Used Cooking Oil

A Restaurant Owner’s Guide to Used Cooking Oil

As a restaurant owner, it is up to you to decide how to handle used cooking oils. Some of the oil may wind up in a grease trap, whereas others may be left behind after cooking. No one wants fats, oils, and grease winding up in the pipes or sewer systems as this can lead to devastating consequences.

When it comes to oil disposal, you have to think about your sewer system, the environment, and your resources. If you are new to the restaurant industry or have too much cooking oil, here are a few ways you can dispose of it.

Used Cooking Oil

Use Cooking Oil for Future Dishes

Leftover fats and oils are usable. Oils and fats add flavor to dishes. You can use leftover oils to add depth to your future dishes. If you want to use your oil in the future, you have to strain it. You can use coffee filters or cheesecloths to strain out any of the food particles. Then, once the oil is clean, you can store it in the refrigerator or a dark place. If the fat has already solidified, then you can allow it to liquefy before you strain it into a jar and keep it in a safe place for later.

There are a lot of cities that allow residents and restaurants to donate cooking oil. They can use the oil to make biodiesel. If you produce a lot of leftover oil, you may want to consider a donation center for your oil. You can research where the closest cooking oil donation place is to donate your used oils.

Upcycle the Oil

There are a lot of different ways that you can use cooking oil. One thing that you could do with your old oil is to create soap. All you need is the right materials and recipe. Also, you could use oil in your compost heap. While too much oil can hurt earthworms, they thrive on a little. You can also add a little oil to your bird feeders in the winter. In colder months, birds need additional calories to survive. If you put fat into stockings and hang them outside throughout the winter, birds can feed on it.

You can also use oil to kill weeds. All you need to do is add some oil to a spray bottle with a little water and spray to kill the weeds. Likewise, oils can be used for lighting. Given that there are so many uses for oil outside of the kitchen, you never have to run out of ideas.

Try Absorbent Materials

If you need to dispose of your oil and do not know how to do so, you can use absorbent materials. For instance, you may not want to put liquid oils or fats in your garbage. You can mix the oil with flour or cat litter to soak it up. Then, when you throw it out, you don’t have to worry about any oil spills in your kitchen.

Use a Grease Trap

If you own a restaurant where you cook with oil and fat on a regular basis, then you need to have a grease trap installed in your kitchen. Grease traps not only keep your restaurant smelling clean, but they can ensure that you do not wind up with fats, oils, and grease in your sewer system.

A grease trap separates food, water, and grease. Since grease is lighter than water, you will see the grease float to the top. When you have a grease trap, you also must invest in grease trap cleaning. Trap services remove the grease on a routine basis. Grease traps prevent any clogs or grease winding up in a sanitary sewer system. As with all kitchen appliances, you do need to keep up with grease trap maintenance. On average, you should have your trap cleaned once every one to three months. It all depends on the volume that you produce and the amount of grease floating in your system.

As a restaurant owner, you have to have a plan in place for your used cooking oils. While grease traps prevent clogs, you can also utilize recycling companies, donation spots, and future cooking to handle your used cooking oil in St Louis, MO.

Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Your Used Cooking Oil

It’s important to keep in mind what’s dumped in your kitchen sink. Used cooking oil, for instance, can wreak havoc on your home’s, restaurant’s, or city’s plumbing. To better understand how to prevent these issues from occurring and the best ways to dispose of used cooking oil, make sure to read our guide below.

Why Shouldn’t You Dump Used Cooking Oil Down The Drain?

You may have heard of the term “fatberg.” This portmanteau of “fat” and “iceberg” is the result of fats, oils, and grease collecting in sewer lines to form one giant, amorphous blob. While the term “fatberg” tends to evoke laughter in those that hear it, it can cause serious damage to communities. They clog pipes, forcing sewage to find other routes of escape.

These blockages are not uncommon. New York, Detroit, and London have all undergone highly public battles against them, and it’s estimated that millions of dollars each year unclogging sewer pipes across the country. The example of Detroit may be an extreme case, with officials estimating the fatberg as measuring 100-feet long, 11-feet wide, and 6-feet tall.

Unfortunately, despite increased publicity surrounding the problem, issues of used cooking oils clogging sewer pipes are still common. The Environmental Protection Agency, in fact, states the average amount of uncollected grease that enters sewage treatment plants is between 800 to 17,000 pounds per restaurant per year.

As fats, oils, and grease – or FOG – begin to collect in sewer pipes, they also begin to take on new partners. Wet wipes, even those marked flushable, and other solid items can make it difficult for the clog to disperse. These materials can also damage wastewater facilities.

How Should Home Chefs Dispose of Used Cooking Oil?

Home chefs lack the industrial equipment of a restaurant, such as a grease trap, but can still find safe and effective ways to remove used cooking oil from their homes. In some cases, it doesn’t even need to be thrown away, as oil that’s used for deep frying can be re-used and cleaned.

You can also save bacon grease and other leftover fats for later use. Bacon fat makes an excellent frying medium for eggs and grilled cheese sandwiches, among others. If you’re planning on storing your leftover grease for later use, make sure to let it cool slightly first. Then pour it through a cheesecloth or coffee filter to remove any solid particulates. A fine-mesh strainer also works.

If your re-used cooking oils have seen their last use, you will need to throw them away. The best way to get rid of FOGs is to again let it cool. Then pour it into a container that can be secured and thrown away. Deli or takeout containers can be used here, too, but they should be wrapped tightly in plastic wrap to help ensure no oils leak out.

How Should Restaurants Or Industrial Kitchens Dispose of Used Cooking Oil?

Many restaurants and industrial kitchens use grease traps to help capture their used oil. Grease traps prevent FOGs from entering the sewer lines. Restaurants can then dispose of the oil safely themselves or hire a trap services company to take away the grease trap’s contents regularly.

It should be noted that grease trap maintenance is essential. By engaging in regular grease trap cleaning, you can help FOGs from overflowing and clogging your restaurant’s or kitchen’s sewer pipes. Cleaning and maintenance help you avoid pricey plumber bills and makes for a better experience for your customers, as overflowing grease traps do not give off a welcoming smell.

The definition of “regular” here will vary depending on the size of the grease trap. Generally, most cities and utilities recommend conducting enough cleaning to keep the trap less than 25 percent filled. Some localities set a specific, minimum number of cleanings per year.

What Are Other Ways of Disposing Used Cooking Oil?

Ace Grease offers superior used cooking oil pickup services for restaurants and industrial kitchens. We handle both interior and exterior grease containers. We can also provide you with durable storage containers free of charge, too.

Of course, the greatest benefit of our service is that we don’t just pick up the used cooking oil. We also pay you for it, as we recycle then re-sell the oil.

If you’d like to make money from your used cooking oil, give us a call today. We can be reached at 800-473-2733.

The Benefits of Recycling Used Cooking Oil

Recycling has always been top of mind for those looking to reduce needless waste. Generally, though, recycling is thought of as a tool for certain consumable products like glass, paper, and plastic.

For those in the restaurant industry or who operate kitchens of all sorts, you may not be aware that recycling used cooking oil can benefit your organization. Not only do you get paid for your oil, but it can also help spark a local economy while helping the future of the environment stay green.

There’s a Lower Cost of Cleanup

Most restaurants and commercial kitchen operations dump their oil down the drain. If they follow local health ordinances, they should use a grease trap to help prevent the fats and cooking oils from escaping into the local sewer system. However, even when you use a grease trap, the liquid fats can form dangerous clogs in your plumbing. This is because fats tend to be solid at room temperature. So even if the dumped fat is liquid at first, it will soon turn solid.

When clogs form, you’ll find your kitchen dealing with plumbing backups. Water won’t be able to drain into any of the connected sewer lines, leaving the area unsanitary. Between the clean-up, the call to your plumber, and the potential fines you may face from improper grease trap maintenance, you’ll find a combined bill that can reach well into the four-digit range.

When you recycle your used cooking oil, though, you’ll get paid for your oil. That means you’ll end up making money instead of spending it on cleanups or disposal.

Used Cooking Oil Can Be Used as a Renewable Energy

The reason that recycling your used cooking oil is a possibility is it can be turned into biodiesel. Biodiesel is a form of renewable energy and serves as an alternative to diesel derived from petroleum. This means your used oil could eventually help power vehicles and buildings.

Biodiesel offers several benefits when compared to traditional diesel products. For instance, biodiesel can be sourced locally. So, instead of having petroleum-based oil pumped or transported across the country or even the world, you can gain easy access to biodiesel manufactured in your region or your community.

This helps the environment as it lowers the overall carbon footprint of fuel products. Furthermore, because biodiesel is recycled, it doesn’t require drilling, mining, or other desecrations of the natural environment.

Biodiesel can help reduce greenhouse emissions, such as carbon dioxide and methane. Reducing these emissions will play a needed role in curbing rising global temperatures and preventing further damage to our planet and its ozone.

You Can Support Local Businesses

As stated above, biodiesel can be locally sourced. That means the collection, recycling, and production can all be done at the regional or community level. So, you’re not just helping to save the planet when you recycle your used cooking oil, you’re helping to boost your local economy, too.

Across the nation, the recycled cooking oil market sits at around $3 billion of annual revenue. While that number obviously falls when you look at St. Louis, MO, and the surrounding communities, that’s a large market that can help keep local economies booming. Oil recycling companies, like Ace Grease, hire locally and partner with local companies.

Of course, companies aren’t just hiring delivery drivers or pickup technicians. As companies like Ace Grease continue to grow, there will be an increase in the need for accountants, engineers, marketers, and salespeople.

Your Pipes Will Remain Unclogged

For your grease traps and plumbing to work, you need to dispose of your used cooking oil. Ace Grease can collect your oil from your current systems or offer you free storage containers. Either way, your fats, oils, and grease will be removed well before it enters your sanitary sewer system. When you keep these things out of your pipes or sewer lines, you are less likely to deal with a costly clog or the plumbing damage it causes.

When your pipes are unclogged, you’ll find your kitchen to be more sanitary. No clogs mean no rancid smell or otherwise distinguishing odor.

Ace Grease Is Here to Recycle Your Used Cooking Oil

We focus on service at Ace Grease. We can partner with you to set up a regular schedule of grease retrieval, which we can then recycle. We’ll pay you top-dollar for the ability to collect your cooking oil.

To see how we can benefit your organization, our local community, and our planet, reach out to us today. 

How To Handle Cooking Oil Safely

Who doesn’t love a greasy cheeseburger and a pile of fries once in a while? From fast-food restaurants to small-town diners, businesses all over the world use cooking oil to create their delicious menu items. If you work in the kitchen, though, you know just how dangerous cooking with hot oil can be. From the moment you open a new container of oil, to the cooking process, to getting rid of used cooking oil, you must follow safety measures to protect yourself and those around you.

Wear Safe Attire While Cooking

Safety attire is important when you’re working with cooking oil. At a minimum, wear heat-resistant gloves that extend at least halfway up your forearm to protect yourself from splashes or spillage. Closed-toe shoes with heavy treads make it less likely that you’ll fall and help to protect your feet if you do spill oil or drop the container. If you have access to them, wear a full-body apron and a mask as well. A heat-resistant, rubber apron protects your body from major spillage, and a mask can protect you from any hot oil that splashes up.

Follow the Manufacturer’s Instructions

Both the oil and the equipment you use for it come with instructions. The biggest thing you can do to protect yourself when working with hot oil is to follow these instructions. They provide information on how to filter the oil, refill it, store unused portions, and dispose of used portions. Naturally, follow the cooking instructions as well. Never use more than is recommended, don’t overheat it, and wait for it to cool before handling it.

No matter how knowledgeable and safe you are, accidents still happen. Knowing how to put out a cooking oil fire is a necessary safety protocol. If a grease fire breaks out, cover it with a metal lid and turn off the heat source. If you’re working with others, follow safety protocol for evacuation, and use a Class B dry chemical fire extinguisher to contain the fire.

Move Oil With the Proper Equipment

Only move cooking oil in equipment approved for handling it. Typically, you’ll need a transporter, a portable filler machine, or a caddy to do so. Never pour used cooking oil into a sink or toilet; doing so can quickly clog your sewer lines. It is also important to have a professional perform grease trap maintenance regularly to prevent issues with the sewer system.

Communicate With Your Co-Workers

Create constant communication with your co-workers or anyone else you’re sharing a kitchen with. Let them know in advance when you plan to move oil, if possible. During the time you’re actively moving it, call out where you are to help others know which areas to avoid. Never walk behind somebody or through doorways without first making your presence known. This makes it less likely for someone to unexpectedly turn around or walk through the door and risk knocking the oil out of your hands.

Create a First Aid Protocol

Restaurant owners should work with their management teams and employees to create first aid kits and a protocol to follow in case of an oil-related accident or any other type of accident. The kit should include items for a range of situations.

  • Burn Care — Burn spray, cream, and dressing materials.
  • Employee Comfort — Over-the-counter pain relievers, allergy medications, and antacids.
  • Eye Care — Portable eyewash station with refill solutions and eye pads.
  • Major and Minor Injuries — Scissors, forceps, gauze pads with tape, bandages of various sizes, CPR mouth barriers, cold packs, antiseptic wipes, and hand sanitizer.

In addition to having access to a well-stocked first aid kit, anyone working in the kitchen should have basic first aid training. They should know CPR, the Heimlich maneuver, and how to use an adrenaline pen if someone goes into anaphylactic shock.

Dispose of Used Cooking Oil Safely

The way you dispose of oil is just as important as how you cook with it and how you transport it. You must work with a grease collection company. Disposal professionals can help you determine which type of outside grease container you need for storing old cooking oil and will clean and deodorize it based on a schedule you create together. They will also help you choose the right caddy, which you place under the fryer to catch oil and transport it outside when the caddy becomes full.

Working with safe and professional grease trap and oil removal professionals is essential for ensuring the safety of employees and the integrity of your comfortable. Ace Grease is dedicated to providing such services.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you keep your restaurant running smoothly — but not too smoothly!

Proper Disposal and Recycling of Used Cooking Oil

Many people are vigilant about recycling containers in which they purchase food and cooking products at the supermarket but give little attention to leftover used cooking oil. Throwing oil away is the default option but not the ideal choice.

Used Cooking Oil

Consequences of Improper Cooking Oil Disposal

Improper disposal of used oil by individuals and facilities with large kitchens, including restaurants, schools, hotels, and food manufacturing plants, can create widespread damage, including:

  • Pipe corrosion
  • Drain clogs
  • Sewer clogs
  • Water contamination

As oil travels through a plumbing system, it can cling to hard surfaces where it traps various debris. Random particles eventually form clogs that ultimately lead to water backup or burst pipes as they continue to stick to oily pipe surfaces. If particles bond to pipes deep within the sewer lines, they may also react with calcium present in the sewer water to create large, sticky globules called fatbergs. Fatbergs can quickly grow in size, compromising an entire sewage system and leading to widespread drain backups and water contamination throughout a region.

Preventing Used Cooking Oil From Clogging Pipes

Disposing of cooking oil in a residential kitchen is a simple process. After cooling down, used oil can be transferred to a disposable container and discarded with other standard trash items.

Most commercial kitchens have grease traps beneath their sinks to filter out oil and fat particles before they flow into the sewage system. Grease trap maintenance services St. Louis MO can perform grease trap cleaning to ensure that the remnants of fats, oils, and grease produced by commercial kitchens do not lead to pipe backups that can cause widespread disruptions, requiring time-consuming and costly intervention and repair.

The Benefits of Recycling Used Cooking Oil

Rather than disposing of used cooking oil, many people are starting to realize the many benefits of recycling it.

Source of Fuel

Vegetable oil comprises a significant amount of cooking oil. Through the chemical process of transesterification, the ester, or oil, is combined with alcohol, resulting in biodiesel fuel and glycerin. Biodiesel fuel is a renewable energy source for running engines, heating homes, and other applications and has a small carbon footprint.

Source of New Jobs

Wider recognition of biodiesel fuel merits would lead to widespread use in various industries, including transportation, technology, and manufacturing. A greater reliance on biodiesel fuel would inevitably lead to new job creation to meet all oil recycling stages’ workforce requirements, from collection to processing.

Environmental Protection

Powering various transportation methods is vital for a healthy economy. Still, many fuel sources emit gases that have dire consequences for the earth’s protective ozone layer, leading to global warming concerns. Biodiesel fuel from vegetable oil, including recycled cooking oil, does not release damaging greenhouse gases, such as methane and carbon dioxide, and can provide an environmentally safe alternative to current energy sources.

Rebates and Efficiency

Anyone who recycles used cooking oil can count on the added income that it provides. Recycling services St. Louis MO provide private residences and businesses with cost-free receptacles to store cooking oil until they can pick it up in exchange for payment. These services then sell the oil to the biodiesel manufacturers to produce fuel that many industries use to power their equipment. Machines that run on biodiesel fuel tend to last longer and don’t experience as much parts wear as those operating on standard fossil fuels. By cutting down the frequency of machine replacements, biodiesel fuels can significantly lower many businesses’ operating costs.

Used Cooking Oil is Valuable

Many people who pour cooking oil down the drain or put it in the trash do not realize that they are throwing money away. Others understand that this oil is a valuable asset, making it highly susceptible to theft. As interest in renewable fuel increases, grease thieves know that they can make sizeable profits selling used oil to refineries that convert it to fuel and send the glycerin byproducts to manufacturers for use in the production of items, including soap and cosmetics.

In particular, restaurants can take measures to dissuade oil theft, including installing alarms and security cameras, checking bin oil levels, and alerting authorities about suspicious activities. As economists predict a significant rise in gasoline prices by the end of 2021, interest in used cooking oil should also increase.

To learn more about how you can recycle your used cooking oil and the various collection services available to you, call us at 1.800.473.2733.

Dispose of Your Used Cooking Oil in a Safe and Responsible Way

Did you know used cooking oil is one of the top causes of clogged sewer lines in St. Louis MO and elsewhere? If you use a lot of cooking oil, it can be hard to dispose of it properly. That’s why restaurants, food service trucks and other similar businesses hire Ace Grease to collect their used cooking oil. We know how to take float to the top oil and recycle it. We can then use the processed raw material to create products that are valuable to society.

If you’re interested in learning how to turn your used cooking oils into something that benefits society and creates more sanitary sewer conditions, we can help. We offer grease trap services that are great for your business and great for the environment.

What Happens to Used Cooking Oil That’s Discarded Improperly

When used cooking oil is dumped down the drain, it enters the sewer system. When it’s hot, it may appear to slide down the sink and through the pipes with ease. But grease can’t mix with water, which means it floats on top. Grease floating issues can cause the grease to come in contact with the walls of plumbing pipes and coat them. As soon as the fats oils and grease cool down, they harden and get stuck to the interior of the drainpipes. They also tend to cling to anything they come in contact with and create large globs of sticky waste.

Over time, these globs can lead to severely clogged drain pipes. The only way to clear out the drain pipes is to have professionals come clean them out. This can be an expensive process that costs cities and towns a lot of money.

How Our Grease Trap Service Works

To help minimize the damage caused by dumped cooking oil, we offer grease trap services. A grease trap is a device that is built to allow water to pass through it while it traps most solids and greases inside. This simple invention can prevent most used grease from entering the sewer system.

In addition to installing grease traps for restaurants and other similar businesses, we also offer grease trap cleaning. We’d love to come to pick up your used grease after it’s collected in the grease trap because we know how to recycle it. Though the sludge left behind in your grease trap may look disgusting, we know how to clean it up, recycle it and process it so it’s sanitary. Once it’s processed, it makes a great addition to soaps, biodiesel fuel, livestock feed, and plastics. In short, that used grease sitting in your grease trap can be turned into a lot of great things that are useful to society!

Benefits of a Grease Trap

While there are other ways to dispose of your grease (such as manually dumping it into large buckets or vats and tossing it in the trash), most disposal methods are time-consuming and impractical. A grease trap, on the other hand, is so easy to use. It simply connects to your drainage system so you can pour your grease down the drain (which is the easiest disposal method available). The unique designs of grease traps prevent the grease from actually going into the sewage pipes. The system can make your life easier and save you time and effort when disposing of your grease.

The Importance of Line Jetting

Even with a grease trap, it’s possible that small amounts of grease may still make it into your pipes. To keep your drains clear and running freely, we offer line jetting and cabling services. We’ll clean out your drains so they don’t become clogged with debris, sludge, and grease.

Schedule Your Grease Trap Service Today

If you’re ready to learn more about our grease trap services, we’d love to have a detailed conversation with you. We offer rapid response trap installation and we also offer grease trap maintenance to St. Louis, MO, and surrounding areas. There’s really no reason to clog your pipes and your city’s pipes with grease when it’s possible to trap it so easily.

To request grease trap installation or other services we offer, feel free to contact us today. We look forward to helping you dispose of your used grease in a sanitary, safe, and responsible way.

The Money To Be Gained or Lost With Used Cooking Oil

For businesses with a commercial kitchen, grease trap cleaning is a part of routine kitchen cleaning and maintenance. In spite of its lowly position on the list of kitchen or company assets, this plumbing device is what keeps the sewer lines clear of clogs created by used cooking oil. Many St Louis MO business owners don’t realize the money that can be saved or lost through the way they handle their used cooking oils.

Losing Money Through Expensive Waste

For commercial kitchen owners, keeping fats oils, and grease (or FOG) out of a sanitary sewer system should be a priority given the excessive costs associated with FOG damage to sewers and pipelines. Though it would be great if business owners took a proactive approach in keeping the sewer clean, most local municipalities have ordinances or regulations in place that address the proper disposal of grease. Failing to have the proper traps installed can lead to fines and closer from the local government.

Grease traps prevent FOG from moving through a building and out into public sewer lines. In the trap, the grease is retained in water until it has cooled enough to solidify and separate out from the other waste being released. The hardened grease will float to the top, after which a grease trap cleaning can be conducted to get rid of the FOG. How often you need to call for trap services depends on how much FOG your kitchen produces. However, the costs associated with not having a grease trap or ignoring your grease trap maintenance are steep.

Rising Costs of Clogs

It isn’t just your sewer pipes that can be affected by FOG. Your business may be okay for a little while, as warm oils are a liquid that seems to flow easily down the drain. However, as the sludge continues to move through the drain and becomes cooled, the FOG will separate from the other liquids and cling to the sides of the sewer pipes, and constrict the flow of wastewater.

Overflows or backups are expensive to address and completely unsanitary, as sewage backup releases viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens into the environment. Your cleanup costs are just the tip of the iceberg. Consider the impact of lost business, a damaged reputation, and plumbing costs. Your costs could trickle down into an expense that you have to recoup from customers, adding insult to injury.

Making Money With Grease Trap Maintenance

Rather than lose money through improper disposal of FOG, partnering with Ace Grease for regular trap cleanings will give you the option to make money instead. Not only will our team respond when you realize there is a problem with your FOG build-up and need immediate help, but we also trap cleanings on a scheduled basis. By not leaving your grease disposal to chance, you are able to continue business as usual and bring in the revenue you are used to.

In addition to removing your used oils, we continue the process of making money by processing and recycling the raw material. Through this process, the materials are converted into elements used to create biodiesel fuel, spas, plastics, and even livestock feed. This allows others to profit from waste and lower the impact of waste on the earth’s environment. That’s not the best part. With Ace Grease, you will receive top dollar for the cooking oil that we pick up. We will even provide the storage collection container at no charge.

Protecting Your Community

It would be awful to drive to the local waterway and see grease floating along the bank of the river or across the top of the lake. By taking care of your grease traps and having them properly serviced, you are protecting your community from serious illnesses and preserving the natural habitat of your community wildlife. You also keep oil and grease thefts from prowling the streets at night.

With money to be made on recycled grease, many criminals will head to commercial kitchen locations to snatch whatever oil or grease they can find. Working with Ace Grease gives you peace of mind that your grease is protected. We only use state-of-the-art locking systems and have monitoring systems to reduce opportunities for theft.

If you haven’t taken action on your grease traps and they are in desperate need of cleaning, call 800-473-2733 and talk to the crew at Ace Grease today. We will get you scheduled for servicing or pick-up, though we also offer line jetting and power washing.

Make Money Disposing of Your Used Cooking Oil

For certain industries, including the restaurant industry, used cooking oil can become a big problem. If you try to send it down the drain, it will not only clog up your pipes but also contribute to clogged pipes throughout your town or city. If you dispose of it in trash bags, it can leak out and cause a mess if the bag becomes punctured.

Fortunately, there is a way to dispose of your cooking oils without clogging your sewer lines and without making unwanted messes on your floors or in your garbage receptacles. Even better, you can make money in the process! Here at Ace Grease, we pay competitive rates for the fats oils and grease you no longer want. It’s a win/win situation because we get to use the cooking oil to create useful products, and you get paid for allowing us to come to take your grease and oil away for you.

How the Process Works

Before we can pick up your used cooking oil, you first need to be able to collect it somehow. We offer grease trap services that include the installation and cleaning of one or more grease traps in your building. A grease trap can help you maintain a sanitary sewer system and makes grease collection an easy and automatic process so you don’t even have to think about it.

A grease trap is a simple contraption that collects grease and fat before they enter your drainage system. The system is called a trap because it effectively “traps” solids and greases and prevents them from escaping into sewer lines. Grease traps prevent sewer lines from becoming clogged. If you routinely pour grease and oils down your sink, you will eventually deal with sewer system issues. You’ll also deal with foul smells that come from old, corroded oils and food particles that cling to your pipes.

If your business produces fats oils and greases (also known as FOG), from food waste during the cooking, manufacturing, processing, or service processes, you need a grease trap. Fortunately, we know how to install a grease trap easily and quickly so there’s minimal interruption to your business.

Grease Trap Collection

Once your grease trap has collected enough oils and grease that it needs to be cleaned out, we’ll come to perform grease trap maintenance and cleaning for you. We’ll collect the grease and provide you with top dollar for it. Our service representatives are always courteous, quick, and clean up after themselves so you don’t have to deal with a mess once they leave.

Once we provide you with grease trap cleaning services, we take the oils and grease and put them through a comprehensive cleaning process. The recycled FOG is then turned into usable products. Most of these products are used in the biodiesel industry and help to keep the economy fueled (literally) and running strong. Some of the recycled FOG products are also used to create livestock feed, plastics, and soaps.

By allowing us to pay you for your used grease, you are actually contributing to the health of the economy and preventing needless waste. Your decision is an environmentally friendly one that helps keep our world clean while contributing to important recycling goals.

Additional Services

In addition to paying you to allow us to clean out your grease traps and collect your used cooking oil, we also offer other services. They include:

  • Drain and sewer line cabling. This is the process of cleaning out blocked sewer lines. We use specialized equipment to remove blockages from the most stubborn drains so your business can continue operating smoothly.
  • Power washing. We offer mobile power washing services for hard-to-clean areas, such as sidewalks, parking lots, retaining walls and trash corrals.
  • Waste water hauling. We perform the important service of conserving and recycling water. We’ll come collect your waste water and turn it into clean water that can be used for various purposes.

If you need any of these services, we’ll be happy to provide them as soon as we can come out to your location.

Contact Us

If you’d like to learn more about grease traps or if you want to request a grease trap cleaning or collection service, contact us today. We look forward to working with you to keep our sewer systems clean through the important oil recycling process.


The Truth Behind Grease Traps: Are They Really Necessary?

If you own a restaurant, dining center, food manufacturing plant, or a similar establishment, you no doubt work with fats, oils, and grease on a regular basis. While these products are key to the production of delicious food, they can be harmful to the environment and to your city’s sewer system. Grease traps are one of the primary ways business owners can prevent the release of fats, oils, and grease with wastewater. Consider several questions that may help you understand the function of these gadgets and why every commercial kitchen needs one.

How Do Grease Traps Work?

The effectiveness of grease traps is based on the principle of fats, oils, and grease floating in water due to differences in density. A building’s wastewater is directed into a trap consisting of an entry point, exit point, central compartment, and sometimes a strainer. When fats, oils, and grease float to the top, they enter the central compartment. Because the top of this section does not connect to the outlet, the floating material is trapped. The strainer helps catch small solid materials so they do not settle on the floor of the trap. As the trap does its job, oil-free water leaves through the exit point to enter the sewer lines.

Why Is It Important To Trap Grease?

There are a number of reasons it is important to install a grease trap at your place of business. First, not doing so can cause major water flow issues. If the sewer lines near your building become clogged with fats, oils, and grease, dirty water could backup into your kitchen. When these products are released into a city’s sanitary sewer on a grand scale, many lines could become compromised and countless property owners could experience sewage backups.

Another important reason restaurants should be concerned about grease traps is that they are a legal requirement throughout the country, including in St. Louis, MO. Different areas have their own laws regarding the handling of fats, oils, and grease, and non-compliance can lead to serious fines. In many cases, your establishment may even need to provide documentation proving that you have been collecting your grease.

Do Grease Traps Require Maintenance?

Grease traps cannot simply be installed and then left to their own devices. Grease trap cleaning is essential for the sake of your own water drainage lines and your legal standing. This is largely because clogged traps may no longer function properly, allowing fats, oils, and grease to enter the sewer along with wastewater. Fortunately, many companies specialized in grease trap maintenance. Trap services often take place at night and can be ordered as needed or according to a particular schedule. In general, traps should be emptied monthly.

Which System Is Right for Your Business?

Not all establishments handle the same quantities of fats, oils, and grease. For this reason, it’s important to consider which trap is right for you and whether you require any additional equipment. To determine your proper trap size, be sure to consider how much wastewater food and wastewater you produce, as well as how often you are open for business.

Companies that work with cooking oils on a regular basis, such as eateries using deep fryers, may wish to invest in additional receptacles. For example, some restaurants may carry used oil outside and pour it into a designated container. For large establishments, it may be more practical to make space for indoor storage that is accessible through an outdoor pipe.

Where Does the Grease Go?

You may wonder what happens to all the fats, oils, and grease that are collected in traps. This is an important consideration, especially when it concerns larger containers dedicated to storing used cooking oil. Interestingly, these products can be used in a number of beneficial ways. For one, they are an ingredient in some soaps, as well as some types of plastic. On top of that, fats, oils, and grease can be used to make food for livestock and even develop biodiesel.

Grease traps and related systems play an important role in minimizing the environmental impact of large food production establishments. At Ace Grease, we are eager to partner with businesses like yours to recycle fats, oils, and grease affordably and efficiently.

Learn more about our services online or call us today at 1-800-473-2733. 

The Importance of Recycling Cooking Oil and Keeping Your Sewer Clean

Whether you own a restaurant, hotel, food manufacturing plant, or medical center, your operation likely produces a substantial amount of used cooking oil. Restaurants alone use over 12,000 pounds of cooking oil each year. Properly collecting, storing, and recycling your oil can keep your business clean and sanitary, reduce your environmental impact and prevent sewer backups. Oil recycling services provide an array of equipment and methods for collecting your oil and keeping your sewer lines clean. The type of collection container and service that best suits your business depends on your floor plan, size, and frequency of oil use.

Exterior Oil Collection

Outside oil containers are the most common type of collection device for business owners. Cooking oils are deposited in a secure container, and when the container reaches capacity, an oil collection service empties the oil and transports it to a recycling center. After the recycling company calculates how much they collect from your business, they send you a rebate check based on the market price for oil. Recent technological innovations have enabled grease companies to anticipate when your container is ready for dumping. Recyclers use software that estimates your container’s oil level based on your daily oil usage.

Service providers offer various sizes of containers that can be locked up after closing to prevent theft. Facilities that often rely on exterior containers for cooking oil recycling include:

  • Small and medium-size restaurants
  • Schools
  • Medical centers
  • Municipalities
  • Nursing Homes

Outside containers are inexpensive and simple to maintain, but workers must remain cautious when transporting hot oil from the building’s interior to an exterior location. For operations that produce a considerable volume of used oil, an interior oil collector may be safer and more cost-effective.

Interior Oil Collection

An accidental spill on the way to an outside container can result in a severe injury, costly worker’s compensation claim, and possible lawsuits. Inside containers minimize employee incidents and provide a safe and clean way to produce high yields from cooking oils. The receptacles not only store your oil but filter it so you can use it again and again. You spend less on new oil purchases and prevent the foul odors associated with exterior containers.  Some of the organizations that commonly use interior containers include:

  • Hospitals
  • Large restaurants and franchises
  • Food manufacturing facilities
  • Refineries
  • Penal institutions

Grease Traps

Although grease containers secure most of the used cooking oil produced in a facility, some grease escapes into the drain when greasy dishes or equipment are cleaned. Without a well-maintained grease trap, your used oil containing fats, oils, and grease can clog the sewer lines and result in an expensive call to the plumber.

Local, state, and federal regulations require all operators to dispose of used oil properly and prevent seepage into the sewer system. Wastewater contaminated with oil deposits is more challenging for water treatment plants to clean and sanitize. A grease trap keeps your sewer sanitary by collecting grease and allowing drain water to flow into the sewer system. When hot, oily water travels into the grease trap reservoir, it quickly cools down. The oils, grease, and fats float to the top of the tank, sediment sinks to the bottom, and the water runs freely into the sewer line.

Although this ingenious gravity-driven system keeps used oil from clogging your sewer, it must be adequately maintained to remain effective. Grease trap cleaning is vital to preventing grease deposit accumulation and sewer system contamination. Oil collection providers offer cleaning services that typically include scheduled maintenance programs and service call requests. A periodic grease trap cleaning is the ideal method to keep your trap clean and compliant with municipal laws.

Service contracts require a more significant initial investment than a random service call, but irregular maintenance can result in higher repair costs if the trap becomes clogged and causes a sewer backup. Most local health ordinances require owners to close their businesses if wastewater overflows into the interior. If a sewer disaster occurs on a busy Friday night in a restaurant, a forced shutdown can be devasting for business and disappointing for regular customers.

Experienced Professionals

If you’re a midwestern business owner searching for a trusted oil collection and recycling company, you can rely on Ace Grease. With over twenty years of experience, Ace offers premium oil containers, grease trap maintenance, and power washing services.

Learn How to Dispose of Used Cooking Oil the Right Way

In most American restaurants, cooking oil is a staple. French fries, fried chicken, hush puppies, and more popular foods require a deep fryer for preparation. In addition to deep-fried foods, there are a lot of uses for cooking oil. After cooking, however, what happens to your used cooking oil?

When you run a commercial kitchen, you have to dispose of all your waste properly. For example, cooking oil cannot be thrown in the garbage or drained down the sink. At Ace Grease, we are willing to help you with recycling and disposal. The following guide may help kitchens understand the importance of recycling used cooking oil.

Practicing Cooking Oil Safety Beyond the Kitchen

Commercial kitchens must practice cooking oil safety at all times. After all, hot oil can lead to third-degree burns if it touches your skin. When it’s time to dispose of your cooking oil, you or your staff should always wear protective gear. Protective gear includes:

  • Full body aprons
  • Gloves
  • Masks
  • Closed-toe shoes

Try to leave as little skin as possible exposed. In addition, shoes should always have heavy tread. Oil is not only incredibly slippery, but if you were to trip while holding oil, you could seriously harm yourself or others.

Before you dispose of cooking oils, you should make sure that the oil has had time to cool. Keep in mind that even after a cooling period, it may be hot. Never transport oil in buckets, pots, or other equipment not designed for transportation and disposal.

Recycling Cooking Oil the Right Way

When you don’t dispose of cooking oils properly, you are more at risk of causing damage to your sewer system. If you pour grease or oil down the drain, it may not seem serious because it looks and behaves like liquid as it goes down. Unfortunately, it wreaks havoc on sewer lines once down. It can block your drainage system or pollute the environment.

Grease traps may protect your sanitary sewer. All kitchens should have a grease trap that connects to the sink. When you wash dishes, fats oils and grease end up in the plumbing. However, a grease trap separates oils from the water. Essentially, the grease and oil separates from the water and float to the top of the trap. Then, the clean water continues down the drain.

When you have a grease trap, you must have it cleaned by a professional regularly. If you don’t clean it, the grease can back up and create a foul odor throughout your restaurant. Additionally, when you don’t clean the tank, sulfuric acid can build up and damage the tank. At Ace Grease, we provide grease trap services to protect the sewers and public health.

Working with professionals allows you to dispose of your used cooking oil without harming the environment. Cooking oil can be recycled in multiple ways, but the most common use for recycled oil is to create fuel for diesel engines.

Understanding the Importance of Recycling Cooking Oil

Improper disposal of used cooking oil could land your restaurant in legal trouble. There are regulatory guidelines that dictate how you can dispose of fats, oils, and grease. Additionally, when you recycle oil, you keep the oil out of the environment. Cooking oil can harm the soil and water systems. In fact, the EPA suggests that vegetable oils and animal fats can be as devastating to the environment as petroleum oil.

Recycling also lowers your risk of health problems that may arise from cooking oil. For instance, oil, fats, and grease create fumes that may harm people. Additionally, if you have a sewer blockage, sewage can back up into your restaurant and release dangerous bacteria into your business.

Giving Your Oil to the Professionals

You can’t run your restaurant without the use of cooking oil. If you want to protect your appliances and your environment, then you need to keep proper disposal in mind. Having a grease trap prevents your fats, oils and grease from entering your sewer line and causing expensive damage. At Ace Grease, we dedicate our time to excellent customer service. We can make sure that your kitchen is clean and that your cooking oil is disposed of and recycled properly.

Contact us today for grease, oil, and fat cleanup in your restaurant!

Used Cooking Oil

How Recycling Used Cooking Oil Benefits Your Business

Used cooking oil can cause significant damage to sewer lines and water treatment plants when it’s poured into a drain. Municipalities around the country try to educate their residents about proper oil collection to prevent sewer damage, but each year, cities and towns spend a considerable portion of their budgets on sewage repair caused by grease buildup. When you run an operation that produces large quantities of used cooking oil, you can do your part to keep your community clean and make extra money by recycling your oil. Professional grease recyclers can provide collection containers free of charge and visit your business periodically to dump and clean your grease traps. You can examine how you can collect used oil to benefit your company and protect the environment in the following passages.

Grease Trap Collection

Local governments try to minimize the amount of fat, oil, and grease entering the sewer system by enforcing regulations requiring businesses to install grease traps when producing used oil. Hospitals, restaurants, hotels, food manufacturing plants and nursing homes are some of the companies that must maintain grease traps to avoid penalties. The traps are typically located on the exterior of the business with an outlet for maintenance and cleaning.

When wastewater containing oil and fat goes down the drain, it falls into the trap’s reservoir and begins to cool down. As the temperature drops, the grease solidifies and floats to the top of the water level. Internal baffles help contain the wastewater in the tank longer for quicker cooling, and a vent pipe reduces the gas buildup and odors from the tank. This system allows the wastewater to flow freely into an outlet pipe and into the sewer.

The trap prevents grease from entering the sewer, but owners must establish a routine grease trap maintenance schedule to avoid an expensive bill from an emergency plumber. When the trap is full, a recycling technician removes the fatty deposits, pumps the trap and cleans the lines. If the trap isn’t regularly serviced, the fat can clog the pipes and cause a sewage backup in the business.

Outside Container Collection

Exterior containers are the most common and inexpensive ways to collect oil. They’re available in multiple sizes, and some models include wheels so you can move and clean the container easily. Workers usually transfer the used cooking from a smaller container or pot to the external tank. The containers are designed so you can lock the container before leaving work.

When it’s full, a technician pumps the oil and returns it to the plant for recycling. The technician gives the business owner an invoice indicating how much oil was pumped and how much it’s worth. Recycling companies pay you for the used oil based on the current market price.

Professional recyclers use enhanced software to estimate when each business requires oil collection. As a business owner, you don’t have to remember to call the recycler or make an online appointment. This automated collection process prevents overflows and minimizes the odors produced by grease and fat.

Although it seems strange, used oil theft is a significant problem worldwide. Grease thieves travel in large pickups and bring pumps, compressors and large tanks to steal used cooking oil from local businesses. Owners and recyclers lose money every year from criminal collectors.

Inside Container Collection

Although outdoor oil collectors are easy to maintain, they can be risky for careless employees. If the container is located several yards from the deep fryers, transporting the hot oil requires a slow, careful walk to the tank. Accidental splashes of hot oil can produce severe burns, but you can prevent an accident by installing interior oil collectors. Unlike exterior collectors, interior containers require a small investment.

When oil is dumped in the container, it’s run through a filter so you can reuse it. You save money on oil purchases and minimize the number of worker’s compensation claims. Storing oil with an indoor filtering system also keeps your property’s exterior cleaner and free of grease odors.

Professional Oil Collection From Ace Grease

Recycling used cooking oil reduces your environmental impact, keeps your sewer clean and generates cash. Recycling plants use the oil to produce clean-burning biodiesel. When you need professional oil collection services in the St. Louis, MO area, you can depend on Ace Grease.

How Used Cooking Oil Is Collected and Recycled

Reducing the waste in your business can lower your costs and benefit the environment. When you run a company that generates a large quantity of used cooking oil, you can use a grease recycling service to collect your grease and process it properly. Failure to dispose of fats, oils and grease correctly can damage your sewer system, temporarily shut down your operations and harm your reputation.

After establishing which types of collection methods work for your business, your grease recycler can make regular visits to collect the grease. Throughout the year, you’ll receive payments for the used oil based on the current market value. Here are some of the ways that used cooking oil is collected and recycled.

Using Interior Grease Collectors

Although most business owners rely on outside containers for grease collection, interior containers are becoming more common. Unlike an exterior container, the internal models do not require employees to carry steaming pots of oil through the building and outside for dumping. Inside containers can be installed near the fryers and other cooking equipment to make grease disposal more accessible and safer.

Transporting hot oil is a hazardous activity that can result in a severe burn if the oil is spilled or dropped. Interior containers reduce the chances of a burn and prevent production delays caused by injured workers. Compared to exterior containers, interior units save you money on supply costs. When you dump used oil in the inside collector, the unit filters the oil so you can reuse it.

Since the collectors are located in the kitchen rather than the exterior, you don’t have to worry about the foul odors that emanate from unfiltered outdoor containers. Although the interior units have several advantages over outside collectors, they require a small upfront investment.

Using Exterior Grease Collectors

Because of the minimal initial costs, more companies use exterior containers for grease collection than interior units. Grease recyclers supply the standard collection containers for free, and they dump the containers periodically to prevent spills. Outside containers are a cost-effective way to dispose of used oil, but your staff must maintain the dumping area and keep it clean.

Train your staff to clean the exterior of the containers and the surrounding area. Picking up solid waste around the units and pressure washing the pavement weekly reduces the foul smells and prevents insects and wildlife invasions.

Cleaning the Grease Trap

Most of the used cooking oil your operation generates can be dumped in collection units, but some of it slides down the drain. You can educate your team about the dangers of pouring the grease into the sewer, but you can’t control how much excess oil is washed into the pipes from the cleaning process. To prevent a plumbing disaster, business owners must install grease traps to keep food waste from entering the sewer.

If sewage backs up into your building, the resulting bill for plumbing service can be substantial. Most city ordinances require owners to shut down their operations until the problem is fixed, and the delay can disrupt your sales and disappoint your customers.

When grease enters the drain, it falls into a large reservoir and begins cooling. As the waste cools, the fats, oils and grease rise to the top, and the liquid drains into an outlet pipe leading to the sewer. Grease traps are the most effective way to maintain a sanitary sewer and prevent a plumbing backup, but the traps must be cleaned and serviced regularly. Recycling technicians service the grease traps by cleaning the sewer lines, pumping the waste in the trap and ensuring that water can flow into your drains freely.

Instead of waiting until the trap is full, you can enter a service agreement with your provider. Your recycler can estimate when the traps and containers are full and service them properly using advanced software. You don’t have to schedule appointments or worry about being put on a waiting list when you have a contract with your recycler.

How Ace Grease Can Help

When you need a qualified grease recycling service to collect your used cooking oil in the St. Louis, MO area, you can rely on Ace Grease. For over 27 years, we’ve provided our clients with grease trap maintenance, used oil pickup and line jetting and cabling. Contact us today at 800-473-2733.

Trust Your Grease Trap Maintenance to Ace

All restaurant and foodservice business owners know they need to take care of their used cooking oil. Fats, oils, and grease that go down the drain can clog sewer lines, which can cause issues with your local city leaders. No business owner wants to pay those extra fines.

Grease traps prevent sewer system clogs. In St. Louis, MO, you can count on Ace Grease to maintain your grease traps and dispose of your FOG appropriately. Take a look at the services we offer the foodservice industry.

Grease Trap Services

We can work with all sizes and types of grease traps, from a small family-owned eatery to a large institution, such as a hospital. Our grease trap cleaning services include:

  • Establishing a regular cleaning schedule, as required by your municipality.
  • Sending electronic reports back to you within 24 hours of service.
  • Recycling used cooking oil.

Your grease trap may be inside your building, typically near or beneath the sink, or outside the building underground. As wastewater from your kitchen flows through the trap, the FOG rises and will float to the top. Any solid material sinks to the bottom. The cleaner water is now free to flow on and join the sanitary sewer.

When we perform our trap services, we can remove the grease floating there and recycle it or dispose of it, whichever is required. This grease trap maintenance is usually dictated by the regulations of your local government. We can assist you in determining what cleaning schedule will best meet your needs.

Used Cooking Oil Services

“There’s money in them there fats!” Did you know that used cooking oils, also called yellow grease, are a hot commodity? While recycling cooking oil has been an option for decades, it has dramatically increased in value in the past few years. This is largely due to the rise in demand for biofuels.

Ethanol and biodiesel are the two most common biofuels in use today. Of the two, biodiesel is the one that is made from used cooking oils, among other things. It has the advantages of being biodegradable, non-toxic, and much cleaner to burn than petroleum-based diesel fuel.

The increased production of biofuels has raised the value of yellow grease. This in turn has caused an increase in yellow grease theft. It may seem hard to fathom, but there are criminals who want to steal your used cooking oil.

Fortunately for you, Ace Grease has solutions. We can perform both inside and outside grease collection. We can collect from your existing system or provide you with durable grease storage containers at no additional cost to you. We pay you top dollar for your yellow grease. We can service any of the following:

  • Restaurants
  • Schools
  • Hospitals and nursing homes
  • Refineries and manufacturing plants
  • Hotels
  • Penal institutions
  • Municipalities

Our used oil pickup service includes routine site and container inspections. In addition, we’ll send you an account overview that tells you the amount that we collected and the amount that you were paid for your grease. We work hard to ensure that managing your FOG is the last thing you need to worry about.

Theft Prevention Services

At Ace Grease, we take the theft of used cooking oil seriously. We work with our customers and our community to prevent these thefts. We employ state-of-the-art locking and monitoring systems. We also educate customers and consumers on how to spot a grease thief. Look for the following signs:

  1. They arrive in an unmarked truck or a truck on which the signage is significantly worn and faded.
  2. They will not be dressed in uniforms.
  3. If approached, they may say they are subcontractors.
  4. They typically work in pairs.

If you notice anything suspicious, write down the license plate number and call 911. Also, call Ace Grease. We will let you know if we sent any subcontractors to your business. If there are any oil theft convictions on your property, we will donate $500 to you and $500 to Backtstoppers. We are doing our part to protect this valuable commodity.

Contact Ace Grease today to set up your grease trap cleaning schedule. We’d be honored to serve you. We can discuss FOG recycling with you and make your establishment part of the Ace Grease team.

Taking Care of Business

The proper disposal of used cooking oil is an important part of taking care of business in the foodservice industry. Improper disposal can lead to clogged sewer lines and municipal fines. Ace Grease in St Louis, MO, has solutions to help your business run at peak performance.

Clean Those Grease Traps

Would you like to avoid clogged sewer lines? Regular grease trap cleaning is crucial for maintaining an efficient kitchen and preventing grease buildup in your sewer system. Fats, oils, and grease (FOG) are intercepted in the grease trap where they can be removed before heading out into the public sanitary sewer system.

Smaller grease traps can be connected to sinks inside the kitchen. For large volume kitchens, the grease trap is typically installed outside and underground. It consists of two tanks that slow down the flow of the water, allowing it to cool. As it cools, the lighter FOG rises to the top while the solid food waste sinks to the bottom. The water is free to move to the second tank. Manhole covers allow for the removal of the FOG and the solid food waste.

Failure to clean out grease traps regularly can result in the following problems:

  • Rancid, rotten odors. Cooking oils and other fats decompose over time and produce a foul odor that can permeate your business.
  • Drain blockage. Failure to clean out the FOG and solid food waste from the grease trap can cause the wastewater to back up into the pipes.
  • Tank replacement. When the FOG and food waste in your grease trap breaks down it releases sulphuric acid. This acid is corrosive and can damage the steel walls of your tank.
  • Difficulty cleaning. Solid food waste collects at the bottom of the grease trap. It turns into a hard mass over time and is very difficult to remove.
  • Fines. Your municipality may charge you stiff fees for failure to clean the grease trap.

Recycle Cooking Oil

Your used cooking oil can have a second life as biodiesel. Ace Grease will pick up your cooking oil and deliver it to FOG recycling centers. This is a great twofer as it keeps your business running smoothly and helps the environment.

The advantages to recycling your used cooking oil include the following:

  1. Reduce landfill waste
  2. Prevent clogs in sewer lines
  3. Contribute to renewable fuels
  4. Obey local FOG disposal ordinances
  5. Support the local recycling community
  6. Maintain a good reputation
  7. Make money from your waste product

Theft of used cooking oils has increased in the St. Louis, MO area as well as around the nation. Keep your oil recycling containers locked and have them secured to the ground or a wall. This is a valuable resource that needs protection.

Scheduling a regular pickup of your cooking oil is a great idea. This keeps your business clean and prevents FOG buildup. It also streamlines your operation. We can arrange to pick up used cooking oil from a variety of customers, including:

  • Schools
  • Hospitals and nursing homes
  • Prisons
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Manufacturing plants
  • Refineries
  • Municipalities

Clean Those Drains

It’s not enough to just clean the grease trap and recycle the cooking oils. There are other parts of your food prep areas that need attention. The drains that connect the entire waste disposal system should be cleaned regularly.

Ace Grease provides drain and sewer line cabling and jetting services. Thanks to our high-pressure water jetting equipment, we can clear your lines of FOG quickly and efficiently. By keeping a regular cleaning schedule, you can avoid unnecessary closures and downtime caused by clogged lines.

Quarterly maintenance of the lines from the sink to the grease trap, and the grease trap to the public sewer system, is typically the best option. This will keep your lines flowing and keep citations and fines from the city at bay.

Talk to Ace Grease

Do you have any questions about your grease trap, drain lines, or used cooking oil? The pros at Ace Grease can answer all your questions. We can assess your business and determine a cleaning schedule that will work for you.

Make sure your kitchen meets all local rules and regs and is running smoothly with help from Ace Grease. We’ve got you covered.

Used Cooking Oil

The Pros and Cons of Used Cooking Oil

Fried chicken, French fries, cheese sticks and hamburgers are just a few of the greasy foods from restaurants and foodservice establishments that satisfy the diet of the American public on a daily basis. The delicious crunch or the smokey seasoning of these foods can be irresistible, and many chefs and restaurateurs can thank heavily used cooking oil for the addicting flavor. Unfortunately, the fats oils and grease produced when cooking can lead to hazardous liabilities. This is why it’s important for St Louis MO businesses to periodically conduct grease trap maintenance and cleaning.

The Damage of Used Cooking Oil

As far as the human body is concerned, a little consumption of fats and oils is acceptable, but left unchecked, a diet full of these elements can be damaging. The longer oil is used, the more it can increase the acidity and cholesterol levels in the body. The oil becomes more carcinogenic, which is another way of saying it has a higher probability of causing cancer. Continuing to cook with these used oils may help produce a satisfying flavor, but you could be harming your patron’s long-term health. While this could be cause for unease, it’s the financial realities of cooking oil that are typically the primary concern for a business.

The Cost of Cooking Oil

Cooking oil is an expense that seems to provide little return on investment, particularly when it is thrown out at the end of its shelf-life or usage. By using cooking oils for as long as possible, it seems that your business will be able to save money. If this is your plan, you have to consider the costs associated with improper care of your cooking oil as well as the proper maintenance needed to prevent fires. In addition to the health concerns of working with used oil, there could be concerns of property damage from a fire. Kitchens are highly flammable environments, especially when grease and oil are involved.

Grease traps are used to help prevent solids and grease waste from entering a wastewater disposal system, as these substances are incredibly damaging to the environment. However, as useful as they may be for preventing damage to the exterior environment, build-up in the traps and any overflow from these traps or sewer lines can increase the risk of a fire within the kitchen or building. With a low flash point, cooking oil is flammable and dangerous. When there is overflow from a grease trap or overflow from a fryer or stove, ignition can be sudden. Clogged grease traps outside of your building are equally dangerous. The liability and losses from a fire will be devastating to your business.

The Way To Approach Used Cooking Oil

Rather than worry about the cost of replacing your cooking oil more frequently or increasing the limits on your insurance policy to account for fire risks, take a look at what Ace Grease can do for your business. Not only can grease trap cleaning and cleaning out the sewer lines prevent the backup or overflow of used oil and prevent a costly fire, but you can also take the used oil and turn it into money for your business. Since it is critical that your company properly dispose of its used oil, there is considerable value in selling your used oil to be recycled. In this way, you both reduce the costs of liabilities with the oil and earn money in the process.

Biodiesel fuel is a growing need, and it is quite profitable to recycle your old cooking oil to be converted for this purpose. Collection times will be scheduled to remove the used oil from your property, and you receive top-dollar for what Ace Grease removes. You can use your own storage container, or if you prefer, use one of ours. Grease theft is a concern, making a secure, durable container critical to the success of recycling your used oil for a hefty rebate.

Make the Call

Whether you want to ensure a clean sewer system or you want regular cleaning and grease trap services, make the call to Ace Grease today. Full-service grease trap cleaning used oil pickup or line jetting and cabling are all services we deliver with professionalism and efficiency. Contact our office at 800-473-2733 to get your business on the schedule.

What To Do With Used Cooking Oil

Whether you use cooking oils in a restaurant or industrial kitchen — or for cooking on a smaller scale at home — you need to deal with the problem of leftover grease and the question: What should you do with used cooking oil?

First of all, let’s talk about why used cooking oil can be such a big problem. When grease goes down the drain and doesn’t get filtered out in any way, it can create clogs and cause serious issues in your pipes and the sewer system. If it gets bad enough, a professional will need to remove the clog, which not only can cause disruption to your business but also result in hefty expenses.

Fortunately, there are some responsible ways to dispose of cooking oil in St. Louis, MO, that not only prevent it from ending up as a clog in the sewer drain but also allow it to be recycled for another purpose.

1. Save and Reuse

A good way to prevent cooking oil from going down the drain is to save it and use it again for another purpose. For example, used bacon grease is excellent for cooking grilled sandwiches or fried eggs. Be sure to remove any solid pieces from the grease and let it cool; then you can store it in a glass or plastic container in your fridge or freezer until needed again.

2. Dispose Responsibly

One way to dispose of use cooking oil is to simply put it in the trash. However, there is a certain way to do it to keep the grease contained and to prevent spills. Most importantly, never pour grease — even if it’s in a liquid form — down the drain since it can adhere to sewer pipes and cause clogs. To dispose of your used cooking oil, collect it in a container and make sure it is cooled off first. When cooled, carefully transfer it to your food waste container. Many locations also offer hazardous waste drop-off locations where you can transport and dispose of your used cooking oil at no cost.

3. Use a Grease Trap

For restaurants or industrial kitchens that handle larger amounts of cooking oils, a grease trap is often needed to separate and collect the grease that builds up. A grease trap can either be installed indoors underneath a sink or attached to a fryer or outside in an underground space.

A grease trap works by allowing water to pass through your pipes but traps solids particles, fats oils, and grease. Grease traps prevent buildup that causes clogs in sewer lines, which can turn into a huge problem if not addressed.

It’s important to make sure your grease trap is cleaned on a regular basis. In fact, many restaurants and other businesses are required by city compliance regulations to show that they are maintaining their grease traps and adhering to required standards.

4. Get Money for Your Used Cooking Oil

You can hire a grease removal company to pick up your used cooking oil and can even get paid good money for it! In fact, used cooking oil is so valuable that thieves have been known to steal and then sell it for a sizeable profit to refineries that then use it to create products such as soap or cosmetics.

Ace Grease Service provides convenient and reliable pickup services for your used cooking oils, as well as drop-off options for those who use cooking oil in their homes. We provide top-dollar for your used cooking oil and are happy to work with you to create a pickup and maintenance schedule tailored to your business, no matter the type or size.

Get Started Today

If you have any questions about how to dispose of your used cooking oils or are looking for help with grease trap cleaning or installation in St. Louis, MO, our team of professionals is ready to assist you. Ace Grease provides quality grease trap services, including cleaning, maintenance, and use cooking oil pickup. We also provide line jetting and cabling to keep your drain and pipes all the way to the city sewer line clear of debris and running smoothly.

Contact our experienced technicians today for assistance with our any of our services or to answer any questions you might have.

Used Cooking Oil

Choosing the Right Restaurant Grease Trap

As a restaurant owner, you understand that your business creates a lot of used cooking oils. While it would be convenient to simply pour that oil down the sink, it would create plenty of problems in your sewer system. Instead, you need to ensure that you have a well-maintained grease trap in place. Grease traps prevent fats, oils, and greases from clogging plumbing and creating odors or even bigger problems in your kitchen. The key is to find the right one for your business.

Choose the Right Size for Your Grease Trap

The size of the grease trap you choose is one of the most important factors. If your establishment only uses one or two fryers and dumps them less than once per week, then you can probably get away with using a 50-gallon lockable drum. However, if your restaurant uses three or more fryers, you’ll need a lockable metal container that holds 200-300 gallons.

There are other factors to consider when choosing the right size as well. Depending on how many different fixtures you have attached to one grease trap, you may need a second one. Too many sinks, such as the three-compartment sink, the mop sink, and the pot sink, can cause the trap to work improperly and create a backup in the sewer lines.

Your city’s local plumbing codes also factor into what size grease trap you need to purchase for your establishment. You must meet required standards, which not only determine the minimum size you need but also provide criteria for design and how your trap or traps will be installed. Keep in mind that most cities do not allow automatic dishwashers to connect to the grease trap. Instead, they must flow into the sanitary sewer.

Consider the Right Location for Your Grease Trap

The right location for your trap is one that streamlines your operations. You want a location that hides the unsightliness from customers, minimizes the potential for spills and is easy to access when you need to perform grease trap maintenance. You’ll also want to consider which door your kitchen staff uses to dump used cooking oil. The shorter the path to the grease trap, the less likely there will be a spill.

Most of the time, the best place to put a grease trap is in the corral where the restaurant’s dumpster is. If you don’t have enough for a larger container, consider whether a 100-gallon container would work for your establishment. These smaller containers have an additional benefit in that they are smaller and easier to lift, making them safer for your employees to use. Of course, smaller containers also mean that you need to hire people to perform grease trap services more often, so it is important to weigh the pros and cons of using a smaller one.

Know What Your Indoor Options Are

Sometimes, a restaurant doesn’t have enough space outside, so the leftover fats, oils, and grease must be stored in an indoor trap. Indoor traps may attach to plumbing or be freestanding, and there are several size configurations for you to choose from. If you have a three-compartment sink in your establishment, you can fit one or two 35-gallon drums on wheels. You might also consider a single 55-gallon wheeled container. They have a rectangular shape that fits better under a sink and doesn’t create as much dead space. If your restaurant is pumping out more than 200 gallons of used cooking oil per month, then you’ll want to consider an enclosed tank. These units can hold up to 240 gallons and are plumbed to pump the cooking oil into them.

Look at Your Budget

Before making any final decisions, it’s important to look at your budget. Small outdoor grease traps can be purchased for as little as a few hundred dollars, making them a viable option for businesses that are just starting out looking to save money. On the other hand, indoor grease traps can cost upwards of $9,000, making them a better option for established businesses that bring in strong profits every month.

Maintaining your grease trap is necessary to ensure it remains in good working order. Ace Grease Services provides professional grease trap cleaning in St. Louis, MO, and the surrounding areas. Get in touch with us today to schedule your appointment.

Expert Services for Used Cooking Oil Collection 

Used cooking oil used to be considered a nuisance for restaurants and other facilities. The old grease was often tossed into an empty area or dumped into the trash; in the worst scenario, people once poured grease down the drain creating a catastrophe for sewer lines. Now, stringent environmental regulations and laws govern the disposal of used cooking oil. Since this liquid gold can be repurposed, facilities are now paid for their waste. Learn more about what happens to used cooking oil and who to call in St. Louis, MO, and surrounding areas for expert oil removal services.

What Is a Grease Trap? 

Restaurants have utilized grease traps since the regulation of used cooking oils began. Older grease traps can be found as part of the drainage system attached to the sewer line. They are located in exterior features of the building, on the outside of the water lines, or in underground flow traps. You may have come across a grease trap that looked like a large white plastic X on the ground that can be used to access the interior lines to remove grease or debris.

What Is the Purpose of a Grease Trap? 

Grease traps work by filtering out the cooking fats, oils, and grease that float to the top of the wastewater to provide sanitary sewer drainage without blockage. Many operations can be shut down indefinitely when sewer lines back up in any capacity into the building. Thankfully, traps also prevent oils and grease from clogging the sewer lines and causing backup into the facilities. For restaurants, any blockage that leads to a jam inside the building can result in a failed Health Department inspection, suspension, and possible closure. For some restaurants, being closed for an extended period is enough revenue lost to prevent them from being able to open again.

How Do You Maintain a Grease Trap?

Grease floating to the top of the water and being filtered out by the grease trap before entering the sewer system seems like a win-win situation. However, sometimes older systems are faulty and drains clog more quickly than expected. Grease trap maintenance is necessary for frequent clogs, if not in addition to sometimes entirely reworking the trap system. Line jetting and cabling is one way to provide grease trap cleaning that will unclog lines and create a clear flow of wastewater again.

How Can You Prevent Clogs in a Grease Trap?

Grease trap services aren’t only for when something goes wrong. When professional drivers pick up the used cooking oil, they can run the jets through the lines to ensure that they have all of the payload. In other instances, they may only pick up your grease bins with built-in filters to provide more efficient trapping of cooking oils. Free-standing grease bins allow an individual to change grease bins, which is helpful for staffing purposes.

Should You Monitor Your Used Cooking Oil?

Expert services for used cooking oil also entail reward systems for oil thieves. Our state-of-the-art locking systems prevent a significant amount of theft because thieves cannot access the oil. However, while it seems like a ridiculous supposition, there are some oil raiders out in the world that seek to swipe the liquid gold from its rightful path on the way to recycling.

What Should You Do If You Suspect an Oil Thief?

We believe that monitoring your oil is so important that we’ll donate $500 to you and $500 to Backstoppers to prevent oil theft and stop thieves for good. It can be challenging to tell the difference between the real thing and thieves, so we recommend the following actions:

  • Never attempt to approach a thief about their activities for your safety
  • Be on the lookout for unmarked trucks and no uniforms 
  • Ace Grease has one truck operator, and thieves will typically have two 
  • Contact us immediately at 1(800)473-2733 to confirm if they’re a subcontractor
  • If you suspect an oil thief, get footage and a license plate number and call authorities 

Recycling used cooking oil is not only the right thing to do, but it also satisfies environmental regulations and laws and keeps you in compliance. You can rest assured that maintenance and service is just a phone call away when you need it most. If you generate used cooking oil in your facility, contact ACE Grease for high-dollar returns and accessible oil collection.

Ace Grease: Revolutionizing Used Cooking Oil Management in St. Louis, MO

In the vibrant culinary scene of St. Louis, MO, where kitchens buzz with activity, managing used cooking oil is a challenge that can’t be ignored. Ace Grease, a leader in sustainable environmental services, is transforming how businesses handle their used cooking oils, turning what was once waste into valuable resources, while ensuring the integrity of sewer lines and systems.


The Importance of Proper Disposal of Cooking Oils

Cooking oils and grease, if not disposed of correctly, can lead to significant issues within the sewer system. When fats, oils, and grease (commonly referred to as FOG) are washed down the sink, they can solidify within sewer lines, causing blockages and backups. These blockages can lead to costly repairs for businesses and severe damage to the municipal sanitary sewer infrastructure.


How Grease Traps Work

Grease traps are a vital component in preventing these issues. Installed within the drainage system of commercial kitchens, they act as a barrier for fats, oils, and grease, allowing wastewater to pass while trapping the FOG. As grease floats to the top, these devices separate it from the water, preventing it from entering the sewer lines. Regular grease trap cleaning and maintenance are crucial in ensuring these systems operate effectively.


Ace Grease’s Comprehensive Grease Trap Services

At Ace Grease, we specialize in grease trap cleaning and maintenance services tailored to the needs of businesses in the St. Louis area. Our expertise ensures that grease traps function optimally, preventing FOG from entering the sewer system. With regular maintenance, we help businesses avoid the hassles of clogged pipes and potential fines from regulatory bodies for non-compliance with sanitary sewer guidelines.


Sustainable Solutions for Used Cooking Oil

Beyond grease trap services, Ace Grease offers an innovative approach to managing used cooking oil. We provide businesses with an environmentally friendly way to dispose of their cooking oils. Through our collection services, used cooking oil is repurposed into biodiesel, animal feed, and other sustainable products. This not only helps businesses in St. Louis MO manage their waste responsibly but also contributes to a greener, more sustainable planet.


Why Choose Ace Grease?

Choosing Ace Grease means partnering with a company that understands the intricacies of grease trap maintenance and the importance of sustainable practices. Our comprehensive services, from grease trap cleaning to used cooking oil collection, are designed to keep your operations running smoothly while contributing to environmental sustainability. Our team of experts ensures that your business complies with all regulations, protecting your infrastructure and the community’s sewer systems from the adverse effects of improperly managed FOG.

In St. Louis, MO, where the culinary industry is a significant part of the city’s charm, managing waste products like used cooking oil is essential. Ace Grease provides the solutions businesses need to tackle this challenge effectively. With our commitment to excellence, innovative services, and dedication to sustainability, we’re not just managing waste; we’re protecting our community and the environment for future generations.


Join the ranks of responsible businesses in St. Louis, MO, that trust Ace Grease for their grease trap and used cooking oil management needs. Together, we can ensure a cleaner, more sustainable future for the culinary industry and beyond.


Ace Grease’s mission extends far beyond the boundaries of traditional waste management. In a city as culinary-rich and environmentally conscious as St. Louis, MO, the role of responsibly handling used cooking oil takes on a new level of importance. Our innovative approach not only addresses the immediate needs of businesses but also contributes to a larger vision of sustainability and environmental stewardship.


Protecting St. Louis Sewer Lines from Grease Build-up

One of the most pressing issues facing the sewer infrastructure in urban areas like St. Louis is the accumulation of fats, oils, and grease in the sewer lines. These substances, when washed down the drain, cool and solidify, leading to blockages that can disrupt the entire sewer system. The consequences of such blockages are far-reaching, affecting not just individual businesses but the entire community through sewer overflows and environmental pollution.


Ace Grease’s grease trap services are a critical frontline defense against this threat. By ensuring that grease traps are regularly cleaned and maintained, we prevent grease from ever reaching the sewer lines. This proactive approach safeguards the city’s sewer infrastructure, ensuring that it remains functional and efficient, and reduces the risk of environmental damage caused by sewer overflows.


Turning Waste into Resources

The journey of used cooking oil from a kitchen waste product to a valuable resource exemplifies Ace Grease’s commitment to innovation and sustainability. Through our collection services, we transform this “waste” into biodiesel, a clean-burning alternative fuel that powers vehicles and machinery, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels. This not only provides a sustainable use for used cooking oil but also contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with global efforts to combat climate change.


Additionally, the used cooking oil collected by Ace Grease is also processed into products for animal feed, providing a nutritious and sustainable food source for livestock. This not only diverts waste from landfills and sewer systems but also supports the agricultural industry, creating a circular economy where nothing is wasted.


A Partner in Sustainability for St. Louis Businesses

For businesses in the St. Louis area, partnering with Ace Grease means more than just managing waste; it’s a step towards embracing sustainability and environmental responsibility. Our comprehensive services are tailored to meet the unique needs of each business, ensuring that managing used cooking oil and grease trap maintenance is seamless and hassle-free.


Ace Grease’s expertise and commitment to customer service have made us a trusted partner for businesses across St. Louis, MO. Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing the highest level of service, from timely collections to expert grease trap maintenance, ensuring that businesses can focus on what they do best while contributing to a healthier planet.


Looking to the Future

As we look towards the future, Ace Grease remains committed to leading the way in sustainable waste management solutions for the St. Louis area and beyond. Our vision is one of a world where every business plays a part in protecting the environment, and we are dedicated to making that vision a reality through our services and initiatives.


In a city celebrated for its culinary delights, Ace Grease is proud to play a role in sustaining the environment that makes such a vibrant food scene possible. By choosing Ace Grease, businesses in St. Louis, MO, are not just complying with regulations or keeping their operations running smoothly; they’re taking an active role in creating a sustainable future for the next generation. Join us in our mission to turn waste into resources and keep St. Louis beautiful and thriving for years to come.


Choosing Ace Grease as your partner in managing used cooking oil and grease trap maintenance comes with a wealth of benefits that stem from our deep commitment to excellence, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. With over 27 years of experience in the industry, we have honed our services to meet the evolving needs of businesses across the Midwest, positioning ourselves as a leader in the field of environmental services.


Decades of Dedicated Service

Our journey began over 27 years ago, with a vision to provide comprehensive waste management solutions that not only serve the needs of businesses but also contribute positively to the environment. Through the years, Ace Grease has remained steadfast in our commitment to this vision, constantly evolving our services to incorporate the latest technologies and best practices in the industry. Our longevity in the business is a testament to our reliability, expertise, and the trust we have built with our clients across the Midwest.


Expertise That Spans the Midwest

Servicing a wide region such as the Midwest requires not just extensive knowledge of environmental and waste management regulations, but also an understanding of the unique needs of businesses operating in this diverse area. From bustling metropolitan areas to rural communities, Ace Grease has tailored our services to ensure that businesses, regardless of size or location, have access to top-tier waste management solutions. Our extensive network across the Midwest allows us to provide prompt, reliable service to our clients, ensuring that their waste management needs are met with efficiency and professionalism.


Why Choose Ace Grease?

Experience and Expertise: With over two decades of service, Ace Grease brings a level of expertise that is unmatched in the industry. Our team is equipped with the knowledge and skills to provide solutions that are not only effective but also compliant with all regulatory standards.


Commitment to Sustainability: We believe in turning waste into resources. Our innovative approach to managing used cooking oil contributes to environmental sustainability by repurposing it into biodiesel and other products, aligning with global efforts to combat climate change.


Comprehensive Service Offering: From grease trap cleaning to used cooking oil collection, Ace Grease provides a one-stop solution for all your waste management needs. Our services are designed to be seamless, hassle-free, and tailored to the specific requirements of your business.


Unparalleled Customer Service: At Ace Grease, we value our relationships with our clients. Our dedication to providing exceptional service is evident in every interaction, ensuring that your business receives the support it needs to thrive.


Wide Regional Coverage: Our extensive coverage across the Midwest ensures that your business, regardless of its location, can benefit from our services. Our fleet is ready to provide timely collections and maintenance, keeping your operations running smoothly.


For businesses in the St. Louis area and throughout the Midwest, Ace Grease is not just a service provider; we are a partner in achieving your sustainability goals and ensuring the smooth operation of your business. With over 27 years in the business, our track record speaks for itself. Choose Ace Grease for a cleaner, greener future.


Maximizing the Value of Used Cooking Oil with Ace Grease Service

In the bustling kitchens of restaurants, hotels, and catering services, cooking oil is a vital component that sees extensive use. However, once its culinary life is over, used cooking oil (UCO) often poses a disposal challenge. Instead of viewing used cooking oil as waste, it can be seen as a valuable resource when managed correctly. Ace Grease Service specializes in the collection and recycling of used cooking oil, transforming a potential problem into an opportunity for sustainability and profit. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the benefits, processes, and services associated with used cooking oil management.


The Importance of Proper Used Cooking Oil Management

Environmental Benefits

Used cooking oil, if disposed of improperly, can have significant negative environmental impacts. Pouring UCO down the drain can lead to clogged pipes and sewer systems, causing expensive repairs and environmental damage. Additionally, when used cooking oil ends up in landfills, it can contribute to the production of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Recycling UCO helps mitigate these environmental issues by converting waste into valuable products.


Economic Advantages

Restaurants and food service establishments generate a substantial amount of used cooking oil. By partnering with a reputable service like Ace Grease Service, businesses can turn this waste into a revenue stream. Many recycling services pay for used cooking oil, providing an additional source of income. Moreover, proper UCO management reduces disposal costs and potential fines associated with improper disposal.


Compliance with Regulations

In many regions, regulations govern the disposal of used cooking oil to protect the environment and public health. Partnering with a professional service ensures compliance with these regulations, helping businesses avoid legal issues and penalties. Ace Grease Service stays abreast of all local and federal regulations to ensure that their clients remain compliant.


The Recycling Process of Used Cooking Oil


The first step in the recycling process is the collection of used cooking oil. Ace Grease Service provides convenient and efficient collection services tailored to the needs of each client. They offer specialized containers that are easy to use and designed to prevent spills and leaks. These containers are picked up on a regular schedule or as needed, ensuring that clients always have a safe and efficient means of storing their used cooking oil.



Once collected, the used cooking oil is transported to a processing facility. Ace Grease Service employs a fleet of specialized vehicles equipped to handle large volumes of UCO safely and efficiently. These vehicles are designed to prevent contamination and spills during transportation, ensuring that the oil arrives at the facility in optimal condition for recycling.



At the processing facility, the used cooking oil undergoes several stages of treatment to remove impurities and prepare it for recycling. The oil is filtered to remove food particles and other contaminants. It is then subjected to various refining processes, which can include centrifugation, settling, and chemical treatments, to produce a clean and usable product.


Cutting-Edge UCO Equipment

Ace Grease Service utilizes state-of-the-art equipment to streamline the collection and recycling of used cooking oil. Their advanced UCO containers and automated systems ensure safe, efficient, and hygienic handling of used cooking oil. These innovations not only make the recycling process easier but also minimize environmental impact and operational disruptions for businesses. With Ace Grease Service’s top-notch equipment, managing used cooking oil becomes a seamless part of your business operations.


Benefits of Professional Collection Systems

Implementing professional used cooking oil collection systems offers numerous advantages. Ace Grease Service provides robust UCO tanks and automated collection solutions tailored to fit the specific needs of your establishment. These systems ensure that UCO is stored securely and collected efficiently, reducing the risk of spills and contamination. By utilizing Ace Grease Service’s professional collection systems, businesses can maintain a cleaner and more environmentally friendly operation while focusing on their core activities.


Why Choose Ace Grease Service for Used Cooking Oil Management?

Expertise and Experience

With years of experience in the industry, Ace Grease Service has developed a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with used cooking oil management. Their team of experts is knowledgeable about the latest technologies and best practices in UCO recycling, ensuring that clients receive top-notch service and support.


Comprehensive Services

Ace Grease Service offers a full suite of services to meet all your used cooking oil management needs. From collection and transportation to processing and recycling, they handle every step of the process. This comprehensive approach ensures a seamless and efficient experience for clients.


Commitment to Sustainability

Sustainability is at the core of Ace Grease Service’s mission. By promoting the recycling of used cooking oil, they help reduce environmental impact and support the transition to renewable resources. Partnering with Ace Grease Service is not just good for business; it’s good for the planet.


Customized Solutions

Ace Grease Service understands that every business is unique. They work closely with clients to develop customized solutions that meet their specific needs and goals. Whether you run a small restaurant or a large foodservice operation, Ace Grease Service can tailor their services to fit your requirements.


Reliable and Efficient

Reliability and efficiency are hallmarks of Ace Grease Service. They pride themselves on providing timely and dependable service, ensuring that clients’ used cooking oil is collected and processed without any hassle. Their state-of-the-art equipment and processes guarantee that the recycling operation runs smoothly and effectively.


How to Get Started with Ace Grease Service

Initial Consultation

During our first visit, our team will assess your used cooking oil management needs and develop a plan tailored to your business. This consultation is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the benefits of UCO recycling and how Ace Grease Service can help you achieve your sustainability goals.



Once a plan is in place, Ace Grease Service will provide all the necessary equipment and training to get you started. They offer user-friendly containers for storing used cooking oil and detailed instructions on how to handle and store UCO safely. Their team will also work with you to establish a collection schedule that fits your operations.


Ongoing Support

Ace Grease Service is committed to providing ongoing support to ensure the success of your used cooking oil management program. Their team is always available to answer questions, address concerns, and make adjustments to your service as needed. With Ace Grease Service, you have a reliable partner dedicated to helping you manage your used cooking oil efficiently and sustainably.


The Future of Used Cooking Oil Recycling

As the demand for renewable resources continues to grow, the importance of recycling used cooking oil will only increase. Innovations in technology and processes are making it easier and more cost-effective to convert UCO into valuable products. By partnering with Ace Grease Service, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and contribute to a more sustainable future.


Increased Focus on Circular Economy

The concept of a circular economy, where waste is minimized and resources are continuously reused, is gaining traction worldwide. Used cooking oil recycling is a prime example of circular economy principles in action. By transforming waste into valuable products, businesses can reduce their environmental footprint and contribute to a more sustainable economy.


Used cooking oil is far from being mere waste; it is a valuable resource that, when managed correctly, can provide significant environmental, economic, and regulatory benefits. Ace Grease Service offers comprehensive and reliable used cooking oil management services in St. Louis, helping businesses turn their waste into a resource. By choosing Ace Grease Service, you can ensure the proper collection, transportation, and recycling of your used cooking oil, contributing to sustainability and reaping economic rewards. 

Whether you’re a small restaurant or a large-scale food operation, Ace Grease Service is your trusted partner in managing used cooking oil efficiently and sustainably. Embrace the benefits of professional used cooking oil recycling and make a positive impact on both your business and the environment. Contact Ace Grease Service to start your journey towards a greener future.

Community and Environmental Commitment

Ace Grease Service is not just committed to providing exceptional service to their clients but also to making a positive impact on the community and the environment. They actively participate in local initiatives and support programs that promote sustainability and environmental responsibility. By choosing Ace Grease Service, you are aligning your business with a company that values community engagement and environmental stewardship.

Testimonials and Success Stories

Many businesses in St. Louis have already benefited from partnering with Ace Grease Service. Their testimonials and success stories highlight the effectiveness and reliability of their services. Clients often praise Ace Grease Service for their professionalism, promptness, and the significant improvements in waste management and sustainability practices. By reading these success stories, you can gain insights into how Ace Grease Service can make a difference for your business.

Contact Ace Grease Service Today

Don’t let used cooking oil become a burden for your business. Reach out to Ace Grease Service and discover how easy and beneficial used cooking oil recycling can be. Their team is ready to provide the expertise, equipment, and support you need to implement an efficient and sustainable UCO management program. Call us today to schedule your initial consultation and take the first step towards a greener, more sustainable business operation.

used cooking oil