are tailored to meet the specific needs of your kitchen, preventing emergency blockages and ensuring that your grease trap system operates at peak efficiency. Regular maintenance not only extends the life of your grease trap but also helps avoid costly plumbing emergencies down the line.
Environmental Responsibility and Grease Disposal
At Ace Grease Services, environmental stewardship is a core principle. We adhere to strict disposal protocols for the fat, oils, and grease collected during cleaning, ensuring that waste is processed in an environmentally friendly manner. Our commitment to sustainable practices helps protect the local St. Louis waterways and contributes to a cleaner, greener community.
The Ace Grease Difference: Quality and Reliability
Choosing Ace Grease Services for your grease trap cleaning needs means partnering with a team committed to quality, reliability, and exceptional customer service. Our certified technicians bring years of experience to every job, utilizing state-of-the-art equipment to deliver thorough cleaning results. We pride ourselves on our transparency, offering detailed reports of our findings and recommendations for maintaining your grease trap system in optimal condition.
Educating Clients for Better Grease Management
Beyond providing cleaning services, we believe in educating our clients on best practices for grease management. Proper kitchen practices can significantly reduce the rate of FOG accumulation, making regular cleaning more effective and less frequent. Our team offers guidance on how to minimize grease waste at the source, empowering your staff with the knowledge to maintain a cleaner, safer kitchen environment.
Tailored Services for St. Louis Businesses
Understanding that every kitchen has unique needs, Ace Grease Services offers customized cleaning solutions designed to address the specific challenges of your business. From small cafes to large dining establishments, our flexible scheduling ensures that cleaning is conducted at times that minimize disruption to your operations.
Partnering with St. Louis MO for a Cleaner Future
Ace Grease Services is proud to serve the St. Louis, MO, community, partnering with local businesses to maintain clean and efficient kitchens. Our dedication to excellence, combined with our commitment to environmental responsibility, makes us the preferred choice for grease trap cleaning services in the area.
As the industry leader in grease trap cleaning, Ace Grease Services is here to ensure that your commercial kitchen meets health standards, operates efficiently, and contributes to the environmental well-being of St. Louis, MO. Our team is ready to provide the professional cleaning service your business deserves, ensuring that fats, oils, and grease are managed effectively, and your grease trap system remains in top condition.
The Essentials of Grease Trap Cleaning
Grease trap cleaning is a critical service for any commercial kitchen to prevent fats, oils, and grease (FOG) from entering the sanitary sewer system. Located in St. Louis, MO, Ace Grease Services specializes in maintaining grease trap systems, ensuring they function efficiently and comply with local regulations. Regular trap cleaning is not just a regulatory requirement but a necessity for maintaining a smooth-running kitchen and protecting the environment.
Why Grease Trap Maintenance is Crucial
Without proper maintenance, grease traps can become ineffective, leading to FOG escaping into the plumbing system. This not only risks clogs and backups but can also result in fines and closures for businesses. Ace Grease Services provides comprehensive grease trap maintenance, including cleaning, inspection, and repair, to ensure your grease trap system operates optimally.
Commercial Grease Trap Services in St. Louis, MO
Commercial kitchens require robust solutions to handle the volume of waste they produce. Ace Grease Services offers specialized commercial grease trap cleaning services tailored to the needs of businesses in St. Louis, MO. Our team is equipped with the necessary tools and expertise to handle grease traps of any size, from small cafes to large restaurants and institutional kitchens.
Understanding the Grease Trap Cleaning Process
The process of cleaning a grease trap involves several steps to ensure all FOG is removed and the system is left in good working order. Technicians from Ace Grease Services will typically start by removing the lid from the trap to inspect the level of grease accumulation. Using specialized equipment, the grease is then carefully extracted from the top of the tank, ensuring that all solid waste and FOG are removed.
The Importance of Professional Plumbing Service
Cleaning a grease trap is a task that requires professional expertise. The team at Ace Grease Services is not only trained in the best practices for grease removal but also in diagnosing and repairing any issues with your grease trap system. This comprehensive approach ensures that potential problems are identified and addressed before they can cause significant issues.
Scheduled Maintenance for Optimal Performance
One of the keys to effective grease trap management is regular, scheduled cleaning. Ace Grease Services offers customizable maintenance plans to fit the specific needs of your business, ensuring your grease trap is cleaned at intervals that keep it running smoothly without disrupting your operations.
Benefits of Choosing Ace Grease Services for Trap Cleaning
Choosing Ace Grease Services for grease trap cleaning offers numerous benefits:
Expertise: Our technicians are highly skilled in all aspects of grease trap maintenance and cleaning.
Compliance: We ensure your business stays in compliance with local health and environmental regulations.
Prevention: Regular cleaning prevents costly clogs and sewer backups.
Customization: Maintenance plans are tailored to the unique needs of your business.
Fats, Oils, and Grease Management
Beyond cleaning services, Ace Grease Services is committed to helping businesses manage their FOG output more effectively. This includes education on best practices for FOG disposal and the installation of grease management solutions that can reduce the burden on your grease trap system.
Eco-Friendly Disposal and Recycling
All FOG and waste collected during the cleaning process are disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner. Ace Grease Services is dedicated to sustainability, ensuring that waste is treated and recycled wherever possible, contributing to a cleaner, greener St. Louis, MO.
Partnering with Local Businesses
Ace Grease Services is proud to partner with local businesses in St. Louis, MO, providing them with the services they need to run efficiently and responsibly. Our commitment to quality service, environmental stewardship, and community involvement makes us a leader in the grease trap cleaning industry.
Technological Advancements in Grease Trap Cleaning
As the industry evolves, so do the methods and technologies used in grease trap cleaning. Ace Grease Services stays at the forefront of these advancements, employing state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to ensure efficient and thorough cleaning. From high-powered vacuums that efficiently remove built-up grease to advanced inspection tools like cameras that allow for detailed assessment of a grease trap’s condition, technology plays a pivotal role in our services. This not only improves the effectiveness of cleaning but also minimizes the disruption to business operations, allowing kitchens to resume their normal activities as quickly as possible.
Customized Solutions for Every Business
Recognizing that no two businesses are alike, Ace Grease Services offers customized grease trap maintenance plans tailored to the specific needs and schedules of each client. This bespoke approach ensures that restaurants, cafeterias, and other food service establishments receive the exact services they need to maintain optimal operations. Whether it’s scheduling after-hours cleaning to avoid disrupting business hours or providing more frequent services for high-volume establishments, Ace Grease Services works closely with each client to develop a plan that fits their unique requirements.
The Importance of Eco-Friendly Practices
In today’s environmentally conscious world, how businesses dispose of waste, including fats, oils, and grease, is under scrutiny. Ace Grease Services is committed to eco-friendly disposal practices, ensuring that all waste collected during the cleaning process is handled responsibly. By partnering with recycling facilities, we ensure that the grease collected is processed and repurposed, reducing the environmental impact and supporting sustainability efforts in the community. This not only helps businesses comply with environmental regulations but also aligns with the growing consumer demand for responsible business practices.
Educational Outreach and Support
Ace Grease Services believes in the power of education and provides clients with the knowledge they need to effectively manage their grease output. Through workshops, training sessions, and educational materials, we help businesses understand the importance of grease trap maintenance and how it affects their operations and the environment. This educational support empowers businesses to take proactive steps in grease management, reducing the likelihood of issues and ensuring they are part of the solution to keeping St. Louis’s sewer systems clean and functioning properly.
A Partner in Compliance and Sustainability
Navigating the regulations surrounding grease disposal and sewer system protection can be challenging for businesses. Ace Grease Services acts as a partner in compliance, helping businesses understand and adhere to local and federal guidelines. Our expertise ensures that clients not only avoid potential fines and legal issues but also contribute positively to the community by maintaining a clean and sustainable environment.
Building Stronger Communities Through Responsible Grease Management
At the heart of Ace Grease Services’ mission is a commitment to building stronger, more sustainable communities. By providing top-notch grease trap cleaning services, educating businesses on best practices, and advocating for eco-friendly disposal methods, we play a crucial role in protecting St. Louis’s infrastructure and environment. Our dedication to excellence, sustainability, and community support makes us more than just a service provider—we are a trusted partner to businesses and a steward of the environment.
Ace Grease Services offers comprehensive grease trap cleaning solutions that go beyond mere maintenance. Our approach combines advanced technology, customized service plans, eco-friendly practices, and educational support to provide businesses in St. Louis, MO, with the services they need to succeed. By choosing Ace Grease Services, businesses can ensure their operations are efficient, compliant, and contributing to a healthier, more sustainable community.
The Essential Guide to Grease Trap Cleaning Services in St. Louis, MO
In the bustling heart of St. Louis, MO, where the culinary scene thrives and commercial kitchens operate at full steam, the importance of a well-maintained grease trap system cannot be overstated. Grease trap cleaning is not just a regulatory compliance issue but a critical plumbing service that ensures the smooth operation of any food service establishment. Ace Grease, a leading provider of grease trap maintenance and cleaning services, stands at the forefront of keeping St. Louis’s commercial kitchens running efficiently and in compliance with health regulations.
Understanding Grease Trap Systems
A grease trap, an integral component of a kitchen’s plumbing system, is designed to intercept fats, oils, and grease (FOG) before they enter the sanitary sewer system. These substances are notorious for their ability to solidify upon cooling, causing blockages and backups in both onsite plumbing and municipal sewer lines. The function of the grease trap is simple yet vital: it allows wastewater to enter the tank, giving FOG time to float to the top, where it can be removed and disposed of properly during trap cleaning.
The Importance of Regular Grease Trap Cleaning
Regular maintenance and cleaning of commercial grease traps are imperative for several reasons. Firstly, it prevents the accumulation of FOG, ensuring that wastewater flows freely and reduces the risk of backups and overflows. Secondly, it minimizes odors that can emanate from the trap, creating a more pleasant environment for both staff and customers. Lastly, it helps establishments avoid costly fines and plumbing emergencies that can arise from neglected grease trap systems.
Ace Grease specializes in comprehensive grease trap cleaning services that address all these concerns. Our team of experienced technicians uses the latest techniques and equipment to clean grease traps thoroughly, ensuring that every part of the tank, from the baffles to the waste outlet, is free from FOG accumulation. This meticulous approach to trap cleaning not only prolongs the life of your plumbing service but also supports the overall health of the sanitary sewer system.
Choosing Ace Grease for Your Grease Trap Maintenance Needs
Selecting Ace Grease for your grease trap maintenance needs in St. Louis, MO, means partnering with a service provider that understands the unique challenges of managing commercial grease traps. Our cleaning service is designed to be efficient, effective, and environmentally responsible, ensuring that all removed waste is disposed of in accordance with local regulations.
Moreover, Ace Grease offers flexible scheduling options to minimize disruption to your business operations, providing services after hours or during low-traffic periods. Our commitment to customer satisfaction and adherence to high standards makes us the preferred choice for businesses across St. Louis looking to maintain their grease trap systems in top condition.
Grease trap cleaning is a crucial plumbing service that plays a significant role in the operational efficiency of commercial kitchens and the protection of the sanitary sewer system. In St. Louis, MO, Ace Grease offers professional and reliable grease trap maintenance and cleaning services tailored to meet the needs of the food service industry. By choosing Ace Grease, businesses can ensure their grease traps are cleaned thoroughly and responsibly, keeping their operations smooth and compliant. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your grease management needs and keep your kitchen running at its best.
In the competitive landscape of St. Louis’s food service industry, maintaining operational efficiency and adhering to environmental standards are paramount. Grease trap cleaning, while seemingly a back-end operation, plays a pivotal role in achieving these goals. Ace Grease, with its commitment to excellence and environmental stewardship, extends beyond mere cleaning, offering a holistic approach to grease management that positions them as a leader in the industry.
The Environmental Impact of Grease Trap Negligence
Neglected grease traps don’t just pose risks to plumbing and sewer systems; they also have significant environmental implications. When overflow or leakage occurs due to inadequate maintenance, fats, oils, and grease can find their way into local water bodies, causing harm to aquatic life and polluting our natural resources. This underscores the need for diligent grease trap maintenance and cleaning practices that ensure all collected waste is processed correctly.
Ace Grease emphasizes environmentally responsible disposal and recycling methods. The collected waste is treated and transformed, contributing to a sustainable cycle that minimizes environmental footprint. This practice not only aligns with regulatory requirements but also with a growing demand for greener operations in the culinary sector.
Advanced Technologies and Techniques in Grease Trap Cleaning
Leveraging the latest technologies and cleaning methodologies, Ace Grease ensures that grease trap cleaning is thorough and effective. Our technicians are equipped with state-of-the-art tools that allow for precise cleaning, ensuring that even the hardest-to-reach areas of the grease trap are free from FOG build-up. This level of detail not only enhances the efficiency of the grease trap but also extends its lifespan, offering significant cost savings over time.
Furthermore, Ace Grease’s commitment to innovation is evident in our approach to monitoring and scheduling maintenance. By analyzing usage patterns and grease accumulation rates, we offer customized cleaning schedules that align with each establishment’s specific needs, ensuring optimal functionality without over-servicing or under-servicing.
Educating Clients for Better Grease Management Practices
Beyond providing top-tier cleaning services, Ace Grease is dedicated to educating our clients on best practices for grease management. Understanding the importance of proper waste disposal, the impact of FOG on plumbing and the environment, and the role of regular maintenance can empower businesses to take proactive steps in grease management. Our team offers training and resources to staff, highlighting simple yet effective measures that can significantly reduce grease-related issues.
Ace Grease: Your Partner in Sustainable Grease Management
Choosing Ace Grease means more than just ensuring your grease traps are clean; it’s about partnering with a provider that views grease management through a lens of sustainability, efficiency, and responsibility. Our holistic approach addresses immediate cleaning needs while keeping an eye on the broader impact on your business operations and the environment.
In a city famed for its culinary delights, ensuring the back-end operations are as pristine as the dishes served is crucial. Ace Grease stands ready to assist St. Louis’s food service establishments in navigating the complexities of grease trap management, offering peace of mind and allowing chefs and restaurateurs to focus on what they do best: creating unforgettable dining experiences.
Through our dedication to service excellence and environmental responsibility, we not only keep your facilities running smoothly but also contribute to a cleaner, greener St. Louis. Join us in setting a standard for responsible grease management in the food service industry.
A Broad Spectrum of Grease Management Services
Ace Grease doesn’t stop at grease trap cleaning; our services span a wide range of grease management solutions designed to meet the varied needs of the food service industry. Understanding that each establishment has unique challenges, we offer used cooking oil removal, line jetting to clear blockages in plumbing lines, and emergency spill response to address unexpected issues promptly. This comprehensive suite ensures that every aspect of grease management is covered, providing a one-stop solution for businesses in St. Louis, MO.
Line Jetting and Plumbing Maintenance: A Preventative Approach
In addition to regular grease trap maintenance, keeping the associated plumbing lines clear is crucial. Over time, even with well-maintained traps, buildup can occur in the connecting pipes, leading to reduced efficiency or blockages. Ace Grease’s line jetting service uses high-pressure water streams to clear away any buildup, ensuring that your plumbing maintains optimal flow. This preventative measure can save businesses from costly downtime and repairs, underscoring our commitment to comprehensive care.
Emergency Spill Response: Ready When You Need Us Most
Despite the best efforts in maintenance and prevention, emergencies can happen. Spills and overflows require immediate attention to mitigate environmental impact and ensure business continuity. Ace Grease offers an emergency spill response service, providing rapid, efficient, and environmentally responsible cleanup. This readiness to act in the face of unforeseen challenges reflects our dedication to our clients’ operational success and environmental responsibility.
Sustainability and Community Engagement
Ace Grease’s mission extends beyond servicing the immediate needs of businesses. We’re deeply committed to sustainability, actively participating in community and industry efforts to promote environmental consciousness. By turning collected waste into biofuel and other recyclable products, we contribute to a circular economy, reducing waste and supporting renewable energy initiatives. This engagement with broader environmental goals demonstrates our belief that businesses have a role to play in fostering a sustainable future.
Choosing the Right Service Provider: The Ace Grease Advantage
In the competitive landscape of St. Louis’s food service industry, selecting the right grease management service provider is crucial. The choice is about more than just the immediate quality of service; it’s about partnering with a company that views your success and environmental responsibility as paramount. Ace Grease stands out for our:
Comprehensive service offerings, from cleaning to emergency response.
- Commitment to sustainability and the circular economy.
- Proactive approach to education and preventative maintenance.
- Reliability and readiness to address emergencies.
- Deep understanding of the regulatory landscape, ensuring compliance and peace of mind for our clients.
Ace Grease provides an unmatched level of service and commitment to both our clients and the environment. Our holistic approach to grease management, combined with our dedication to sustainability and community engagement, makes us the preferred choice for businesses throughout St. Louis, MO. We invite you to experience the Ace Grease difference, where your business’s operational efficiency and environmental impact are our top priorities. Join us in setting a new standard for the industry, where responsible grease management contributes to a cleaner, more sustainable world.

Ace Grease: Pioneering Grease Trap Cleaning Services in St. Louis, MO
In the bustling culinary landscape of St. Louis, MO, the efficiency of a kitchen isn’t just measured by the dishes it produces but also by how well it manages waste, particularly fat, oils, and grease (FOG). This is where Ace Grease steps in, offering unparalleled grease trap cleaning services designed to ensure the smooth operation of your commercial kitchens while adhering to sanitary sewer regulations.
The Crucial Role of Grease Trap Systems
A grease trap system is an essential component of any commercial kitchen, designed to intercept FOG before they enter the wastewater disposal system. These substances, if not properly managed, can solidify and clog the plumbing, leading to expensive repairs and operational disruptions. More importantly, they pose a significant risk to the sanitary sewer system, potentially leading to environmental pollution.
Comprehensive Grease Trap Cleaning Service
Ace Grease specializes in comprehensive grease trap maintenance and cleaning services, ensuring that your commercial grease trap operates efficiently. Our expert team is well-versed in handling all aspects of grease trap cleaning, from removing the accumulation of FOG at the top of the tank to thoroughly cleaning and inspecting the entire system. Our plumbing service extends beyond mere cleaning, encompassing a complete maintenance check to prevent future blockages and ensure compliance with local regulations.
Why Grease Trap Maintenance is Essential
Regular maintenance of your grease trap is not just a regulatory requirement; it’s a critical component of your kitchen’s hygiene and operational efficiency. Over time, the build-up of FOG can lead to unpleasant odors, slow drainage, and even back-ups in the kitchen. Ace Grease’s cleaning service ensures that your grease trap system functions optimally, preventing these issues and contributing to a cleaner, safer kitchen environment.
Ace Grease: Your Partner in Sanitary Sewer Compliance
In St. Louis, MO, where culinary businesses thrive, adhering to sanitary sewer guidelines is paramount. Ace Grease’s grease trap maintenance services are designed to meet these requirements, providing businesses with peace of mind and allowing them to focus on what they do best. Our expertise in managing commercial grease traps ensures that your business remains compliant, avoiding potential fines and contributing to the community’s overall well-being.
Advantages of Choosing Ace Grease for Trap Cleaning
Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the industry, Ace Grease brings unparalleled expertise to every job, ensuring high-quality service.
Customized Cleaning Schedules: We understand that every business has unique needs. Our flexible scheduling options ensure that your grease trap cleaning and maintenance do not disrupt your operations.
Comprehensive Service: From routine cleaning to emergency services, Ace Grease offers a full range of solutions to meet your grease trap maintenance needs.
Commitment to Sustainability: We are committed to environmentally responsible practices, ensuring that the waste collected from your grease traps is disposed of or recycled in accordance with the highest environmental standards.
Located in St. Louis, MO, Ace Grease is dedicated to providing top-tier plumbing and cleaning services to commercial kitchens across the region. Our commitment to quality, compliance, and customer satisfaction makes us the preferred choice for grease trap cleaning. Trust Ace Grease to keep your grease trap system in optimal condition, ensuring your kitchen runs smoothly and sustainably.
Preventive Maintenance: The Key to Operational Excellence
Regular, scheduled grease trap cleaning is not merely about compliance; it’s a strategic approach to preventive maintenance. This service prevents the accumulation of FOG to levels that could significantly impair the functionality of your grease trap system. Ace Grease’s preventive maintenance program is designed to anticipate and address potential issues before they escalate into costly repairs or, worse, environmental hazards. This foresight saves businesses time and money, ensuring uninterrupted kitchen operations.
The Environmental Impact of Grease Trap Cleaning
Environmental stewardship is at the core of Ace Grease’s mission. Properly cleaning and maintaining grease traps contribute significantly to protecting the local waterways and ecosystems in the St. Louis area. By preventing FOG from entering the sanitary sewer system, Ace Grease helps mitigate the risk of sewer overflows and the release of pollutants into the environment. Our environmentally responsible cleaning practices reflect our commitment to not just serve our clients but also to safeguard the community and its natural resources.
Educating and Empowering Clients
Beyond providing expert cleaning services, Ace Grease places a strong emphasis on educating clients about the importance of grease trap maintenance. Knowledge is power, and by understanding the workings of their grease trap system, business owners can make informed decisions about their maintenance needs and schedules. This educational approach empowers clients, fostering a proactive attitude towards kitchen waste management and compliance with health and environmental regulations.
Technology-Driven Solutions for Grease Trap Maintenance
Innovation is key to Ace Grease’s approach to grease trap cleaning. Utilizing the latest in technology and equipment, we ensure that our cleaning and maintenance services are performed efficiently, thoroughly, and with minimal disruption to your business operations. Our use of advanced tools and techniques also allows for a more detailed inspection of grease traps, identifying potential issues that might go unnoticed with conventional cleaning methods.
Why St. Louis Businesses Trust Ace Grease
Reliability: Ace Grease has built a reputation for reliability, ensuring that grease trap cleaning and maintenance are performed on schedule and to the highest standards.
Comprehensive Service: From the initial assessment to routine cleanings and emergency services, Ace Grease offers a complete range of grease trap solutions tailored to the needs of each client.
Expert Team: Our team of skilled professionals is trained in the latest industry standards and best practices, ensuring expert care for your grease trap system.
Customer Focus: At Ace Grease, we prioritize customer satisfaction, offering personalized service solutions that address the specific challenges and requirements of your business.
Ace Grease’s grease trap cleaning services in St. Louis, MO, embody a comprehensive approach to kitchen waste management, blending regulatory compliance with operational efficiency, environmental responsibility, and client education. By choosing Ace Grease, businesses not only ensure the proper maintenance of their grease traps but also contribute to a sustainable future for the St. Louis community. Trust Ace Grease to be your partner in maintaining a clean, efficient, and compliant kitchen operation.
Ace Grease’s dedication to providing exceptional grease trap cleaning services in St. Louis, MO, is more than just a commitment to operational excellence; it’s a pledge to sustainability and community well-being. As we delve deeper into the aspects that set Ace Grease apart, it’s clear that their services offer comprehensive benefits that extend beyond the kitchen.
Tailored Solutions for Every Business
Understanding that each kitchen has unique demands, Ace Grease crafts tailored solutions to meet the specific requirements of every client. This bespoke approach ensures that whether you’re running a small café or a large restaurant, your grease trap system receives the attention and care it deserves. By considering factors such as the size of your operation, the volume of FOG produced, and your business hours, Ace Grease develops a cleaning schedule that minimizes disruption to your daily operations while maximizing the efficiency of your grease trap system.
A Partner in Compliance
Navigating the complexities of local and federal regulations regarding FOG disposal can be daunting for many business owners. Ace Grease stands as a knowledgeable partner in compliance, guiding clients through the necessary protocols to ensure that their operations remain within regulatory guidelines. This partnership not only helps businesses avoid potential fines but also reinforces their commitment to environmental protection and public health.
Emergency Services: Ready When You Need Us
Despite the best preventive measures, emergencies can happen. Ace Grease recognizes the critical nature of unexpected blockages or overflows, offering emergency grease trap cleaning services to address issues promptly and efficiently. This readiness to respond at a moment’s notice provides peace of mind to business owners, knowing that help is just a phone call away.
Investing in the Future
Ace Grease’s commitment to innovation is evident in their continuous investment in advanced technologies and training. This forward-thinking approach not only improves the effectiveness of their cleaning services but also positions Ace Grease as a leader in the industry, setting new standards for grease trap maintenance.
Building a Greener Community
The environmental benefits of proper grease trap cleaning cannot be overstated. By preventing FOG from entering the waterways, Ace Grease plays a vital role in preserving St. Louis’s natural beauty and biodiversity. This ecological mindfulness is a cornerstone of their business philosophy, reflecting a deep-rooted belief in the importance of sustainable practices for the health of the planet and future generations.
Why Ace Grease is the Trusted Choice in St. Louis
Proven Expertise: With years of experience and a track record of success, Ace Grease has established itself as a trusted authority in grease trap cleaning.
Customer-Centric Service: Understanding the value of customer satisfaction, Ace Grease goes above and beyond to meet and exceed client expectations.
Environmental Advocacy: By promoting sustainable practices, Ace Grease not only serves its
clients but also advocates for the well-being of the St. Louis community and environment.
Choosing Ace Grease for grease trap cleaning services means partnering with a company that values efficiency, compliance, and sustainability. For businesses in St. Louis, MO, Ace Grease offers not just a service but a commitment to a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable future. Trust in Ace Grease to keep your operations running smoothly and your environmental impact minimal.

Comprehensive Guide to Grease Trap Cleaning by Ace Grease Service
In any commercial kitchen, maintaining clean and functional grease traps is essential for smooth operation and regulatory compliance. Ace Grease Service specializes in providing top-notch grease trap cleaning services to ensure your kitchen remains efficient and environmentally compliant. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of grease trap cleaning, the process involved, and why Ace Grease Service is your best choice for professional grease trap maintenance.
Understanding Grease Traps and Their Importance
What is a Grease Trap?
A grease trap, also known as a grease interceptor, is a plumbing device designed to capture fats, oils, and grease (FOG) from wastewater before they enter the municipal sewer system. By separating FOG from the water, grease traps prevent these substances from causing blockages, which can lead to severe plumbing issues and costly repairs.
Why Grease Trap Cleaning is Crucial
Regular grease trap cleaning is vital for several reasons:
- Preventing Blockages: Accumulated grease can solidify and cause blockages in the plumbing system, leading to backups and potential kitchen shutdowns.
- Maintaining Hygiene: Grease build-up can create foul odors and attract pests, compromising the cleanliness and safety of your kitchen.
- Compliance with Regulations: Health and safety regulations require commercial kitchens to maintain clean grease traps to prevent environmental contamination.
- Extending Equipment Lifespan: Regular maintenance of grease traps helps prolong the life of your plumbing and kitchen equipment, saving you money in the long run.
The Grease Trap Cleaning Process
Initial Assessment
The grease trap cleaning process begins with an initial assessment. Ace Grease Service professionals will inspect your grease trap to determine the level of accumulation and assess any potential issues. This step is crucial for planning the cleaning procedure and ensuring that all necessary equipment is available.
Pumping and Removal
Once the assessment is complete, the next step is to pump out the contents of the grease trap. Using specialized vacuum equipment, Ace Grease Service technicians remove the accumulated grease, oils, and solids from the trap. This process ensures that all waste is thoroughly extracted, preventing any leftover grease from causing future blockages.
Scraping and Cleaning
After pumping out the grease trap, the interior surfaces are scraped and cleaned to remove any remaining residues. This step is essential for maintaining the trap’s efficiency and preventing the build-up of hardened grease. Ace Grease Service uses eco-friendly cleaning agents to ensure thorough cleaning without harming the environment.
Inspection and Maintenance
With the grease trap cleaned, a detailed inspection is conducted to check for any damage or wear and tear. Ace Grease Service technicians will inspect the trap for cracks, leaks, or any other issues that could affect its performance. If any problems are detected, they will provide recommendations for repairs or replacements.
Waste Disposal
Ace Grease Service is committed to environmentally responsible practices. The waste collected from grease traps is disposed of in accordance with local and federal regulations. The company ensures that all grease waste is processed and recycled where possible, minimizing the environmental impact.
Documentation and Reporting
Proper documentation is a crucial part of grease trap maintenance. Ace Grease Service provides detailed reports of the cleaning process, including the amount of grease removed, any issues found, and recommendations for future maintenance. This documentation helps clients stay compliant with health and safety regulations and provides a record for future reference.
Benefits of Professional Grease Trap Cleaning
Expertise and Experience
Professional grease trap cleaning services, like those provided by Ace Grease Service, bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. Their technicians are trained to handle all types of grease traps and can efficiently manage the cleaning process to ensure optimal performance.
Advanced Equipment
Ace Grease Service utilizes state-of-the-art equipment for grease trap cleaning. Their specialized vacuum systems and eco-friendly cleaning agents ensure a thorough and efficient cleaning process, minimizing downtime for your kitchen operations.
Regular Maintenance Plans
One of the significant advantages of partnering with Ace Grease Service is the availability of regular maintenance plans. Scheduled cleanings help prevent emergencies and ensure that your grease traps are always in top condition. These plans can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your establishment, providing peace of mind and consistent service.
Compliance with Regulations
Navigating the maze of health and safety regulations can be challenging. Ace Grease Service stays up-to-date with all relevant regulations, ensuring that your grease trap cleaning procedures comply with local, state, and federal requirements. This compliance helps avoid fines and legal issues, allowing you to focus on running your business.
Cost Savings
While it may seem cost-effective to handle grease trap cleaning in-house, the reality is that professional services can save you money in the long run. Proper cleaning and maintenance reduce the risk of blockages and equipment failure, preventing costly repairs and downtime. Additionally, Ace Grease Service’s competitive pricing and efficient service offer excellent value for money.
Why Choose Ace Grease Service for Grease Trap Cleaning?
Comprehensive Services
Ace Grease Service offers a full range of grease trap services, from initial installation and regular cleaning to emergency repairs and maintenance. Their comprehensive approach ensures that all your grease trap needs are covered, providing a one-stop solution for your commercial kitchen.
Customized Solutions
Understanding that every kitchen is unique, Ace Grease Service tailors its services to meet your specific requirements. Whether you operate a small café or a large restaurant, they provide customized cleaning schedules and maintenance plans that fit your operational needs.
Environmentally Responsible
Ace Grease Service is dedicated to sustainable practices. They use eco-friendly cleaning agents and ensure that all grease waste is disposed of responsibly. Their commitment to the environment means you can trust that your grease trap cleaning is handled with care and respect for the planet.
Excellent Customer Service
Customer satisfaction is a top priority for Ace Grease Service. Their friendly and knowledgeable staff are always available to answer questions, provide advice, and address any concerns. With a focus on building long-term relationships, Ace Grease Service strives to exceed client expectations at every turn.
Proven Track Record
With years of experience and a proven track record, Ace Grease Service has built a reputation for excellence in the industry. Their many satisfied clients attest to their reliability, professionalism, and quality of service.
Additional Tips for Maintaining Your Grease Trap
While professional cleaning is essential, there are steps you can take to maintain your grease trap between services:
Regular Inspections
Perform regular inspections of your grease trap to check for any visible signs of grease build-up or damage. Early detection of issues can prevent more significant problems down the line.
Proper Waste Disposal
Educate your kitchen staff on proper waste disposal practices. Avoid pouring grease and oils down the drain, and use designated containers for disposing of FOG. Proper waste management reduces the strain on your grease trap and enhances its efficiency.
Use of Enzyme Cleaners
Consider using enzyme-based cleaners to help break down grease and prevent build-up. These cleaners are safe for your plumbing system and can be used regularly to maintain a cleaner grease trap.
Monitor Water Flow
Ensure that your kitchen’s water flow is sufficient to help flush out any residual grease. Proper water flow aids in keeping the grease trap and plumbing system clear.
How to Get Started with Ace Grease Service
Getting started with Ace Grease Service is straightforward and hassle-free:
Schedule a Consultation
Contact Ace Grease Service to schedule an initial consultation. Their team will assess your grease trap needs and provide a customized cleaning plan tailored to your establishment.
Set Up Regular Cleaning
Based on the consultation, set up a regular cleaning schedule that fits your kitchen’s operational hours and needs. Regular cleanings ensure that your grease traps remain in optimal condition.
Enjoy Peace of Mind
With Ace Grease Service handling your grease trap maintenance, you can focus on running your business with the peace of mind that your kitchen is compliant and operating efficiently.
Contact Us
Regular grease trap cleaning is crucial for maintaining a hygienic, efficient, and compliant commercial kitchen. Ace Grease Service offers professional grease trap cleaning services that ensure your kitchen remains in top condition. From initial assessments and thorough cleanings to ongoing maintenance and environmental responsibility, Ace Grease Service is your trusted partner in grease trap management.
Don’t let grease trap issues disrupt your kitchen operations. Contact Ace Grease Service today to learn more about their services and how they can help you maintain a clean and efficient kitchen. Schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a well-maintained grease trap system.

The Essential Guide to Grease Trap Cleaning: Ensuring Your Business Runs Smoothly
As a business owner in the food service industry, one of the most critical yet often overlooked aspects of maintaining your kitchen is the grease trap system. Proper grease trap cleaning and maintenance are vital to ensuring that your operations run smoothly and comply with environmental regulations. At Ace Grease Service, we understand the importance of a well-maintained grease trap system and offer comprehensive services to keep your kitchen efficient and environmentally friendly.
What is a Grease Trap System?
A grease trap system, also known as a grease interceptor, is a plumbing device designed to capture fats, oils, and grease (FOG) before they enter the sanitary sewer system. This system is essential in commercial kitchens where large amounts of FOG are generated. By preventing FOG from entering the sewer lines, grease traps help avoid blockages, backups, and environmental contamination.
The Importance of Regular Grease Trap Cleaning
Regular grease trap cleaning is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures that your grease trap operates efficiently, capturing FOG effectively. Over time, FOG accumulates in the trap, reducing its capacity and efficiency. If not cleaned regularly, this can lead to blockages and overflows, causing unpleasant odors and potential health hazards.
Moreover, proper grease trap maintenance helps you comply with local and federal regulations. Failure to maintain your grease trap can result in fines and legal issues, which can be costly and damaging to your business’s reputation. Regular cleaning also extends the lifespan of your grease trap, saving you money on repairs and replacements.
How Grease Traps Work
Understanding how grease traps work can help you appreciate the importance of regular cleaning and maintenance. When wastewater from your kitchen flows into the grease trap, the FOG in the water floats to the top of the tank due to its lower density. The trap separates the FOG from the water, allowing the cleaner water to flow into the sewer system. The captured FOG remains in the trap until it is removed during cleaning.
Our Comprehensive Grease Trap Cleaning Service
At Ace Grease Service, we offer a comprehensive grease trap cleaning service tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to ensuring that your grease trap system functions optimally, keeping your kitchen running smoothly and preventing costly issues.
Thorough Cleaning Process
Our cleaning process begins with a thorough inspection of your grease trap to assess its condition and identify any potential issues. We then remove the accumulated FOG and other debris from the trap, ensuring that it is completely clean and free of blockages. Our team uses specialized equipment to clean every part of the trap, including the walls, baffles, and inlet and outlet pipes.
Regular Maintenance Schedules
We understand that every business has different needs, which is why we offer customized maintenance schedules based on the volume of FOG your kitchen generates. Regular maintenance ensures that your grease trap remains efficient and compliant with regulations. We work with you to determine the optimal cleaning frequency, helping you avoid unexpected issues and keep your operations running smoothly.
Environmentally Friendly Disposal
At Ace Grease Service, we are committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. After cleaning your grease trap, we transport the collected FOG to licensed processing facilities where it is recycled and repurposed. This not only helps reduce waste but also contributes to a cleaner and healthier environment.
The Benefits of Professional Grease Trap Maintenance
Compliance with Regulations
Maintaining compliance with local and federal regulations is essential for any business in the food service industry. Regular grease trap cleaning and maintenance ensure that your kitchen meets all necessary requirements, helping you avoid fines and legal issues.
Enhanced Efficiency
A well-maintained grease trap operates more efficiently, capturing FOG effectively and preventing blockages and overflows. This enhances the overall efficiency of your kitchen, reducing downtime and allowing you to focus on serving your customers.
Cost Savings
Investing in regular grease trap maintenance can save you money in the long run. By preventing blockages and overflows, you avoid costly repairs and potential fines. Additionally, a well-maintained grease trap lasts longer, reducing the need for expensive replacements.
Improved Hygiene and Safety
Regular cleaning and maintenance of your grease trap help prevent unpleasant odors and potential health hazards. This creates a cleaner and safer working environment for your staff and a more pleasant dining experience for your customers.
Why Choose Ace Grease Service?
At Ace Grease Service, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional service and expertise in grease trap cleaning and maintenance. Here are some reasons why you should choose us for your grease trap needs:
Experienced Professionals
Our team of experienced professionals has the knowledge and expertise to handle all aspects of grease trap cleaning and maintenance. We are committed to providing high-quality service and ensuring that your grease trap system functions optimally.
Customized Solutions
We understand that every business has unique needs, which is why we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you run a small café or a large restaurant, we have the resources and expertise to meet your needs.
Commitment to Sustainability
We are dedicated to promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility. Our environmentally friendly disposal methods ensure that collected FOG is recycled and repurposed, reducing waste and contributing to a cleaner environment.
Exceptional Customer Service
At Ace Grease Service, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and provide personalized solutions that meet their specific requirements. Our commitment to exceptional service has earned us a reputation as a trusted partner in grease trap maintenance.
Frequently Asked Questions
How often should I clean my grease trap?
The frequency of grease trap cleaning depends on the volume of FOG your kitchen generates. As a general rule, commercial grease traps should be cleaned every one to three months. However, your specific needs may vary, and we can help you determine the optimal cleaning schedule.
What happens if I don’t clean my grease trap regularly?
Failing to clean your grease trap regularly can lead to blockages and overflows, causing unpleasant odors, health hazards, and potential fines. Regular cleaning ensures that your grease trap operates efficiently and complies with regulations.
Can I clean my grease trap myself?
Professional cleaning ensures that the job is done thoroughly and efficiently. Our team has the expertise and equipment to clean every part of the trap, preventing issues and ensuring optimal performance.
What should I do with the collected FOG?
At Ace Grease Service, we handle the disposal of collected FOG for you. We transport it to licensed processing facilities where it is recycled and repurposed, promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility.
Proper grease trap cleaning and maintenance are essential for the smooth operation of your kitchen and compliance with environmental regulations. At Ace Grease Service, we offer comprehensive grease trap cleaning services tailored to meet your unique needs. Our experienced professionals are dedicated to ensuring that your grease trap system functions optimally, helping you avoid costly issues and maintain a clean and efficient kitchen.
By partnering with Ace Grease Service, you can focus on what you do best—running your business—while we take care of your grease trap maintenance needs. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you keep your kitchen running smoothly and sustainably.
Tips for Maintaining Your Grease Trap Between Professional Cleanings
While regular professional cleanings are essential, there are several steps you can take to maintain your grease trap between services. These practices will help keep your system running efficiently and prevent issues from arising.
Monitor FOG Levels
Regularly check the FOG levels in your grease trap. This can help you identify when the trap is nearing capacity and needs cleaning. Keeping an eye on these levels ensures that you can schedule a cleaning before any problems occur.
Educate Your Staff
Ensure that your kitchen staff understands the importance of proper grease disposal. Educate them on what can and cannot go down the drain, and provide clear guidelines on how to handle FOG. Simple practices, like scraping plates and pans into the trash before washing, can significantly reduce the amount of FOG entering the grease trap.
Use Strainers and Screens
Install strainers and screens on your sinks and floor drains to catch food particles and solids. These can prevent large debris from entering the grease trap, reducing the frequency of cleanings and helping maintain the trap’s efficiency.
Avoid Chemical Cleaners
Refrain from using chemical drain cleaners, as these can break down grease in a way that causes it to pass through the grease trap and enter the sewer system, leading to potential blockages and environmental harm. Instead, rely on regular manual cleanings and professional services.
Implement Regular Manual Cleanings
In addition to professional cleanings, schedule regular manual cleanings of your grease trap. This involves removing the lid, scooping out the accumulated FOG, and checking the trap for any signs of damage or wear. While this does not replace professional cleaning, it can help manage FOG levels between services.
Signs That Your Grease Trap Needs Immediate Attention
Being aware of the warning signs that your grease trap needs immediate cleaning or maintenance can save you from more significant problems down the line. Here are a few indicators that your grease trap requires urgent attention:
Unpleasant Odors
One of the first signs of a full or clogged grease trap is unpleasant odors emanating from your drains or grease trap. These smells are a clear indication that FOG has accumulated and needs to be removed.
Slow Draining Sinks
If you notice that your sinks are draining more slowly than usual, it could be due to a buildup of grease in your grease trap. Slow drainage indicates that the trap is full and not functioning correctly.
Grease in Unusual Places
Finding grease in areas where it shouldn’t be, such as in clean water discharge or surrounding the grease trap, suggests that the trap is overloaded and FOG is bypassing it. This situation requires immediate professional cleaning.
Frequent Backups
Regular backups in your plumbing system are a sign that your grease trap is not performing its job effectively. Frequent backups not only disrupt your operations but can also pose serious health risks and damage your plumbing.
The Future of Grease Trap Management
As technology advances, the future of grease trap management looks promising with innovative solutions designed to improve efficiency and sustainability. Here are a few trends and advancements to watch for:
Smart Grease Traps
Smart grease traps equipped with sensors and automated monitoring systems are becoming more popular. These devices can provide real-time data on FOG levels and alert you when it’s time for a cleaning, optimizing maintenance schedules and preventing issues before they arise.
Eco-Friendly Solutions
The industry is moving towards more eco-friendly solutions for grease trap cleaning and maintenance. This includes the use of biodegradable cleaning agents and improved recycling methods for collected FOG, further reducing the environmental impact of commercial kitchens.
Enhanced Recycling Techniques
Advancements in recycling technology are making it possible to convert used cooking oil and FOG into a wider range of products, from biofuels to organic fertilizers. These developments not only promote sustainability but also offer new revenue streams for businesses that participate in recycling programs.
Contact Us Today
Proper grease trap cleaning and maintenance are non-negotiable aspects of running a successful and compliant commercial kitchen. At Ace Grease Service, we are committed to providing top-tier cleaning services that ensure your grease trap system operates efficiently and sustainably. By partnering with us, you gain access to our expertise, customized solutions, and a dedication to environmental responsibility.
Taking proactive steps to maintain your grease trap between professional cleanings, recognizing the signs of needed maintenance, and staying informed about industry advancements can help keep your kitchen running smoothly. Contact Ace Grease Service today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can support your grease trap maintenance needs. Your commitment to responsible grease management starts here.

The Essential Guide to Grease Trap Cleaning for St. Louis Businesses
Running a successful restaurant or food service business in St. Louis, MO, means keeping everything from the kitchen to the plumbing running smoothly. One of the most critical components of your plumbing system is the grease trap. Regular grease trap cleaning is not just a maintenance task—it’s essential for the health of your grease trap system and the overall efficiency of your business operations. At Ace Grease, we specialize in providing comprehensive grease trap cleaning services to help you stay compliant, avoid costly issues, and maintain a clean, functional workspace.
Why Regular Grease Trap Cleaning Is Important
Grease traps are vital in preventing fats, oils, and grease (FOG) from entering the sanitary sewer system. These traps capture FOG as wastewater flows through the plumbing system, allowing only clean water to continue into the sewer lines. Over time, however, the FOG accumulates and forms a thick layer on the top of the tank, which can lead to blockages, overflows, and foul odors if not regularly cleaned.
A neglected grease trap can cause several problems:
- Blockages: As grease accumulates, it can solidify and create blockages in the grease trap and connecting pipes. This can lead to slow drainage, backups, and potential sewage overflows into your kitchen.
- Foul Odors: The buildup of fats, oils, and grease in the trap can produce unpleasant smells that permeate your kitchen and dining areas, creating an uncomfortable environment for both staff and customers.
- Health Code Violations: Regular grease trap maintenance is required by health codes in St. Louis, MO. Failing to keep your trap clean can lead to fines, health code violations, and even temporary closure of your business.
- Environmental Impact: When FOG enters the sanitary sewer system, it can cause blockages and overflows that pollute local waterways. Proper grease trap cleaning helps protect the environment and keeps the city’s plumbing infrastructure functioning efficiently.
The Grease Trap Cleaning Process
Cleaning a grease trap involves more than just removing the grease from the tank. At Ace Grease, we follow a thorough process to ensure your trap is completely cleaned and functioning optimally:
- Inspection: We begin by inspecting your grease trap system to assess the level of buildup and identify any potential issues.
- Pumping and Scraping: We pump out all the contents of the grease trap, including the accumulated FOG and any solids that have settled at the bottom. Our team then scrapes the sides and bottom of the tank to remove any remaining residue.
- Cleaning the Trap: After removing the contents, we thoroughly clean the trap to ensure no grease remains, which could quickly lead to new blockages.
- System Check: Finally, we check the entire grease trap system to ensure it’s functioning properly and that there are no underlying issues that need to be addressed.
How Often Should You Clean Your Grease Trap?
The frequency of grease trap cleaning depends on the size of your trap, the volume of FOG your business produces, and local regulations. However, most commercial grease traps in St. Louis, MO, should be cleaned every one to three months. At Ace Grease, we offer customized cleaning service schedules tailored to your business’s specific needs, ensuring your trap is always in top condition.
Benefits of Professional Grease Trap Cleaning with Ace Grease
Choosing a professional service like Ace Grease for your grease trap cleaning ensures that the job is done correctly and thoroughly. Here’s why partnering with us is beneficial:
- Compliance: We help you stay compliant with local health codes and regulations, reducing the risk of fines or closures.
- Efficiency: Our expert team works quickly and efficiently, minimizing downtime and disruption to your business.
- Preventative Maintenance: Regular grease trap cleaning extends the life of your system, preventing costly repairs and unexpected breakdowns.
- Peace of Mind: With Ace Grease, you can focus on running your business, knowing that your grease trap system is being properly maintained.
Schedule Your Grease Trap Cleaning Today
Don’t wait for a problem to arise before addressing your grease trap maintenance needs. Regular cleaning is essential for the smooth operation of your kitchen and the health of your plumbing system. Contact Ace Grease today to schedule a professional grease trap cleaning service and keep your business running smoothly.
The Consequences of Neglecting Grease Trap Maintenance
For many commercial kitchens, a grease trap is often out of sight and out of mind—until something goes wrong. Unfortunately, neglecting regular grease trap maintenance can lead to a host of serious problems, not only for your business but also for the local environment and public health. Understanding the potential consequences of not maintaining your grease trap can help emphasize the importance of regular cleaning and professional services.
- Sewer Line Blockages: When grease traps are not cleaned regularly, fats, oils, and grease (FOG) accumulate and eventually solidify, forming hard blockages in the trap and connected pipes. These blockages can restrict the flow of wastewater, causing it to back up into your kitchen, bathrooms, or other areas of your facility. In severe cases, blockages can extend into the municipal sewer system, leading to widespread clogs that require extensive and expensive repairs. Not only is this a costly issue for your business, but it can also lead to service disruptions and health hazards.
- Health and Safety Risks: A neglected grease trap can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. As FOG breaks down, it releases foul-smelling gases such as hydrogen sulfide, which can create an unpleasant and unsafe working environment. If these gases accumulate, they can pose serious health risks to employees and customers. Additionally, backed-up grease and wastewater can spill onto floors, creating slippery and hazardous conditions that could lead to accidents and injuries.
- Environmental Impact: When grease traps overflow or fail, FOG can enter the sanitary sewer system and eventually reach local water bodies. Once there, the grease can damage aquatic ecosystems by creating a layer on the water’s surface, blocking sunlight, and depleting oxygen levels. This environmental damage can harm fish and other wildlife, disrupt ecosystems, and contribute to the degradation of water quality. By maintaining your grease trap system and ensuring proper disposal of FOG, you help protect the environment and contribute to a cleaner community.
- Financial Penalties and Legal Issues: In St. Louis, MO, and many other municipalities, businesses are required by law to maintain their grease traps and keep them in proper working order. Failing to comply with these regulations can result in hefty fines, legal action, and even the temporary closure of your business. Local health departments and environmental agencies conduct regular inspections, and businesses that fail to meet grease trap maintenance standards may face penalties or lose their operating licenses. By investing in regular grease trap cleaning, you can avoid these costly legal issues and ensure your business remains in good standing with local authorities.
- Reputation Damage: Your reputation is one of your most valuable assets. An overflowing or malfunctioning grease trap can lead to unpleasant odors, unsanitary conditions, and visible grease spills—all of which can quickly drive away customers. In today’s world, negative experiences can be shared instantly through social media and online reviews, potentially damaging your business’s reputation and deterring future customers. Regular grease trap maintenance helps you avoid these issues, ensuring a clean and welcoming environment for your guests.
How Ace Grease Ensures Effective Grease Trap Maintenance
At Ace Grease, we pride ourselves on providing reliable and thorough grease trap cleaning services to businesses in St. Louis, MO, and the surrounding areas. Our approach to grease trap maintenance is designed to prevent the issues mentioned above and keep your commercial kitchen operating smoothly.
1. Tailored Maintenance Plans:
Every business is unique, and so are its grease trap needs. We work closely with you to develop a customized maintenance plan that fits your specific operation. Whether you need monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual cleanings, our team will ensure your grease trap is serviced on a schedule that meets local regulations and your business’s needs.
2. State-of-the-Art Equipment:
Effective grease trap cleaning requires the right tools and techniques. At Ace Grease, we use advanced equipment to thoroughly clean your grease trap, removing all FOG and debris. Our high-powered vacuums and specialized scraping tools ensure that even the most stubborn grease is eliminated, leaving your trap clean and fully functional.
3. Expert Technicians:
Our technicians are highly trained and experienced in all aspects of grease trap maintenance. They understand the complexities of different grease trap systems and can quickly identify any issues that need to be addressed. Whether it’s a routine cleaning or a more complex repair, you can trust our team to get the job done right.
4. Comprehensive Service:
In addition to cleaning your grease trap, we offer a full range of services to keep your entire grease management system running smoothly. This includes inspecting your grease trap for any signs of damage or wear, checking your plumbing for potential blockages, and providing recommendations for any necessary repairs or upgrades. We also offer emergency services if your grease trap experiences an unexpected issue.
5. Documentation and Compliance:
We understand the importance of staying compliant with local regulations. After each service, we provide detailed documentation that records the maintenance performed, the condition of your grease trap, and any recommendations for future service. This documentation is essential for passing inspections and demonstrating your commitment to proper grease management.
Grease Trap Maintenance as a Sustainable Practice
In addition to protecting your business and the environment, regular grease trap cleaning can also support your sustainability efforts. The fats, oils, and grease collected during cleaning can be repurposed and recycled into valuable products like biodiesel. Biodiesel is a renewable energy source that can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. By partnering with Ace Grease, you’re not only maintaining your grease trap system but also contributing to a greener future.
1. Reducing Waste:
Instead of allowing FOG to accumulate and potentially cause damage, regular cleaning ensures that these materials are collected and put to good use. This reduces the overall waste produced by your business and supports a circular economy where resources are reused rather than discarded.
2. Supporting Local Biodiesel Production:
The used FOG from your grease trap can be converted into biodiesel, which is used to power vehicles and machinery. By properly managing your grease trap and recycling FOG, you’re helping to support the production of cleaner, renewable energy sources in St. Louis, MO.
3. Enhancing Your Business’s Green Credentials:
Consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of the businesses they support. By implementing regular grease trap maintenance and recycling practices, you can enhance your business’s green credentials and appeal to environmentally conscious customers. This can also differentiate you from competitors and create a positive brand image.
Choosing the Right Grease Trap Cleaning Service
Selecting the right grease trap cleaning service is crucial for the long-term success of your business. You need a partner who is reliable, experienced, and committed to providing top-quality service. Ace Grease is that partner. With decades of experience serving the St. Louis, MO area, we understand the unique challenges of grease management in commercial kitchens and are equipped to handle them.
1. Experience and Expertise:
Our team has years of experience working with a wide variety of grease trap systems, from small traps in local restaurants to large systems in industrial kitchens. We bring this expertise to every job, ensuring that your grease trap is cleaned to the highest standards.
2. Customer-Centric Approach:
At Ace Grease, we prioritize our customers’ needs. We offer flexible scheduling to minimize disruption to your business, provide clear communication throughout the service process, and are always available to answer your questions or address concerns.
3. Commitment to Quality:
Quality is at the heart of everything we do. From our state-of-the-art equipment to our highly trained technicians, we are dedicated to providing the best possible grease trap cleaning service. We take pride in our work and strive to exceed your expectations every time.
4. Community Involvement:
As a locally owned and operated company, we are deeply committed to the St. Louis community. We understand the local regulations and work closely with businesses and municipal authorities to ensure that our services benefit both our clients and the community at large.
Be Proactive
Grease trap cleaning is a vital component of running a successful and compliant commercial kitchen. Regular maintenance not only protects your business from costly repairs and legal issues but also plays a significant role in protecting the environment and promoting sustainability. With Ace Grease, you have a trusted partner who can handle all aspects of grease trap maintenance, from routine cleaning to emergency services.
Don’t wait for a problem to arise—be proactive in your grease trap management. Contact Ace Grease today to learn more about our services and how we can help keep your business running smoothly and sustainably.
5 Reasons to Prioritize Grease Trap Cleaning for Your Business in St. Louis, Missouri
Grease traps are an essential component of any restaurant or commercial kitchen. These systems are intended to keep fats, oils, and grease (FOG) from clogging your plumbing and contaminating the local sanitary sewer system. Regular grease trap cleaning not only keeps your kitchen running smoothly, but it also protects you from costly fines and potential closures due to health code violations. Grease trap cleaning in St. Louis, MO is essential for staying in compliance with local regulations and providing a safe, sanitary environment for your business.
In this article, we will look at the top five reasons why regular grease trap cleaning is critical for your commercial kitchen, as well as the consequences of skipping this important maintenance task.
Avoids costly plumbing issues.
One of the most important reasons to keep a grease trap cleaning schedule is to avoid costly plumbing repair bills. Over time, fats, oils, and grease build up in the grease trap system, forming a thick layer that can clog pipes and slow down your entire plumbing system. As the grease solidifies, it becomes more difficult for wastewater to pass through, eventually leading to severe blockages.
Without regular cleaning, FOG buildup can cause grease to overflow from the tank’s top and into your plumbing system. Once these materials enter the pipes, they can cause stubborn clogs that require professional plumbing services to resolve. In severe cases, clogged pipes may need to be replaced, costing thousands of dollars in repairs.
Routine trap cleaning can keep grease from entering your pipes in the first place, keeping your plumbing system in good working order and saving you money.
Maintains a safe and sanitary environment.
A well-maintained grease trap system is critical for a safe and clean working environment in your kitchen. Grease traps that aren’t cleaned on a regular basis can become breeding grounds for harmful bacteria and foul odors. Over time, FOG and food particles trapped in the system decompose, resulting in unsanitary conditions and unpleasant odors that can permeate your kitchen and dining areas.
Regular grease trap maintenance not only removes accumulated grease, but also aids in the elimination of bacteria and debris that can contribute to unsanitary conditions. A professional cleaning service will thoroughly clean your commercial grease trap, preventing unpleasant odors and providing a safe, sanitary environment for your employees and customers.
Furthermore, businesses in St. Louis, Missouri, are subject to stringent health and safety regulations. Failure to keep a clean grease trap system may result in health code violations, fines, or even temporary closure.
Protects the local sanitary sewer system.
Improper grease trap maintenance can have far-reaching consequences that extend beyond your kitchen. When fats, oils, and grease escape your grease trap system and enter the public sanitary sewer, they can cause significant damage to the sewer system. FOG can solidify and accumulate in sewer lines, eventually causing blockages and disrupting the entire sewer system.
In St. Louis, MO, grease-related sewer backups can cause serious environmental problems such as contaminated water supplies and flooded streets. These backups can lead to costly repairs for both the city and businesses. Local governments frequently hold businesses liable for sewer clogs caused by their grease, which means you could be fined or penalized if your negligence contributes to the problem.
By scheduling regular grease trap cleaning, you not only protect your business but also help to avoid costly sewer blockages that affect the entire community.
Avoids costly fines and penalties.
Local ordinances in cities such as St. Louis, MO, require businesses that produce large amounts of fats, oils, and grease to have functional grease traps that are maintained on a regular basis. Failure to follow these regulations may result in fines, penalties, and even the suspension of your operating license.
Local health departments and environmental agencies conduct routine inspections to ensure that businesses are properly managing their grease traps. If your grease trap is discovered to be overflowing, clogged, or improperly maintained, you may face significant fines and the possibility of being temporarily shut down until the problem is resolved.
Routine trap cleaning helps you avoid these fines by keeping your system in good working order and in line with local regulations. Partnering with a reputable cleaning service, such as Ace Grease, can provide peace of mind by ensuring that your grease traps are cleaned and maintained on a regular basis to meet all necessary standards.
Improves the longevity of your grease trap system.
A well-maintained grease trap system will last far longer than one that is neglected. Grease traps are an investment, and like all investments, they require regular maintenance to function properly. Over time, the accumulation of FOG can corrode the inner components of your grease trap, causing it to malfunction or fail prematurely.
Routine grease trap cleaning and maintenance ensures that your system continues to run smoothly, reducing wear and tear on your equipment. By taking a proactive approach to maintenance, you can extend the life of your grease trap, avoid costly repairs, and postpone the need for replacement.
How to Clean a Grease Trap
Cleaning a grease trap is a complex process that should only be done by professionals. Here’s a quick overview of the steps in a proper trap cleaning:
The cleaning crew will carefully remove the lid from the grease trap to avoid damaging the gasket and internal components.
Measure Grease Levels: Technicians will measure the amount of grease and sediment in the trap to see how quickly it builds up between cleanings.
Remove Grease and Water: The cleaning service will use specialized equipment to remove grease, water, and debris from the trap, leaving nothing at the top of the tank.
Scrape and Clean the Trap: Once the bulk of the grease has been removed, technicians will thoroughly scrape and clean the trap’s interior surfaces to remove any remaining FOG and food particles.
Inspect the system: A professional plumbing service will check the grease trap system for signs of damage or wear to ensure that it is in good working order.
Replace the Lid: After cleaning, replace the lid securely and the trap is ready to use.
Signs That Your Grease Trap Needs Cleaning.
Even if you follow a regular maintenance schedule, there are some signs that your grease trap needs to be cleaned:
Foul Odors: If you notice persistent bad odors in your kitchen or drain area, it is likely that your grease trap is full and requires cleaning.
Slow Draining: If your sinks or drains take longer to empty than usual, this could indicate that FOG is accumulating in your grease trap and causing a blockage.
Grease Overflow: If you notice grease floating at the top of the tank or spilling out of the trap, it’s a clear sign that your trap is overloaded and requires immediate attention.
Increased Pest Activity: When a grease trap is full, pests such as insects and rodents are drawn to the decaying food and grease inside.
If you notice any of these signs, you should schedule a grease trap cleaning as soon as possible to avoid further issues.
Why Choose Ace Grease for Grease Trap Cleaning in St. Louis, Missouri?
When it comes to maintaining your grease trap system, you require a dependable and experienced partner. Ace Grease has been providing professional grease trap maintenance and cleaning services to businesses in St. Louis, MO, for many years. Our trained professionals understand the importance of regular trap cleaning and adhere to industry best practices to keep your system in top condition.
Here’s why businesses use Ace Grease for grease trap cleaning:
Comprehensive Services: We offer full-service grease trap cleaning, including regular maintenance, thorough cleaning, and inspections to ensure that your system runs smoothly.
Local expertise: With years of experience serving businesses in St. Louis, MO, we are familiar with local regulations and can assist you in remaining compliant with all applicable health and safety standards.
Preventive Maintenance Plans: We provide customized maintenance plans to ensure that your grease trap is cleaned and serviced on a schedule that works for you.
24/7 Emergency Service: If you have an emergency, our team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to handle grease trap cleaning and plumbing issues.
Contact Ace Grease Today
Maintaining your grease trap system is essential for the success of your commercial kitchen. Regular grease trap cleaning has numerous benefits for your business, including preventing costly plumbing issues and avoiding regulatory fines. For businesses in St. Louis, MO, working with a reputable service provider like Ace Grease ensures that their grease traps are properly maintained and in compliance with local regulations.
Don’t wait until your grease trap overflows—regular trap cleaning will keep your kitchen safe, efficient, and free of costly plumbing issues.

Comprehensive Guide to Grease Trap Cleaning: Protect Your Business with Ace Grease Service
Proper grease trap cleaning is essential for any food service business to maintain smooth operations, prevent plumbing issues, and comply with local regulations. In St. Louis, MO, restaurants, cafeterias, and commercial kitchens rely heavily on grease traps to keep fat, oils, and grease (FOG) from clogging their plumbing systems and the city’s sanitary sewer. If not maintained regularly, grease traps can overflow and cause severe damage to both your business and the local sewer infrastructure.
At Ace Grease Service, we offer professional grease trap maintenance and cleaning services designed to keep your operations running smoothly. This guide explains everything you need to know about the importance of grease trap cleaning, the process involved, and how our services can protect your business.
What is a Grease Trap System?
A grease trap system is designed to intercept fats, oils, and grease before they enter your plumbing. Installed between kitchen sinks or dishwashers and the plumbing lines, the grease trap captures FOG, which floats to the top of the tank while cleaner water exits through the bottom. Without grease traps, FOG would flow directly into the sanitary sewer system, causing blockages and sewer overflows.
Why Regular Grease Trap Cleaning is Essential
Over time, FOG and food particles build up inside the commercial grease trap, reducing its capacity and effectiveness. Without proper trap cleaning, grease can harden and block the trap, leading to unpleasant odors, sewer backups, and costly plumbing repairs. Additionally, local regulations require businesses to keep grease traps in good working order, and failure to comply can result in fines.
The Impact of Neglecting Grease Trap Maintenance
- Clogged Plumbing
If the trap is not cleaned regularly, grease can spill into the plumbing system, causing significant clogs that require emergency plumbing service. Clogged pipes slow down your operations and can result in costly downtime. - Sewer System Backups
When FOG enters the sanitary sewer system, it builds up over time, leading to major blockages and sewer overflows. Municipalities like St. Louis, MO, issue fines to businesses that contribute to sewer blockages due to poor grease trap management. - Unpleasant Odors
A grease trap that is not cleaned properly will start to emit foul odors as the grease and food waste inside decompose. These odors can disrupt your kitchen and impact your customers’ experience.
How to Clean a Grease Trap
Proper grease trap cleaning involves more than just scraping the top layer of grease from the tank. It requires thorough removal of all grease, sludge, and food waste to ensure the system works efficiently. Here’s how Ace Grease Service handles trap cleaning to keep your business compliant and your kitchen running smoothly.
Step-by-Step Grease Trap Cleaning Process
- Remove the Trap Cover
Our technicians start by carefully removing the lid of the grease trap. This step allows us to assess the grease buildup on the top of the tank and check for signs of damage or malfunction. - Measure the FOG and Sludge Levels
To ensure proper maintenance, we measure the levels of fat, oils, and grease (FOG) and solid waste in the trap. This information helps us determine whether the cleaning schedule needs adjustment to avoid future issues. - Pump Out the Contents
We use specialized equipment to pump out all the grease, food waste, and water from the trap. This ensures complete removal of waste from the grease trap system—not just the floating grease at the top but also the sludge at the bottom. - Scrub the Interior of the Trap
After pumping out the contents, our team thoroughly scrubs the walls and interior surfaces to remove any hardened grease that may restrict the flow of water. This step ensures that the grease trap functions properly after cleaning. - Inspect for Damage
During the cleaning, we inspect the grease trap for cracks, corrosion, or other issues that could affect performance. If we identify any problems, we provide recommendations for repair or replacement. - Document the Cleaning Service
Once the trap is cleaned, we document the service for your records. This documentation ensures that your business stays compliant with local regulations, which often require proof of regular maintenance.
Benefits of Professional Grease Trap Cleaning
While some businesses attempt DIY grease trap maintenance, professional cleaning service ensures thorough cleaning and prevents long-term problems. Here are the benefits of trusting Ace Grease Service for your grease trap maintenance:
- Prevents Emergency Plumbing Issues: Our thorough cleaning process reduces the risk of grease blockages that could disrupt your operations and require expensive plumbing services.
- Extends the Life of Your Grease Trap System: Regular maintenance keeps your grease trap in optimal condition, preventing premature wear and expensive replacements.
- Compliance with Local Regulations: In St. Louis, MO, businesses must adhere to strict grease management guidelines. Our services help you meet those requirements and avoid fines.
- Improves Hygiene and Reduces Odors: A clean grease trap minimizes odors in your kitchen, ensuring a safe and pleasant environment for staff and customers.
How Often Should You Schedule Grease Trap Cleaning?
The frequency of grease trap maintenance depends on the size of your commercial grease trap and the volume of FOG your business produces. However, most businesses need trap cleaning every 1-3 months to stay compliant and prevent plumbing issues. Restaurants with high grease production may require more frequent service.
Our team at Ace Grease Service works with you to develop a cleaning schedule that fits your operations, ensuring your grease traps are always working efficiently.
Why Choose Ace Grease Service for Grease Trap Cleaning?
As a trusted provider of grease management and plumbing services in St. Louis, MO, Ace Grease Service offers professional solutions tailored to your business. Here’s what sets us apart:
- Experienced Technicians: Our team has years of experience maintaining grease trap systems for commercial kitchens across the region.
- Customized Maintenance Plans: We create service schedules based on your business needs to keep your grease trap in top shape.
- Eco-Friendly Solutions: We handle all waste responsibly and follow local guidelines to reduce environmental impact.
- 24/7 Availability: We provide emergency services to ensure your kitchen runs smoothly, even in unexpected situations.
Protect Your Business with Regular Grease Trap Maintenance
Proper grease trap maintenance is essential to avoid plumbing issues, protect the sanitary sewer system, and stay compliant with local regulations. At Ace Grease Service, we offer reliable cleaning service and support to ensure your grease trap system performs at its best.
Don’t wait until your grease trap causes problems—schedule regular maintenance with our expert team to avoid costly repairs and downtime. Contact us today to learn more about our grease trap cleaning services in St. Louis, MO and create a maintenance plan tailored to your needs. With Ace Grease Service by your side, your grease traps will always function smoothly, and your business will stay protected from plumbing issues and regulatory fines. Reach out today to schedule your grease trap cleaning and keep your kitchen operations running at full capacity.
The Risks of Skipping Regular Grease Trap Cleaning
Neglecting regular grease trap cleaning can lead to severe consequences for your business. Over time, fats, oils, and grease (FOG) accumulate and harden inside the trap, reducing its effectiveness and eventually causing major blockages. This buildup not only affects your internal plumbing but can also disrupt the municipal sanitary sewer system, leading to serious financial and operational risks. Here are some specific dangers of neglecting grease trap maintenance:
1. Costly Emergency Plumbing Services
When grease clogs your grease trap system and spills into your plumbing, it can block pipes and require emergency plumbing service. These repairs are often expensive, especially if the clog extends deep into your sewer lines. Routine trap cleaning helps you avoid these surprise expenses.
2. Health Code Violations and Fines
Restaurants and commercial kitchens must comply with local health and environmental regulations in St. Louis, MO. Inspections can occur at any time, and a grease trap that is not properly maintained can result in fines or even temporary closure. Maintaining proper documentation of regular grease trap cleaning is essential to demonstrate compliance.
3. Business Disruptions and Downtime
A clogged grease trap can bring your kitchen operations to a halt, delaying service and frustrating customers. Overflowing traps may also cause foul odors and wastewater backups, making it impossible to continue business until the issue is resolved. With scheduled maintenance, you can prevent these disruptions and keep your kitchen running smoothly.
4. Environmental Impact
When FOG enters the sewer system, it contributes to “fatbergs”—large masses of congealed grease and debris that block city sewer lines. These blockages are difficult and expensive for municipalities to remove. Proper grease trap cleaning not only benefits your business but also reduces environmental harm and helps the city avoid costly sewer repairs.
Schedule Your Grease Trap Cleaning with Ace Grease Service
Ace Grease Service is your trusted partner for professional grease trap cleaning in St. Louis, MO. We understand the importance of reliable grease management for commercial kitchens and offer flexible service plans to fit your needs. Our experienced technicians will ensure your grease traps remain in peak condition, helping you avoid fines, plumbing issues, and unexpected downtime.
We also handle all waste responsibly, ensuring that fats, oils, and grease are disposed of or recycled according to environmental guidelines. With our 24/7 availability and customized maintenance plans, you can trust us to keep your kitchen operations running smoothly.

The Importance of Professional Grease Trap Cleaning with Ace Grease Service
Managing a grease trap system is one of the most critical tasks for any commercial kitchen, restaurant, or food service business. Without regular grease trap cleaning, fat, oils, and grease (FOG) can wreak havoc on your plumbing, leading to blockages, foul odors, and costly repairs. At Ace Grease Service, located in St. Louis, MO, we specialize in comprehensive cleaning services that keep your operations compliant, efficient, and environmentally friendly.
What Is a Grease Trap and How Does It Work?
A grease trap system is a vital part of commercial kitchens, installed to prevent fat, oils, and grease from entering the sanitary sewer system. As wastewater flows through the trap, FOG rises to the top of the tank, while solids settle at the bottom, and clean water exits into the sewer. This separation process helps keep your plumbing clear and prevents blockages that can disrupt your business and harm local water systems.
Over time, the accumulation of grease and solids in the trap can cause it to become ineffective. Without proper grease trap cleaning and maintenance, the trap can overflow or allow FOG to pass through, creating major plumbing and environmental issues.
Why Regular Grease Trap Cleaning Is Necessary
Grease trap cleaning is not a task to be overlooked. When FOG builds up in your grease trap system, it can lead to severe problems that affect your business operations, plumbing, and the environment.
Prevent Blockages in Your Plumbing System
As FOG builds up over time, it begins to clog pipes, backing up wastewater into sinks, drains, and floors. This not only causes operational delays but also necessitates expensive plumbing services to fix the issue. Regular trap cleaning ensures that your system remains clear and functional, preventing costly downtime.
Avoid Foul Odors
The buildup of grease, fats, and solids in a commercial grease trap can lead to unpleasant odors that permeate your kitchen and dining areas. These smells come from decaying organic materials trapped in the system. Professional grease trap maintenance eliminates these odors by thoroughly cleaning and removing the buildup.
Protect the Sanitary Sewer System
When grease escapes a neglected grease trap, it enters the sanitary sewer, where it can cool, harden, and create massive blockages known as “fatbergs.” These blockages cause overflows, damage infrastructure, and require costly municipal cleanup efforts. By scheduling regular grease trap cleaning, businesses play a critical role in protecting local sewer systems.
Stay Compliant with Health and Environmental Regulations
Local health departments and environmental agencies have strict guidelines for maintaining and cleaning grease traps. Failing to comply with these regulations can result in fines, penalties, or even business closures. Partnering with Ace Grease Service in St. Louis, MO, ensures that your grease trap system stays compliant with all local laws.
How Often Should You Schedule Grease Trap Cleaning?
The frequency of grease trap cleaning depends on the size of the trap, the volume of grease your kitchen produces, and local regulations. As a general rule, grease traps should be cleaned when the accumulated grease reaches 25% of the trap’s capacity. Waiting too long between cleanings can result in clogs, odors, and system overflows.
Signs Your Grease Trap Needs Cleaning:
- Foul odors coming from drains or the grease trap.
- Slow-draining sinks or backed-up wastewater.
- Visible grease buildup at the top of the tank.
- Increased pests, such as flies or rodents, near kitchen drains.
If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to schedule a professional trap cleaning with Ace Grease Service. Our team will assess your system and provide reliable cleaning services to keep your kitchen running smoothly.
The Ace Grease Service Grease Trap Cleaning Process
At Ace Grease Service, we take a thorough and professional approach to grease trap cleaning. Our process ensures that your grease trap remains clean, efficient, and compliant with local regulations.
- Inspection
Before cleaning begins, our technicians inspect the grease trap to evaluate its condition and identify any underlying issues. We measure the grease levels and note any damage or structural concerns. - Pump Out the Trap
We completely pump out all grease, fats, solids, and wastewater from the trap. Removing all contents ensures the system is clear and ready for operation. - Thorough Cleaning
After pumping, we thoroughly clean the interior of the grease trap, removing any residue and buildup from the walls and components. This prevents grease from quickly accumulating again. - Inspect and Test
Once cleaned, we inspect the trap again to ensure there are no blockages, leaks, or damage. We also test the system to confirm it’s operating effectively. - Documentation
Ace Grease Service provides detailed records of the trap cleaning service, including the date of cleaning, grease levels, and any recommendations for maintenance or repairs. These records are critical for staying compliant with health regulations.
The Benefits of Professional Grease Trap Maintenance
Regular grease trap maintenance offers numerous benefits that go beyond keeping your kitchen operational.
Improved Kitchen Efficiency
A clean grease trap system ensures that water drains efficiently, preventing backups that disrupt workflow. This allows your kitchen staff to focus on delivering excellent service without interruptions.
Cost Savings on Repairs and Plumbing Service
Routine maintenance helps prevent major issues like sewer blockages and overflows, reducing the need for emergency plumbing services and expensive repairs.
Peace of Mind
When you partner with Ace Grease Service, you can rest assured that your grease trap system is in good hands. Our expert team handles everything from trap cleaning to maintenance and compliance, so you can focus on running your business.
Who Needs Professional Grease Trap Cleaning?
Any business that generates fat, oils, and grease needs regular grease trap cleaning. This includes:
- Restaurants and cafes
- Hotels and banquet halls
- School and hospital cafeterias
- Commercial kitchens
- Food processing facilities
Whether you operate a small café or a large-scale food service facility, Ace Grease Service in St. Louis, MO, offers customized cleaning services to meet your needs.
Why Choose Ace Grease Service in St. Louis, MO?
Ace Grease Service is the trusted partner for grease trap cleaning and maintenance in St. Louis, MO. With years of experience and a reputation for reliability, we help businesses maintain clean, efficient kitchens.
Expert Technicians
Our trained professionals have the expertise to handle all aspects of trap cleaning and grease trap maintenance, ensuring thorough results every time.
State-of-the-Art Equipment
We use specialized equipment to pump, clean, and inspect grease traps of all sizes, delivering effective and efficient service.
Compliance Support
We help you meet all local and state regulations by providing regular maintenance, documentation, and compliance inspections.
Customer-Focused Service
At Ace Grease Service, customer satisfaction is our priority. We work around your schedule to minimize disruptions and deliver fast, reliable cleaning services.
Protect Your Business with Regular Grease Trap Cleaning
Grease traps are a critical part of maintaining a clean and functional kitchen. Regular grease trap cleaning prevents costly blockages, foul odors, and health code violations, ensuring your business operates smoothly. Ace Grease Service in St. Louis, MO, provides the expertise, reliability, and professionalism you need to keep your grease trap system in peak condition.
Contact Ace Grease Service today to schedule your next trap cleaning or learn more about our comprehensive grease trap maintenance solutions. Keep your kitchen running efficiently, protect the sanitary sewer system, and stay compliant with the help of our dedicated team.
Long-Term Benefits of Regular Grease Trap Cleaning
Investing in consistent grease trap cleaning provides long-term benefits that go beyond day-to-day kitchen operations. With a clean and well-maintained grease trap system, businesses can save money, protect their reputation, and contribute to a cleaner environment.
Avoid Emergency Plumbing Services
Neglected grease traps often result in serious plumbing emergencies, such as sewer backups, overflowing sinks, or clogged drains. Emergency plumbing services can be costly and disruptive, especially during peak business hours. Routine grease trap maintenance ensures these issues are caught early, preventing expensive repairs and keeping operations running smoothly.
Extended Lifespan of Your Grease Trap System
Grease traps that are cleaned regularly have a longer lifespan. Over time, excessive grease buildup and debris can corrode trap components or cause structural damage. Regular trap cleaning removes harmful buildup and allows technicians to identify minor issues before they turn into costly repairs or replacements.
Improved Hygiene and Customer Satisfaction
Foul odors, slow-draining sinks, and unsanitary kitchen conditions can quickly harm your business’s reputation. Clean grease traps eliminate these problems, creating a hygienic and pleasant environment for both your staff and customers. Maintaining a clean kitchen reflects your commitment to quality and professionalism.
Environmental Responsibility
When fats, oils, and grease enter the sanitary sewer system, they can cause widespread environmental damage. Blocked sewer lines can lead to untreated wastewater overflows, harming local ecosystems and water supplies. Partnering with Ace Grease Service ensures your business complies with environmental regulations and reduces its ecological impact.
Partner with Ace Grease Service Today
Don’t wait until your grease trap system becomes a problem. With professional grease trap cleaning and maintenance from Ace Grease Service in St. Louis, MO, you can protect your kitchen, your business, and the environment. Schedule your cleaning service today and experience the benefits of reliable, expert care. Let us help you keep your kitchen running efficiently and your reputation spotless.
Comprehensive Grease Trap Cleaning Services in St. Louis, MO with Ace Grease Service
A well-maintained grease trap system is essential for the smooth operation of any commercial kitchen. Grease trap cleaning ensures that your system efficiently captures fat, oils, and grease (FOG) before they enter the sanitary sewer, preventing clogs and costly plumbing issues. At Ace Grease Service, we specialize in professional grease trap maintenance and trap cleaning services, helping businesses across St. Louis, MO, stay compliant with regulations while keeping their kitchens running smoothly.
What Is a Grease Trap and How Does It Work?
A grease trap system is a plumbing device designed to intercept and collect fats, oils, and grease from wastewater before it flows into the sanitary sewer. These traps play a critical role in preventing plumbing problems and protecting the environment.
How Grease Traps Work
Separation Process: As wastewater enters the trap, lighter FOG rises to the top of the tank, while heavier solids settle at the bottom. The remaining water flows into the sewer system.
Capacity Limits: Over time, grease and solids accumulate, reducing the trap’s efficiency. Regular cleaning service is essential to maintain proper function.
Why Grease Trap Cleaning Is Essential
Neglecting grease trap maintenance can lead to serious issues that affect your business and the environment.
Prevent Clogs and Backups
When grease traps aren’t cleaned regularly, FOG and solids build up, eventually overflowing into the sanitary sewer. This can cause clogs, backups, and plumbing emergencies that disrupt your operations.
Protect Your Plumbing System
FOG buildup damages pipes and requires costly repairs. Professional trap cleaning prevents grease from entering your plumbing system, extending its lifespan and reducing maintenance costs.
Stay Compliant with Regulations
Local regulations in St. Louis, MO, require businesses to maintain clean grease traps. Failing to comply can result in fines, penalties, or even temporary closure.
Reduce Environmental Impact
Overflowing grease traps contribute to water pollution and harm local ecosystems. Proper grease trap maintenance ensures your business operates sustainably.
The Grease Trap Cleaning Process
At Ace Grease Service, we follow a thorough process to ensure your commercial grease trap is cleaned and functioning at its best.
Before cleaning, we inspect the grease trap system to assess its condition and identify any potential issues. -
Removal of FOG and Solids
We remove the accumulated FOG and solids from the top of the tank and the bottom, ensuring a complete clean. -
Thorough Cleaning
Our team cleans the interior of the trap to remove any residual grease or buildup, restoring its capacity and efficiency. -
System Check
After cleaning, we test the system to ensure it operates properly and meets regulatory standards.
Benefits of Professional Grease Trap Cleaning
Partnering with a trusted provider like Ace Grease Service offers several advantages:
Reliable Service
Our experienced team ensures thorough and efficient trap cleaning, minimizing disruptions to your operations.
Compliance Support
We help you meet local regulations, providing documentation of each cleaning service for your records.
Preventative Maintenance
Regular cleaning reduces the risk of costly plumbing issues and extends the lifespan of your grease trap system.
Signs You Need Grease Trap Maintenance
If you notice any of the following, it’s time to schedule a cleaning service with Ace Grease Service:
Slow Drains: Grease buildup restricts water flow, causing slow or clogged drains.
Foul Odors: Decomposing grease emits unpleasant smells that can permeate your kitchen and dining areas.
Frequent Backups: Recurring plumbing issues indicate a full or malfunctioning grease trap.
Grease Overflowing: If grease is visible at the top of the tank, your trap needs immediate attention.
The Importance of Routine Grease Trap Maintenance
Routine grease trap maintenance is key to avoiding emergencies and ensuring your system operates efficiently. Ace Grease Service offers scheduled cleaning plans tailored to your business’s needs, ensuring you never miss a service.
Customized Maintenance Plans
Every kitchen is unique, and grease production varies based on factors like menu offerings and kitchen size. Our team works with you to determine the ideal cleaning frequency for your commercial grease trap.
How Grease Trap Cleaning Supports Your Business
Proper trap cleaning isn’t just about meeting regulations—it also benefits your business in several ways:
Operational Efficiency
Clean grease traps prevent backups and plumbing issues, ensuring your kitchen runs smoothly and without interruptions.
Cost Savings
Regular maintenance reduces the risk of costly repairs and minimizes downtime, saving you money in the long term.
Customer Satisfaction
A clean kitchen environment contributes to better service quality and ensures a positive dining experience for your customers.
Ace Grease Service: Your Partner in St. Louis, MO
For decades, Ace Grease Service has been a trusted provider of grease trap cleaning and plumbing services in St. Louis, MO. Here’s what sets us apart:
Experienced Professionals
Our team has the knowledge and expertise to handle grease traps of all sizes and types, ensuring reliable results every time.
Comprehensive Services
From trap cleaning to FOG disposal, we offer end-to-end solutions for all your grease management needs.
Commitment to Sustainability
We prioritize eco-friendly practices, recycling collected grease into renewable energy sources.
Tips for Keeping Your Grease Trap System Efficient
To get the most out of your grease trap system, follow these best practices:
Schedule Regular Cleaning: Work with a trusted provider like Ace Grease Service to ensure your trap is cleaned on a routine basis.
Train Your Staff: Educate employees on proper grease disposal methods, such as scraping plates before washing.
Avoid Pouring FOG Down Drains: Always dispose of fat, oils, and grease in designated containers to prevent clogs.
Monitor Trap Performance: Keep an eye on your system and address issues promptly to avoid major problems.
Frequently Asked Questions About Grease Trap Cleaning
How often should grease traps be cleaned?
The frequency of cleaning depends on factors like trap size and kitchen usage. Most businesses require cleaning every 1–3 months.
Can I clean a grease trap myself?
DIY cleaning is not recommended, as it often fails to remove all buildup and may not meet regulatory standards. Professional services ensure thorough cleaning and compliance.
What happens if a grease trap isn’t cleaned?
Neglected grease traps lead to backups, foul odors, and environmental damage. Regular maintenance is essential to avoid these issues.
Schedule Your Grease Trap Cleaning Today
Don’t let grease trap issues disrupt your business. Contact Ace Grease Service for reliable and professional grease trap cleaning in St. Louis, MO. Our expert team is here to help you maintain compliance, protect your plumbing, and ensure the smooth operation of your kitchen. Schedule a service today and experience the Ace Grease Service difference!
The Consequences of Neglecting Grease Trap Cleaning
Neglecting regular grease trap cleaning can have significant consequences for your business, affecting everything from operational efficiency to your bottom line. Below are some of the key issues that can arise when grease traps are not properly maintained:
Plumbing Emergencies
Grease traps are designed to intercept fats, oils, and grease (FOG) before they reach your plumbing. Without proper maintenance, FOG builds up and overflows into the sanitary sewer, leading to severe clogs and backups. These issues can require expensive repairs and even force temporary closures, disrupting your business operations.
Environmental Damage
When grease trap systems fail, FOG can enter local waterways through the sanitary sewer, polluting the environment and harming ecosystems. Many municipalities in St. Louis, MO, impose strict regulations to prevent such contamination, and non-compliance can result in fines or other penalties.
Customer Complaints
A neglected grease trap system often emits foul odors that can permeate your kitchen and dining areas. These odors not only disrupt your staff’s working conditions but can also drive away customers, damaging your business’s reputation.
Equipment Damage
Excess grease can damage kitchen appliances and plumbing, reducing their efficiency and lifespan. Regular trap cleaning ensures these systems remain in good condition and continue to operate effectively.
How Ace Grease Service Can Help
Ace Grease Service is a trusted partner for businesses looking to maintain their grease trap systems and avoid the pitfalls of neglect. Here’s how our comprehensive services benefit your business:
Scheduled Maintenance Plans
We offer customized maintenance schedules based on your kitchen’s grease production. Whether you need trap cleaning monthly or quarterly, our team ensures your system stays compliant and efficient.
Expert Cleaning Services
Our technicians use advanced tools and techniques to thoroughly clean the top of the tank and remove FOG from every corner of your trap. This prevents clogs and maximizes system efficiency.
Emergency Services
If you’re facing an unexpected grease trap issue, Ace Grease Service provides prompt emergency assistance to get your kitchen back on track quickly.
Sustainable FOG Disposal
We recycle the grease we collect, transforming it into renewable energy sources. This commitment to sustainability helps reduce your business’s environmental footprint.
Industries That Benefit from Grease Trap Cleaning
Ace Grease Service works with a wide range of businesses that generate fat, oils, and grease, ensuring their systems are compliant and well-maintained.
Restaurants and Cafes
Foodservice establishments are among the largest producers of FOG, making regular grease trap maintenance essential. From quick-service chains to fine-dining restaurants, we tailor our services to fit your needs.
Hotels and Catering Companies
Large-scale food preparation often results in significant grease buildup. Our services help hotels and catering businesses maintain their systems and avoid disruptions.
Schools and Universities
Campus dining facilities produce large amounts of grease daily. Routine cleaning ensures these institutions meet health and safety standards.
Food Processing Plants
Industrial kitchens and food manufacturers benefit from our expertise in handling large commercial grease traps and complex systems.
The Science Behind Grease Trap Cleaning
Understanding the mechanics of grease traps highlights why trap cleaning is so important:
The Separation Process
As wastewater flows into the grease trap, lighter FOG floats to the top of the tank, while heavier particles sink to the bottom. The middle layer of water exits the trap into the sanitary sewer. Over time, the trap’s capacity diminishes as FOG and solids accumulate, necessitating regular cleaning.
Maintaining System Efficiency
Without regular cleaning service, grease traps become overloaded, allowing FOG to bypass the system entirely. This not only clogs sewer lines but also reduces the trap’s ability to function as designed.
Regulatory Requirements
Municipalities like St. Louis, MO, require businesses to maintain functional grease traps and keep records of all maintenance activities. Regular cleaning ensures compliance and prevents fines or penalties.
Tips for Better Grease Management
In addition to professional grease trap cleaning, implementing good kitchen practices can help minimize grease-related issues:
Scrape Plates Before Washing
Encourage staff to scrape food scraps and grease into the trash before rinsing dishes. This reduces the amount of grease entering your trap.
Install Screens in Drains
Screens catch larger food particles before they reach the grease trap, preventing clogs and extending the time between cleanings.
Train Your Staff
Educate employees on the importance of proper grease disposal and how to identify early signs of grease trap problems, such as slow drains or odors.
Frequently Asked Questions About Grease Trap Cleaning
How often should I schedule grease trap cleaning?
The frequency of trap cleaning depends on the size of your grease trap and the volume of grease your kitchen produces. Most businesses require cleaning every 1–3 months.
What happens if I don’t clean my grease trap regularly?
Neglected grease traps overflow into sewer lines, causing clogs, backups, and environmental contamination. They can also result in fines and penalties for non-compliance.
Can I clean my grease trap myself?
While DIY cleaning may seem convenient, it’s often ineffective at removing all buildup. Professional services ensure thorough cleaning and compliance with local regulations.
How can I tell if my grease trap needs cleaning?
Signs include slow drains, unpleasant odors, frequent plumbing backups, and visible grease at the top of the tank.
The Ace Grease Service Advantage
Ace Grease Service is proud to be the leading provider of grease trap cleaning in St. Louis, MO. With decades of experience and a commitment to customer satisfaction, we deliver reliable, high-quality services tailored to your business’s needs.
Trusted by Local Businesses
Our reputation in the St. Louis community is built on consistent results and exceptional customer care. From small restaurants to large commercial facilities, we serve businesses of all sizes.
Environmentally Friendly Practices
We prioritize sustainability by recycling collected grease into renewable energy, helping our clients reduce their environmental impact.
Comprehensive Solutions
In addition to trap cleaning, we offer FOG disposal, system maintenance, and emergency plumbing services to keep your kitchen running smoothly.
Schedule Your Grease Trap Cleaning Today
Maintaining a clean and efficient grease trap system is essential for the success of your business. Ace Grease Service provides expert grease trap cleaning and maintenance solutions to protect your plumbing, meet regulatory requirements, and ensure smooth operations.
Contact us today to schedule your trap cleaning service in St. Louis, MO, and experience the peace of mind that comes with working with the industry’s best. Let Ace Grease Service be your partner in effective and sustainable grease management!
Grease Trap Cleaning: 7 Signs It’s Time for a Professional Service
If you run a restaurant, food service business, or any establishment that generates a significant amount of waste oil and grease, you’re likely familiar with grease traps. These essential systems are designed to trap fats, oils, and grease (also referred to as FOG) from entering your plumbing and wastewater systems. However, over time grease traps accumulate waste that needs to be cleaned to maintain proper function and prevent costly plumbing issues. While regular cleaning is crucial for maintaining the efficiency of your grease trap, there are some specific signs to look out for that can help indicate it’s time to call in a professional grease trap cleaning service.
In this article, we’ll explore 7 signs it’s time for professional grease trap cleaning and why calling a professional service in time is crucial for the health of your plumbing system and business operations.
1. Bad Odors in the Kitchen or Drainage Area
One of the first and most obvious signs that your grease trap needs cleaning is a strong, bad odor coming from your kitchen or drainage areas. Grease traps are designed to contain waste materials, but when they become too full, anaerobic bacteria begin to break down the waste, producing foul-smelling gases. These odors can be a major issue, especially for restaurants or foodservice businesses where cleanliness and hygiene are important.
If you start to notice lingering smells in your kitchen, around the grease trap, or in the drainage area, it’s time to have the trap professionally cleaned. Regular cleaning of your grease trap will prevent these smells from becoming a consistent nuisance, helping ensure a more pleasant environment for your employees and customers.
2. Slow Draining Sinks or Toilets
Another common sign that your grease trap needs attention is when sinks, toilets, or other drains in your establishment begin to drain slowly. A grease trap that is not cleaned regularly can become clogged with accumulated grease and other waste. When this happens, the flow of wastewater through your plumbing system will slow down significantly.
Slow drainage may start as a minor irritant, but it can quickly escalate into more serious issues. As the grease buildup increases, you may find that drains become completely clogged, leading to expensive plumbing repairs and downtime for your business. If you notice slow drainage, it’s best to address the issue before it becomes an expensive plumbing emergency by calling in a professional grease trap cleaning service.
3. Visible Grease Build-up Around the Trap
If you notice a visible build-up of grease around your grease trap or near your drains, it’s a major sign that the system is working overtime to manage an excess of FOG. A well-maintained grease trap will prevent grease from escaping into the surrounding area, so visible build-up is an obvious sign suggesting that it’s time for a cleaning.
This build-up not only indicates that your grease trap is full but also that the system’s capacity to separate fats, oils, and grease from wastewater is compromised. When grease accumulates outside of the trap, it can lead to plumbing blockages, bad odors, and even potential health hazards due to the contamination of nearby surfaces. A professional grease trap cleaning service can remove the accumulated grease and restore your system’s effectiveness.
4. Frequent Plumbing Blockages or Backups
If your kitchen or restaurant frequently experiences plumbing blockages or wastewater backups, it may be a sign that your grease trap is full or malfunctioning. Grease traps work by trapping fats, oils, and grease before they enter the main plumbing system. When the trap is not cleaned regularly, the system stops being as effective and these materials can bypass the system and create blockages in your pipes, leading to frustrating backups.
Frequent blockages can cause costly plumbing repairs, downtime for your business, and damage to your equipment. If you find yourself dealing with constant plumbing issues despite using a grease trap, it might be time to schedule a professional cleaning service. A thorough cleaning will remove the buildup of grease and waste, prevent future blockages, and restore your grease trap system.
5. Grease Trap is Overflowing
An overflowing grease trap is a serious problem that requires immediate attention. When a grease trap becomes too full, it can no longer properly contain fats, oils, and grease, causing it to overflow and spill waste into the surrounding area. This can result in unsanitary conditions, unpleasant odors, and damage to the surrounding infrastructure.
Overflowing grease traps are often a result of neglecting regular cleaning. If you notice signs of overflow, such as grease pooling around the trap or waste leaking into nearby areas, it’s time to call a professional cleaning service. A technician can properly clean and maintain the trap, ensuring it functions as it should and preventing further damage to your plumbing system (hopefully before costing you some expensive repairs).
6. Increased Risk of Health Code Violations
Maintaining a clean and safe environment is essential for passing health inspections and adhering to local regulations, especially in the food service industry. Many health departments require businesses to keep their grease traps clean and well-maintained. Failure to clean your grease trap regularly can result in health code violations, fines, and even temporary closure of your business.
Signs of grease trap neglect, such as bad odors, overflowing traps, and visible grease buildup, can quickly lead to health code violations. If you want to avoid costly fines and ensure that your business remains in compliance with local regulations, it’s essential to schedule regular grease trap cleaning services. Professional cleaners will ensure that your grease trap meets all required standards and that your business remains in good standing with local health inspectors.
7. Decreased Operational Efficiency
As grease traps become clogged with waste, the system’s overall efficiency decreases. A clogged or full grease trap can lead to inefficiencies in your kitchen, such as slow drainage, gross odors, and increased risk of plumbing problems. These inefficiencies can affect the smooth operation of your business and lead to problems like lost productivity, customer dissatisfaction, and can make it difficult for employees to work.
A professional grease trap cleaning service helps maintain the efficiency of your system, ensuring that grease is properly separated from wastewater and that your kitchen remains functional and hygienic. Regular cleanings will allow your equipment to work at full capacity, preventing downtime and boosting overall productivity.
Why Professional Grease Trap Cleaning is Essential
While you can attempt to clean your grease trap yourself, professional cleaning services provide many advantages. Grease trap cleaning requires specialized knowledge and equipment to thoroughly remove the buildup of grease and waste. Professional cleaners use expensive tools and advanced techniques to clean your system effectively and safely, preventing potential damage to your plumbing and ensuring optimal performance. Ace Grease has specialized in this type of cleaning service for over 30 years. Not only does their expertise mean your grease trap is properly cleaned, but they know and follow all the local regulations in each jurisdiction so that your business doesn’t get fined or cited for improper grease disposal.
Additionally, professional services often include maintenance and inspections to check for any potential issues with your grease trap. A technician can identify minor problems before they escalate into more serious and costly issues, saving you money in the long run. Regular professional cleaning also ensures that your business stays compliant with local health regulations and avoids penalties for improper grease trap maintenance.
Extended Benefits of Professional Cleaning Services
Beyond the immediate benefits of grease trap cleaning, professional services offer long-term advantages as well. Regular cleaning and maintenance help extend the life of your grease trap and plumbing system, preventing the need for costly repairs or replacements. Since grease traps are an investment in your business, it’s important to maintain them properly to avoid premature failure.
Moreover, a well-maintained grease trap can enhance your business’s reputation. Consistently clean, odor-free environments are key to attracting and retaining customers, especially in the foodservice industry, where cleanliness and hygiene are crucial.
Taking Action: Keep Your Grease Trap in Optimal Condition
Grease trap cleaning is an essential part of maintaining the functionality and efficiency of your plumbing system. By recognizing the signs that it’s time for professional service—such as bad odors, slow drains, visible grease build-up, overflow, frequent blockages, health code violations, and decreased operational efficiency—you can take proactive steps to prevent costly repairs and ensure a smooth-running kitchen or restaurant.
Regular professional grease trap cleaning not only extends the lifespan of your plumbing system but also helps protect your business from health code violations and ensures a clean, safe environment for your employees and customers. If you notice any of the signs mentioned in this article, don’t wait—contact a professional grease trap cleaning service today to keep your system in optimal condition and avoid future headaches.
Grease trap cleaning is more than just a routine maintenance task—it’s a critical part of maintaining a safe, efficient, and compliant business. Don’t overlook the signs, and make sure your grease trap is cleaned regularly to protect your business and plumbing.

Local Grease Trap Cleaning Services: Why Ace Grease is the Best Choice
Grease trap cleaning is an essential service for the food industry- from restaurants to commercial kitchens and everything in between. Without regular cleaning, grease traps will clog, start to smell, and even lead to fines or shutdowns due to health code violations. Finding a reliable and professional local grease trap cleaning service is crucial for keeping your kitchen running smoothly and preventing problems with your local health department.
If you’re searching for a grease trap cleaning company you can rely on, it might be time to reach out to us at Ace Grease. We’ve been in business for 31 years and have grown from a single truck to a fleet that services 9 states throughout the Midwest. But one thing has remained the same: we provide businesses with expert grease trap maintenance. Our years of industry experience, top-tier customer service, and eco-friendly disposal services are all what make us Ace Grease.
Whether you are a national chain or family-owned restaurant, you know you can rely on us for quick, clean, and professional services, collection, and disposal of your used cooking oil and grease. We will even create a service plan customized for you that meets your specific business needs so that all of your needs are catered to.
Our drivers are experts in grease trap cleaning, polite, and pay attention to all the little details. Our collection trucks even run at night so that we aren’t interrupting your business and customers, and our operators are available 24/7 to handle emergencies. That’s how much you matter to us.
In this article, we’ll explore the importance of grease trap cleaning, the benefits of hiring professionals, and why Ace Grease is the top choice for local businesses throughout the Midwest.
What Is Grease Trap Cleaning and Why Is It Important?
A grease trap is a plumbing device designed to intercept fats, oils, and grease (FOG) before they enter the wastewater system. Over time, these substances accumulate and can cause blockages, sewer backups, and even environmental hazards.
Key Reasons to Keep Your Grease Trap Clean
- Prevents Clogs and Plumbing Issues – Accumulated grease can solidify and block pipes, leading to expensive repairs.
- Avoids Foul Odors – A neglected grease trap produces unpleasant smells that can drive away customers and impact employee morale.
- Ensures Compliance with Local Regulations – Health and environmental agencies require regular grease trap maintenance. Non-compliance can result in fines or business closures.
- Reduces Fire Hazards – Grease buildup is highly flammable, making regular cleaning a critical safety measure.
- Improves Kitchen Efficiency – A well-maintained grease trap allows wastewater to flow properly, keeping your kitchen clean and operational.
- Now that you understand the importance of grease trap cleaning, let’s look at why Ace Grease is the ideal choice for this service.
Why Choose Ace Grease for Grease Trap Cleaning?
1. Expertise in Local Grease Trap Cleaning Services
Ace Grease has been a trusted name in grease trap maintenance for years, serving restaurants, commercial kitchens, and food service facilities. Their team of professionals understands the unique challenges that businesses face and provides customized solutions to keep grease traps in optimal condition.
2. Reliable and Scheduled Maintenance Services
One of the biggest challenges in grease trap maintenance is staying on schedule. Ace Grease offers routine service plans to ensure your grease trap is cleaned before problems arise. With flexible scheduling options, you can choose a cleaning frequency that meets your business’s needs, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
3. Environmentally Friendly Waste Disposal
Ace Grease goes beyond just cleaning grease traps; they are committed to sustainable waste management. Instead of dumping waste into landfills, they recycle grease into eco-friendly biofuels and other sustainable products. This reduces environmental impact and aligns your business with green initiatives.
4. Compliance with Health and Safety Regulations
Regulatory compliance is crucial for any food service business. Ace Grease ensures that all grease trap cleanings meet local, state, and federal regulations, helping your business avoid fines and stay in good standing with health inspectors.
5. 24/7 Emergency Grease Trap Cleaning Services
Grease trap issues can happen unexpectedly. Ace Grease offers emergency grease trap cleaning services 24/7, so you’re never left dealing with a messy, hazardous situation. Whether it’s a blockage, overflow, or foul odor issue, their team is ready to respond quickly and efficiently.
6. Affordable Pricing with No Hidden Fees
Unlike some grease trap cleaning companies that surprise customers with extra charges, Ace Grease provides transparent pricing. You get high-quality service at affordable rates with no hidden fees, making them the best value for local grease trap maintenance.
Signs That Your Business Needs Grease Trap Cleaning ASAP
Not sure if it’s time to schedule a grease trap cleaning? Here are some common warning signs to look out for:
- Slow Drainage: If your sinks or drains are taking longer to empty, your grease trap may be clogged.
- Bad Odors: A strong and unpleasant smell near your drains or grease trap is a sign of excessive buildup.
- Grease Overflow: If grease is spilling out of the trap, it’s overdue for a cleaning.
- Increased Pest Activity: Fats, oils, and grease attract rodents and insects, so if you’re noticing more pests, give us a call to come clean your grease trap.
- Health Code Violations: If you’ve received a warning from inspectors, immediate cleaning is necessary. At Ace Grease we provide fast service so our clients don’t have to wait and worry if their grease trap needs immediate cleaning.
Ignoring these signs can lead to more serious problems, so don’t wait—schedule your grease trap cleaning with Ace Grease today!
How Often Should Grease Traps Be Cleaned?
The frequency of grease trap cleaning depends on your business type, size, and usage. Here’s a general guideline:
- High-volume restaurants: Every 1-2 weeks
- Medium-sized commercial kitchens: Every 3-4 weeks
- Small cafés and coffee shops: Every 4-6 weeks
- Schools and institutions: Every 6-8 weeks
Ace Grease offers customized maintenance plans to fit your specific needs, ensuring you never fall behind on required cleanings.
The Ace Grease Grease Trap Cleaning Process
Ace Grease follows a thorough and efficient cleaning process to ensure your grease trap is in top condition:
- Inspection – We start by assessing your grease levels, trap condition, and searching for any signs of clogs.
- Pumping & Cleaning – The next step is to use our specialized equipment to remove all grease, food waste, and sludge from the trap.
- Pressure Washing – We then clean the walls and components of the trap to eliminate residual buildup and help keep your grease trap in great condition.
- Inspection Report – We’ll provide you with a detailed report on the service performed and let you know if we have any maintenance recommendations.
- Responsible Disposal – Finally, we’ll transport the waste to a licensed recycling facility for eco-friendly processing.
This comprehensive approach ensures that your grease trap functions efficiently while keeping your business compliant with health codes.
Customer Testimonials: What Clients Say About Ace Grease
Ace Grease has earned a reputation for excellence in the industry. We have a 4.9-star rating on Google and countless happy customers. Here’s what some of our satisfied customers have to say:
- “Ace Grease has been handling our grease trap cleaning for years. They are always on time, professional, and keep our kitchen running smoothly!” – Sarah L., Restaurant Owner
- “We had an emergency grease trap backup, and Ace Grease responded immediately. Their 24/7 service saved us from a major crisis!” – James M., Hotel Manager
- “I love that they recycle the grease into biofuel. It’s great to know we’re partnering with a company that cares about sustainability!” – Emily T., Café Owner
Schedule Your Grease Trap Cleaning with Ace Grease Today!
Don’t wait until your grease trap causes major problems. We will provide you with top-rated local grease trap cleaning services, ensuring your business stays compliant, odor-free, and efficient while working around your schedule so you don’t have to be inconvenienced or lose time with your customers.
Why Choose Ace Grease?
✔ Expert Technicians
✔ Scheduled Maintenance Plans
✔ 24/7 Emergency Services
✔ Eco-Friendly Grease Recycling
✔ Affordable & Transparent Pricing
Regular grease trap cleaning is not just about compliance—it’s about keeping your kitchen safe, efficient, and free from costly disruptions. A clogged grease trap can lead to foul odors, slow drainage, plumbing backups, and even potential fines from health inspectors. With Ace Grease, you get professional, reliable, and eco-friendly grease trap maintenance that ensures your kitchen stays operational and compliant with local regulations.
By choosing Ace Grease, you’re not just hiring a service provider—you’re partnering with experts who care about your business. We’ve been in business 31 years, and our reputation has only grown. We’ll work around your schedule to minimize downtime, ensuring a hassle-free experience. Plus, we responsibly recycle waste, helping your business contribute to a greener environment.
Don’t wait until you have a problem—prevent costly repairs and health violations by scheduling regular grease trap cleanings. Contact Ace Grease today for a free consultation, and let us help you keep your kitchen running smoothly!

10 Reasons Why Regular Grease Trap Cleaning Is Essential for Your Business
Today’s market is hard enough for business owners; you have to focus on your product, your service, your employees, and your customers. One crucial but often overlooked part of your operation? Grease trap cleaning. It’s not the most glamorous task, but it’s essential for keeping your kitchen efficient, compliant, and odor-free.
You can save yourself a lot of trouble, money, and time by hiring Ace Grease to clean your grease trap. Here’s why regular cleaning should be at the top of your maintenance checklist.
1. Prevents Costly Plumbing Issues
Pouring used oil down the drain can lead to costly plumbing issues over time, as fats, oils, and grease (also known as FOG) can build up and cause blockages. On top of the repair costs, the downtime from plumbing problems can quickly turn into a major headache and even more expenses on your end.
How Ace Grease Can Help:
Although it may not be the most glamorous task, we are professionals at cleaning grease traps and always make sure that they are properly cleaned so that you are not burdened with additional worries.
2. Ensures Compliance with Local Regulations
Restaurants are required by state and local guidelines to keep their grease traps clean. Failing to do so could lead to hefty fines or even a temporary shutdown for the business.
How Ace Grease Can Help:
So that you don’t have to, we monitor changes to federal and state grease trap regulations. Let me worry about compliance; you have enough on your plate already.
3. Eliminates Unpleasant Odors
A neglected grease trap can emit foul odors that affect your kitchen, dining area, and overall customer experience. Trapped food particles and grease decompose over time, creating a strong, unpleasant smell.
How Ace Grease Can Help:
Our professional cleaning services remove all built-up grease and waste, leaving your kitchen smelling fresh and clean.
4. Prevents Health Hazards and Pest Infestations
A dirty grease trap is a breeding ground for bacteria, mold, and pests such as rodents and cockroaches. Food debris and grease attract pests, which can lead to serious health violations and food contamination risks.
How Ace Grease Can Help:
With regular grease trap cleaning, we help eliminate the conditions that attract pests and harmful bacteria, ensuring a safe and sanitary kitchen.
5. Protects the Environment
Improperly maintained grease traps contribute to environmental pollution by allowing grease and waste to enter the sewer system. This can lead to severe damage to local water supplies, harming aquatic life and ecosystems.
How Ace Grease Can Help:
We dispose of grease and waste responsibly, following eco-friendly practices to reduce environmental impact.
6. Improves Kitchen Efficiency
A clogged grease trap can slow down kitchen operations, affecting your ability to serve customers efficiently. Slow drainage, backflows, and foul odors can create a disruptive work environment for your staff.
How Ace Grease Can Help:
Our timely cleaning services ensure that your kitchen remains functional, keeping your staff focused on serving customers without interruptions.
7. Extends the Lifespan of Your Grease Trap
Like any equipment, grease traps require regular maintenance to function efficiently. Neglecting grease trap cleaning can cause premature wear and tear, leading to costly replacements.
How Ace Grease Can Help:
We offer scheduled maintenance plans to prolong the lifespan of your grease trap, saving you money in the long run.
8. Prevents Sewer Overflows and Fines
Grease buildup can lead to sewer overflows, causing damage to municipal wastewater systems. Many cities impose heavy fines on businesses responsible for grease-related sewer issues.
How Ace Grease Can Help:
We thoroughly clean and maintain your grease trap to prevent overflows, helping you avoid legal trouble and unexpected expenses.
9. Maintains a Positive Business Reputation
A clean and organized kitchen conveys an air of professionalism. Establishments that put an emphasis on cleanliness are noticed by both customers and health inspectors. But if you’re neglecting your grease trap, you might be looking at low inspection scores, bad reviews, and harm to your reputation.
How Ace Grease Can Help:
By ensuring your grease trap is regularly serviced, we help you maintain a clean and reputable business that customers can trust.
10. Saves You Time and Hassle
There’s no doubt about it, cleaning out a grease trap isn’t glamorous. Not only that, but it’s messy, time-consuming, and also requires some specialized tools and equipment to get the job done right.
How Ace Grease Can Help:
Our team of professionals takes care of everything, from cleaning to proper waste disposal, allowing you to focus on running your business.
Schedule Your Grease Trap Cleaning with Ace Grease Today!
If you want your kitchen to stay in line with local health and environmental rules, avoid plumbing problems, and keep things operating smoothly, you need to clean the grease trap regularly. With our expert, environmentally friendly, con and trustworthy grease trap maintenance service, Ace Grease removes the burden of keeping your kitchen safe and efficient.
Why Choose Ace Grease for Your Grease Trap Cleaning Needs?
With over 30 years of experience, Ace Grease has been a trusted name in the industry, providing top-tier grease trap cleaning, grease recycling, and used cooking oil collection services for restaurants, commercial kitchens, and food processing facilities. Our expert team understands the unique challenges businesses face when it comes to grease management and waste disposal.
When you choose Ace Grease, you get:
- Experienced professionals – Our highly trained technicians know how to clean and maintain grease traps of all sizes, ensuring your system stays in top condition.
- Eco-friendly waste disposal – We recycle used cooking oil and responsibly dispose of grease trap waste to reduce environmental impact.
- Compliance with local regulations – We stay up to date on all municipal, state, and federal grease disposal laws, helping you avoid fines and penalties.
- Scheduled maintenance plans – Forget about last-minute cleanings and emergency grease-related problems. We offer customized service schedules to ensure your grease trap is always properly maintained.
Comprehensive Grease Trap Services for All Businesses
At Ace Grease, we provide grease trap solutions for a wide range of businesses and industries, including:
- Restaurants & Cafés – From small cafés to large chain restaurants, we ensure your grease trap is properly maintained and cleaned on schedule.
- Hotels & Resorts – Large-scale food service operations require reliable grease trap management to avoid plumbing backups and downtime.
- Hospitals & Healthcare Facilities – Hygiene and sanitation are critical in medical facilities, making grease trap maintenance a top priority.
- Schools & Universities – High-volume cafeterias need regular grease trap cleanings to prevent costly issues.
- Commercial & Institutional Kitchens – Whether you operate a corporate dining hall, stadium concession stand, or catering business, we provide the grease management solutions you need.
How Our Grease Trap Cleaning Process Works
When you schedule a grease trap cleaning with Ace Grease, here’s what you can expect:
1. Inspection & Assessment
Our technicians will inspect your grease trap, checking for blockages, buildup, and potential issues that could lead to plumbing problems.
2. Thorough Cleaning
Using professional-grade equipment, we remove grease, food particles, and waste buildup, ensuring your grease trap functions efficiently.
3. Waste Disposal & Recycling
Unlike some providers that simply dispose of grease waste, Ace Grease takes an eco-friendly approach by recycling used cooking oil and responsibly handling grease waste.
4. Compliance Documentation
We provide detailed service records to help you stay compliant with health department and environmental regulations.
5. Scheduled Maintenance Recommendations
We’ll work with you to set up a customized maintenance schedule that fits your business’s needs. Whether you want us to come after hours so we don’t bother your customers or you have a sudden grease emergency- our office is open 24/7, so we’re here to help no matter what. That’s why businesses throughout the Midwest trust us to keep their grease trap in tip-top shape year-round.
Ace Grease: Your One-Stop Solution for Grease Trap Maintenance
When it comes to grease trap cleaning, reliable service matters. That’s why businesses across the Midwest trust Ace Grease to handle their grease management needs.
Additional Services We Offer:
- Used Cooking Oil Collection & Recycling – We help businesses turn waste oil into renewable resources. Let us show you how you can turn your waste into something amazing!
- Grease Interceptor Cleaning – Large-scale grease traps require professional maintenance, and we’ve got the expertise and tools to handle them.
- 24/7 Emergency Services – Grease trap emergencies can happen anytime. We’re available around the clock to keep your business running, so just give us a call, and we’ll be on the way.
Schedule Your Grease Trap Cleaning with Ace Grease Today!
Don’t wait until grease buildup causes costly problems. Take proactive steps to protect your business with professional grease trap cleaning from Ace Grease.
- Visit our website:
- Call us today: Our team is ready to assist you with customized grease trap solutions!
Let Ace Grease handle your grease trap cleaning so you can focus on what really matters—running your business smoothly and efficiently! Trust our 15+ years in business and our 4.9-star rating on Google; we’re the best in the business when it comes to grease trap cleaning!